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Hello, Springfield District
Happy Fall, officially! I hope that everyone is settling back into the school routine and enjoying all those amazing events that ensure a strong start to our year put on by our talented staff and parent leaders. I have been honored to attend a few of these amazing events including Centreville Elementary School’s 30th Anniversary Celebration, Greenbriar East Elementary School’s House Pep Assembly, and Chantilly High School’s Homecoming Parade. I also look forward to attending as many community conversations with our families and staff with Dr. Reid as I continue to learn about the issues most important to you all.
I know that the recent school shooting at Apalachee High School in Winder, GA has put a damper on our start to school this year as questions about the safety and security of our children are again brought to the forefront of our minds. FCPS remains dedicated and vigilant to ensuring a safe school environment for all our students and staff.
As Dr. Reid stated in her recent letter to the community, FCPS has built lessons on gun safety into our curriculum. In early grades, students learn what to do if they find a gun (leave it alone, leave the area, and let an adult know). In upper grades, students learn the consequences of gun violence, personal responsibility for gun safety in the community, and alternatives to violence to resolve conflicts. We continue to ask that parents and caregivers reinforce this message at home by talking to their children about gun safety as well. You can find out more about what FCPS is doing below!
The National Association of School Psychologists also has a resource that can help you identify when your child might be struggling. It also provides guidance on how you can have difficult conversations about school violence. If you or your child need additional support, please reach out to your school counselor.
I will be in touch soon!
Sandy Anderson
 Clockwise from top: me, Sully District School Board Representative Seema Dixit, Centreville Elementary School Principal Josh Douds, At-Large Member Ryan McElveen, and Superintendent Dr. Michelle Reid at the Centreville Elementary 30th Anniversary Celebration; Sully District School Board Representative Seema Dixit and me at the Chantilly High School Homecoming Parade; me at Greenbriar East Elementary School’s House Pep Assembly.
This newsletter includes information on the following issues:
Upcoming School Board Meetings
September 26 at 7 p.m. - Regular Meeting: Legislative Program, etc.
October 1 at 10 a.m. - Public Engagement Committee Meeting: Information will be posted to BoardDocs
October 1 at 3 p.m. - Governance Committee Meeting: Information will be posted to BoardDocs
October 8 at 10:30 a.m. - Work Session: Strategic Plan Goal 1 Report and Boundary Contract Work Plan
October 10 at 7 p.m. - Regular Meeting: To be determined
October 15 at 3 p.m. - Governance Committee Meeting: Information will be posted to BoardDocs
October 17 at 7 p.m. - Comprehensive Planning Development Committee Meeting: Information will be posted to BoardDocs
Please note that times and topics are subject to change.
The work sessions and regular meetings will be broadcast live on Channel 99 (Verizon channel 11) and the FCPS website. Both will be recorded for future viewing and posted to the FCPS School Board YouTube channel.
For Spanish speakers, to watch recorded School Board meetings, or live during regular meetings, visit the FCPS en Espanol YouTube channel or scan the QR code below.
Visit the Community Participation webpage to sign up to speak at a regular meeting. Visit BoardDocs for more meeting logistics, agendas, and handouts.
Are you interested in School Board action items? Sign up to get an update on School Board votes the morning after the School Board meeting.
If you need language interpretation or American Sign Language support for any School Board meeting, please contact the board clerk. Find your School Board member and how to contact them on the School Board Members webpage.
Reuniones de la Junta Escolar de FCPS en Español
Para ver las reuniones de Junta Escolar grabadas o para ver en vivo durante las Reuniones Ordinarias en YouTube, por favor vaya al canal de YouTube de FCPS en Español o escanee el código QR.
School Board Work
2025-2026 Basal Resources Adoption: Social Studies
Are you interested in participating in the review of potential K-12 social studies resources? FCPS is engaging the basal resource (e.g. textbooks, online materials) adoption process for Social Studies, and I am seeking a community member to participate on the review committee. The process, governed by Regulation 3004.5, includes a 30-day public review period and a deep review by an Instructional Resource Review Committee (IRRC), made up of representatives from a variety of stakeholder groups - teachers, administrators, and community members. The process may lead to identified social studies resources (e.g. textbooks, digital materials) for some or all grade levels and courses in school year 2025-2026.
The review process is constructed to ensure:
- Resources align with Virginia Standards of Learning and FCPS Learning Model
- Resources meet the educational needs of a variety of learners
- Resources reflect culturally responsive curriculum and pedagogy
- Students gain equitable access to high-quality, dynamic resources
- Input from multiple stakeholder groups is collected and valued
IRRC members must be able to meet on the following dates and times for a total commitment of 20 hours. All the meetings will be held at the Pimmit Hills Adult Education Center located in Falls Church.
- October 29, 2024, 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
- November 6, 2024, 3:30 p.m. – 8.30 p.m.
- November 13, 2024, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Participation on the committee requires the following:
- Attendance at all meetings.
- Review of submitted resource materials.
- Email communication.
- Confidentiality of information reviewed and recommendations made.
If you are interested in representing the Springfield District on the Social Studies Instructional Resource Review Committee, please complete this form by midnight, Sunday, September 29.
Consulting Services for Boundary Review
At the September 12 regular meeting, the School Board voted to approve the Boundary Review Consultant contract and authorize the Division Superintendent, or the Director of the Office of Procurement Services to execute, deliver, and administer the contract on behalf of the School Board.
Watch the full meeting.
FY 2024 Year-End Review
At the August 29 regular meeting, the School Board approved the FY 2024 Final Budget Review Summary of the year-end funds which included critical resources for extended special education teacher contracts, achievement gap-closing strategies, the DROP program to retain experienced educators, and our new boys volleyball and girls wrestling programs. We also approved contracts for facilities projects at Madison and Fairfax high schools. We also discussed and considered several important items, including new annual pass rate data for VAAP and SOL tests.
Watch the full meeting.
Secondary Grading Practices
Grading is an important aspect of the student experience. At the August 27 School Board work session, the Board reviewed grading practices used in our secondary grades for credit-bearing classes – basically, the classes that will go onto a student’s transcript and become critical indicators for entry into higher education after graduation. You can find the materials from the portion of the August 27 meeting about grading practices here.
The School Board’s Governance Committee will be working on revisions to Policy 2418. Grading and assessment practices should be transparent, predictable, and consistently applied across our schools. Please don’t hesitate to reach out and share your feedback regarding the grading policy.
