School Year Off to Strong Start! - TJHSST September Update

Message from the Principal

Dear TJHSST Families,

It's been a wonderful first three weeks of school! We have already held several successful community-building events such as our New Student Orientation and two Back-to-School Nights. We rejoice at seeing familiar faces and we enthusiastically embrace all new members to our TJ family. Next up is Homecoming Week which will take place from Sept. 23-27. Our SGA and Class Councils have been hard at work planning fun-filled and spirited events.

September is the month when students are settling into school routines. Continue to assist your child with time management. Create spaces conducive to learning and make eight hours of sleep a goal each night. Think about productive academic conversations with open-ended questions. Rather than asking your child, "What did you get on your test?" or "How are you doing in class?" ask, "What excited you today? What did you learn that you didn't know before?" If you get the sense that your child is falling behind or struggling academically or emotionally, please reach out to the teacher, counselor, or administrator early and often. It's important to us that your children have proactive plans in place that support their success and well-being.

I cannot overstate the joy I've personally experienced returning to the school year. The positivity and sense of community is boundless for our TJ family! I look forward to a fantastic year together.


Dr. Ann N. Bonitatibus

Proud Principal, TJHSST


    🍎Make Every Day Count! The Importance of Attendance

    As you plan upcoming trips and other family events, please remember the importance of sending your child to school every day. Review the TJ Anchor/Blue/Red Day Calendar and try to plan any time away during breaks from school. 

    Children who show up for school regularly develop fundamental reading and math skills while building a habit of good attendance that will carry them into college and careers.

    Learn how families can help form good attendance habits.

    Class of 2028 Learns About Exciting Options During Eighth Period Fair

    Students gathered around a booth at eighth period activity fair


    View a photo gallery of Wednesday Eighth Period Activity Fair on Instagram


    View a photo gallery of the first day of Eighth Period on Friday on Instagram

    The Eighth Period program has been one of TJ's most popular features for over 30 years. With the opportunity to choose from nearly 200 different clubs, it can sometimes be a bit overwhelming for our new students.

    On September 4 we hosted our annual Eighth Period Activity Fair, where leaders from our clubs got to promote their groups to the Class of 2028 (and new Class of 2027 students). The new students learned what each club had to offer and were able to sign up for more information if interested.

    Eighth Period clubs officially began for the 2024-25 school year on Friday, September 6.

    TJ Counselors Introduce Class of 2025 to College Application Process

    TJ counselors meet with Class of 2025 about college application process


    Senior year means college application season! That can be an intimidating process for both students and their parents/guardians. On August 28 TJ counselors met with the students of the Class of 2025 to go over the process. That included explaining deadlines, the different types of applications there are, and the wide range of support that is available to them. 

    On August 29, the counselors gave the same presentation virtually to the parents/guardians of the Class of 2025. 

    Click here to view their college application presentation.

    MTSS - Supporting Students

    MTSS stands for Multi-tiered Systems of Support, and our MTSS committee includes administrators, teachers, and members of the Department of Student Services. The committee works together to develop and implement school-wide systems and individualized plans that support our students in academics, wellness, and attendance.

    In addition to MTSS , self-advocacy is an important component for student success. Self-advocacy empowers students to take charge of their own learning, by articulating their needs and seeking out the resources they require for success. Embracing this skill can lead to incredible personal growth and academic achievement. Take a look below at the range of academic support resources available to TJ students. And remember, it’s always better to seek help earlier rather than later.

    • 8th period blocks for additional help with teachers and teacher office hours.
    • The Writing Center - Receive help with writing, citations, annotations, etc. All student tutors are carefully selected and vetted by TJ English teachers. 
    • The Math Center - Receive help with RS1, Math 2, Math 3, Math 4, and Math 5. All student tutors are carefully selected and vetted by TJ Math teachers.
    • Varsity Tutors- Varsity Tutors is available to all FCPS students. It includes:
      • 24/7 on demand 1:1 tutoring
      • essay review and feedback
      • live classes
      • Self-study knowledge checks
      • SAT and ACT workshops

    NHS: Current Members Reminder and Info for New Membership

    Inductees from 2023 ceremony posing with their certificates


    Fall is the time for juniors and seniors at TJ to think about National Honor Society! Information about the selection process for membership in this organization can be found here.

