Cell Phones, HS and MS Grading, Safety Drills, Bus Delay Info, Student Leadership, Volunteer Opportunities, and More!

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Note: This newsletter contains links to translated versions of the content for your convenience. These translations are generated by Google Translate and are not intended to be a substitute for professional translation services.

Mason District Community,

School is back in session and I hope your students have had a fantastic first two weeks. Open houses were busy and well-attended in the Mason District as families and students met their teachers and toured their schools and classrooms. Back to school nights have begun which provides another opportunity for parents to gather in-depth information about the curriculum, grading and school practices. Many schools also have the Family Life Curriculum on display, so be sure to review those materials to determine your child's participation by completing the opt out form.

Students are now engaged in a full slate of activity from settling into this year’s curriculum to participating in senior sunrise breakfasts and fall sports. Please be sure to register your middle school student for cross country and for after-school programming. Elementary schools have been provided funding to establish Math and Science Olympiad enrichment opportunities in which our families are looking forward to having their students participate. 

I value the input I receive from the Mason Community and am happy to address questions or concerns via email or phone. You can reach me by email at rjanderson@fcps.edu. If you are interested in scheduling a phone call, please reach out to my assistant, Cristy Coffey, at cmcoffey@fcps.edu to arrange a time.


First Day Mason DistrictFirst Day 2024 Mason District

First Day of School 2024 in the Mason District

Included in this issue:

School Board Work Updates  
Legislative Program Routines and Homework Help
VDOE Accreditation/Accountability Fentanyl Awareness
Secondary Grading Practices  
FY 2024 Year-end Review Opportunities
  SR&R Stakeholder Engagement
FCPS News TJHSST Information Session
Lightspeed Parent Report Student Leadership Development 
Consent to Share Information Community Conversations w/ Dr. Reid
Cell Phone Storage Pilot Basketball Clinic
Bus and Traffic Safety 2024 Congressional App Challenge
Bus Delay Information Bailey's Center Renaming/Dedication
Safety Drills and Safety Training LWV Youth Council
Pacing Guides Upcoming School Board Meetings

School Board Work Updates

Legislative Program

Each year, the School Board updates its legislative program to inform state and federal public officials and the community of its positions regarding various legislative policies and budgetary issues.

These statements speak to a number of regulations that impact the work of the school division, its students and staff. For example, a long-standing federal position (page 14) requests that the federal government address the chronic underfunding of special education by fulfilling its stated commitment to fund 40% of the costs of special education programs. Since the adoption of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) in 1975, the federal government has only funded approximately 9 - 12% of special education costs.   

In the FY 2025 Budget, FCPS expects to receive just over $41M in IDEA funding. That allocation covers only 9.5% of special education costs in FCPS.  At the 40% funding level, FCPS would have received an additional $127.9M in FY25.

During this period in which the state will be revising the accreditation and accountability program, in section T, the School Board outlines its support for an accountability program based on a system of balanced measures of student achievement, student academic progress, engagement, and outcomes toward college and workforce readiness goals.

During the August 27th work session, the FCPS Office of Government Relations (OGR) presented the draft of the 2025 state and federal legislative positions that covers topics such as:

  • Educational Technology: support for artificial intelligence (AI) regulations and ethical use standards that provide appropriate safeguards against misuse but that do not overly restrict local school division flexibility to leverage the educational and instructional promise of this emerging technology. 
  • English Learners: support for additional funding resources for the provision of appropriate academic and English language instructional programs and supports, including reduced classroom staffing ratios, and for appropriate content area and language proficiency assessments for English learners.
  • Student Safety: supports for additional local authority and flexibility to address traffic and pedestrian safety issues in and around school zones, including flexibility in setting speed limits, the use of speed cameras, or other traffic calming measures.
  • Teachers and Instructional Personnel: support for dedicating state resources to assist local participation in Virginia’s planned implementation of the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) Next Generation Identification (NGI) Noncriminal Justice Rap Back Service.

Final action by the Board is expected at the September 26th regular business meeting. Please review the full agenda and share your comments with me.

VDOE Accreditation and Accountability

The Governor’s appointed State Board of Education voted Wednesday, August 28, 2024 to change the established standards that measure school and student performance. The new plan which is still under development is referred to as the Virginia School Performance and Support Framework.

The proposed revisions include:

  • New summative performance category indicators: Distinguished, On-track, Off-track and Needs Intensive Support;
  • New Performance Components: Mastery, Growth and Readiness with varying weighting for elementary, middle and high schools;
VBOE Slide 5

VBOE Slide 6

VBOE Slide 7

VBOE Slide 8

A significant concern of this plan is the timeline that will require students for whom English is a second language (English Language Learners/Multilingual) to demonstrate proficiency in various areas within three semesters of instruction instead of the previous allocation of 11 semesters. This means that students learning English will have 270 days to perform proficiently in a new language. This approach is inconsistent with research which purports that more time is needed to master a new language.

