Thank you to all our parents, grandparents, and community members who participated in our Veterans' Day Recognition. We had an amazing turnout and loved sharing our students and classes with you! Our 5th grade chorus and members of our 6th grade band even had the opportunity to perform for our guests. Avery Straw joined the Lemon Road PTA meeting Thursday night to share the referral process for full-time AAP services.
Gentle reminder that our next Three Hour Early Release is December 9th. This date is a change from the original published date in November. We will share a google link for parents to share their childcare needs for the remainder of the early release dates soon.
As we are approaching the busy holiday season, we want to take a moment to remind you about the importance of student attendance at school. We are continuing to work as a school team to improve our attendance and need your help. As you plan for family trips, please reference the FCPS Calendar to ensure your child is not missing out on their learning opportunities at school.
- Order you child's individual or class photos! Retake photos through Victor O'Neill are scheduled for Tuesday, November 19. Email your child's teacher to let them know you would like a photo retake.
- Parent referrals for full-time placement in Advanced Academic Programs are due via email to akstraw@fcps.edu by December 15, 2024. You can find forms here or read more about AAP here.
- All parents/guardians/visitors must bring and scan a government-issued photo ID each time they visit school.
Prepare for Meals at School: Check out the breakfast and lunch menu!
- Have your child log into Clever from Lemon Road Student Links and access both Lexia and ST Math from home.
Book Fair Volunteers Needed This Week!
The students are so excited that Book Fair has started! Each class will have the opportunity to purchase books one day this week during the school day. The book fair will also be open Thursday evening during Family Night. We still need volunteers, especially on Thursday. Please sign up if you can help. Any questions, contact Gabby Burke goburke@fcps.edu. Thank you for your support!
Join Lemon Road staff Thursday from 5:30 - 7:00 PM for Family Night. The PTA will offer complimentary cider & donuts while supplies last, the Book Fair will be open for sales, staff will have stations of math games and literacy activities set up, and pizza & concessions will be for sale. This event is for all Lemon Road families!
Thank you to all who attended the General Meeting this week - the slide deck is available to all members to review on MemberHub.
- Eat out to help out! Get your lunch or dinner at the Silver Diner on November 20th and help raise money for the PTA - just remember to mention Lemon Road when ordering!
Family Night is on November 21st - the school staff have put together a fun evening of activities for the whole family to run alongside the Book Fair and the PTA will be there with donuts and cider (while they last!) as well as limited concessions and pizza for sale. Sign up here to help - we need some helping hands please!
- Last year’s PTA memberships expired on September 30th so make sure you remembered to renew for the new year!
Community meetings regarding FCPS’ comprehensive boundary review will take place in each of the division's six regions. You are encouraged to attend the meeting in our region, which will take place on Monday, December 2nd, 6:30-8 p.m., at Westfield High School Cafeteria. The meetings for Region 2 and Region 6 are in locations close to Lemon Road, Glasgow Middle School on Monday, November 18th from 6:30 - 8pm and Annandale High School on Thursday, December 12th from 6:45 - 8:15pm.
Please register in advance by clicking on the date. Language interpretation will be available. If you are unable to attend on this date, view the full list of meetings on the Comprehensive School Boundary Review webpage.
In case you missed it in FCPS This Week, the school division shared updates on the following topics and others:
- Veterans Day Recognitions
- Resources on IEPs, Financial Aid, Literacy, Community Leadership
- Teacher Hiring Event
Read FCPS This Week to learn more about these topics. If you are not already receiving this weekly newsletter, please sign up today.
Monday, November 18: B Week; Region 5 Instructional Rounds Visit to Lemon Road Classrooms; Book Fair
Tuesday, November 19: NNAT Testing Grades 2-6; Picture Makeup Day
Wednesday, November 20: 6th Grade Field Trip to the Woodson Planetarium (Doble & Dickey-Dunn); SCA Officer Meeting; Silver Diner Restaurant Night
Thursday, November 21: 6th Grade Field Trip (Albright & Caccavale to Woodson Planetarium); Family Night & Book Fair (5:30-7:00 PM)
Friday, November 22: Freaky Friday: Sports/Jersey Day; Kindergarten Field Trip (Natural History Museum); Book Fair Last Day
Monday, November 25: A Week; Full SCA Meeting; Grade 5 Field Trip (George Mason University)
Wednesday, November 27 - 29: Thanksgiving Holiday