Virginia Department Of Education Accreditation and Accountability
The FCPS School Board has been tracking the ongoing work that has been done by the State Board of Education to change the established standards that measure school and student performance. The new plan which is still under development is referred to as the Virginia School Performance and Support Framework. There are many aspects of the proposed revisions that are concerning, and there doesn’t seem to be a phased approach for implementation, which means our schools are being held to a standard during this school year that isn’t complete.
This week, the State Board is expected to adopt a final revised performance and support framework later this month, pending U.S. Education Department approval of the proposed Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) plan. Please note that the current 2017 Standards of Accreditation will be used when reporting school outcomes in fall 2024, based on data from school year 2023-24. The new system will not be fully in effect until its initial outcomes are reported in fall 2025, based on data from the current 2024-25 school year.
Please provide feedback to the VDOE during the final comment period which ends on September 25, 2024, or consider contacting your state elected officials to share your concerns and request their help. (You can locate your state elected officials by entering your address into My Neighborhood and viewing the results on the left side of the page.)
I was pleased to support the following proclamations at the Board’s September 12 regular meeting.
✔️ Caregiver Checklist: Have You Completed These Important Forms?
We understand that the multiple school forms caregivers receive during the first weeks of school can feel overwhelming, but each one helps set your child up for a successful school year! If you do not have a SIS ParentVUE account, please contact your child’s school for an activation code and follow the directions on the SIS ParentVUE Account webpage.
🩹 Immunization Requirements
Please check with your healthcare provider as soon as possible to make sure your child is up to date on the immunizations required by the state of Virginia. Starting Monday, September 30, students who have not provided proof of immunization will not be allowed to attend school.
You may check your child’s immunization compliance and submit their immunization record in SIS ParentVUE. Records may also be delivered to your school’s front office.
Alternative immunization documents (below) may also be provided to your school’s front office, but they may not be uploaded in ParentVUE:
- A healthcare provider’s written statement specifying all administered immunizations.
- A healthcare provider’s written statement of a permanent or temporary medical exemption.
- A notarized Religious Exemption form objecting to the administration of immunizations due to conflicts with religious tenets or practices.
Find more information on immunizations.
📋 Permission Forms
Families can easily grant permission for their children to access a variety of school resources through the Parent Digital Consent system. Parents can opt their child in or out of resources including online educational tools, school counseling services, and tutoring services. They can also change how student information is managed.
Visit the Parent Digital Consent webpage to access the system. Watch a video to see how to use the tool.
Student Rights and Responsibilities (SR&R)
The SR&R document explains expectations for student behavior and adult responses. Parents using SIS ParentVUE will be prompted to sign the document when logging in to that platform. A printable version of the document with a signature sheet is available on the SR&R webpage. This form should be signed and returned by Monday, September 30.
🚨 Safety Drills During the School Year
Keeping students and staff safe is our priority. Each school has an emergency preparedness plan to respond to incidents such as fires and tornadoes. Schools are required by state law to practice emergency drills, including lockdown drills, each year. Schools must also notify parents and caregivers at least 24 hours before a school conducts a lockdown drill. However, schools do not have to give the specific date and time of the drill in advance.
By law, the first lockdown drill of the school year must take place within the first 20 days of school. Preschool and kindergarten students do not participate in the first lockdown drill.
Your child may come home and talk about their experience during the drill. We encourage you to talk with them about the importance of being prepared for emergencies. Please review these frequently asked questions to support your student before and after school lockdown drills.
⚠️ Know Our Security Terms
FCPS uses specific terminology to describe the actions school staff and students should take to ensure safety in a variety of situations. It is important for staff, families, and students to understand what the different terms mean and how they impact school operations.
Watch this video to learn about safety terms including lockdown; secure the building; and stay put, stay tuned.
☎️ Anonymous Tip Line Puts Safety First
If you or your child have concerns or information relating to feeling unsafe in any way at school, the FCPS Office of Safety and Security has a safety tip line that you can access anonymously online, by text (888-777; Keyword TIP FCPS), or by phone (571-423-2020).
If your tip is an emergency and immediate assistance is necessary, please dial 911.
Students, staff, parents/caregivers, and community members should report school safety issues such as threats, unsafe or dangerous situations, illegal drug activity, theft, gang activity, the existence of weapons, vandalism, and concerns about student wellness. Tip line users may identify themselves or remain anonymous.
If you have concerns about programs, regulations, policies, or other topics that do not impact the safety of our schools, please contact the FCPS ombuds online, at 571-423-4014 or ombuds@fcps.edu.
FCPS Annual Public Notice: Career and Technical Education
Fairfax County Public Schools is committed to a learning and working environment free from all forms of discrimination. No person shall on the basis of race, sex, color, age, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, genetic information, pregnancy status, childbirth or related medical conditions, marital status, veteran status, and disability be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any FCPS sponsored educational program or activity. Retaliation against any person who reports or participates as a witness in the investigation of a discrimination and/or harassment complaint is strictly prohibited.
FCPS provides career pathway opportunities that include study in the areas of:
- Business Education and Information Technology
- Family and Consumer Science
- Health and Medical
- Marketing
- Technology and Engineering Education
- Trade and Industry
Annual Legal Notice
This is an annual notice of the availability of the postsecondary education and employment data published by the State Council of Higher Education (SCHEV) on its website pursuant to § 23.1-204.1.
The Postsecondary Opportunities for High School Students (VDOE) webpage and the Level Up Virginia website contain information for students on preparing, applying, and paying for college, as well as information on degrees and labor market career projections.
✨ 2023-30 Strategic Plan
FCPS’ 2023-30 Strategic Plan sets five main goals to create positive change in the division. These goals show where we should focus our attention and will help us align our efforts.
Each goal has an equity commitment — the promise we make to every student to support them in attaining these goals. Each goal also has several measures that allow us to track our progress.
Goal 1: Strong Start, Pre-K-12
The first goal in the strategic plan focuses on each and every student having a strong start in FCPS. Whether they're joining us in preschool or high school, we want our students to be set up for success.
See how Goal 1 is being put into practice. Watch the video above about pre-K.
Goal 2: Safe, Supported, Included, Empowered
The Office of Food and Nutrition Services’ updates to lunch menus align with FCPS’ 2023-30 Strategic Plan Goal 2: Safe, Supported, Included, and Empowered. The new menu options reflect the many voices and cultures represented around every FCPS lunch table!
As part of the second goal, we want each and every student to feel like they belong and have the support they need to thrive. See how Goal 2 is being put into practice.
