CES Weekly Update 9.27

Principal's Message

Our week has been soggy, which is impacting outdoor recess and our Kickball event we had planned for this Friday. I hope the excitement for our big event will continue into October when we were able to reschedule our event on 10/10. Please see more details below. 

Tuesday evening, Amy Vallath, Advanced Academic Resource Teacher, shared information on the levels of service for students. If you missed the meeting and would like to review information, please reference our central AAP site.  We have another meeting on 10/16 to share information about the Level IV referral process.

Over the course of the first quarter, we have been collecting data through beginning of year assessments while students have started all units of instruction.  All 1st through 6th grade students will be receiving interim reports on October 10th to help provide parents information on how your student is doing and note any areas of need ahead of our first quarter conferences. We are hoping to also provide the data on the beginning of year math and reading assessments for 1st through 6th grade students at that time. Kindergarten students are just starting assessments in October. We will send more information when assessment details are coming home, including an opportunity to attend a parent coffee on assessment data and how you can support your child this school year. 


Stacy Kirkpatrick, Principal

Important Upcoming Dates

September 21 - 29 - Blue Star Welcome Week *10/2 Military Connected Families Breakfast 8 - 8:30AM (Library)

Tuesday, October 1st - Fall Picture Day (Preorder Pictures)

Wednesday, October 2nd - Military Connected Families Breakfast 

Thursday, October 3- Rosh Hashanah Holiday for Staff and Students

Friday, October 4- Teacher Workday- no school for students 

Thursday, October 10- PTA Meeting 9:15 Cafeteria
6PM  PTA Sponsored Chesterbrook Kickball Kickoff, McLean High School 

Monday, October 14th - Holiday - No School for Students

Tuesday, October 22nd - PTA Family Fun Night - Science Night with the Children's Science Center (Sign up to Volunteer)

October 24 - 29th - PTA Sponsored Book Fair

2024-25 FCPS School Calendar


Chesterbroook Tutoring Team

 Chesterbrook is lucky to have three outstanding teachers join our team to support students in math and reading. Rachel Edwards (left) will be joining Teresa Foeckler, Reading Specialist, to provide reading interventions to students.  Amber Boyd Vincent (middle), joined us in January of 2024 and will continue her work as a math tutor, along with new tutor, Meredith Houff(right). We are lucky to have the experience and support they bring to our students needing intervention. Teachers will be communicating with parents if there child is receiving intervention.

PTA Information to Share

If you have not joined the PTA you may be missing information and ways you can support and get involved.  Please JOIN TODAY! Below, you will find many items that have been shared by our amazing PTA. We would love to have your support. 

Chipmunk Fund

With around 10 days left of the Chipmunk Fund drive, please don't delay - we need your donation today!

And 100% of the money raised through Chesterbrook's Chipmunk Fund directly impacts our children’s educational experience by supporting our teachers, students, and facilities. 
Click here for more information

4th Annual Kickball Kickoff Friday - Postponed

We have been tracking the incoming weather,  hoping conditions would allow for an incredibly fun Friday evening. Unfortunately, the latest forecast does not look promising for a safe and fun event.

New Date: Thursday, October 10th

Location: McLean High School Football Field.

Doors open at 5:30 PM, Event start time 6PM

  • In an effort to support our families if the new date doesn't work for you, we have created this google form if you can no longer use your tickets.
  • Ticket sales have been extended through Tuesday October 1st at 5pm.

Spirit Days will be held the week of the Kickball Kickoff!

Fall Enrichment

There are Still a Few Spots Left in Some Programs
Check out Programs Here

Math Olympiad (4th, 5th & 6th Grades)

Chesterbrook Math Olympiad, led by teachers Mr. Treacy and Mr. Gaba, has a strong success record. The team will meet weekly, compete in five math contests, and encourage students to expand their math knowledge and problem-solving skills, with occasional parent participation. More information is coming!

Who can join: Chesterbrook 4th*, 5th and 6th graders (*though the concepts can be challenging for 4th graders)

When: Friday mornings (7:45 am-8:30 am) starting October 11th through March 21st.

Tuition: $160/student Registration will start soon!

Questions: Contact Dmitry Chugunov at matho@chesterbrookpta.org. For further information on the Math Olympiads program, please visit their website at www.moems.org.

Continental Mathematics League (CML) 2nd & 3rd grades

Led by teachers Ms. Hamsher-King and Ms. Leneave, students will meet weekly, practice CML questions, and take part in three meets with six questions each, fostering problem-solving skills while collaborating with students from across the United States. More information is coming!

Who can join: Chesterbrook 2nd and 3rd Graders (24 students max. per grade)

When: Friday mornings (7:45 am-8:30 am) starting November 8th through March 14th TBC.

Tuition: $130/student  Registration will start soon!

Questions: Contact Dmitry Chugunov at cml@chesterbrookpta.org.For further information on the CML program, please visit their website at https://www.cmleague.com/.

Family Science Night - Need for Volunteers

October 22nd the Children's Science Center Lab is bringing their Family Science Night Program to Chesterbrook.

We need SIX more volunteers to move forward with this event! Volunteers are needed from 5:15 - 7:45 PM to set up, assist students with activities, and clean up. Please sign up HERE to help with this exciting event. We hope to see you there!

Additional Opportunities

GMU Space Education Outreach Program for Students, Grades 4-8

The Mason Space Exploration Center is a scientific outreach center partnered with the George Mason University Department of Physics and Astronomy and the NASA Landolt Mission. We aim to educate local students on technological skills and code literacy and raise awareness on space exploration related matters.

I have a few activities to communicate if parents are interested in STEM activities for their children:"

(links include registration fees, etc):·