September 26: Fairfax Academy Musical Theatre Senior Spotlight Showcase, Auditorium, 7pm
October 2: National Custodian Appreciation Day
October 3: School Holiday (Rosh Hashanah)
October 4: Student Holiday, Teacher Workday
October 9: PSAT Day
October 21 & 22: Vision and Hearing Screening
October 14: Student Holiday (Indigenous Peoples’ Day), Staff Development Day
October 15: PTSA meeting ,7pm, Library
October 15: All-Night Grad meeting, 8pm, Library
October 24: Band & Orchestra Masquerade Concert, 7pm, Auditorium
October 26: Fairfax City Band Concert, 7:30pm, Auditorium, Tickets Required
October 26: FHS Class of 1974, 50th Reunion, 6pm
October 31: End of First Quarter, 2HR Early Release
November 1: School Holiday (Diwali)