Cherry Run

From the Principal's Desk:

Good afternoon families!! 

Tonight is the first of our two Back To School Nights (BTSN).  Tonight is only for Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, & 3rd graders.  K &1st will start at 6:30 pm and 2nd & 3rd will start at 7:20 pm.  The lobby will open at 6:10 for families to arrive and we'll open the doors to head to classrooms 5 minutes before each session (6:25 & 7:15).

4th-6th graders will repeat the same process tomorrow, September 10th, with 4th & 5th kicking off at 6:30 pm and 6th grade starting at 7:20.  Lobby and doors will follow the same routine listed above.

We are looking forward to seeing you all over the next two evenings.  Remember, we do have a girl scout troop that is providing babysitting during the sessions (both nights) for families that need to bring a sibling.  The childcare is free, but they do ask for a donation to support the troop's fundraising for their trip!  Please use the links below so that they can appropriately staff for each evening, but walk-ins are welcome!

During BTSN, please make sure that you sign up for the end of 1st quarter conference!  1st quarter conferences are a vital part of building the home-school commitment and allow you to ask those important questions to help your child(ren) succeed.  While we encourage you to say a quick 'hi' and introduce yourself, BTSN is not a time to conduct a conference.  Please email to schedule a conference if you have questions that cannot wait.  Thank you for understanding!

I look forward to seeing you all the next couple of days!


Mark Bibbee


Cherry Run ES

Important Dates:

September 9 - Back To School Night (K-3 Only)

September 10 - Back To School Night (4-6 Only)

September 12 - PTA Monthly Meeting - Cafeteria & Hybrid - 7:30 pm

September 16 - 3 Hour Early Closing - Students released at 1:05

September 17 - Principal's Coffee - 9:30 am - Cafeteria

October 3 - Student Holiday - School is CLOSED

October 4 - Teacher Workday - School is OPEN

Early Release Info Needed



For us to plan our Early Release Mondays, it is imperative that we know they intention of each child in the school.  If you have not already done so, please use the QR code above to fill out the student intention for Early Release Monday.  **NOTE: Please fill out one form for each child that attends Cherry Run!

Thank you very much for your time completing the survey!

Back to School Nights



This year, our Back to School Nights will be on September 9th & 10th.  Parents will be able to visit with teachers and get a peek into what a typical school day looks like for their child(ren).  The schedule is as follows:

Monday, Sept. 9 - 6:30-7:15 (K-1 only) and 7:20-8:05 (2-3 only)

Tuesday, Sept 10 - 6:30-7:15 (4-5 only) and 7:20-8:05 (6 only)

** Teachers and grade levels will share the locations of your meeting if it is not in their classroom!

BTSN Babysitting!!

Girl Scout

Our wonderful girl scout troop will provide babysitting for parents who may need child care during our BTSN events.  Please use the links below to help them plan how many scouts to bring.  They do take walk-ins for those who have a last minute change!  The sessions are free, but they do hope for donations to support their 2025 trip.  Please make sure to support these awesome young ladies!


The 11th graders of Girl Scout Troop 4425 will be back this year to provide babysitting during the Back to School Nights on Sept. 9 and 10 in the school gym from 6:15-8:15 p.m. We’ll have balls, jump ropes, coloring books and other activities, and some of our troop parents and leaders will be on hand to help supervise. There is no set fee per child but there will be a donation jar. Please help us earn money for our Switzerland trip in June 2025!

If interested, please fill out the correct Google Form below so we know how many kids to expect.

Sept. 9 (grades K-3): 

Sept. 10 (grades 4-6):

Thank you!

School Board Welcome Back

Linked below is a welcome back message from our school board representative, Mrs. Sandy Anderson.

2024 Back to School Message – Sandy Anderson (

The captions are defaulting to English, but you can change them to Spanish or Korean:

How to change the subtitle language


  1. Settings (gear wheel)
  2. Subtitles/CC (choose language)
  3. Toggle CC (closed captions) on/off



Principal's Coffee



On September 17th, I will host the first "Principal's Coffee" of the school year.  This session will be a general Q&A with no particular agenda.  This will be an opportunity for parents & guardians to come, meet me on a more personal level, and ask questions with regards to the school and our operations.  I hope you can join me for this event!

Student's Rights & Responsibilities

  • 2024 Student Rights and Responsibilities 

FCPS’ Student Rights and Responsibilities document (SR&R) explains expectations for student behavior and adult responses to enhance school safety and to create a fair, equitable, and supportive school environment. Read Superintendent Dr. Michelle Reid’s letter to families regarding the SR&R

Parents/caregivers should talk to their child(ren) about expectations for this school year. Also, please log in to SIS ParentVUE and sign to acknowledge your review of the SR&R, or sign and return the signature sheet to your child’s school by Monday, September 30

You can submit questions online regarding the SR&R.

