Dear Cedar Lane Families,
I hope you all had a good week! Just a reminder- We have a building wide fieldtrip to the National Zoo on Friday, September 27th from 8:00am to 2:00pm. We will be back in enough time for students to cat their bus home. Please remember to return all permission slips by next Tuesday. Students who attend the field trip will have the opportunity to eat a school lunch, as the zoo. They can also purchase food, if they wish. Students who are not attending the fieldtrip will remain at Cedar Lane and are expected to follow their daily class schedule.
I truly appreciate your support and have a relaxing weekend.
Cheronda Farrish Ed. D
Cedar Lane School
Phone: 703-208-2400
Email :
- Students to Be Surveyed on Social-Emotional Learning
FCPS is committed to supporting the mental wellness of all students. The Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Screener helps our students share their perspectives on how their schools and communities support them and help them develop the skills they need to succeed.
The screener is offered to all students in grades 3 through 12 in the fall and spring. It addresses skills such as achieving goals, understanding and managing emotions, establishing and maintaining relationships with adults and peers, and making responsible decisions. Students also share how successful their school and community are at making them feel valued, included, and supported. Screener data is used to plan programming for the division, schools, and individual students.
After each screening, results will be available in the Documents tab of SIS ParentVUE and mailed to families who don’t have a ParentVUE account. For more information, please visit the Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Screener webpage.
Families who wish to opt their child out may do so by completing the opt-out form in the Annual Notice packet or SIS ParentVUE. For more information, please visit the Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Screener webpage or contact our front office.
Please note that the SEL Screener is not the same as the anonymous Fairfax County Youth Survey, which will take place later this fall.
Supporting Your Child’s Mental Health
Children go through a lot of changes, and it can be hard to tell if their behavior is developmentally appropriate or if they could benefit from mental health support. It’s important to talk to your child and pay attention to their actions, especially these warning signs:
- Increased irritability, hyperactivity, energy, and/or aggressive behavior.
- Excessive sadness, hopelessness, or worries.
- Loss of appetite, or significant weight gain or loss.
- Lack of sleep or too much sleep.
- A decline in grades, school avoidance, or attendance concerns.
- Alcohol or drug use.
- Withdrawal from activities and/or friends and family.
- Thoughts of harming themselves or others.
If you notice any of these warning signs or feel your child may be experiencing a mental health challenge, help is available. Please contact your child's clinician at Cedar Lane (Ms. Min -, Dr. Barba -, Ms. Crisafulli -, or Ms. Moran - to discuss your concerns and identify resources. Find additional ways to support your child’s wellness.
If you or someone you care about is experiencing a mental health crisis such as thoughts of harming themselves or others, please take action right away. Call 988, go to the nearest emergency room, or contact the Sharon Bulova Center for Community Health Emergency Services at 703-573-5679.
No-Cost Therapy for High Schoolers
High school students can access virtual mental health services at no cost through an FCPS program with Hazel Health. Their therapists are licensed and also trained in teen-specific challenges.
Students may be referred by a guardian or designated staff member and participate in weekly video therapy sessions. The therapists will work with students until they achieve their therapy goals, or they can help connect families with long-term mental health services in the community if needed.
Learn more about teletherapy for high school students.
Spanish: Cómo Apoyar la Salud Mental de su Hijo
Los niños pasan por muchos cambios, y puede ser difícil saber si su comportamiento es apropiado para su desarrollo o si podrían beneficiarse de apoyo en salud mental. Es importante que hables con tu hijo y prestes atención a sus acciones, especialmente a estas señales de advertencia:
- Aumento de la irritabilidad, hiperactividad, energía y/o comportamiento agresivo.
- Tristeza excesiva, desesperanza o preocupaciones.
- Pérdida de apetito o aumento o pérdida significativa de peso.
- Falta o exceso de sueño.
- Disminución de las calificaciones, evitación de la escuela o problemas de asistencia.
- Consumo de alcohol o drogas.
- Alejamiento de actividades o de amigos y familiares.
- Pensamientos de hacerse daño a sí mismos o a otros.
