Week of November 12

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National Career Development Month

CTE Video Screenshot

By enrolling in a Career and Technical Education (CTE) course or program, students learn the technical applications of many occupations while preparing for higher education or entry-level employment. A core program of CTE courses is offered in every middle and high school. Based on the needs of the populations served, each school determines optional courses to be offered.


In This Issue:



November 11-15: National School Psychology Week

November 13 & 19: SOS Wellness Program for Freshmen, 4th period

November 14: Parent Coffee, 8:30 am & 6:30 pm, Cafeteria

November 15: Orchestra’s Chick-Fil-A Spirit Day, Chick-Fil-A North Point

November 18-19: Fairfax County Youth Survey

November 19: Retake Picture Day

November 27-29: Holidays | Thanksgiving Break

December 08: Religious and Cultural Observance | Bodhi Day

FCPS Standard School Year Calendar for 2024-25



National School Psychology Week


During the week of November 11–15, the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) and schools across the United States will mark National School Psychology Week (NSPW). This week celebrates the contributions of school psychologists and the important role they play in schools and communities to help children thrive in school, at home, and in life.

This year’s theme, “Spark Discovery,” recognizes the work that school psychologists do to help their communities seek out new ideas, effect change, and expand horizons for children and youth.  School psychologists are members of the school team that support students’ ability to learn and teachers’ ability to teach. We apply expertise in mental health, learning, and behavior to help children and youth succeed academically, socially, and emotionally. As school psychologists, we provide direct support and interventions to students, such as learning assessments, academic and behavioral interventions, counseling, and social skills training. We also consult with families, teachers, and other educators to improve school-wide practices and policies.

We thank Herndon's school psychologists, Shelby Kunkel and Ronne Lancaster, for their positive impact on our students. Learn more from the National Association of School Psychologist.

Return Your Federal Impact Aid Survey

FCPS is asking all families to fill out a Federal Impact Aid Survey. The form is available in SIS ParentVUE under Online Packets (in the upper right corner after logging in). Please complete it as soon as possible.

For any families who have not completed the survey in ParentVUE, schools will provide paper forms starting Wednesday, November 13. Paper forms should be returned by Wednesday, December 4.

Completing this form for each school-aged child in every household is important. Information from this survey resulted in more than $4 million in funding last year from the U.S. Department of Education. These funds are used to support all Fairfax County public schools and centers.

For more information, please watch this video on Impact Aid and visit the Federal Impact Aid Survey page.

Need to Register for ParentVUE? 

Learn how to activate your SIS ParentVUE account, so you can easily submit your survey. 

Technical support for using ParentVUE or completing the survey online is available by submitting a Parent Support Request ticket. Select SISParent in the Application dropdown menu and type Federal Impact Aid Survey under Issue Description. Or, call the Parent Technology Help Desk at 833-921-3277 (833-921-FCPS).

SOS Wellness Program for Freshmen

This school year on Wednesday, November 13th and Tuesday, November 19th, school staff are working to teach ninth grade students about mental health and how to seek help if they are worried about themselves or a friend. We are using a program called Signs of Suicide (SOS). The program teaches students about this difficult topic and encourages them to seek help. 

SOS has been used by thousands of schools over the past few decades. Studies have shown that it effectively teaches students about depression and suicide while reducing the number of students’ self-reported suicide attempts.  

Through the program, students learn: 

  • that depression is treatable, so they are encouraged to seek help  
  • how to identify depression and potential suicide risk in themselves or a friend 
  • to ACT (Acknowledge, Care, and Tell a trusted adult) if concerned about themselves or a friend who they can turn to at school for help if they need it  

Students will watch age-appropriate video clips and participate in a guided discussion about depression, suicide, and what to do if they are concerned about a friend. Following the video, students will complete a brief depression screening tool. This tool cannot provide a diagnosis of depression but does indicate whether a young person should be referred for evaluation by a mental health professional.  

We encourage you to visit www.sossignsofsuicide.org/parent for information on warning signs for youth suicide, useful resources, and some of the key messages students will learn. You can also view this parent video (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5e27-ocGBHqSSvbIIL9-1Ibr8gutAe5k) to learn more.  If you would like to view the student video and/or ask questions about the presentation you are invited to do so on Wednesday, November 6th at 9:45 am in the Herndon High School Lecture Hall. 

If you would like to opt your child out of this lesson, please complete this opt-out Google form https://forms.gle/WiguCZw6DvZQKXcS9

☕Parent Coffee - November 14th



Please join Dr. Noto this Thursday for her second Parent Coffee of the school year. There are two available times to join: 8:30am or 6:30pm. Both meetings will be held in the cafeteria with translation provided. We hope to see you there!

Orchestra’s Chick-Fil-A Spirit Day


Please support the Herndon Orchestra’s Spirit Day at the North Point Village Chick-fil-A all day Friday, November 15th.  The orchestra boosters will receive a percentage back to support the orchestra program.  Mention Spirit Day in person or use the code ORCHESTRA (all caps) when ordering in the app.

