Important Upcoming Dates
10/06/24- National Coaches Day
10/09/24- 12th Graders SAT School Day
10/09/24- Walk and Roll to School Day
10/09/24- 4:00-8:00PM-SCHS Theatre Boosters- Taco Rock
10/10-10/11- Hearing and Vision Screening for 10th Graders
10/11/24- Yom Kippur
10/12/24- Ombuds Day
10/14-10/18- National School Lunch Week
10/14-10/18- Digital Citizenship Week
10/14/24- Indigenous Peoples' Day (Staff Development)
10/17/24- 7:00pm- Partners for Safe Teen Driving
10/21-10/25- National School Bus Safety Week
10/31/24- Quarter End- Early Dismissal
11/01/24- Diwali/ Dia de los Muertos and All Saints Day (Holiday)
11/03-11/04- School Planning and Teach Workday
01/09/25- 7:00pm- Partners for Safe Teen Driving
02/11/25- 7:00pm- Partners for Safe Teen Driving
04/07/25 7:00pm- Partners for Safe Teen Driving
06/04/25- 7:00pm- Class of 2025 Graduation (Eagle Bank)
FCPS will be running the PSAT/ NMSQT and the SAT School Day test on Wednesday, October 9. October 9 is a 2-hour early release day for high schools and secondary schools.
- Students receiving Community B special education services receive a normal instructional program with a two-hour early release.
- Ninth grade students will have an unscheduled school day. Grade 9 students do NOT attend school on October 9.
- The PSAT/NMSQT will be offered to all students in grades 10 and 11 at no cost. No additional registration is necessary. The PSAT/NMSQT provides an opportunity to measure student readiness for college and provides practice for the SAT college entrance exam. Students will be dismissed at the two-hour early release time of 12:55 PM.
- Grade 12 students interested in taking the SAT School Day were required to fill out the Intent to Participate Google form sent to families in August and September. Students who completed the form received a confirmation email and room assignment on September 20th. SAT School Day testers will be released upon the completion of testing, at approximately 11:15 AM.
- Both tests are digital. All students testing must bring their FCPS-issued Chromebook with them on October 9.
- Grade 12 students choosing not to take the SAT will have an unscheduled school day and do NOT attend school on October 9.
- Room assignment reminders for all test takers will be emailed to students’ accounts on Monday, October 7.
- If you have any additional questions, please contact Chris Bird, SCHS Test Coordinator, at
In the coming, weeks, SoCo will have a vestibule built as part of the FCPS initiative to keep all school as safe as possible.
More information will be forthcoming as it's available.
Message from Dr. Khoshaba
Greetings, SoCo Nation!
I hope everyone had a wonderful week. I’ve been out of the building, so this week’s edition will be brief but still reflective of some of the great things happening within our school community. Let’s get to them!
Did you know?
Happy World Smile Day, celebrated on October 4 each year. Did you know it takes fewer muscles to smile than frown? In fact, smiling can have many health benefits, including:
- Releasing endorphins: Smiling can release endorphins, which can reduce pain and relieve stress.
- Improving mood: Smiling can make you feel happier, even if you're faking it.
- Reducing risk of cancer: Smiling can reduce your risk of getting cancer by helping you manage stress.
- Becoming more resilient: Smiling can help you become more resilient against illnesses by helping you manage stress.
So when in doubt, put a smile on your face! You just may feel better.
Student Belonging
Last Saturday, our JV Cheerleading team competed in a athletically competitive tournament here at SoCo. While they may not have taken home the trophy this time, we are incredibly proud of their spirit, skill, and strength throughout the competition. Their dedication and determination were on full display, and they truly embodied the heart of Stallion pride.
Every leap, chant, and cheer showcased their passion and perseverance, and we know they gave it their all. Please join me in congratulating them on their outstanding effort and for representing South County with confidence and class.
Let’s continue to cheer them on as they prepare for future successes!
Club Corner
This week’s featured club is our Muslim Student Association (MSA). This organization is a welcoming space for students to learn about and celebrate Islam while fostering a sense of unity and community. They meet monthly after school to engage in discussions, activities, and plan meaningful events. Some of our highlight events include a bonfire, iftar potlucks during Ramadan, and participation in the Muslim Inter-Scholastic Tournament (MIST). Additionally, a prayer room is available during school hours, and Jummah prayer is held there every Friday. Students can fill out a permission form located in the main office, on our Schoology group, or in their sponsor’s classroom, Dr. Saidi. MSA provides a comfortable space to meet fellow Muslim students and practice Islam together in a supportive, inclusive environment. If you have any questions, feel free to email Dr. Saidi at
Have a great weekend!
