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Yom Kippur begins at sundown today, Friday, October 11, and will be an evening-only observance day for Yom Kippur, the holiest day in Judaism. There is school that day, but important events will not occur after school. |
Monday, October 14th is Indigenous Peoples' Day, which honors the histories, cultures, and contributions of Native peoples, past and present. It is a student holiday and staff development day. |
So much fun in music class!
Bike parking was packed as WFES students participated in International Bike, Walk and Roll to School Day on Wednesday, October 9th. This is an effort to promote physical activity and reduce traffic congestion and pollution near schools. With the number of bikes parked out front, it appears our students made HUGE a difference today! |
October 14: Student Holiday/Indigenous People Day
Staff Development Day
October 17: Kindergarten Field Trip to Cox Farm
October 18: Principal Coffee/Literacy 8:30 am
Woodson Homecoming Parade 4:30 pm
October 21: 3-hour early release for students
October 25: Fun Run 9:00 - 11:45 am
October 26: Woodson HS Fall Festival 11am - 2pm
October 31: 2-hour early release / End of 1st Quarter
November 1: School Holiday - Diwali
November 4: Student Holiday - School Planning Day
November 5: Student Holiday - Teacher Workday
It’s election season here at WFES! Fourth, fifth, and sixth graders listened to an info session today on how the SCA process works. Responsible students who are looking to take on a leadership role in our school’s SCA are encouraged to apply to run for student council office. Homeroom teachers have posted the application/permission form and all additional SCA information on their homeroom Schoology. Applications are due on Thursday, 10/17 by 4:00pm. All applications are accepted digitally. If your student has any questions please direct them to email Ms. Hibbitts at ghibbitts@fcps.edu or Mr. Gray at AWGray1@fcps.edu.
Please join Ms. Prindle and members of the literacy team on Friday, October 18, 2024, at 8:30 AM in the library to learn more about our literacy programs at WFES. Click here to see how reading and writing is taught throughout FCPS.
Celebrate Woodson Homecoming by cheering on Ms. Prindle at the Homecoming Parade, watching the marching band, seeing cool cars carrying the homecoming court and more. The route is around Woodson HS - check their web site for details. |
Our next three hour early release is on Monday, October 21, 2024.
Our plan is to dismiss students in the same way that they were dismissed in September unless we hear that you would like to make a change. You can let us know by contacting the school office at 703-503-2300.
We will send out confirmations October 14, 2024.
Only 2 weeks until WFES’ biggest fundraiser!
Have you heard of Wolfie’s challenge? It’s for our amazing students to raise $45,000 in two weeks! We’ve done it before, and can do it again! Here’s how: Our goal is for each student to raise at least $65 from family and friends. All money contributed funnels right back into the programs and people that make our school outstanding.
Important Dates: 10/10 - Donation packets go home and fundraising begins. Find them in Thursday Folders.
10/18 - Week 1 Donations Due
- Prizes are awarded to kids as they hit their goals
- Bonus: If our students raise at least $15,000 in the first week, the WHOLE SCHOOL gets
- a PJ Day on 10/21, and rumor has it that Wolfie has some epic jammies
10/24 - Week 2 Donations Due
10/25 - Howling Wolf Fun Run Event (rain or shine)
- How it works: Kids have the option to walk/run for 10 minutes, or workout for 10 minutes (led by our local Orangetheory Fitness on Main Street). Parents are encouraged to join!
- Show up and cheer on kids:
- Kinder, 1st, 2nd - 9:00 - 9:45 am
- 3rd & 4th - 10:00 - 10:45 am
- 5th & 6th - 11:00 - 11:45 am
Still Needed: SignUpGenius HERE
- Small Stage: Do you have a small stage, or are you handy and can assemble one easily? Does anyone know if the stage used at Wakefield Chapel Recreation Association is available to borrow?
- Balloon Arch: Do you know how to make one or are you willing to sponsor this purchase?
Amazing Update: $9,100 has already been donated by these terrific local and family-owned businesses. We are so grateful!
The Fairfax County Health Department (FCHD) will provide immunizations for FCPS elementary students on limited early release Mondays at their district offices. All school-required immunizations will be offered at no cost. Call 703-246-7100 to make your appointment.
On Monday, our Green Team had our first run at recycling in the cafeteria, and it was a great learning experience for all. A guest appearance was made by our favorite mascot, Wolfie, who helped our students recycle their trays and other items properly. |
Superintendent Dr. Michelle Reid invites you to share your questions or concerns regarding Fairfax County Public Schools. Your voice matters! Two more Community Conversations will be held 6:30-7:30 p.m. on:
Monday, October 21, at Virginia Run Elementary
Wednesday, October 30, at Herndon Middle
Click the date above to register. Registration is not required but helps with planning. Additional registration links will be shared in next week’s This Week at FCPS. Childcare and interpretation services will be provided. Events are open to all. Find out about other opportunities to connect with Dr. Reid.
Learn more about Lexia® Core5 and Lexia® PowerUp at a parent information night. Discover how FCPS uses Lexia in classrooms to support students’ literacy growth. Presenters will also share tips for improving your child’s literacy. Sessions will take place:
- Tuesday, October 15, 6:30-7:30 p.m.
- Tuesday, November 19, 6:30-7:30 p.m.
- Thursday, December 5, 6:30-7:30 p.m.
Register in advance. For more information, contact Theresa Lieteau.
Information regarding the Lexia Parent Nights, including dates, times, and the registration link, can be found on Family Academy Site or within the translated fliers below.
Other Ways to Support Your Child’s Learning Needs
You are important in your child’s education. The Family Academy keeps a list of classes, webinars, workshops, and programs offered by Fairfax County Public Schools to help you support your child's needs and learning at home. Browse Family Academy offerings.
✨ Helping students read on level by the end of third grade is part of the FCPS Strategic Plan Goal 3: Academic Growth and Excellence. One of the strategic plan pillars is vibrant home and school partnerships.
 The trailers have left the field...picture/video props go to Trisha Ramach, mom of Reed, who took these pictures and videos to mark this historic moment. Click below for a quick send off video...
Watch Trailer disappear...
Attendance: 703-503-2323 or WakefieldForestES.attendance@fcps.edu
Health Room: 703-503-2310
Family Information Phone Lines/Support for families who do not speak English as their first language: Family Information Phone Lines
Technology Support: Resources for Families Using FCPS Technology
Principal: Sharyn Prindle sbprindle@fcps.edu
Assistant Principal: Amy Williams alwilliams1@fcps.edu
WFES PTA Homepage