🍽️ Fueling Student Success: New Food Options Cooking Up at FCPS
Students will have more than a dozen new options for lunch and breakfast in school cafeterias starting this week. New menu items were either favorites at last year’s food show — including Korean BBQ wings, sweet Thai chili wings, chicken tikka masala, and barbacoa street tacos — or were tested with student focus groups and tastings.
View school menus to see all the new options and when they will become available.
Goal 3: Academic Growth and Excellence
Our third goal is for all students to achieve academic growth and excellence. We want our students to have the academic skills to be successful. For example, making sure they are readers by third grade and taking courses that challenge them throughout their education will help prepare them for lifelong success. See how Goal 3 is being put into practice.
Foundation of Four Pillars
While the five goals of FCPS’ 2023-30 Strategic Plan focus on student success, the four pillars describe what FCPS must do well to reach our goals for all students:
- The first focus of the pillars is on teaching and learning. We want to make sure each and every student has access to excellent and inclusive learning environments, and that instruction meets students’ individual needs.
- The second pillar focuses on our connection with families and our communities. We cannot do this work alone. Strong partnerships are key to our students’ success.
- The third pillar is centered on our hiring and maintaining a world-class, diverse workforce. We want to make sure our incredible employees have what they need to help our students thrive.
- The fourth and final pillar centers on how we bring this all together. We remain focused on creating a culture of equity, excellence, and accountability where data guides our decisions.
Visit our Strategic Plan webpage for more information.
FCPS Statement on Nondiscrimination: Americans With Disabilities Policy Notice
Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex (including sexual harassment, Title IX, and pregnancy), marital status, religion, national origin, age (40 or older), disability, or genetic information in its programs and activities. These protections apply to students, employees, and other members of the public.
FCPS also provides equal access to all designated youth groups. FCPS is committed to equal access and equal opportunity in all services and employment; to include its policies, complaint process, program accessibility, religious accommodations, and other Equal Employment Opportunity matters. FCPS prohibits retaliation against individuals who report allegations of discrimination, file a formal complaint, or participate in the investigative process.
Compliance is coordinated by the directors of the following:
Office of Employee Relations, Department of Human Resources, regarding equal employment opportunity, discrimination, and sexual harassment issues. Find contact information on their website.
- Office of Special Education Procedural Support, Department of Special Services, 571-423-4290, regarding programs and activities for students with disabilities.
For more information, visit the non-discrimination policy webpage or the non-discrimination/ADA webpage.
Results of the Family Engagement Survey
The results of FCPS’ Family Engagement Survey are now available. A key finding showed that 92% of respondents say they “feel welcome” at their child’s school, an increase from 89% in the 2021-22 survey.
The most recent survey was conducted during the 2023-24 school year to measure the division’s success with family engagement. Thank you to the more than 26,000 parents and guardians who participated! Your responses will help FCPS build trust, strengthen connections, and empower families to support their children’s success.
Survey Outcome: FCPS Family Academy
One outcome of the Family Engagement Survey is the creation of the FCPS Family Academy.
The Family Academy’s goal is to support the continued success and well-being of each and every student within the FCPS community. The Academy will offer engaging learning opportunities and meaningful connections for families to support a welcoming environment at FCPS for all.
Family Academy goals align with FCPS’ 2023-30 Strategic Plan Pillar B: Vibrant Home School & Community Partnerships. Pillar B reminds FCPS to empower families through trusting partnerships that sustain a safe, inclusive culture for learning.
Access Your Child’s Intervention Plans
All FCPS schools use an approach called Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) to make sure every student gets the help they need to learn. MTSS helps teachers deliver high-quality instruction for all students by providing extra time, support, and interventions as needed. Learn more about MTSS in FCPS.
Families are partners in this process. Your child’s school will share information about their learning needs, support, and progress, as well as any interventions that are found to be necessary.
Families can now see their child's intervention plans and progress in SIS ParentVUE. Expect progress to be updated quarterly with report card due dates.
Find out how to log in to SIS ParentVUE and access MTSS information.
💛 FCPS Trust Policy Supports Caring Culture
FCPS is proud of its caring culture and strives to provide a safe, welcoming, and inclusive space for all students and families. The FCPS Trust Policy solidifies this commitment and aligns with Fairfax County Government’s Public Trust and Confidentiality Policy. It ensures that FCPS students and families can access FCPS benefits and services without fear that information will be disclosed, directly or indirectly, to federal immigration officials. Please visit our Trust Policy webpage to learn more about the policy and regulation in multiple languages.
FCPS Policies, Regulations, and Notices Available Online
Virginia’s Standards of Quality require all school divisions to notify the public annually of the availability of the school system’s policies. A continuous review process ensures ongoing examination and revision of each policy, regulation, and notice as needed. View Fairfax County Public Schools policies.
Any citizen who requests a hard copy of a directive has a right to receive it and should be provided the most current version printed from the website. The School Board office, at Gatehouse Administration Center, maintains the historical records of all directives.
Please call 571-423-1075 for more information.
FCPS Business and Community Partnerships
Genesys Works 2025 Signing Day
Summer 2024 marked a milestone for our Ignite Partner Genesys Works National Capital Region! The 2024 enrollment and summer training completion numbers are the highest since Genesys Works came to Fairfax County and expanded in the National Capital Region in June 2015.
On August 15, Genesys Works celebrated the accomplishments of their newest cohort of young professionals during Signing Day, a day when they look back at the successes of their summer skills training, and look ahead to their paid internship, and ongoing career and college coaching.
Congratulations to all of the students who completed the intensive summer training, and good luck as you move on to your yearlong work experience at a partner site. There you will not only put your training into practice but also refine your workplace skills — all while providing valuable services to the companies they serve.
Along with Genesys Works, we’d like to thank the 29 corporate partners locally supporting Genesys Works.
Career Awareness, Exploration, and Preparation Takes Center Stage
Staff development never stops in Fairfax County Public Schools. Last month the FCPS Work-Based Learning (WBL) team invited High School Career Experience Specialists, Internship teachers who coordinate student-driven WBL experiences, other school leaders, and engaged businesses and community groups to half-day training. The event aimed to connect with business and community partners, enhance student access to rewarding opportunities, and establish a strong work foundation for staff members.
The Inova Workforce Development team led by Dr. Stacey Desseker generously provided their conference center, refreshments, and event programming during the breakout sessions.