Si nota alguna de estas señales de advertencia o siente que su hijo puede estar experimentando un problema de salud mental, hay ayuda disponible. Todas las Escuelas Públicas del Condado de Fairfax tienen al menos un consejero escolar, un psicólogo escolar y un trabajador social escolar.
Por favor, comuníquese con uno de estos miembros del personal para hablar sobre sus preocupaciones e identificar recursos. Llame a su escuela o visite su sitio web para obtener la información de contacto de los miembros del personal. Encuentre información adicional para apoyar el bienestar de su hijo.
Si usted o un ser querido está experimentando una crisis de salud mental, como pensamientos de hacerse daño a sí mismo o a otros, tome medidas de inmediato. Llame al 988, vaya a la sala de emergencias más cercana o comuníquese con el Centro de Sharon Bulova para Servicios de Emergencia de Salud Comunitaria al 703-573-5679.
Terapia Gratuita para Estudiantes de Secundaria
Estudiantes de secundaria pueden tener acceso a servicios virtuales de salud mental sin costo a través de un programa de FCPS con Hazel Health. Los terapeutas de Hazel Health son licenciados y también entrenados en desafíos específicos para adolescentes.
Los estudiantes pueden ser referidos por un tutor o un miembro del personal designado y participar en sesiones semanales de video terapia. Los terapeutas trabajarán con los estudiantes hasta que logren sus objetivos de terapia, o pueden ayudar a conectar a la familia con los servicios de salud mental a largo plazo en la comunidad si es necesario.
Aprenda cómo inscribir a sus estudiantes en este servicio.
아이들은 많은 변화를 겪기 때문에 자녀의 행동이 발달적으로 적절한지 또는 정신 건강 지원의 혜택을 받을 수 있는지 판단하기 어려울 수 있습니다. 자녀와 대화하고 자녀의 행동, 특히 다음과 같은 위험 신호에 주의를 기울이는 것이 중요합니다:
- 과민성, 과잉 행동, 에너지 및/또는 공격적인 행동 증가.
- 지나친 슬픔, 절망감 또는 걱정.
- 식욕 부진 또는 현저한 체중 증가 또는 감소.
- 수면 부족 또는 너무 많은 수면.
- 성적 하락, 등교 기피 또는 출석 문제.
- 알코올 또는 약물 사용.
- 활동 및/또는 친구 및 가족으로부터의 단절 증상.
- 자신이나 타인을 해치려는 생각.
이러한 위험 징후를 발견하거나 자녀가 정신 건강 문제를 겪고 있다고 생각되면 도움을 받을 수 있습니다. 페어팩스 카운티의 모든 공립학교에는 적어도 한 명의 학교 카운슬러, 학교 심리학자, 학교 사회 복지사가 있습니다.
이러한 직원 중 한 명에게 연락하여 우려 사항을 논의하고 자원을 파악하십시오. 학교로 전화하거나 웹사이트를 방문하여 교직원의 연락처 정보를 확인하십시오. 자녀의 건강을 지원하기 위한 추가 정보를 찾아보세요.
본인 또는 주변 사람이 자해 또는 타인을 해치려는 생각 등 정신건강 위기를 겪고 있다면 즉시 조치를 취하시기 바랍니다. 988번으로 전화하거나 가까운 응급실로 가거나 Sharon Bulova Center for Community Health Emergency Services(703-573-5679)에 문의하세요.
고등학생을 위한 무료 심리 치료
고등학생은 FCPS와 제휴한 Hazel Health 프로그램을 통해 무료로 온라인 정신건강 서비스를 이용할 수 있습니다. Hazel Health 상담사는 면허를 소지하고 있으며 청소년 상담과 관련된 전문 교육을 받았습니다.
학생은 보호자나 지정된 교직원의 추천을 받아 매주 화상 상담 세션에 참여할 수 있습니다. 상담사는 학생이 치료 목표를 달성할 때까지 학생과 협력하거나 필요한 경우 가족을 지역사회의 장기 정신 건강 서비스와 연결하도록 도울 수 있습니다.
