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The Dunne Dispatch (School Boundaries Edition, Part 1) - 10/16/2024
Dear Friends and Neighbors:
I have received many inquiries about potential changes to school boundaries, so I am preparing a series of newsletters on this subject.
This is the first issue in the series.
Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) is conducting a comprehensive reassessment of all school boundaries for elementary, middle, and high schools across the county for the first time in 40 years.
Boundary Review Advisory Committee: You have a limited opportunity to apply to participate in this committee, which will provide continuous feedback to the Superintendent as FCPS considers potential changes to school boundaries. The committee will include parents and guardians, FCPS administrators and staff, and community members. In addition, the committee will include representatives of relevant organizations. Committee members will be expected to attend regular in-person meetings, review relevant materials, and actively participate in discussions. The Superintendent has emphasized that this is a time-intensive commitment—it is expected the committee will meet biweekly for the next 12-18 months. Click here to apply. Applications are due by Friday, October 18.
Community Meetings (Round 1): You will have the opportunity to participate in person or virtually in community meetings before any changes are proposed to school boundaries. The Superintendent is planning to convene at least 24 community meetings across the county, which are expected to be held between November 2024 and March 2025. A meeting will be held at every high school in the county. Each meeting will be up to 2 hours in length. At each meeting, the Superintendent will present on the rationale and process for revising school boundaries. Her presentation will be followed by small-group breakout sessions (with 8-10 people in each small group) wherein a moderator will facilitate a conversation with prompted questions to ensure every voice is heard. The information collected and views expressed during the meetings will inform the development of potential scenarios for amending school boundaries.
Community Meetings (Round 2): You will have the opportunity to participate in person or virtually in community meetings after consultants have developed potential scenarios for amending school boundaries. The Superintendent is planning to convene at least 24 community meetings across the county, which are expected to be held between May 2025 and September 2025. A meeting will be held at every high school in the county. You will have the opportunity to review the proposed changes and provide your feedback. The format will be the same as Round 1: an initial presentation followed by small-group breakout sessions.
Community Meetings (Round 3): It is possible that the Superintendent may convene a third round of community meetings to present revised scenarios for amending school boundaries.
Virtual Town Halls: I will be holding a Virtual Town Hall on Monday, November 11 at 7:00-8:30 PM. I will present on school boundaries, cell phones, and other issues. You will have the opportunity to ask questions on any school-related issues. Please click here to register.
Group Meetings with Mateo: I am happy to meet with your PTA/PTSA/PTO or neighborhood association to discuss school-related issues, to include school boundaries. If you would like to invite me to attend one of your meetings, please contact my Staff Aide Nelda Brown. I encourage you to join your local PTA/PTSA/PTO because these organizations work hard to support our schools, staff, and students. I also encourage you to join your local neighborhood association because these organizations work hard to improve and maintain the quality of life in your community. These organizations are routinely consulted by elected officials for input on important initiatives and policies, so consider getting involved to ensure your voice is heard.
High School Pyramid Advisory Councils: I am planning to establish advisory councils for the Mount Vernon HS, South County HS, and West Potomac HS pyramids. I intend to consult the advisory councils on a regular basis regarding important initiatives and policies. I hope to use the advisory councils to inform the development of a strategic plan and vision for each pyramid and to enhance coordination within the pyramid to realize the plan and vision. These advisory councils will not focus on school boundaries, but they may discuss this topic as part of a larger agenda. If you are interested, please complete this online interest form. You will be prompted to submit your resume along with a brief explanation of your interest. Email my Staff Aide Nelda Brown at nnbrown@fcps.edu if you have questions or need more information.
Emails: You are welcome to contact me at mdunne@fcps.edu anytime if I can assist your family with any school-related issues, to include school boundaries. Please note that the School Board is a part-time position, so please excuse any delays in responding to your queries. Please include my Staff Aide Nelda Brown (nnbrown@fcps.edu) to ensure a faster response.
February 2019
The School Board received a research report on best practices in school boundary management. (Video: YouTube)
July 2024
The School Board adopted a new policy to govern school boundaries. (Video: YouTube)
September 2024
The School Board authorized the Superintendent to hire Thru Consulting LLC to facilitate the comprehensive reassessment of school boundaries. (Video: YouTube)
October 2024
Thru Consulting LLC presented an overview of its project management plan for the comprehensive reassessment of school boundaries. (Video: YouTube)
November 2024-March 2025
A first round of community meetings will be held before any changes are proposed to school boundaries.
March-May 2025
Thru Consulting will develop potential scenarios for amending school boundaries.
May-September 2025
A second round of community meetings will be held after Thru Consulting has developed potential scenarios for amending school boundaries.
Thru Consulting may develop revised scenarios for amending school boundaries.
A third round of community meetings may be held after Thru Consulting has developed revised scenarios for amending school boundaries.
October-November 2025
Thru Consulting will finalize the scenarios to be presented to the School Board.
November 2025-January 2026
The School Board will review the final scenarios for amending school boundaries.
January 2026
The School Board will vote on the proposed changes as a single package.
August 2026
It is expected the changes will be implemented in Fall 2026, but it is possible the changes will be phased in over multiple years.
*This timeline is subject to change.
In January 2026, the School Board will decide whether to approve the proposed changes to school boundaries. You should focus your advocacy on the School Board.
If you live in the Mount Vernon District, your representatives on the School Board are:
Please note that the School Board has exclusive responsibility for determining School Boundaries.
Please do not hesitate to contact my office if I can be of assistance with any school-related matters.
Very Respectfully,
 Mateo Dunne, Mount Vernon District Representative
The views contained within this newsletter reflect the views of the individual school board member who is the publisher of this newsletter and may not reflect the views of the Fairfax County School Board.
© Fairfax County Public Schools, Fairfax County, Virginia