Michael Batt of the Fairfax County Economic Development Authority shared updates on regional hiring and industry trends. The event also included breakout sessions about careers in nonprofits, exploring data centers careers, healthcare careers beyond doctors and nurses, and the introduction of a new interactive online tool called Tiggbee where students can learn about careers and the academic and work pathways to attain them.
A major highlight of the day was the WBL student panel, where FCPS alumni shared their experiences and insights. Their stories provided educators with a deeper understanding of the real impacts of these authentic experiences.
In the afternoon, attendees visited various FCPS partners at their workplaces as part of the inaugural School Staff Externship Program. Career cluster-themed partners, including Associated Builders and Contractors Virginia, Amazon Fulfillment Center, Fairfax Water Authority, and Microsoft Garage, provided valuable insights into their respective industries.
If you would like to learn more about ways FCPS connects work-based learning and workforce development, explore some of these web pages:
Office of Auditor Current Engagement Updates
At the September 16 Audit Committee meeting, the Office of Auditor General (OAG) presented the following agenda items:
Read more in the September 2024 issue of Audit Buzz.
Superintendent Updates
FCPS Aims to Become Purple Star School Division
Superintendent Dr. Michelle Reid, who is from a military family, has established a goal for FCPS to become a Purple Star Division — with 100% of our schools earning their Purple Star Designation — by the 2026-27 school year. Virginia’s Purple Star Designation recognizes schools for excelling in their support of military-connected students.
The division has 69 current Purple Star Schools and expects approximately 33 schools to earn or renew their Purple Star status this year. Read more about our Purple Star Division plan.
🎖️ Thank You, Military Families!
This week is Blue Star Welcome Week, an opportunity to empower military families to thrive as they serve. There are approximately 13,500 military-connected students enrolled in FCPS. Each year, one-third of our military families transition into or out of our school district.
🎤 Save the Date: Community Conversations with Superintendent Dr. Reid
Your voice matters, and Superintendent Dr. Michelle Reid wants to hear from you! This fall, a series of Community Conversations will be held across the school division. These events are an opportunity for you to share your thoughts and ask questions regarding FCPS. Events are planned for the following dates from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.:
Monday, September 30, 6:30-7:30 p.m., at Mount Vernon Woods Elementary School.
Monday, October 14, 6:30-7:30 p.m., at Fairhill Elementary School.
Monday, October 21, 6:30-7:30 p.m., at Virginia Run Elementary School.
Wednesday, October 30, 6:30-7:30 p.m., at Herndon Middle School.
Click the date above to register. Registration is not required but helps with planning. Additional registration links will be shared in next week’s This Week at FCPS. Childcare and interpretation services will be provided. Events are open to all. Find out about other opportunities to connect with Dr. Reid.
🗓️ Date Change for Elementary Early Release Mondays
Elementary schools in the Herndon, Langley, Madison, Marshall, McLean, South Lakes, Centreville, Chantilly, Fairfax, Oakton, Robinson, and Westfield pyramids will have an early release on Monday, December 9, rather than Monday, November 25.
You can view the Upcoming Events on your school homepage to look for early release dates that will impact your child.
Please visit the FCPS website for additional information about early release Mondays. If you have questions, email ESPlanning@fcps.edu.
🌍 Students Can Receive Credit for Proficiency in Languages
This year's World Languages Credit by Exam will be administered at each FCPS middle, high, and secondary school.
The World Languages Credit by Exam is an optional test for students in grades 7-12 who can speak and write (type) proficiently in a language other than English. Based on the results of the exam, they can earn 1, 2, and/or 3 passing world language credits.
Registration closes on Friday, October 4, at 4 p.m. Late registrations will not be accepted. Please contact your student’s school counselor to register for the exam.
Find more information, including the list of eligible languages.
Family Life Education Instructional Program Info
Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) provides a comprehensive, sequential Family Life Education (FLE) program for students in grades kindergarten through grade twelve. Instruction is seen as a partnership among parents and guardians, the school, and the community in supporting the learning essential to the development of strong families, positive relationships, and a healthy community.
Parents/guardians may choose to opt their child out of all or part of the Family Life Education program. Students who are opted out are provided with age-appropriate, nonpunitive alternative health instruction, and every effort is made to foster respect for family choices. If you wish to opt your child out of all or part of FLE for this school year, opt-out forms are available in Parent Digital Consent. Paper opt-out forms are available from your child’s school. Students receiving special education services and accessing modified curriculum will receive a printed opt-out form for modified FLE lessons.
Detailed grade-level program descriptions are available online at Elementary (K-6), Middle School (7-8), and High School (9-12). FLE grade level-specific lessons and media that FCPS has streaming rights for are available for parents online in Schoology. Parents/guardians log in to Schoology using the same username and password as their Student Information System (SIS) Parent account. Grade-level-specific lessons are also available at the City of Fairfax Regional Library (this location does not have media). Grade-level-specific lessons and media that are not streamed online are available for review at your child’s school library. Due to copyright permissions, we are unable to stream all media online.
Program questions may be addressed at your child’s school or by contacting Instructional Services at 571-423-4550 or by email to fle@fcps.edu.
Fairfax County Pass Rates for State Tests
At the August 29 School Board meeting Dr. Reid presented information on FCPS’ annual pass rates for the Standards of Learning (SOL) and Virginia Alternate Assessment Program (VAAP) tests in the Academic Matters segment. FCPS continues to outperform the state average in all subjects.
“Annual Pass Rates on SOL and VAAP Tests” Data
Key Points: Fairfax improved in math and science and held steady in reading, outperforming Virginia in all subjects. FCPS math pass rates increased even while more students took accelerated math courses:
- 6.8% increase in 5th graders taking Advanced Math
- 9.5% increase in 8th graders taking Algebra I or higher
Data for FCPS “All Students” Rates Compared to Virginia - 2 Years:
View the presentation slides and find more information on the FCPS website.
Springfield District Scene
Kudos to Chantilly Academy’s Tony G. for taking first place in System Control Technology in the Technology Student Association National Competition this past June! |
Congratulations to Katherine Johnson Middle School ESOL teacher Colleen Al Mukhtar who has been accepted into the United States Institutes of Peace (USIP) 2024 Peace Teachers Program! The USIP is a national, nonpartisan, independent institute, founded by Congress and dedicated to the proposition that a world without violent conflict is possible, practical, and essential for U.S. and global security. Way to go!
