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Hi Braddock Friends & Neighbors -
The Fall event season is officially underway!
Homecoming parades, athletic contests, theater productions, awards programs, pre-legislative events, and more are quickly filling up my busy calendar. Scroll down for some fun Out & About photos, and there will be more to come in future newsletters as I am looking forward to celebrating the upcoming renaming of Carter G. Woodson High School and the 125th anniversary of Fairview Elementary School, among other events in the weeks ahead. If you see me there or somewhere else, please say hello!
There is much to talk about in FCPS right now, and the School Board has its hands full with several important but challenging projects. These include revising the system’s outdated Grading Policy, starting the FY2025-26 budget process, talking to our state and federal legislators about school priorities and needs, and supporting the Superintendent and the community during the upcoming Comprehensive Boundary Study. I’ve heard significant concerns about some of the new grading practices and in particular the 70/30 split for summative and formative assessments. Our cell phone pouch storage pilot is underway and I am excited to see the data between the control schools and the pilot schools. Anecdotally, I am hearing that our renewed focus on enforcement of the cell phone policy we passed two years ago is having a positive impact in all our schools.
Updates on these activities and more are included below in what may be my longest newsletter to date. And, as we start discussing the FY26 budget, I welcome your thoughts regarding budget priorities!
Thank you for all you do to support our school communities! If I can be of any assistance to you, please let me know.
Yours very truly,
 Rachna Sizemore Heizer Braddock District School Board Member
Have something nice to say about an FCPS teacher or other staff? Share it with FCPS CARES.
The FCPS Family Resource Center offers a wealth of free resources including webinars and other events. Learn more.
- Focus on Braddock
- Neurodiversity News
- Music & Arts
- More from the School Board
- FCPS News
- Out & About
- Coming Up
- More Stuff Parents Should Know
FCPS Students Roll Up Their Sleeves at Free Immunization Clinics
ICYMI, Frost Middle School has two more immunization clinics coming up on Monday, Oct. 28 & 29, from 3-7 p.m.
Students under the age of 19 must receive parental consent and be accompanied by their parent, guardian, or another adult over the age of 19. Registration is strongly encouraged, but not required; families who walk in can sign consent forms near the check-in table.
Register or learn more.
Annandale Earns Kudos from Special Olympics for Inclusivity
Annandale High School isn't in the Braddock District, but many Braddock residents are enrolled there, and I am happy to see any FCPS school recognized for its inclusivity efforts. Go, Atoms!
Excellence Awards Showcase FCPS’s Best
Congratulations to all of the recent FCPS Excellence Award winners! You can see the whole list of awards, but here are the teachers and staff at schools where Braddock District students are enrolled who were presented with Individual Awards:
- Kimberly S. Harrison, Director of Student Services, Lewis High School (Individual winner, Collaborations & Partnerships).
- Holli Selman, College & Career Specialist, Robinson Secondary School (Individual winner, Innovation & Improvement).
Sarah Clouse, Family & Consumer Science Teacher, Lewis High School (Individual winner, Student Achievement & Success).
Clean Out Your Closet for Oak View ES
Oak View Elementary School is collecting items that can be donated and resold, with a portion of proceeds going to the Parent-Teacher Association. So go through those closets, basements, under your kid's bed for those forgotten toys and collect items you no longer need or want.
A collection bin will be located in front of Oak View for donations starting Oct. 26 and daily during the week. Sunday donations can be accepted at the Oak View basketball courts starting in November.
Questions? Please contact Moe Campos.
Lake Braddock Chorus Presents “A Night of Dessert on Broadway”
The Lake Braddock Secondary School Choral Department will hold its annual Chorus Fundraiser - A Night of Dessert on Broadway - at 7 p.m. on Oct. 29.
There will be a raffle, silent auction and best of all singing and dessert!
Purchase tickets.
