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A Day of Discovery! Our 6th graders had an amazing time exploring the beautiful campus of George Mason University. From a special tour to a delicious lunch in the dining hall, it was a day filled with fun and learning!
Mason Bound! Our 6th graders got a taste of college life on their field trip to George Mason University. They toured the campus, experienced the dining hall, and made memories that will last a lifetime!
Mason Magic! Our 6th graders had a blast exploring the campus and dining hall at George Mason University!
Fifty days of fun and learning! Our Kindergarteners celebrated this special milestone with smiles, laughter, and lots of excitement!
Halfway to 100! Our Kindergarteners are growing and learning every day! We're so proud of their hard work and dedication.
A Message from the Admin Team
Dear Little Run Family,
While this week may have been short, it was filled with both celebration and learning!
We're thrilled to announce the Green House as the first-quarter house point winner! We can't wait to celebrate their success soon. Additionally, all houses will be hosting their first solo house meetings in the coming weeks. This is a great opportunity for house leaders and students to connect and discuss important topics.
A big thank you to all the families who attended conferences. Our teachers were delighted to share the amazing progress your children are making.
As we approach Veterans Day on Monday, let's take a moment to honor and thank our service men and women for their sacrifices.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Christie Yarn, Principal
Lesley Hassen, Assistant Principal
Veterans Day - November 11 - Schools Closed
Monday, November 11, is a holiday and schools will be closed for students.
Farewell Ms. Hassen, Welcome Ms. Larsen!
 We bid a fond farewell to Ms. Hassen as she embarks on her new role as principal at Brookfield Elementary. We wish her all the best in this exciting new chapter.
Please join us in welcoming Ms. Carol Larsen as our interim Assistant Principal. Mrs. Larsen started her career in FCPS at Poplar Tree Elementary, teaching first and second grades. As a school administrator, she served as principal of Deer Park Elementary, and assistant principal of Stone Middle School and Poplar Tree Elementary. Mrs. Larsen retired from FCPS after 31 years of service in June 2023. We are excited to have her join the Little Run community and look forward to her contributions to our school.
A Message from Ms. Hassen:
As I prepare to embark on a new chapter as the principal of Brookfield Elementary, I want to express my sincere gratitude for the incredible journey I have experienced at Little Run. It has been an honor and privilege to serve the Little Run Family, and I will forever cherish the memories we've made together.
Little Run is more than a school; it's a community. A community of dedicated educators, supportive parents, and bright-eyed students. Together, we've celebrated successes, overcome challenges, and fostered a love of learning.
I'm incredibly proud of the accomplishments and the magic happening here each and every day, and I know that Little Run will continue to thrive. The foundation of excellence and compassion that live here will last a lifetime.
Thank you for your unwavering support and for making my time at Little Run truly unforgettable. I love you all. ❤️
Little Run's STEAM Lab
Check out our 6th-graders as they put on their creative hats in our STEAM Lab, utilizing our Makers Space!
Fall Celebrations of the Joy of Books and Reading
A way to show your favorite book character: the Storybook Tissue Box decoration competition! We are starting a new tradition this year; we are trading pumpkins for tissue boxes. The October 22 Tuesday folders included the directions for the competition. Decorate a tissue box to represent your favorite storybook and storybook character(s). Tissues must be functional and accessible so we can enjoy and use these all year long. This will support joy, creativity, and stuffy noses hopefully through the spring! We look forward to a lot of entries! Due: November 12.
November 18 is Our Next Three Hour Early Release Day
This is a reminder that Little Run students will release three hours early, Monday, November 18. Please remember to fill out this form if you have not done so already.
If you have questions, concerns, or need to make a change, please call the main office at 703-503-3500 or email Christie Yarn.
Little Run's Thanksgiving Luncheon is Thursday, November 21
📍 Boundary Review Community Meetings Start This Month
As a reminder, FCPS has started the process of reviewing school boundaries across the division. This important work will help the district better support student population growth, changes in school capacity, and evolving community needs. Community input is vital to this process. With that in mind, FCPS, in partnership with Thru Consulting, will be hosting a series of community meetings in each of FCPS’ six regions. Participants are encouraged to share their thoughts, ask questions, and learn more about the boundary review process.
Please visit FCPS’ website for meeting dates, locations, and other information. Sign up for the School Boundary Review newsletter for updates.
IEP Palooza and Community Resource Fair
Parents/caregivers, school staff, and students over the age of 14 are invited to attend an interactive event celebrating the individualized education program (IEP) process. The IEP Palooza and Community Resource Fair will take place on Saturday, November 16, 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m., at Jackson Middle School.
The event is sponsored by Fairfax County Special Education Parent Teacher Association (SEPTA). Activities include simulated IEP meetings, break-out sessions on the various parts of an IEP, and a resource fair to learn more about community supports. Register in advance.
Services for Hearing-Impaired and Visually-Impaired Students
Students with sensory disabilities require specialized services and support to access instruction that is typically presented visually and auditorily (by means of hearing). FCPS provides educational services to students who are deaf, hearing-impaired, or visually impaired. They are supported in various settings, including at their school or through itinerant specialists who travel to different schools to work with students, rather than being based in a single school. Learn more about Services for Students Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing and Services for Students Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired.
Visit the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) website for Resources for Serving Students with Sensory Disabilities.
Tutoring Resources for Families
Is your family looking for resources to help support your child’s academic success? FCPS’ Family Resource Center (FRC) maintains a list of district employees who hold a valid Virginia teaching credential and who are available to be hired as a tutor by parents. FRC maintains this list, but families are responsible for contacting and working directly with tutors. This list is not “approved” by FCPS and is only meant as a resource.
FCPS also partners with Varsity Tutors to provide students and families with extra resources for learning. Every student can take advantage of Varsity Tutors' services at no cost, including weekly live online classes, on demand 24/7 chat tutoring, essay editing, study resources such as recorded content, practice problems, and diagnostic tests.
✨ FCPS’ 2023-30 Strategic Plan Goal 3: Academic Growth and Excellence, reminds us of our commitment to supporting each and every student and helping them meet or exceed high academic standards.
Little Run Elementary PTA
ROOM Parents needed in the following classrooms:
- Ms. Hein - 4th Grade
- Ms. Gentry - 6th Grade
If you have any questions or are interested in being a room parent, please contact Johanna Salas: jjsalas1104@gmail.com
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Looking Ahead at LRES
- November 11 - No School - Veterans Day
- November 18 - Three Hour Early Release
- November 21 - Thanksgiving Luncheon
- November 27-29 - No School - Thanksgiving Holiday
- December 11 - PTA Meeting
Be Informed, Stay Involved!
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Technology Support for Families
Monitor your student's academics with a SIS Parent Account
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AmazonSmile supports Little Run through the PTA
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