Shout out to Oakton High School’s Wesley Seidner for publishing a book, K for Kosher, on the history of Jewish baseball players, his love of baseball, and his journey into Judaism! Wow!
Congratulations to Debbie Tannenbaum, school-based technology specialist at Saratoga Elementary School, who was named an International Society for Technology in Education 2024 20 to Watch Award Winner! This award recognizes 20 up-and-coming individuals who are already making a difference through their work. Winners have exemplified excellence through projects or artifacts that others can replicate. Bravo!
New Executive Principals for Regions 4 and 5
The Region 4 Office and I are pleased to announce Kim Greer as the new Executive Principal for Region 4. With over twenty-five years of leadership experience in Fairfax County Public Schools, Dr. Greer brings an extensive background in education and a proven track record of success to her new role.
Greer began her career as a middle school English and Social Studies teacher before advancing to leadership roles within FCPS. She has served as assistant principal at Marshall, South Lakes, and Westfield High Schools. In her current role as principal of Langley High School, she has led a diverse community of students and staff, emphasizing academic excellence and student well-being.
Under Greer’s leadership at Langley, the school has seen significant improvements in areas such as mental wellness, advanced academic offerings, and an increased graduation rate. Her focus on creating a positive, inclusive learning environment has been a cornerstone of her leadership, benefiting both students and staff. She is widely known for her commitment to fostering student success and promoting equity within the school.
Beyond her work at Langley, Greer has been actively involved in leadership and professional development at the district, state, and national levels. She has presented at various educational conferences and has served as a member of the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP) Board of Directors since 2020, demonstrating her dedication to advancing the field of education.
Greer holds a bachelor's degree in Middle Grades Education from The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, a master's degree in Curriculum and Instruction from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, and an endorsement in Educational Leadership from George Mason University.
We are confident that Dr. Greer will bring her visionary leadership, deep expertise, and unwavering commitment to student success to her new role as Executive Principal for Region 4.
The Region 5 Office and I are pleased to announce Gordon Stokes as Executive Principal for Region 5. With a distinguished career marked by exceptional leadership and a commitment to educational excellence, Stokes brings a wealth of experience and a proven track record of success to his new role as Executive Principal.
Stokes started his career at Rachel Carson in 1998 teaching U.S. History. He served as a LEAD Fairfax Administrative Intern at Key Middle School from 2007-2008. In 2008, he was named assistant principal at Luther Jackson Middle School. In 2012, Mr. Stokes transitioned to South County Middle School where he also supported students, staff, and families as assistant principal. Since July 2015, Stokes has served as the Principal of Rachel Carson Middle School.
During his tenure at Rachel Carson, Stokes leveraged the school's mission and priorities to enhance the development of Portrait of a Graduate (POG) attributes, expanded diverse elective offerings, and provided responsive supports tailored to the needs of Carson’s student body. His ability to assemble and lead teacher teams in county-wide instructional initiatives, such as the Capstone and secondary literacy projects, FCPSON, and Portrait of a Graduate presentation of learning, has been instrumental in piloting and evaluating innovative programs. He partnered with Carson’s teacher leaders and collaborative learning teams to establish a culture of continuous improvement and professional development.
Stokes’ leadership extends beyond instructional strategies to foster a positive school climate. Stokes established a safe and welcoming environment at Carson Middle School. He also engaged parents and families in conversations and improvement efforts to enhance student achievement and behavior. As a culturally responsive and equitable school leader, Stokes has partnered with the school-based equity lead to implement cultural proficiency modules and facilitated dialogues to address school-wide challenges. His development of the Young Scholars outreach program underscores his dedication to providing equitable opportunities for all students.
In recognition of his achievements at Rachel Carson Middle School, Stokes was named Outstanding New Principal in 2017. He served as President of the Middle School Principals Association during the 2018-2019 school year where he led advocacy efforts and partnered with the FCPS Leadership Team.
Stokes earned his Bachelor of Arts, History, and Master of Teaching degrees from The University of Virginia.
We are confident that Mr. Stokes brings passion and dedication to his new leadership role as Executive Principal for Region 5!
Student Opportunities
Disclaimer: Opportunities offered by organizations other than Fairfax County Public Schools are neither sponsored nor endorsed by the Fairfax County School Board, the Superintendent, or a specific school. These opportunities may utilize technology tools not assessed by the Fairfax County Public Schools Department of Information Technology. Students should gain permission from their parents or guardians before engaging in any non-FCPS enrichment opportunity. Families should review the Terms of Service, User Agreements, and Privacy Policy for any technology platform the enrichment opportunity may use before participating.
🏞️ Service Hours Opportunity
Looking to give back and earn some service hours? Join Fairfax County for a Park Clean Up volunteer event near you on September 28 to mark National Public Lands Day.
Sign up for a volunteer program.
🏛 School Board Student Leadership Development Program – Apply Today!
The School Board is now accepting applications for the 2024-25 Student Leadership Development Program! Open to high school freshmen, sophomores, and juniors in good academic standing, the program is a great opportunity for those interested in pursuing futures in law, government, or public policy.
Selected students will partner with their School Board Member to observe how the school division is governed. They will also learn about the board’s various committees and functions, develop and debate their own policy proposals, and acquire details about the process for running to be Student Representatives on the School Board.
The nine magisterial district School Board Members will each select one student from their respective districts, and the three At-Large Members will select one student each from among all applicants. Interested students must submit applications to their principal before September 30, 2024. Click here for more information about the program or to submit your application.
✅ Election Day Participation Program For High School Students
Would you like to learn more about the electoral process and earn service-learning hours that can also be applied toward the Seal of Excellence in Civics Education?
The Fairfax Office of Elections is offering students the opportunity to serve inside a Fairfax County polling place or in an early voting satellite office as an election page. They also encourage students fluent in a second language to apply.
More information may be found on the Election Day High School Student Program web page. Apply by Monday, September 30, 2024.
🏛 Virginia House of Delegates and Senate 2025 Page Programs
The Virginia House of Delegate and Senate are now accepting applications for their Page Program. The application deadline for the Senate Page Program is Tuesday, October 1, at 5 p.m., and the deadline for the House of Delegates Page Program is Friday, October 8, 2024, at 5 p.m.
The House Page Program focuses on civics education, the lawmaking process, and leadership development. As non-partisan staff of the House Clerk’s Office, Pages are an integral part of an institution with a long-standing tradition of providing outstanding support and customer service to state legislators and those they represent.