Multilingual Learners Day of Service

Our Voices, Our Future: A Multilingual Learners Day of Service is available to FCPS high school students as an opportunity to explore multilingualism as a strength in developing leadership and advocacy skills. The event will be held Saturday, November 16, 9-11:30 a.m., at Edison High School. José Luis Zelaya, who spoke at last year's Multilingual Learners Summit, will be a special guest.

High school students are invited to network with their peers and staff, and learn how their interests and strengths can lead to future success. College and career readiness resources will be available. Students should register in advance and bring their FCPS laptops to the workshop.   

Learn more about the event and watch videos from previous multilingual learner events

IEP Palooza and Community Resource Fair

Parents/caregivers, school staff, and students over the age of 14 are invited to attend an interactive event celebrating the individualized education program (IEP) process. The IEP Palooza and Community Resource Fair will take place on Saturday, November 16, 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m., at Jackson Middle School. 

The event is sponsored by Fairfax County Special Education Parent Teacher Association (SEPTA). Activities include simulated IEP meetings, break-out sessions on the various parts of an IEP, and a resource fair to learn more about community supports. Register in advance.

Fairfax County Youth Survey

The Fairfax County Youth Survey, a collaboration between the Fairfax County School Board and the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors, is a comprehensive, anonymous, and voluntary survey given each year to students in grades 6, 8, 10, and 12. The survey examines behaviors, experiences, and other factors that influence the health and well-being of Fairfax County's youth. The results, published each year at https://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/youthsurvey, identify trends and areas of need, providing a snapshot of the county's youth and serving as a barometer of the community's effectiveness in fostering healthy choices in young people

Herndon High School will be administering the Fairfax County Youth Survey on November 18 and November 19 during English class.

While it is our hope that as many students as possible will participate, if you do not wish for your child to take part in the Youth Survey, please complete the OPT-OUT form linked here and return it to your child's school counselor no later than November 8, 2024. If you have already opted your child out of this survey using the Parental Digital Consent Portal you do not need to provide additional information to the school counselor.

If you have any questions/concerns, please feel free to contact Brandi Barnes at babarnes@fcps.edu

American Education Week


For American Education Week, November 18-22, we celebrate ALL who work in our Herndon community: our bus drivers, cafeteria workers, counselors, support staff, teachers, leadership and more! Learn more from the National Education Association. Want to recognize someone from our school who goes above and beyond? Submit a nomination to FCPS Cares.

📸 RETAKE Picture Day is Coming!

📅 Date: Tuesday, November 19th

😊 Who:

  • any student who was absent for the original session on September 19 & 20
  • any new or transfer students who started at Herndon HS after September 20
  • any student who was dissatisfied with their original picture day portrait

📝 Please note:        

  • No purchase is necessary to retake photos. Any student may retake their photo for use in the yearbook.
  • Students retaking their portrait will not receive a new ID card unless the original ID card contained incorrect information.
  • The new portrait will replace their original yearbook portrait and then be available for purchase.
  • Students who previously purchased a photo package and would like to retake their photo MUST return their original photo package to the photographer in order to receive a new package.

📧 Questions? Email Victor O’Neill at underclass@vosphoto.com


Yearbooks for sale! 

Yearbooks are available for purchase on yearbookordercenter.com! Our school code is 8967. Books start at $65. Students receiving free/reduced lunch can pick up an order form in the main office to purchase a yearbook at a reduced cost.



Schools and offices will be closed November 27-29. Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving! Classes will resume on Monday, December 2. Learn more about the first Thanksgiving. See the complete school year calendar.

National Special Education Day


National Special Education Day is recognized each year on Dec. 2 and commemorates President Gerald Ford’s signing of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) in 1975. We celebrate our teachers and staff who serve and support our students with special needs, as well as our families who are partners in the education and support of those students! 

Learn more about the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.

Bodhi Day


Bodhi Day, Friday, December 8, is the Buddhist holiday that commemorates the day that the historical Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama (Shakyamuni), experienced enlightenment, also known as bodhi in Sanskrit and Pali.

📸 Senior Portrait Sign Up

Final Opportunity: Friday, December 6th, Wednesday, December 11th, Thursday, December 12th, and Friday, December 13th

Don’t miss this final opportunity to be photographed for the yearbook! The required attire for the school’s yearbook pose are traditional Tuxedos and Drapes; provided by us! In addition to the free yearbook session, we also offer sessions that include casual/personality portraits and Cap and Gown portraits.

Please follow the link below to choose your session type and appointment time: www.vosphoto.com/herndon

As a friendly reminder, appointments are needed for Senior Portraits.

If you have any questions, please email our Senior Portraits Team: seniors@vosphoto.com.