    TJ hosts a single induction for newly selected members in the fall of every year.

    In the coming weeks, eligible students and their parents/guardians will receive an email notification regarding the selection process and timelines. 

    Also, current members are reminded to keep earning and entering service hours and ensure good standing in all four pillars of NHS: service, character, scholarship and leadership. Check the NHS Schoology page for opportunities to serve.

    School Photos for Grades 9-11 to Occur Sept. 10-11

    Parents/Guardians of 9th, 10th, and 11th graders - students in these grades will have their school photos taken next week during English class on either Tuesday, September 10 or Wednesday, September 11. These photos will be used on school ID cards and in the yearbook, but they are also available for purchase through our photographer, Victor O'Neil Studios.

    If your student is absent for picture day, please note that a make-up picture day will be held on Friday, October 18.

    Overdue TJ Textbooks (Class of 2025, 2026, and 2027)

    Parents/Guardians of students in the Classes of 2025, 2026, and 2027 - Please remind your child to return any TJ textbooks/paperbacks from last year that they may still have at home.  Our teachers need these books in order to re-issue them to this year's classes.    

    All outstanding books are placed on your child's individual obligation account and will have to be paid for if not returned.  Help your child clear their account today!  Overdue books should be returned to the Finance Office (Room 105.) 

    Questions? Please email the TJ Finance Office at or call (703) 750-8336.

    Restorative Justice is the Major Theme for the TJ Honor Council

    The TJ Honor Council meeting and learning about restorative justice


    The TJ Honor Council facilitates restorative justice circles for student academic integrity violations. It helps with the process while promoting the TJ Community along with student advocacy.

    The 2024-25 TJ Honor Council has been established. On Sept. 3 they underwent a full day worth of training on the concept of Restorative Justice with both lectures and group work. Returning members of the council led several of the sessions to train the newcomers. 


    PSAT/NMSQT and SAT School Testing Day Coming Oct. 9

    On Wednesday, October, 9, all TJ 10th and 11th graders will be taking the PSAT/NMSQT exam. In addition, any 12th grader who signed up, will be able to take the SAT exam. Students testing must use their FCPS issued device. The school day will begin as usual at 8:40 a.m. and will have an early release.

    All other students (meaning our 9th graders and 12th graders who are not signed up to take the SAT) will stay home that day and use the time to work on assignments they need to complete.

    Please keep your eyes out for an E-Notify from us later this month with full details on the schedule for everyone on Oct. 9.

    AP Exam Self-Study Information Coming Soon

    Many students have already reached out about self-studying certain AP exams. Registration information will be coming out soon and will be posted in each grade level Schoology course and the All Parents/Guardians Schoology course.

    Once information is ready, an announcement will be made each morning during the first week of registration. Make sure your student is listening!

    Information on AP Opt-Out and Fees for Taking More than Six AP Exams

    Here is some AP Test information for those who would like to opt-out of taking the exam, as well as those planning on taking more than six AP exams this May.

    AP Exam Opt-Out

    AP Opt-Out Forms will be coming home in early October for students who are currently enrolled in at least one AP Course. If your child does not wish to take the AP exam associated with the course they are enrolled in, the AP Opt-Out Form must be filled out and returned by the posted deadline.

    Taking More than Six AP Exams

    The county will pay for the first six exams when the student is enrolled in the course. Families are responsible for paying exam fees for exams 7 and beyond. If your child is expected to be taking exam number 7 or beyond, and the AP Opt-Out Form is not returned by the deadline, families will be billed for the exam and expected to pay even if your child opts not to take the exam.

    Billing for exams is done through My School Bucks and invoices will be available in early December.

    How to Register for the World Languages Credit By Exam

    FCPS offers students an alternative pathway for students to earn up to three world language course credits by demonstrating proficiency in a recognized language through the World Languages Credit By Exam (WLCBE). This November, the exam will be scheduled during the school day and hosted by each school. As you may know, to fulfill TJHSST graduation requirements, students must earn three consecutive credits of the same language. This exam allows students the opportunity to earn credit toward these graduation requirements.