Each year, the Speaker of the House of Delegates appoints 13 and 14-year-olds from across the Commonwealth to work in the House Clerk’s Office as House Pages during the Regular Session of the Virginia General Assembly. They assist the Delegates and staff in the House Clerk’s Office in performing a wide variety of daily duties required for the successful operation of the House.
The Senate Page Program also appoints 13 and 14-year-olds from across Virginia. Similar to a college preparatory program, the Senate Program combines organized learning activities with day-to-day duties servicing the legislature.
The mission of the Senate Page Program is to facilitate a structured environment in which young Virginians accept responsibility and accountability, develop professional characteristics through strict standards of conduct, and engage in the legislative process through work, observation, and discussion.
Find more information about the Virginia House of Delegates and Senate Page Programs on the Capital Classroom website.
🪖 United States Service Academies Application
Congressman Gerry Connolly is now accepting applications for nominations for the Class of 2029. Considered to be among the top academic institutions in the country, our U.S. Service Academies produce some of the nation’s best and brightest.
Applicants must meet eligibility requirements established by law and be nominated by an authorized nominating source, including Congressman Connolly, who can nominate qualified applicants residing in Virginia’s 11th congressional district.
Your complete application packet and all required documents must be submitted on or before October 4, 2024.
📣 Fairfax High School Cheer Junior Clinic
Join Fairfax High School’s Varsity Cheer Team for a Junior Cheer Clinic for ages 7 to 13 on Friday, October 4, 2024, from 4 to 8 p.m. This is a fantastic opportunity for young cheerleaders to learn sideline cheer skills and cheer alongside the varsity team during the first half of the West Potomac vs. Fairfax football game.
The cost is $50 and the clinic will take place in the Fairfax High School auxiliary gym and stadium. Register in advance.
For more information email Coach Thrift at kthrift@fcps.edu.
STEAMOLOGY STEM FEST is a STEM-focused event that will be taking place on Saturday, October 12, 2024, at Mount Vernon High School from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. The event is designed for elementary and middle school children, who will have an opportunity to participate in various hands-on activities related to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) subjects.
High school kids will also be involved in the event as volunteers. This is a valuable experience for them to develop leadership skills, gain community service hours, and inspire younger students to pursue STEM interests.
Additionally, there will be high school clubs and vendors on the day of the event with informational booths or displays set up by various STEM-related clubs from the high schools, as well as vendors.
The participation is around 500 or more students, and STEAMOLOGY ensures that the event is well-organized and that all participants are aware of any guidelines or safety measures in place to ensure a positive and productive experience for everyone involved.
We are currently seeking educational entities/vendors who can share their work with the students. We are also looking for sponsors and vendors. Plan to attend with your student, as a volunteer, or as a vendor to help support tomorrow’s workforce!
Please register beforehand.
🏫 Annual College Fair
The annual Fairfax County Public Schools College Fair will be held on Sunday, October 20, 2024, at George Mason University’s Eagle Bank Arena from 4 to 6:30 p.m. Approximately 220 colleges and universities will be represented, including two and four-year colleges and US Service Academies.
Register in advance.
Following the fair, the Two-Night Postsecondary Virtual Event will be held on Monday, October 21, and Tuesday, October 22, 2024, at 5, 6, and 7 p.m. Both events will help students be better prepared for the next chapter of their educational journey. Find more information on FCPS’ Look to the Future web page.
💰Scholarships for FCPS Students
FCPS now has a web page dedicated to student scholarship opportunities! Please note scholarships offered by organizations other than FCPS are neither sponsored nor endorsed by the Fairfax County School Board, the superintendent, or any Fairfax County public school.
Scholarships are awarded to students based on academic record, leadership ability, talents, and need for financial assistance. FCPS reviews scholarship opportunities and publishes eligible ones in the Naviance scholarship database. Many high schools have specific scholarships only available to students at their school. School-specific scholarships are listed in Naviance. Additionally, a comprehensive list of scholarship opportunities is available in Naviance.
Many colleges and universities provide scholarship and award information through their Financial Aid or Admissions offices. Please check with your institution of choice for their offerings.
Visit the FCPS Scholarship web page for more information.
🌎 Virginia Space Grant Consortium
The Virginia Earth System Science Scholars (VESSS) focuses on the challenges of the next generation of scientists and engineers to become part of the solution to the societal issues faced by the impacts of climate change. This program engages 11th and 12th-grade students in real-world investigations of the Earth and its systems using the latest research and data from NASA. Applications are open until October 24, 2024.
🎵 National Anthem Performances
The School Board would like to welcome performing arts students to perform the National Anthem at the School Board Regular Meetings taking place at Jackson Middle School each month to showcase the high level of performance instruction available in our schools. Meetings are held at Jackson Middle School, 3020 Gallows Road, Falls Church, 22042. Performing groups or soloists should arrive no later than 6:30 p.m. The National Anthem begins the meeting at 7:00 p.m. so performers should be on stage by 6:50 p.m. Students may leave following their performance. If you are interested in performing the National Anthem at a School Board Meeting, please complete this form.
League of Women Voters (LWV) Youth Council
The LWV Youth Council is open to ages 16-21. Their goal is to introduce young people to the programs and projects of the League that will benefit our youth and local communities.
Projects of Youth Council members may include:
- Assisting with local leagues' voter registration.
- Social media videos, graphics
- GOTV on their campus at their schools
- Pre-registration of 16-year-olds and registration of young people
- Conduct youth candidate forums in conjunction with their local or State League.
- Website update – they will have a page on the website to share information
- Visits to legislators during Session – learning the legislative process – and helping with advocacy.
- Partner with youth groups that are working with our partner organizations
- Outreach to other youth groups regarding the League
- Assist with ongoing programs for which we may need assistance on the state level.
Find more information and the application on the LWV webpage.
Contact Erni Bridges at secondvp@lwv-va.org with any questions.
🏫 Early College Scholars
The Early College Scholars program allows eligible public high school students to earn a minimum of 15 transferable college credits while fulfilling the requirements for an Advanced Studies Diploma.
To qualify for this program, you'll need to meet these criteria:
- Maintain a "B" average or better in your high school courses; and
- Be pursuing an Advanced Studies Diploma; and
- Complete college-level coursework, such as AP, International Baccalaureate, Cambridge, or dual enrollment, to earn at least 15 transferable college credits.
- To formalize your participation, you'll sign a Governor's Early College Scholars Agreement, which will also be signed by your parents or guardians, principal, and school counselor.
