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Dear Mighty Red Bird Families,
We hope everyone had a wonderful time at our Trunk or Treat and Movie Night! Thank you to our dedicated staff for their creativity in decorating the cars and making Trunk or Treat so much fun. We also extend our gratitude to the PTA for organizing the successful Movie Night.
As we wrap up the first quarter, we want to acknowledge the hard work and dedication of our students. Their efforts are truly commendable.
Please note that tomorrow (Thursday) is a 2-hour early release. There will be no school on Friday, Monday, and Tuesday. Additionally, Daylight Saving Time begins this weekend, so remember to set your clocks back one hour.
We look forward to a restful break and a productive second quarter!
Warm Regards,
Ms. Drake, Mrs. Agner, and Mrs. Long
Upcoming Dates 📆
October 31: 2-Hr Early Release @ 1:55 p.m. -1st Quarter Ends
November 1: NO SCHOOL - Diwali
November 4-5: NO SCHOOL - Teacher Work Days
November 16 - West Springfield Pyramid Challenge (10:00 am - 12:00 pm)
November 18 - 3 Hour Early Release
November 21 - Make Up Picture Day
December 15: Full-Time AAP Referral Deadline (contact KKMitchell@fcps.edu with questions)
Federal Impact Aid Survey
Please be sure to sign in your SIS ParentVUE account to complete this important survey.
Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) is eligible for federal Impact Aid grants due to the federal presence in our area. The grants from these programs will become part of FCPS' general operating budget. They are critical to ensuring that students receive an excellent education. FCPS anticipates receiving approximately $3,000,000 in Impact Aid funds.
FCPS uses the survey for Federal Impact Aid to identify federally connected students. On October 18th, the survey will be made available to FCPS families. The survey is available online through ParentVue. Families without ParentVUE can request a paper copy of the survey from their child's school. FCPS staff will process the information with the utmost confidentiality.
Lost and Found
Please ask your child to check the Lost and Found for any items they might be missing. Parents and caregivers are also welcome to check the Lost and Found for their child's missing items. All items remaining in the Lost and Found will be donated on November 6.
Outstanding Employee Awards
Help us recognize the outstanding employees at Cardinal Forest!
Nominations are accepted for the following roles:
Outstanding Teacher
Common positions in this category: classroom teachers and specialists
Outstanding Leader
Common positions in this category: Administrators
Outstanding Professional Employee
Common positions in this category: School-Based Technology Specialist, Technology Support Specialist, Assessment Coach, Psychologist, Social Worker, School Counselor,
Outstanding Operational Employee
Common positions in this category: Administrative and Office Staff, Custodial Staff, Food Service Staff, Instructional Assistants, Family Liaisons
The deadline to submit a nomination is November 5 , 2024
Resources for Families
- Students have unlimited access to 24/7, on-demand, online tutoring support services through VarsityTutors.com at no cost to families. Students can connect online any time, any place, and in most K-12 subjects. Tutoring may be on-demand or scheduled at a time convenient for the student. Students automatically have access to the VarsityTutors.com tutoring service through a link in Clever unless a parent/guardian submits an opt-out request.
- The Fairfax County Health Department will provide immunization appointments at their district offices for FCPS elementary students on limited early-release Mondays through December. All school-required immunizations will be offered at no cost. Parents should call 703-246-7100 to make appointments.
- Lorton Community Action Center is having a Winter Coat Distribution on Sunday, November 10th from 3 to 4 p.m. More information in the English and Spanish flyers attached.
Attendance Tip:
🗓️ Planning family events or trips? Remember, weekends & school holidays are golden! Keep school absences to a minimum, as 10% missed can lead to chronic absence. Consult the FCPS Calendar for smooth scheduling: https://bit.ly/3RJbauv #AttendTodayAchieveTomorrow #AttendanceMattersVA
PTA Updates!
Check out PTBoard for news and upcoming events!