Los padres/cuidadores deben hablar con sus hijos sobre las expectativas para este año escolar. También, por favor ingrese á SIS ParentVUE y firme para confirmar su revisión del SR&R, o firme y devuelva la hoja de firma que se encuentran en la página 3 del folleto de SR&R a la escuela de su hijo antes del Lunes, 30 de Septiembre.


  • Everything You Can Do Through SIS ParentVUE

Want to easily access back-to-school forms and checklists? Log in to your SIS ParentVUE account to find forms and make updates.

Update Contact Information

Be among the first to know about weather closings, bus delays, and other critical communications from your school and FCPS by providing your cell phone number and email in SIS ParentVUE. To update your contact information in SIS ParentVUE, click the “Online Packets” tab in the upper right of the screen, then click the “Online Verification/Update” icon. 

Parents/caregivers who do not have a SIS ParentVUE account should print and complete the Emergency Care Information Form (PDF) and submit it to their child’s school.

Complete Permission Forms

Families can now easily give permission for their children to access a variety of school resources through the Parent Digital Consent system. This online tool can be accessed using your SIS ParentVUE account. Parents can easily opt their child in or out of resources including online educational tools, school counseling services, and tutoring services. They can also change how student information is managed.

Visit the Parent Digital Consent webpage to access the system. Watch this video to see how to use the tool

Submit Absences

Parents can submit daylong absences through SIS ParentVUE. Log in and click “Report Absence.” Note: Partial day absences and changes of transportation should still be reported directly to the school front office. 

Don’t Have a SIS ParentVUE Account Yet?Contact your school for an activation code and follow the directions on the SIS ParentVUE Account webpage


Todo lo que puede hacer a través de SIS ParentVUE¿Quiere acceder fácilmente a los formularios y listas de comprobación para la vuelta al cole? Acceda a su cuenta SIS ParentVUE para encontrar formularios y ver actualizaciones.Actualice la información de contactoEsté entre los primeros en saber sobre cierres por mal tiempo, retrasos de autobuses y otras comunicaciones críticas de su escuela y FCPS proporcionando su número de teléfono celular y correo electrónico en SIS ParentVUE. Para actualizar su información de contacto en SIS ParentVUE, haga clic en la opción "Paquetes en línea" en la parte superior derecha de la pantalla, luego haga clic en el ícono "Verificación/actualización en línea". 

Los padres/cuidadores que no tengan una cuenta SIS ParentVUE deben imprimir y completar el Formulario de Información de Cuidado de Emergencia (PDF) y enviarlo a la escuela de su hijo.

Completar formularios de permisoLas familias pueden ahora fácilmente dar permiso para que sus hijos accedan a una variedad de recursos escolares a través del sistema de Consentimiento Digital de los Padres. Se puede acceder a esta herramienta en línea utilizando su cuenta SIS ParentVUE. Los padres pueden optar fácilmente por que sus hijos accedan o no a recursos que incluyen herramientas educativas en línea, servicios de orientación escolar y servicios de tutoría. También pueden cambiar cómo se gestiona la información del estudiante.Visite la página web de Consentimiento Digital de los Padres para acceder al sistema. Vea este vídeo para aprender a utilizar la herramienta. 

Cómo reportar las ausenciasLos padres pueden enviar ausencias de un día a través de SIS ParentVUE. Inicie sesión y haga clic en "Reportar Ausencia". Nota: Las ausencias de día parcial y los cambios de transporte aún deben informarse directamente a la oficina de la escuela. ¿Aún no tiene una cuenta SIS ParentVUE?Póngase en contacto con su escuela para obtener un código de activación y siga las instrucciones de la página web de la cuenta SIS ParentVUE

Limited Early Release Mondays

  • Limited Early Release Mondays for Elementary Schools: Steering Committee Update

As a reminder, FCPS elementary schools will have limited early release Mondays during the upcoming school year. The goal is to provide elementary teachers with additional time to meet new professional development requirements for the Virginia Literacy Act.

You can help us with planning for the seven early release Mondays. Please watch your email for a short survey from us asking if your child will leave at the early release time on these days or remain at school until the standard dismissal time. Your response will help us in planning activities for students who will need to stay at school until regular dismissal time.

We realize there are many details for us to finalize before our first early release Monday in mid-September. Thank you for your patience, we strive to create a positive and successful experience for students, families, and teachers. 