    Students will need to register for the exam through their school counselor and must provide registration consent by returning the WLCBE Notification and Registration Form to their school counselor. The WLCBE registration window for the exam is open now and will last until Friday, October 4, 2024. No late registrations will be accepted.

    Please access these resources for more information on the exam and the registration process:

    For additional support, questions, or clarification, students/families can inquire at 


    Arriving at TJ - General Instructions on Student Drop-off

    Safely Arriving at School - Get Here Early!

    The school day begins at 8:40 a.m. However, traffic can (and definitely will!) get backed up on Braddock Road. Doors open to our TJ students at 7:45 a.m. We highly recommend if students are driving or being dropped off by parents to arrive no later than 8:15 a.m. to avoid getting caught in the backups.

    Drop-Off Instructions

    Student drop-off is located behind the school. Parents, please drop off your child at the Kiss and Ride by coming in the school’s entrance off Braddock Road and following signs to the left. Pull up all the way to Door 9 before letting your child out.

    Student Driving Instructions

    Seniors and juniors who are driving to TJ can park in the following locations: The back parking lot (just past the speed bumps at door 6), and all of the access road (the street that leads out to the Little River Turnpike exit) except for the spots immediately adjacent to the bus depot on the left of that road. 

    Students must obtain a permit to park at TJ.

    Visitors to TJ

    All visitors must enter through the Dome (Door 1) and sign in at the Main Office. A camera/buzzer system at the main entrance enhances and ensures safe entry for our guests. Also, Officer Benji Main, our School Resource Officer, will be on site regularly and his vehicle will be parked at the front of the school.

    Dismissal at TJ – General Instructions on Student Pick-Up

    Pick-Up Instructions

    • Enter from Braddock Rd., turn left when you drive onto campus, and follow signs and staff directions to line up, park and drive off campus once you pick up your child. You will have a 10-minute window from 4:00-4:10 p.m. to exit. Then, at approximately 4:10 p.m., the buses depart, so you will need to wait until all buses exit campus before car traffic resumes. Thank you for your patience as we keep our campus safe.
    • Students being picked up will exit out of doors 7, 8, and 9.
    • Students are to be picked up in the back parking lot only.
    • Our speed limit driving on school grounds is 15 MPH.
    • There are traffic signs posted around the building for student and staff safety. Crosswalks and stop signs have been established at very strategic areas around the school to insure everyone’s safety. Please observe ALL traffic signs.
    • Finally, parking at dismissal. There are 2 areas available to parents picking up students at dismissal. Both are available at anytime prior to 3:55pm.
      • The REAR PARKING area is past the yellow speed bump at Door 7 and ends at Door 9.
      • The parking area on Minor lane (the driveway between our athletic fields), to include the football stadium area.
      • The visitors lot, all staff parking areas, and our bus depot are NOT available for parking at dismissal.
        • Randolph Drive (or any local side street)
        • The Kinder Care facility just north of our campus.
        • Weyanoke Elementary School
        • Along Braddock Road

    PLEASE, you may ONLY park in the 2 areas we have developed for you in the afternoon at dismissal, for YOUR students’ safety! Thank you for your cooperation.

    JLC Volunteering Opportunity: A Little Bit of Time = A Large Impact

    TJ Parents and Guardians - Looking for a flexible volunteering opportunity at TJ? Please consider being a Monday midday JLC Volunteer at your convenience.

    JLC (Jefferson Learning Community) is a dedicated time embedded in the school day for teachers and administrators to discuss and develop plans to address instructional needs.

    From 12:10 pm to 12:50 pm, volunteers facilitate this essential meeting time by being present and aware of student behavior in hallways. Not only does this hour afford you a glimpse of the TJ community and daily student life, but it is also an invaluable gift of time to all TJ staff. 

    JLC dates are Mondays unless otherwise indicated. Fall dates are Sept. 9, Sept. 16, Sept.  23, Sept. 30, Oct. 21, Oct. 28, Nov. 6 (Wed.), Dec. 9, and Dec. 16. We look forward to seeing you!   

    Please register your interest here

    TJ Celebrates Blue Star Welcome Week Sept. 21-29

    TJ will celebrate Blue Star Welcome Week from September 21 to 29. Blue Star Welcome Week is a nationwide initiative to ensure military families feel a sense of belonging to their school communities.

