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The Principals' Message
Hello CES Community,
Update for 2024-2025
What a fantastic week! The weather has been amazing, and it finally feels like fall. A big shout-out to Girl Scout Troop 54053 for finishing their mural at the top of the 6th grade stairwell! Their beautiful work is a great addition to our school.
Next week is going to be a whirlwind! We've got a 3-hour early dismissal on Monday, Trunk or Treat on Wednesday, Book Character Day, another early dismissal on Thursday, and a holiday, Diwali on Friday. Please refer to the upcoming events below for more details on the week.
Please check out the lost and found when you are in the building for parent-teacher conferences. All the lost and found items have been moved to the bus lobby for your convenience. All unclaimed items will be donated Friday, November 8th. Please make sure to write your child's name on their belongings.
This year, FCPS has new ways of teaching reading and writing to our students. We also have new ways to know if students need extra support and how we can best help them. Schools will still use the same 4-point scale to assign grades; please refer to the Grading Guidelines for more details. Starting in November 2024, your child’s progress report grades may look different due to the changes below. With this change, students are not expected to master all of their grade-level standards until later in the year. By monitoring grades in each standard the whole school year, you can get a clearer picture of areas where they need to grow most, as well as their overall progress in literacy. Contact your child's teacher with any questions about your child’s progress report.
Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)
Upcoming Events:
- Monday, October 28th
- 1:00pm: 3-Hour Early Release for Students
- Wednesday, October 30th
- 4:00pm: CES Farmer's Market - Bus Lobby
- 6:00pm: PTA Trunk or Treat
- PTA Spirit Night @ Domino's
- Thursday, October 31st
- 8:15am: Green Team
- 2:00pm: 2-Hour Early Release
- Book Character Day!
- End of the 1st Quarter
- Friday, November 1st
- Monday, November 4th
- No School - Staff Development Day
- Tuesday, November 5th
- No School - Teacher Workday
- Wednesday, November 6th
- 4:00pm: Farmer's Market
- 7:00pm: Pyramid Chorus Concert - CVHS
- Monday, November 11th
- Veteran's Day - No School
- Tuesday, November 12th
- 6:00pm: PTA Literacy Night
- Thursday, November 14th
- 5:15pm: Family Noodle Night
- Friday, November 15th
- Progress Reports Sent Home
- Saturday, November 16th
- 9:00am - 1:00pm: Book Fair Family Event
- Monday, November 18th
- 6:00pm: Math Night & Book Fair Family Event
- Tuesday, November 19th
- Thanksgiving Lunch - K, 1st, 3rd, 5th
- Wednesday, November 20th
- Thanksgiving Lunch - 2nd, 4th, 6th
- 6:00pm: PTA Bingo Night
- Thursday, November 21st
- Wednesday, November 27th
- Thanksgiving Break - No School
- Thursday, November 28th
- Thanksgiving Break - No School
- Friday, November 29th
- Thanksgiving Break - No School
With gratitude!
Jen, Rachel, & Josh
Proud Principals
Need for Vision and Hearing Screening Volunteers
Centreville ES in cooperation with the FCHD will be conducting vision and hearing screenings for all 3rd graders on November 6 and 8 from 10:20-11:40am, and for all Kindergarteners on November 13 and 15 from 9:30-11:20am. If you can volunteer, please contact the school health room at 703-502-3510. Thank you in advance!
Nominations are now open for the Outstanding Employee Awards.
To submit a nomination please complete the nomination through this Google form link. You may nominate one or more employees at our school, but only one individual per category.
All that is required for a preliminary nomination is a paragraph about how this employee demonstrates exceptional work in the criteria for that category. The google form link has more information regarding the criteria for each of these awards and the eligibility requirements.
The deadline to submit a nomination is Today.
If you have any questions, please contact Anna Tiesler at ahtiesler@fcps.edu .
Singers should arrive at CVHS at 6pm, the concert is at 7pm. Wear your CES music t-shirts (coming home soon!)
AAP Services
This year CES is trying something different in lieu of our parent meeting and sending the presentation to all families. Please view this PDFabout services offered at Centreville Elementary. If you are the parent/ guardian of a 2nd-6th grader and interested in full time placement and screening procedures, please be sure to pay close attention to the information starting on page 32. If after viewing the information about AAP services and you still have questions, reach out to Mrs. House, Advanced Academic Resource Teacher, at kahouse@fcps.edu to schedule a conference.
Fall Pictures
Federal Impact Aid Survey
FCPS is asking all families to fill out a Federal Impact Aid Survey. The form is available online in SIS ParentVUE. If you have not already filled out the form online, we will provide paper forms in November. Please be sure to return them by Friday, November 17.
Completing this form for each school-aged child in every household is important, because information from this survey resulted in more than $4 million in funding last year from the U.S. Department of Education. These funds are used to support all Fairfax County public schools and centers.
Please watch this video and visit the Federal Impact Aid Survey page for more information.
Need to Register for ParentVUE?
Learn how to activate your SIS ParentVUE account, so you can easily submit your survey.
Technical support for using ParentVUE or completing the survey online is available by submitting a Parent Support Request ticket. Select SISParent in the Application dropdown menu and type Federal Impact Aid Survey under Issue Description. Or, call the Parent Technology Help Desk at 833-921-3277 (833-921-FCPS).
If your child has had a great personal/family moment lately, send your teacher a photo and it will be displayed on the Family Spotlight bulletin board in the main hallway! Examples: family celebrated a holiday, cultural traditions, child rode their bike without training wheels, great soccer game, got a new pet, and more!