- If you are interested please complete the form and return it to Student Services.
Consent for Release of Student Records in Support of Postsecondary Application
This form is to be used by students and parents/guardians to authorize Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) to release student records and related information to support student applications to colleges, universities, scholarship sponsors, employers, or other similar organizations. This form is most often used to request a transcript to be sent to colleges, internships, and other programs. We are now accepting this form from all grades. FCPS allows for the form to be completed once during a student’s high school career unless withdrawn in writing by the parent/guardian or eligible student.
To complete the form please visit here. If you have questions about the form, please reach out to your student’s counselor.
⚙ Coursera Career Academy Program
The FCPS Department of Information Technology has partnered with Coursera to provide an exclusive opportunity for high school students to access the Coursera Career Academy Catalog. Students may explore exciting career paths and gain access to over 30 professional certifications from industry leaders, all at no cost.
- Start your journey exploring a high-demand career in technology
- Learn from industry titans such as Google, Meta, Microsoft, and IBM
- Earn valuable micro-credentials and share them on your professional profile (resume, LinkedIn, etc.)
Browse the FCPS Student Academy Catalog and join the program today by following the below steps.
- Complete the Student Interest Form
- Obtain permission from parent/guardian to access Coursera
- Create a Coursera account.
Questions? Contact Scott Simmons at sfsimmons@fcps.edu.
These courses are not VDOE-recognized industry credentials and do not contribute to high school graduation requirements. This limited program operates on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Community News
Students Reporting Fewer Mental Health Challenges
The 2023-24 Fairfax County Youth Survey results show a decline in students reporting mental health challenges compared to previous years. Highlights include:
- The anonymous and voluntary annual Fairfax County survey was taken by students in grades 6, 8 10, and 12.
- Students continue to report lower rates of mental health concerns since the pandemic
- Students reported historic lows for substance abuse.
- Students who reported experiencing bullying increased slightly from 2022-23.
🌎 Climate Crisis Forum
Faith Alliance for Climate Solutions is hosting a Climate Crisis Forum on Monday, October 7, from 6 to 8:30 p.m. at Meridian High School, 121 Mustang Alley, Falls Church, VA 22043.
Join a conversation on how our local schools are tackling the climate crisis and making a difference in our communities. The event will feature two panels.
- Northern Virginia Superintendents (including Dr. Michelle Reid) will speak about how their districts are leading the way with sustainable practices and student engagement.
- Student climate activists will discuss why climate change is an important issue to students and what they’d like to see their school districts doing.
- 6 p.m.: Doors open with partner tables, exhibits, and a clothing swap donation drop-off
- 7 p.m.: The main program starts with the Student Climate Activists Panel and the Northern Virginia Superintendent Panel
Registration closes at midnight on Friday, October 4, 2024.
September recognizes…
Suicide Prevention Month
Schools play a key role in suicide prevention. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), suicide is one of the leading causes of death for young people aged 10-24. When school personnel, families, and communities take an active role in suicide prevention, lives can be saved.
Fairfax County continues to respond to community needs and expand crisis services. At the Merrifield Crisis Response Center (open 24/7) at the Sharon Bulova Center for Community Health, operated by the Community Services Board (CSB), walk-in emergency behavioral health assistance is available day and night, 365 days a year.
Call/Text/Chat 988 or Call 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
Free 24/7 support for anyone experiencing emotional distress or suicidal crisis
When people call, text, or chat 988, they will be connected to trained counselors that are part of the existing Lifeline network. These trained counselors will listen, understand how their problems are affecting them, provide support, and connect them to resources if necessary.
🎖️ Blue Star Welcome Week
Every year, approximately 600,000 military-connected families relocate. Most of these families move to new duty stations, while some transition out of the military and others transition in. Most of these moves take place over the summer, and Fairfax County Public Schools is committed to ensuring our military families feel welcomed and a sense of belonging to their local community.
Blue Star Welcome Week is an opportunity for our community to welcome our military-connected families and show them our appreciation for their service and sacrifices. Throughout the week, FCPS will help ease their transition through events, messages, actions of welcome, and opportunities to make meaningful connections. Please help us welcome our military families during Blue Star Welcome Week, September 21 - September 29, 2024, and throughout the year.
National Hazing Prevention Week - September 23-27
National Hazing Prevention Week (NHPW) is an annual event aimed at raising awareness about the dangers of hazing and promoting prevention efforts. During this week, schools, colleges, universities, and communities across the U.S. engage in educational activities focused on eliminating hazing, which can lead to severe injury or death through extreme physical exertion, alcohol abuse, and dangerous rituals.
Families, school staff, and communities can support student wellness and prevent hazing by:
Open Communication: Talk openly about hazing, and its dangers, and encourage your student to share their experiences. Watch the video, Death of a Pledge: The Adam Oakes Story, with your high school student or students, and have an open conversation about hazing and the profound impact it has on everyone involved.
Education: Learn about and discuss your student’s school policies on hazing and attend workshops on prevention. You can find resources on hazing at www.lovelikeadam.com, https://hazingpreventionnetwork.org/, and www.stophazing.org
Healthy Involvement: Encourage participation in positive, inclusive groups and stress the importance of self-care. Learn more about organizations, teams, clubs, and more before joining them by asking fellow students, athletes, and peers about the groups.
These actions help create a safer and more supportive environment for students.
Early October recognizes…
Rosh Hashanah
Rosh Hashanah begins at sundown on Wednesday, October 2. That day is an evening-only O day, and important events will not be held after school.
Thursday, October 3, is a holiday for all FCPS staff. Schools and offices will be closed.
Friday, October 4, is a teacher workday and there will be no school for students.
See the complete school year calendar.
Walk and Roll to School Day
FCPS will participate in International Walk and Roll to School Day on Wednesday, October 9 to promote physical activity and reduce traffic congestion and pollution near schools. Students and employees are encouraged to bike or walk to school and work where safe to do so. Parents are encouraged to accompany their children to school and to work with their school and PTA or PTO to assemble bike trains or walking groups for the event. Schools are encouraged to register online with Walk and Bike to School. Get more information about Walk to School Day.
Yom Kippur
Friday, October 11, will be an evening-only observance day for Yom Kippur, the holiest day in Judaism. There is school that day, but important events will not occur after school. See the complete school year calendar.
Family and Student Resources
🍎 Make School Attendance a Priority
As you plan upcoming trips and other family events, please remember the importance of sending your child to school every day. Review the FCPS School Year Calendar and try to plan time away during breaks from school.