Homecoming is fast approaching. Homecoming Week will be full of fun events and SCHS Leadership is looking for help from our amazing community! Leadership has an amazon wish list (items will be sent to SCHS) to help with some of the decorations for the dance as well as a sign-up genius to help with other Homecoming events. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Amazon Wishlist:
Sign-Up Genius:
Oct 21-25: Spirit Week
Oct 24: Parade @4pm & Power Puff Games (6:30 & 7:30)
Oct 25: Football Game
Oct 26: Homecoming Dance 8-11pm
The South County Cross Country team is excited to announce our shoe drive fundraiser! We're collecting gently used shoes to support micro-businesses in developing countries and raise funds for our team.
Every pair of shoes makes a difference! Our goal is to collect 2,500 pairs. If each student donates just one pair, we can easily surpass our goal.
Please join us in making a positive impact on our community and the world!
Thank you for your support!
South County Cross Country Team
The SCHS Theatre Boosters are hosting a restaurant night at Taco Rock in Lorton on Wednesday 10/9. The Theatre Boosters will receive 10% of the proceeds for everyone who orders at Taco Rock on Wednesday the 9th between 4-8pm and turns in their receipts to the bar. Taco Rock is located at
9021 White Spruce Way Lorton VA near the new Lidl in the Liberty Market area.
VDOE required hearing/vision screenings for all 10th graders
Parents/Guardians of 10th grade students who wear glasses and/or contacts – Please have your students bring their glasses with them (or ensure they have their contacts in) to school October 10 and 11, 2024. We will be conducting the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) required hearing and vision screening for all 10th grade students.
Parents of Current 10th graders,
South County will be hosting 4 sessions of PSTD - Partners for Safe Teen Driving this school year. If your student is currently enrolled in HPE 10 it is mandatory that they attend ONE of the sessions with a parent/guardian. The session dates are as follows: Oct 17, 2024, Jan 9, 2025, Feb. 11, 2025 and April 7, 2025. The presentations are held in the auditorium and begin promptly at 7:00 p.m. Doors open at 6:45 and lock at 7:00 p.m. – no late arrivals permitted.
Presentations last approximately 90 minutes.
Any questions please reach out to Maureen Saale-
Disability History and Awareness Month
In Virginia during October, Disability History and Awareness activities provide an opportunity to create greater public awareness for individuals with disabilities, with the goal of full inclusion in our community.
National Bullying Prevention Month
October is National Bullying Prevention Month. To help develop a common understanding of Bullying, below is the FCPS definition.
Bullying in Students Rights and Responsibilities is defined as: “Any aggressive and unwanted behavior that is intended to harm, intimidate, or humiliate the victim; involves a real or perceived power imbalance between the aggressor or aggressors and victim; and is repeated over time or causes severe emotional trauma. “Bullying” includes cyberbullying. “Bullying” does not include ordinary teasing, horseplay, argument, or peer conflict.”
For more information on how FCPS handles a bullying situation please visit the FCPS Bullying Prevention and Intervention webpage. Our goal is to ensure all students feel safe and welcome at school. If you have questions and/or concerns about something that is going on at school, please contact the front office so that they can support you and most importantly your student.
South County High School PTSO is partnering with Seasonal Roots, a local online farmers market, to bring healthy, delicious food to our community, to support local farmers and artisans, and to raise money to support the All Night Grad Party for our seniors!
Seasonal Roots is an online farmers market that delivers “dirt to doorstep” to families in Maryland and Virginia. Each week the market offers more than 150 items that are all grown and produced locally, sustainably, and ethically. Market items include fruit, vegetables, meat, dairy, baked goods, prepared foods, vegan specialties and more.
As part of this fundraiser for ANGP - new customers can join Seasonal Roots for 50% off the membership fee (a $25 savings!)
PLUS for every new customer who signs up (and places their first order), a $20 donation will be made to South County PTSO! WIN-WIN for everyone! Be sure to use promotional code SOCOANGP at
We are excited to announce that parents are now able to enter ONLY full day absences through ParentVue.
Please be sure to specify in the notes the reason for the absence. If you have to report a late arrival, early release or an absence longer than 2 days, please call or email the attendance office at 703-446-1625 or Thank you!
Phone: 703-446-1625
- Handwritten notes are acceptable*
- Call/email/note must come from parent/guardian, NOT the student*
- Please always leave a message, they are checked constantly*
South County ATHLETICS
Important SoCo and FCPS Resources
How to Stay In Touch
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