RSS QuizBowl Team Championship Match to Air on Oct. 26
I don’t want to give away any spoilers because the show was pre-taped, but I am excited to watch the Robinson Secondary School QuizBowl Team compete in the recent It’s Academic tournament finals. This would be their second championship in a row if the Rams win. The show will air locally on PBS station WETA on Oct. 26 at 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. (check your TV service provider for the channel), and will also be available to watch on YouTube.
Braddock Principals Rock it Every Month
I am constantly inspired by and thankful for our FCPS principals! They are among our most creative and knowledgeable community leaders, and their jobs are not easy. Please say thank you to your student's principal sometime during National Principals Month in October.
Hall of Fame Inductees Include Robinson Grad
I'm always super proud of all FCPS graduates. But what a treat to see one of Robinson Secondary School's own among this year's inductees into Educate Fairfax's FCPS Hall of Fame.
Congratulations and thank you to Sumeet Shrivastava, (Robinson Secondary, Class of 1984: President and CEO of Unissant, George Mason University Foundation chair and the NOVA Science Center board chair, contributing to advancements in education and technology.
In a recent LinkedIn post, Sumeet wrote: "What a surreal experience to be recognized by Educate Fairfax and Fairfax County Public Schools … Later in life - as you meet many people from other parts of the country - you began to understand what privilege you had in childhood - and from a professional vantage point, what an incredible asset it is for companies, workforce development and the overall regional economy. FCPS has been a beacon for the country in that way since I've lived here and is a primary reason Joya Shrivastava and I made sure our 4 kids also benefited from that. Kudos and huge thanks to all the educators and administrators who truly make the world a better place for all."
Read the full list of this year's inductees and learn more about the Hall of Fame here.
Support the Robinson SS Marketplace!
EdSurge: Our Nation’s Public Schools are Failing Neurodivergent Learners. That Needs to Change
Sadly, anyone with a neurodivergent child likely will relate to the challenging issues raised in this thoughtful piece from EdSurge. It certainly strikes more than a few chords with me.
“Setting neurodivergent students up to succeed begins by accepting them as they are, and not comparing them to the student we may think they should be. The picture of what “good learning” looks like in classrooms has a long legacy of upholding ableist, neuronormative patterns of behavior. Sitting in a chair, still, with both feet down on the floor, looking forward, and not fidgeting, does not equate to how much a student is learning. Neither does finishing all the problems in a designated time frame or being able to fit your thinking into a little box at the bottom of a worksheet or exam.”
Read the article.
Upcoming High School Performances
- Lewis High School Lancer Theatre
Hall of Horrors, Oct. 24
Puffs, Nov. 21-24
Woodson High School Drama, King Lear, Nov. 8, 9, 15 &16
- Annandale High School’s Annandale Theatre Company, Peter Pan & Wendy, Nov. 15 & 16
- Robinson Secondary School’s RAMbunctious Theatre Company, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, opens Nov. 15
Thomas Jefferson High School for Science & Technology Theatre, Antigone, Nov. 21-23
Fairfax High School’s FX Players, Much Ado About Nothing, dates TBA
View the full FCPS Performing Arts Calendar.
Grading Policy Deliberations Continue
The School Board Governance Committee, of which I am a member, continued its review of the FCPS Grading Policy at a work session on Oct. 15. Our goal is to achieve greater consistency in grading across the system, as wide variances currently exist from teacher to teacher, department to department, and school to school. You can get up to speed on these talks at the links below, and please let me know if you have thoughts on grading policy. The Governance Committee will have at least one more meeting on this topic before returning recommendations for the full Board to discuss at a future work session.
Budget Discussions Begin
As previously mentioned, I am honored to serve as vice chair of the School Board Budget Committee this year, and the work is already underway. As the budget is a policy document that ties the system’s priority needs to available resources, I am looking forward to a robust discussion with my fellow Board members, our funding partners at the County and state, and the community.
Our first meetings on the budget are scheduled as follows:
- Nov. 12 - School Board work session, and
- Nov. 26 - Joint session with the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors.
I am excited that collective bargaining is underway this year, giving our teachers and staff a seat at the table! Their voices matter - we cannot have excellent schools without excellent teachers and staff.