학생을 이 서비스에 참여시키는 방법에 대해 알아보세요.
- ✨ The 2023-30 Strategic Plan — Goal 3: Academic Growth and Excellence
FCPS’ 2023-30 Strategic Plan sets five main goals to create positive change in the division. These goals show where we should focus our attention and will help us align our efforts.
Our third goal is for all students to achieve academic growth and excellence. We want our students to have the academic skills to be successful. For example, making sure they are readers by third grade and taking courses that challenge them throughout their education will help prepare them for lifelong success. See how Goal 3 is being put into practice.
- 🎤 Our Schools, Our Future: Register Today for a Community Conversation!
Superintendent Dr. Michelle Reid will host a series of Community Conversations this fall. She invites you to share your thoughts and ask questions. Click the dates below to register for any of the following conversations:
Monday, September 23, 6:30-7:30 p.m., at Newington Forest Elementary School.
Monday, September 30, 6:30-7:30 p.m., at Mount Vernon Woods Elementary School.
Monday, October 14, 6:30-7:30 p.m., at Fairhill Elementary School.
Monday, October 21, 6:30-7:30 p.m., at Virginia Run Elementary School.
Wednesday, October 30, 6:30-7:30 p.m., at Herndon Middle School.
Events will take place from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Childcare and language interpretation services will be provided.
Each one of us is unique, and every student matters. If your student is having a difficult time attending class, please speak with a trusted adult at school.
Watch this video to see how everyone belongs at school. Visit our Attendance webpage for resources on attendance. Attend today, achieve tomorrow!
¡Asiste a la escuela hoy; para tener éxito mañana! Todos Pertenecemos Aquí.
Cada uno de nosotros es único. Y cada estudiante es importante. Si un alumno tiene dificultades para asistir a la escuela, por favor, dígaselo a un adulto de confianza en su escuela.
Visite nuestra página web de Asistencia para ver recursos sobre la asistencia.
출석체크는 오늘, 학업성취는 내일! 우리는 이곳에 꼭 필요한 존재.
개개인이 다 다른 모습을 하고 있어요. 모든 학생이 다 중요하답니다. 학교에 출석하는 것이 힘든 학생은 꼭 학교에서 믿을 만한 어른께 가서 말하도록 해요.
해결할 방법을 제시해 주실 거에요. 출석과 관련된 상세 정보는 출석관련 웹사이트.
- FCPS Trust Policy Supports Caring Culture
Fairfax County Public Schools is proud of its caring culture and strives to provide a safe, welcoming, and inclusive space for all students and families. The FCPS Trust Policy solidifies this commitment and aligns with Fairfax County Goverment's Public Trust and Confidentiality Policy. It ensures that FCPS students and families can access FCPS benefits and services without fear that information will be disclosed, directly or indirectly, to federal immigration officials. Please visit FCPS’ Trust Policy webpage to learn more about the policy and regulation in multiple languages.
Spanish: Proporcionando un espacio seguro y acogedor este año escolar y para el futuro
Fairfax County Public Schools está orgulloso de su cultura de apoyo y se esfuerza por proporcionar un espacio seguro, acogedor e inclusivo para todos los estudiantes y sus familias. La Junta Escolar del Condado de Fairfax recientemente aprobó una Política de Confianza que solidifica nuestro compromiso. Se alinea con la Política de Confidencialidad y Confianza Pública del Condado de Fairfax para asegurar que los estudiantes y las familias de FCPS puedan acceder a los beneficios y servicios de FCPS sin temor a que la información sea revelada, directa o indirectamente, a los funcionarios federales de inmigración. Por favor, visite nuestra página web de la Política de Confianza para aprender más sobre la política y el reglamento en varios idiomas.
FCPS NewsIn case you missed it in FCPS This Week, the school division shared updates on the following topics and others:
- Accessing Intervention Plans
- Students to Be Surveyed on Social-Emotional Learning
- Update Immunizations Today!
Read FCPS This Week to learn more about these topics. If you are not already receiving this weekly newsletter, please sign up today.