Please kindly include your Senior’s First and Last Name and “Herndon Class of 2025” when emailing, for faster assistance.

Thank you!
Your Senior Portraits Team



Volunteers for Science Fair

The Herndon High School Science Department is looking for volunteers for Science Fair Judging. A background in science is not necessary. The science fair will take place at Herndon High School on Wednesday, February 5, 2025 from 3:15 pm to around 6pm. If you would like to volunteer, please fill out the google form below. We appreciate your consideration! Sincerely, Katharine Page https://tinyurl.com/hhsscifair25

📍 Boundary Review Community Meetings Start This Month



As a reminder, FCPS has started the process of reviewing school boundaries across the division. This important work will help the district better support student population growth, changes in school capacity, and evolving community needs. Community input is vital to this process. With that in mind, FCPS, in partnership with Thru Consulting, will be hosting a series of community meetings in each of FCPS’ six regions. Participants are encouraged to share their thoughts, ask questions, and learn more about the boundary review process.

Please visit FCPS’ website for meeting dates, locations, and other information. Sign up for the School Boundary Review newsletter for updates.

🎓Class of 2025 Announcements, Merchandise and More

Attention Senior Families:  Here is information on how to order graduation announcements, Class of 2025 merchandise and more.


Please remember to pay your senior fee through My School Bucks By Jan. 28, 2025. This covers your cap and gown, senior T shirt, panoramic picture, Senior Cook Out and other events and graduation expenses. Thank you for your help with this !

From the Library


  • Research has started in full force.  We’ve had several 12th grade classes come in for lessons.  We are available to help your student with any individual research questions.  Also, remember your child has access to research databases through our Schoology course.  They can find the library in their list of Schoology courses. The icon to the left.
  • As research projects are underway, your student may want to spend a little extra time in the library.  Students are welcome in the library before and after school, according to the schedule below, and during the school day with a pass. If the West Entrance of the library (near the Tech Offices) is unlocked and a member of the library staff is present, students may come in. Your student can check with us if they would like to stay later than the posted hours: we are often open longer.
    • Mondays -- 7:30 - 3:30
    • Tuesdays -- 7:30 - 3:00
    • Wednesdays -- 7:30 - 4:30
    • Thursdays -- 7:30 - 4:30
    • Fridays -- 7:30 - 3:00

Library Activities

  • Schoology is also a place students can find information on Free Book Friday (our weekly giveaway),  our Global Citizens Book Club (a monthly after school gathering).

Volunteers Needed!

  • If you’d like to volunteer in the library, we would love to have your help!  Please email HHS_library@fcps.edu.  Come hang out at the best place in the school!  Whether you are looking for a recurring volunteer slot or you have just an hour to serve, we would appreciate your time and effort.

Donate to the Class of 2026 


Hello Class of 2026 families!

Junior year is a big year for students. Homecoming and prom are planned and coordinated by the Class of 2026 Student Council. To make sure everyone gets the experience they deserve, we need your financial support. Your donation will help us pay for the venues, decorations, food, music, and subsidize ticket costs.

The Class of 2026 needs your help to make these last few years of high school the best they can be. We are writing to ask for your support during this exciting time. Please donate at https://shorturl.at/Q8Da0 if you can. We’re grateful for your continued support.

Thank you,
The Class of 2026






Services for Hearing-Impaired and Visually-Impaired Students

Students with sensory disabilities require specialized services and support to access instruction that is typically presented visually and auditorily (by means of hearing). FCPS provides educational services to students who are deaf, hearing-impaired, or visually impaired. They are supported in various settings, including at their school or through itinerant specialists who travel to different schools to work with students, rather than being based in a single school. Learn more about Services for Students Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing and Services for Students Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired.

Visit the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) website for Resources for Serving Students with Sensory Disabilities.

Tutoring Resources for Families

Is your family looking for resources to help support your child’s academic success? FCPS’ Family Resource Center (FRC) maintains a list of district employees who hold a valid Virginia teaching credential and who are available to be hired as a tutor by parents. FRC maintains this list, but families are responsible for contacting and working directly with tutors. This list is not “approved” by FCPS and is only meant as a resource.

FCPS also partners with Varsity Tutors to provide students and families with extra resources for learning. Every student can take advantage of Varsity Tutors' services at no cost, including weekly live online classes, on demand 24/7 chat tutoring, essay editing, study resources such as recorded content, practice problems, and diagnostic tests.

FCPS’ 2023-30 Strategic Plan Goal 3: Academic Growth and Excellence, reminds us of our commitment to supporting each and every student and helping them meet or exceed high academic standards.


In case you missed it in FCPS This Week, the school division shared updates on the following topics and others:

  • Fall Testing Results
  • Boundary Review Community Meetings
  • Resources for Families 

Read FCPS This Week to learn more about these topics. If you are not already receiving this weekly newsletter, please sign up today

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