Children who show up for school regularly develop fundamental reading and math skills while building a habit of good attendance that will carry them into college and careers.
Research shows that chronically absent children (missing 18 days or more) in kindergarten and first grade were far less likely to read on grade level at the end of third grade.
Learn how families can help form good attendance habits.
🤒 When a Student Should Stay Home From School
Whether students miss school because of illness or any other reason, missing school leads to learning loss.
Help your child succeed by encouraging them to attend as many days as possible, but do make sure your child stays home if they are sick. Visit our website for information on when to keep your child at home.
If your child has a chronic illness, make sure to notify their teacher so that assistance can be provided if needed. Keep an open line of communication with your school's public health staff. Call the school as soon as you know your child will be absent and tell school staff why and for how long.
Read about how families can help form good attendance habits. Attend today, achieve tomorrow!
FCPS SEL Screener: Student Survey on Well-Being
FCPS is committed to supporting the mental wellness of all students. The Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Screener helps our students share their perspectives on how their schools and communities support them and help them develop the skills they need to succeed.
The screener is offered to all students in grades 3 through 12 in the fall and spring. It addresses skills such as achieving goals, understanding and managing emotions, establishing and maintaining relationships with adults and peers, and making responsible decisions. Students also share how successful their school and community are at making them feel valued, included, and supported. Screener data is used to plan programming for the division, schools, and individual students.
After each screening, results are available in the Documents tab of SIS ParentVUE and mailed to families without a ParentVUE account. For more information, please visit the Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Screener webpage.
Families who wish to opt their child out may do so by completing the opt-out form in the Annual Notice packet or SIS ParentVUE. For more information, please visit the Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Screener webpage or contact your child’s school.
Please note that the SEL Screener is not the same as the anonymous Fairfax County Youth Survey, which will take place later this fall.
Supporting Your Child’s Mental Health
Children go through a lot of changes, and it can be hard to tell if their behavior is developmentally appropriate or if they could benefit from mental health support. It’s important to talk to your child and pay attention to their actions, especially these warning signs:
- Increased irritability, hyperactivity, energy, and/or aggressive behavior.
- Excessive sadness, hopelessness, or worries.
- Loss of appetite, or significant weight gain or loss.
- Lack of sleep or too much sleep.
- A decline in grades, school avoidance, or attendance concerns.
- Alcohol or drug use.
- Withdrawal from activities and/or friends and family.
- Thoughts of harming themselves or others.
If you notice any of these warning signs or feel your child may be experiencing a mental health challenge, help is available. All Fairfax County public schools have at least one school counselor, school psychologist, and school social worker.
Please reach out to one of these staff members to discuss your concerns and identify resources. Call your school or visit their website for staff member contact information. Find additional ways to support your child’s wellness.
If you or someone you care about is experiencing a mental health crisis such as thoughts of harming themselves or others, please take action right away. Call 988, go to the nearest emergency room, or contact the Sharon Bulova Center for Community Health Emergency Services at 703-573-5679.
No-Cost Therapy for High Schoolers
High school students can access virtual mental health services at no cost through an FCPS program with Hazel Health. Their therapists are licensed and also trained in teen-specific challenges.
Students may be referred by a guardian or designated staff member and participate in weekly video therapy sessions. Therapists will work with students until they achieve their therapy goals, or they can help connect the family with long-term mental health services in the community if needed.
Learn more about teletherapy for high schoolers.
Pacing Guides
FCPS provides online access to the curriculum for each core subject area to provide families with an overview of what students are learning and when they are learning it.
With just a few clicks, parents and caregivers may access each grade level or course page including the objectives and outcomes for each unit and the pacing by quarter and by week.
🏳️🌈LGBTQ+ Student Advocacy Toolkit
The American Civil Liberties Union of Virginia has launched an interactive toolkit “for LGBTQ+ students, parents, educators, and allies dedicated to LGBTQ+ rights in Virginia’s K-12 public schools” and to help ensure “all youth, including LGBTQ+ youth” have access “to safe, affirming and inclusive school environments.” For more information, visit the toolkit online.
The Arc of Northern Virginia Fall Transition Series
Transition Series is The Arc of Northern Virginia's annual event designed to educate and empower families and individuals with disabilities as they transition from school-provided services to community-based services for adults. The series will be held virtually September 16 through October 26, 2024.
Families, teachers, and disability professionals may attend any and all webinars. The date and time for each webinar and the Zoom link will be shared with all registrants at least a week before the start of the series. They hope all participants will attend live, but if not, all webinars will be recorded and made available with slides and additional resources.
Register in advance.
Medicaid Waiver Basics
Medicaid Waivers serve as Virginia's primary means of funding services for individuals with developmental disabilities. These waivers cover a wide range of support, from brief respite care to in-home assistance and employment services. In this one-hour presentation, Lucy Beadnell, Director of Advocacy at the Arc of Northern Virginia, will provide an overview of Medicaid Waivers, discuss the services they offer, explain the application process, and share practical tips for families waiting for services.
Join The Arc of Northern Virginia on Wednesday, October 2, 2024, at 10 a.m. for this live, online virtual meeting.
Register in advance.
💲Free Financial Aid and Scholarship Workshops
College Access Fairfax and FCPS will present a series of free virtual workshops on the financial aid process and an overview of the process of applying for outside scholarships.
Mark your calendars for the following workshops—more information to follow on College Access Fairfax’s Events page.
Paying for College
- Tuesday, October 15, 2024 at 7 p.m.
- Saturday, October 26, 2024 at 10 a.m.
Scholarship 101
- Tuesday, October 29, 2024 at 7 p.m.
- Saturday, December 7, 2024 at 10 a.m.
Questions may be directed to questions@collegeacessfairfax.org.
Free Workshops from the Family Resource Center
Parents and caregivers can access free webinars, confidential consultations, a lending library, and resources to help adults support the success of all students, including those with learning challenges, special needs, and disabilities. Learn more about the Family Resource Center (FRC).
In September, the FRC will host webinars for families on supporting siblings of children with disabilities, helping students organize their school work, working with children who like to push boundaries, and teen development and well-being. Sign up for the FRC newsletter for their latest offerings or visit their webinar webpage.
September and October webinars and workshops include:
Quick Links
The views contained within this newsletter reflect the views of the individual school board member who is the publisher of this newsletter and may not reflect the views of the Fairfax County School Board.
© Fairfax County Public Schools, Fairfax County, Virginia