I hope you will pay attention to this process and if you have thoughts on the budget, please let me know.
Oct. 10 Regular Meeting Summary
A summary of the Oct. 10 School Board meeting is available with the agenda and links to corresponding documents. You can also watch the full meeting on YouTube.
Upcoming Board & Committee Meetings
I encourage everyone to follow the work of the School Board. All of the following meetings are open to the public. They also will be streamed live online and archived. Locations, agendas, background materials, and streaming links can be found at the links below.
- Thursday, Oct. 24, 7 p.m. - Regular Meeting
- Monday, Oct. 28, 4:30 p.m. - Audit Committee
- Tuesday, Oct. 29, 3 p.m. - Governance Committee
- Thursday, Nov. 7, 7 p.m. - Comprehensive Planning & Development Committee
- Tuesday, Nov. 12, 12:30 p.m. - Budget Committee
- Thursday, Nov. 14, 7 p.m. - Regular Meeting
- Monday, Nov. 18, 4 p.m. - Audit Committee
- Tuesday, Nov. 19, 10 a.m. - Public Engagement Committee
- Tuesday, Nov. 19, 3 p.m. - Governance Committee
How to Follow the Work of the School Board
Superintendent Forms Boundary Advisory Committee
ICYMI, FCPS Superintendent Dr. Michelle Reid has announced the formation of a Superintendent's Boundary Review Advisory Committee to help inform an upcoming comprehensive, system-wide school boundary review.
The committee will have input into a consultant’s report and recommendations during an upcoming comprehensive boundary study. The study and any recommendations that may result from it are operational and overseen by the superintendent. The School Board earlier this year identified its boundary policy to include priority considerations upon which the superintendent must base any boundary adjustments, however.
Community engagement will be conducted from October/November through March 2025, and will include: 24 community sessions by region/pyramid, four virtual community sessions, and six meetings of the Superintendent’s Boundary Review Committee, as well as comprehensive surveys.
The consultant, Thru Consulting LLC, has developed a project timeline that calls for draft analysis and scenarios to be developed between March-June 2025, post-analysis and community engagement from June-September 2025, final scenario development in October-December 2025, and an approval process from October/November 2025-January 2026. Timelines for this project may change.
I promise to promote opportunities for public input at every stage and urge you to follow this project as it moves forward.
🎤 Our Schools, Our Future: Register Today for a Community Conversation!
Superintendent Dr. Michelle Reid is hosting a series of Community Conversations this fall. She invites you to share your thoughts and ask questions. Click a date below to register:
Events take place from 6:30-7:30 p.m. Childcare and language interpretation services will be provided.
Woodson High School Homecoming Parade
I admit it: I love a parade. Many thanks to the fun folks at Woodson High School for inviting me to participate in this year’s Homecoming Parade on Friday, Oct. 18. Here are just a few of the many photos taken at this wonderful event.
 WHS homecoming parade procession.
 With Braddock District Supervisor James Walkinshaw.
Lake Braddock Theatre’s production of Alice in Wonderland
Every time I see one of our high school theater productions, I am amazed at the professional quality, from the acting, to stage management, to costumes, sets, makeup, lighting, sound, and much more! And Alice in Wonderland at Lake Braddock Secondary School lived up to that reputation! Crisply acted, impeccable comedic timing, and amazing makeup and costumes made it fun for the whole family!
 Photo Credit: Lake Braddock Theatre
 My standard playbill selfie!
College Autism Summit
I was honored to be part of a multi-disciplinary team that presented the week of Oct. 14 at the 2024 College Autism Summit in Columbus, Ohio. We discussed how to develop a neurodiversity primer, highlighted key sections of such a primer, and provided a roadmap to attendees on how to create a primer for their own colleges to use. I also learned so much as a conference attendee, and can’t wait to apply some of my new knowledge to my work on the Fairfax County School Board.
