November 20th Family Newsletter

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November 20th Family Newsletter

Dear Union Mill Families,

Thank you in advance for all families who offered to drop off food for this evening's Give Thanks and Give Back Thanksgiving Meal Box Drive and for Catherine Simon and the PTA for coordinating the event from 6:00 - 7:00 pm. 

In addition, we continue our fall Book Fair this evening and families are welcome to come by the Union Mill library tonight between 4:00 - 7:00 pm

As a reminder, Thanksgiving break is Wednesday, November 27th - Friday, November 29th. We look forward to welcoming students back on Monday, December 2nd. 

Upcoming Dates 

November 20th - Give Thanks and Give Back Thanksgiving Meal Box Drive 

                           - Book Fair evening shopping available 

November 18th - 22nd - Union Mill Book Fair 

November 25th - Morning Meeting and Principal's Coffee 

November 27th - November 29th - Thanksgiving Break 

December 9th - 3-Hour Early Release 

December 11th - Winter Band Concert 

Small Meaningful Things for Kids 

Thank you to our counselors, Mrs. Kourajian and Mrs. Schmidt, for sharing  some of the below strategies to make time meaningful for your kids. 

  • Make special time with just them.
  • Spend a few minutes talking about their day before bed. 
  • Let them teach you something they're excited about.
  • Laugh at their jokes, even the silly ones. 
  • Let them overhear you telling someone how proud you are of them.
  • Leave "I love you notes".


November 25th Principal's Coffee 

We will be hosting a principals coffee on Monday, November 25th at 9:20 am in the Union Mill Cafeteria with a focus on Language Arts. Our reading specialists, Wendy Hare and Diana Douds will be sharing an overview of the shifts made in literacy instruction at Union Mill and FCPS as a result of the Virginia Literacy Act, Reading Plans and the new Benchmark curriculum. We look forward to sharing an overview along with strategies families can use at home to support their child. We hope to see you there. 

Veterans Day Stations

Last week classes participated in Veterans Day stations. Students learned about the special date and tried physical fitness activities that military personnel might do. Students were also challenged mentally with tangram puzzles to solve. Several classes got the special privilege of meeting and hearing stories from Captain Tirado, Mrs. Tirado’s father-in-law.  We appreciate everything Veterans have done for us and our country.


6th Grade Art 

In Mrs. Alongi’s 6th grade Art class, students were challenged to create their personal logo that connected their identity to images that represented how they viewed themselves. First, they brainstormed by making a list of words describing of their personality, hobbies, sports, any music or art, interests, culture, faith, physical descriptions, etc. They learned how to apply different line techniques, create texture, and use color blending techniques to express emotion. Students then practiced drawing images that visually represented those descriptions and combined them together to create one final logo. The result was an array of detailed artwork that represented the wonderful diversity and cultures of our amazing students, visually conveying their personal identity. There are many executive functioning skills students learn in Art, and this challenge gave them an opportunity to refine essential planning, critical thinking, analysis and critique, collaboration, emotional intelligence, and artistic expression skills. 


6th Grade Band Day 

On Friday, November 25th, 25 members of the 6th grade Union Mill Band participated in the annual “6th Grade Band Day”. The students rehearsed together for several hours after school. They enjoyed making music, meeting new friends, had a pizza party and ended with a stellar performance for families at the conclusion of the event. A great time was had by all!


Order Your Yearbook Now!

Time to Order your Yearbook

It's time to order your 2024-2025 yearbook! Families may place orders at (with school ID# 725178) or use the QR code below.  Yearbooks are $15.70 each. 

Don't miss your chance to order this year’s yearbook!  There will not be extras available at the end of the year.

The deadline to order is April 22, 2025.

Early Release Mondays

Families should have received communication earlier this week regarding our next early release on Monday, December 9th. If you need to update your preference, please complete the form included in the letter. This will allow us to plan for staffing and student safety for our next early release. 

As a reminder, the Centreville Pyramid, which includes Union Mill Elementary, will have the following three-hour early release days. On these days, students will be dismissed at 12:30 p.m.

  • December 9 
  • February 24
  • March 17
  • April 28
  • May 19

Additional information can be found on the FCPS  Early Release Mondays webpage. 

Union Mill PTA


PTA Memberships are only good for one year. Members get PTA information first, discounts and benefits at PTA-sponsored events, and are the first to know about volunteer opportunities at the school!

Why Join?

Membership is only $15/year for a family and $7.50/year for an individual or staff member and shows you value our school community - students, staff and your fellow parents and caregivers. It’s a small investment - you spend more than that on Starbucks or gas every week! Show your love and support of Union Mill and click here to join today.

Office Hours

Monday - Friday - 8:00 am - 4:15 pm