Crossfield PTO Fun Run Fundraiser

Crossfield Fun Run

Donate Here!

Hello Crossfield Community! Our annual Fun Run fundraiser is the primary avenue for our PTO to raise funds to help support our school. From assemblies  to helping support field trips  to our new rock wall, our PTO supports the school in so many ways.

Please consider donating to our PTO using the link above, shouting out your support for your student or team at Crossfield.

Our PTO volunteers organize the Fun Run each year, only outsourcing support for the website hosting. This allows the overwhelming percentage of donations to remain with our PTO and used to support our students.

Crossfield Fun Run Pep Rally-SCA

Pep Rally 2

Pep Rally 3

Pep Rally 4

We had an amazing pep rally on Friday....our Rally in the Alley!  Great job students, staff, and parents for bringing the spirit!

Donate Here!