Early release Mondays for our school include:

  • September 16
  • October 21
  • November 18
  • February 10
  • March 10
  • April 21
  • May 12

Learn more about Early-Release Mondays

Community Conversations

  • 🎤 Community Conversations with Superintendent Dr. Reid

Superintendent Dr. Michelle Reid invites you to share your questions or concerns regarding Fairfax County Public Schools. Your voice matters! Community Conversations will be held this Fall 6:30-7:30 p.m. on:

  • Monday, September 9, at Holmes Middle School 
  • Monday, September 23, at Newington Forest Elementary
  • Monday, September 30, at Mount Vernon Woods Elementary 
  • Monday, October 14, at Fairhill Elementary 
  • Monday, October 21, at Virginia Run Elementary 
  • Wednesday, October 30, at Herndon Middle 

Click the date above to register. Registration is not required but helps with planning. Additional registration links will be shared in next week’s This Week at FCPS. Childcare and interpretation services will be provided. Events are open to all. Find out about other opportunities to connect with Dr. Reid.

Bus Late? Here Comes the Bus!


  • 🚍 Here Comes the Bus

Want to know if your child's bus is on schedule or where the bus is? Here Comes the Bus® is an easy-to-use website and app that enables parents to see the location of their child’s school bus — almost in real time — on a smartphone, tablet, or personal computer. 

Parents can track multiple buses if their children don’t all ride the same bus; know exactly when children arrive at school or the bus stop; and receive customized text and/or email notifications about bus locations, schedule changes, or delays.

To get started, download the app from the Apple iOS or Android app store. Check out the Here Comes the Bus and Frequently Asked Questions webpages for more information.

Already using the Here Comes the Bus app? Send your feedback to  

Note: eNotify text messaging will continue to be used for reporting bus delays and bus incidents.

  • 🚍 Here Comes the Bus (Ahí Viene el Autobús)

¿Quiere saber si el autobús de su hijo llegará a tiempo o dónde está? Here Comes the Bus® es un sitio web y una aplicación fáciles de usar que permiten que los padres vean la ubicación del autobús escolar de sus hijos -casi en tiempo real- en un smartphone, una tableta o un ordenador personal.  

Los padres pueden ver la ubicación de varios autobuses en caso de que sus hijos no viajen todos en el mismo autobús; saber exactamente cuándo llegan los niños a la escuela o a la parada de autobús; y recibir notificaciones personalizadas por mensaje de texto y/o correo electrónico sobre la ubicación de los autobuses, los cambios de horario o los retrasos.

Para comenzar, baje la aplicación de la tienda de aplicaciones de Apple iOS o Android. Consulte las páginas web Here Comes The Bus y Preguntas Frecuentes para obtener más información.

¿Ya utiliza la aplicación Here Comes the Bus? Envíen sus comentarios a  

Aviso: La mensajería de texto eNotify seguirá utilizándose para informar de retrasos e incidencias en los autobuses.

Student Attendance



  • 🙋 Student Attendance and Engagement

During the Academic Matters segment of the November 9 School Board meeting, Superintendent Dr. Michelle Reid discussed student attendance and engagement. Attendance and absenteeism rates are one measure for Goal 2 of our 2023-30 Strategic Plan

Chronic absenteeism — which is defined as a student missing 10% or more of school for any reason — is a concern across Virginia school districts. Although FCPS continues to outperform the state average in attendance rates, we are tracking chronic absenteeism closely.

Data shows that:

  • Missing just 10% of school — just two days a month — negatively affects a student’s academic performance. 
  • Only 17% of students who were chronically absent in both kindergarten and first grade were reading proficiently in third grade, compared to 64% of those with good attendance.
  • Students who fail to read at grade level by the end of third grade are four times more likely than students who achieve proficiency to drop out of high school.
  • By sixth grade, chronic absenteeism becomes a leading indicator that a student will drop out of high school.

Attendance is critical for academic success!

Missing School Over the Holidays

Looking ahead to the holiday season, if missing school is unavoidable, please speak with your child’s teachers in advance to create a plan for making up missed work. However, a homework packet cannot make up for the interaction and learning that happens in the classroom.

Visit FCPS’ website for more attendance resources.

Tutoring Information

  • 📑 Varsity Tutors Provides On-Demand Support at No Cost

FCPS is partnering with Varsity Tutors to provide students and families with extra resources for learning. Every student can take advantage of Varsity Tutors’ services at no cost, including weekly live online classes, on-demand 24/7 chat tutoring, essay editing, and study resources such as recorded content, practice problems, and diagnostic tests. Learn more about online tutoring with Varsity Tutors.

Click to edit this placeholder text.

School Hours

School Hours