Dear Parents and Guardians,
Every school in Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) has a crisis management and emergency preparedness plan in place. Keeping students and staff safe is a priority. We practice a number of safety drills throughout the school year, including lockdown drills which helps us know what to do if there is a potentially violent intruder inside the school or on school property.
Today, our school conducted a lockdown drill and teachers talked to students to prepare them for the drill.
We are very proud of our students today. They listened to directions and the drill was conducted in a calm and orderly fashion. Our students did a great job, and we encourage you to discuss the drill with them.  Additional guidance on discussions with your child about lockdown drills can be found in the Parent/Guardian tip letter, as well as on the frequently asked questions (FAQs) page.
Our emergency preparedness plans have been developed in coordination with the FCPS Office of Safety and Security, local law enforcement, emergency management officials, and FCPS mental health professionals. The plans are regularly reviewed and updated and include procedures on how to respond to critical incidents such as fires, tornadoes, and other events. Students and staff regularly practice safety drills.
I will continue to keep you informed of safety and security measures in place at our school. If you have questions, please call or contact the school office. Â I appreciate your continued support in these matters.
Sue Andujar - Principal
Amy Alley - Assistant Principal