    TJ will recognize this week on Monday 9/23 and encourage everyone to WEAR BLUE! More details to follow.

    Military connected families are encouraged to sign up for the FCPS Military Families Newsletter. We will be celebrating these families several times this year. If you need more information, please email our Point of Contact Heather Murphy

    Ninth Grade Parents/Guardians Invited to Join "How to Raise an Adult" Book Club

    An image of the cover of How to Raise an Adult

    The following message is from our Family Liaison Lee-Lin Finkbeiner and is intended for parents/guardians of the Class of 2028

    Greetings!  It is not too late to sign up for our first session of the “How to Raise an Adult” book club. It will be held in Franklin Commons at TJHSST on Friday, September 13, from 9-10:30am

    Our school social worker Ms. Armstrong, school counselor Mrs. Hamblin, and family liaison Ms. Finkbeiner, will facilitate the meeting. Some of TJ's administrators will be present for the first session also.

    You don’t have to read the book in order to join the meeting, but reading will, of course, enrich your experience. The goal is to create a space where 9th grade parents can connect with each other and establish their place of belonging within the TJ community.

    This book will also provide you with parenting strategies for highly stressed (involved) teens. We are planning to have 3 sessions this fall.  To create a meaningful and engaged experience, our first session will be held in person (the PTSA Health and Wellness Committee will provide coffee and light refreshments). Session 1 will cover chapter 1-5 of the book.  If you are interested, please signup here. We are looking forward to meeting you!


    Save the Date - First Taste of TJ Event Coming Friday, Oct. 25!

    TJ is the home of many cultures. With those cultures comes a wide variety of unique and tasty dishes. On Oct. 25, 2024 from 4:30-6:30 p.m. we invite the community to come to the inaugural Taste of TJ festival! 

    Sponsored by the Class of 2025, Taste of TJ will feature a buffet of foods from around the world for a low price. Stay tuned for more details, but for now be sure to Save the Date!


    Concussion Awareness Month

    September is Concussion Awareness Month with a special recognition day on 9/20! A concussion occurs when the body has taken a hit to the head or the body that causes the brain to shake inside the skull. Concussions signs and symptoms call into physical, cognitive, emotional, and sleep categories.

    TJ follows FCPS and Virginia Department of Education Concussion Policy and Procedures. Students are removed from activity and evaluated, and anyone suspected of a concussion does not return to play the same day.

    TJ Athletic Trainers provide daily follow-up care and determine when it is safe for the student to return to activity through a progressive protocol. TJ ATs also communicates often with teachers, school staff, and parents about the ongoing healing process.

    For more information, you can visit under Athletic Trainers or from the VA DOE at

    TJ’s Athletic Trainers are Heather Murphy and Caroline Taylor.

    🩹 Immunization Requirements

    Please check with your health care provider as soon as possible to make sure your child is up to date on the immunizations required by the state of Virginia. Starting Monday, September 30, students who have not provided proof of immunization will not be allowed to attend school

    You may check your child’s immunization compliance and submit their immunization record in SIS ParentVUE. Records may also be delivered to your school’s front office. 

    Alternative immunization documents (below) may also be provided to your school’s front office, but they may not be uploaded in ParentVUE:  

    • A health care provider’s written statement specifying all administered immunizations.
    • A health care provider’s written statement of a permanent or temporary medical exemption.
    • A notarized Religious Exemption form objecting to the administration of immunizations due to conflicts with their religious tenets or practices.

    Find more information on immunizations

    Vision and Hearing Screening for 10th Graders and New to FCPS 9th Graders Coming Oct. 14-16

    TJ will be conducting vision and hearing screenings from Oct. 14-16. These screenings are for all 10th graders, as well as 9th graders who are new to Fairfax County Public Schools this year.  Screening will take place during either their PE/Health Class (including online PE students) or their English class. The location for screening is to be determined.

    It takes 2-3 minutes to be screened. Students who wear glasses/contacts need to bring/wear them on the day they will be screened.



    This is a new section that covers general information and reminders that will remain important throughout the 2024-25 school year.

    TJ Writing Center Now Open

    The TJ Writing Center is now open for tutoring! The center is open during all eighth period blocks, in rooms 245/247.

