Veterinary Science did! We were thrilled to welcome some furry friends to the Academy this week as our Veterinary Science program opened their doors for grooming services. Twice a week, Veterinary Science students see a variety of canine clients and offer services including baths, nail clipping, ear cleaning, fur clipping, and shaving. Students spend several weeks learning how to safely handle and care for dogs prior to beginning their grooming services. Their classroom training ensures that they are providing the highest quality of care to their clients while maintaining a safe, clean, and professional work environment.
Culinary Arts students offered two delicious menus for staff to purchase through their Dinner Done and Grab n Go programs. Wednesday's Dinner Done menu included onion soup, blackened chicken salad, chocolate cake, and homemade lemonade and iced tea.
Dental Careers students learned how to apply a dental dam this week, a technique commonly used in endodontic procedures to isolate a tooth or group of teeth.
We always love to see collaboration between classrooms at Chantilly Academy! Medical Assistant students visited the Pharmacy Tech classroom to have mock prescriptions filled.
We were delighted to welcome students and teachers from Seoul Digitech High School in Seoul, South Korea to Chantilly Academy last week.
Thursday, October 3: Rosh Hashanah (Schools and Offices Closed)
Friday, October 4: Student Holiday (Teacher Workday)
Wednesday, October 9: PSAT/SAT Day - NO ACADEMY CLASSES
Monday, October 14: Student Holiday - Indigenous People's Day (Staff Development Day)