Prepare to be Spooked at Edison Academy’s Haunted House
If someone in your family is looking for a scare this Halloween season, hop on your brooms and fly on over to the Edison Academy’s Haunted House from 6-8 p.m. on Oct. 30. Just go to Door 13 at the Edison, 5801 Franconia Road, Alexandria. It’s just $1 per person, but students must be accompanied by an adult.
Join Career and Transition Services (CTS) for the Annual Moving on to Life in the Community Resource Fair!
This event is designed for students with developmental and intellectual disabilities who will need continuing support after they exit FCPS.
Each fall, FCPS, the Fairfax-Falls Church Community Services Board (CSB), and the Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services (DARS) sponsor Moving on to Life in the Community: A Resource Fair. This event is designed for students with disabilities and their families to speak to adult agency and vendor representatives to gather information about available services for adults in need of ongoing support once they transition from FCPS. Agency representatives will be available to share information on adult service providers, employment and training programs, Medicaid, Social Security, residential options, and The Arc of Northern Virginia.
Families and caregivers welcome!
- When: Wednesday, Nov. 13th, from 6:30-8:30 p.m.
- Where: Fairfax High School Cafeteria (enter through Door 1)
- 3501 Lion Run, Fairfax, VA 22030
- What: Exhibitor Fair
Learn about: supported employment options, day support programs, recreation/leisure activities, residential living options, travel training supports, advocacy, funding, and more!
Register online.
Special Education PTA’s “IEP Palooza”
Please join SEPTA for the second IEP Palooza on Saturday, Nov. 16, from 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m at Luther Jackson Middle School!
The event will include a simulated IEP meeting (with narration to draw attention to specific points), breakout sessions explaining the various parts of the IEP, and a resource fair to learn about community supports. Each breakout room will be hosted by a SEPTA board member and Fairfax County Public Schools staff member presenting as a team. We are thrilled that Parent Educational Advocacy Training Center (PEATC) will also join us to host two sessions in Spanish! This event is geared toward families, school staff, and students ages 14+.
Register here.
FCPS Ombuds Staff Are Here to Hear You
Office of the Ombuds staff engage with families, students, and staff to offer resources, assist in settling conflicts, and raise concerns to improve the experience of every member of the FCPS community. The team works as an independent confidential resource to help get answers to questions, resolve concerns, and hear complaints regarding FCPS matters.
The ombuds is available to:
Share strategies for parents/caregivers to improve communication with teachers and schools.
Help resolve disagreements involving employees in the workplace or disagreements between parents/caregivers and schools.
Provide ideas to foster parent/caregiver participation in Individual Education Plan (IEP) and 504 Plan meetings.
Ombuds staff do not change or make decisions, policies, or regulations; take sides; or provide legal advice.
Anyone with concerns, questions, or complaints to share with the Office of the Ombuds may call 571-423-4014, email ombuds@fcps.edu, or visit their webpage, where you may Submit a Question.
Other Ways to Support Your Child’s Learning Needs
You are important in your child’s education. The Family Academy keeps a list of classes, webinars, workshops, and programs offered by Fairfax County Public Schools to help you support your child's needs and learning at home. Browse Family Academy offerings.
✨ Helping students read on level by the end of third grade is part of the FCPS Strategic Plan Goal 3: Academic Growth and Excellence. One of the strategic plan pillars is vibrant home and school partnerships.
Showing the Power of School Lunches
Multiple studies show that school lunches are important in supporting overall student health by improving students’ diets and combating food insecurity. Students who eat school lunches consume more fruit, vegetables, and fiber than their peers.
Next week is National School Lunch Week, and FCPS Food and Nutrition Services (FNS) reminds families that they are dedicated to providing flavorful, healthy, student-focused, and culturally inclusive meals. New menu items have been launched this year based on student feedback.
New Printable Menus
Want to know what’s for breakfast or lunch? Nutrition Services now has printable menus available.
The views contained within this newsletter reflect the views of the individual school board member who is the publisher of this newsletter and may not reflect the views of the Fairfax County School Board.
© 2023 Fairfax County Public Schools, Fairfax County, Virginia