Chantilly Academy Program Highlights

Calendar Reminder

Monday, October 14, is a student holiday and staff development day for Indigenous Peoples' Day.

Learning by Doing in Cyber: Systems Tech

In Cyber: Systems Tech, students gain a thorough understanding of how computers work and are supported through hands-on learning experiences.  Our Cyber classroom and lab has a wide variety of equipment that allows students to examine various components of computers, build and disassemble machines, diagnose and troubleshoot problems, and much more.  These experiential learning activities are invaluable to students as they prepare throughout the year for their Computer Tech A+ industry certification.  

cyber systems tech

cyber systems tech

Chantilly Academy Highlights

teachers for tomorrow

Teachers for Tomorrow students enjoyed a "Play Day" where they learned about the four different types of development that occur when children play.  


A Carpentry 2 student works on executing his unique design: a hexagonal stool with an hourglass frame.  

auto tech

Team work in action: Auto Tech students work on a 1995 Jeep Wrangler. 

vet science

Champ visited us for grooming this week and received lots of love and care.