    Student-tutors offer help for all kinds of writing, from scientific papers to creative writing/personal narratives. The tutors are excited to work with their peers on their writing journey.

    Testing Information

    Looking for information related to testing? You can find it all on Schoology in the All Parents/Guardians course! Once in the course, you will find a folder labeled “Testing”, click on that and then you can navigate to the specific test information you are looking for. Information will be updated as it comes in, so check back often.

    Student Food Deliveries to TJ

    As a reminder, per FCPS safety and security protocol, students may not have food and drinks delivered to the school campus during the academic day. Allowing external deliveries can create potential security risks and disrupt the learning environment. Our primary goal is to maintain a safe and orderly atmosphere for all students and staff. 

    How to Contact Us

    Need to get ahold of someone at TJ? Here is some commonly requested contact information:

    Main Office - 703-750-8300

    Attendance Office -

    Student Services - 703-750-8340

    Student Activities - 703-750-8333

    Security - 703-750-8331

    Administration Contact Information

    Dr. Ann Bonitatibus - Principal

    Mr. Shawn Frank - Assistant Principal (oversees Class of 2025 and World Language, Art, Music, and Physical Education Division)

    Ms. Yaara Crane - Assistant Principal (oversees Class of 2026 Science and Technology Division)

    Ms. Chrystal Benson - Assistant Principal (oversees Class of 2027 and  Mathematics and Computer Science Division)

    Ms. Volita Russell - Assistant Principal (oversees Class of 2028 and Humanities Division)

    Ms. Sara Genetin - Director of Student Services (oversees Counselors, Social Worker, School Psychologist and other staff providing student support)

    Mr. Dylan Forshay - Director of Student Activities (oversees Activities Office, 8th Period, Athletic Office, Building Maintenance, Custodians, Food Services)

    Mr. Leo Resquin - Director of Technology (oversees Technology Team, Testing Tech Support, tjSTAR, Safety and Security/Transportation)

    Mr. Mike Roth - Communications Specialist (oversees NewsYouChoose and eNotify, Event promotions,  print/digital text, photo, video, Social Media accounts, TJHSST Webmaster and Visitors US & International (TJPF)

    For another specific staff member, please use our Staff Directory to find contact information. 

    Follow TJ on Instagram!

    Be sure to visit Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology On its official social media channel on Instagram @OfficialTJHSST for pictures and highlights of all the fun events and activities going on at TJ! (Please note that we have discontinued use of our X/Twitter account).

    We'd love it if you give us a follow!

    Important Calendar Reminders

    TJ Anchor/Blue/Red Day Calendar

    Sept. 23-27: TJ's annual homecoming week.

    Sept. 28 - TJ's Homecoming Dance in evening

    Oct. 2: Religious or Cultural Observance Day (Rosh Hashanah begins in evening) - school remains in session with normal hours, no activities in evening.

    Oct. 3: No School for students or staff (Rosh Hashanah)

    Oct. 4: Teacher Work Day - No school for students.

    Oct. 4: October News You Choose newsletter released

    Oct. 9: PSAT (10th and 11th grade) SAT (12th grade) 

    Oct. 11: Religious or Cultural Observance Day (Yom Kippur begins in evening) - school remains in session with normal hours, no activities in evening.

    Oct. 14: Staff Development Day - No school for students.

    Oct. 16: Fall Band Concert - 7:00 p.m. in auditorium

    Oct. 21: First Quarter Catch-Up Day at TJ

    Oct. 23: Fall Orchestra Concert - 7:00 p.m. in auditorium

    Oct. 25: Taste of TJ International food event held afterschool

    Oct. 31: End of first quarter - Modified Red Day with 2-hour early release

    Nov. 1: No School for students or staff (Diwali)

    Nov. 4: School Planning Day - No school for students

    Nov. 5: Teacher Work Day - No school for students

    Nov. 6: This Wednesday will be an Anchor Day for students.

    Nov. 8: November News You Choose newsletter will be released.

    Nov. 11: Veterans Day Holiday - No school for students and staff

    Nov. 16: This is a modified Anchor Day - there will be a 60 minute advisory and no JLC.

    Nov. 27-29: Thanksgiving Holiday - No school for students and staff