Please review a summary of the revisions as presented to the School Board on August 27th.

At this time, the State Board is expected to adopt a final revised performance and support framework later this month, pending U.S. Education Department approval of the proposed Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) plan. 

It is important to note that the current 2017 Standards of Accreditation will be used when reporting school outcomes in fall 2024, based on data from school year 2023-24. The new system will not be fully in effect until its initial outcomes are reported out in fall 2025, based on data from the current 2024-25 school year.

Like all school divisions in Virginia, FCPS continues to evaluate the new state directives in anticipation for implementation in the next school year. Options are limited to counteract this change at this time; however, you can support our public schools in these ways:

  1. Provide feedback to the VDOE during the final comment period which ends on September 25, 2024.
  2. Contact your state elected officials to share your concerns and request their help. You can locate your state elected officials by entering your address into My Neighborhood and viewing the results on the left side of the page.
  3. Share information about what is happening with your community members and networks. 
  4. Review forthcoming information from FCPS.

Secondary Grading Practices

Grading is an important aspect of the student experience. Effective assessment evaluates content knowledge and provides constructive feedback for continuous improvement. The impact of grading travels beyond FCPS classrooms to influence college admission and scholarship opportunities etc. It is with this gravity that I approach the School Board's work on the grading policy.  

The School Board’s Governance Committee will be working on revisions to Policy 2418. It is my hope that the final version will reflect research-based practices, increase clarity for staff to facilitate implementation and provide consistency for our students. Grading and assessment practices should be transparent, predictable and consistently applied across our schools. 

Please review the grading policy and share your feedback. You are also invited to observe the Governance Committee’s work on this topic during these times: 

  • September 24 at 3 p.m.
  • October 1 at 3 p.m.
  • October 15 at 3 p.m.
  • October 29 at 3 p.m.

The meetings will be held at the Gatehouse Administration Center and broadcast live on the FCPS School Board YouTube channel. The meetings are recorded for future viewing and posted to the FCPS School Board YouTube channel.

FY 2024 Year-end Review

On August 29th, the School Board approved the FY 2024 Final Budget Review Summary of the year-end funds. At the conclusion of the fiscal year, unspent funds available totaled $92.3M. These funds are primarily from increased revenue (such as $8.0 in tuition and fees - see page 2) and carryover (such as fuel reserve $2.0M).

In addition to a set aside for the Fiscal Year 2026 beginning balance in the amount of $28.1M, the School Board approved the allocation of the funds to the following as one-time expenditures:

  • Special Education Extended Day contracts ($24.2M). These funds will be used to extend the contracts of special education teachers by an additional 30 minutes each day for one year (see page 3).
  • $16.0M will be used for staffing reserve of 140 positions to account for the fluctuations between the projected and actual student enrollment. This reserve ensures the division has the funding to hire additional staff as needed to address student enrollment increases.
  • Other planned expenditures include $7.1M for major maintenance to address the backlog of maintenance projects, $4.5M for incentive and bonuses for substitutes, $3.5M to upgrade the current mobile data terminals for the FCPS buses, $3.0M for strategies to close the achievement gap, $2.0M for security vestibules, $1.3M for the ERFC DROP program, $0.8M for athletic expansion, $0.7M for elementary school early release Mondays; $0.5M for softball field upgrades; $0.5M for middle school late buses, and $0.2M for the Woodson High School renaming. 


Lightspeed Parent Report

FCPS has provided tools to help parents know more about their child’s activity on any FCPS device. These tools are provided at no cost to families by Lightspeed, the school division’s internet content filtering service.

Parents may sign up for a weekly Parent Report, which will provide a list of the top sites their child visited. The report also offers parents the ability to sign up for free access to the Internet Use Parent Portal. Through the portal, parents may pause their child’s access to the internet on their FCPS device during non-school hours.

Learn more about Lightspeed Parent Reports.

Free and Reduced Lunch and Consent to Share Information

Free and Reduced-Price Meal Applications are available online! Click the language link in the top right for seven additional language options for this form.

If your children are eligible for the Free and Reduced-Price Meals (FRM) program, they may also qualify for FCPS fee waivers or additional benefits. Be sure to also complete the Consent to Share Information for Benefits for Other Programs form. This form is available in seven languages from the FRM webpage.

Families at schools participating in the CEP program (free meals for all students) will need to complete an income eligibility form to determine eligibility for fee waivers and other benefits.

Cell Phone Storage Pouch

Cell Phone Storage Pilot

On July 9, 2024, Governor Youngkin issued Executive Order #33 requiring public school districts to adopt policies banning cell phones in class by January 2025. The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) has posted the proposed policy around cell phone use in schools and provided opportunity for public commentThe final guidance is expected by September 16. 

The VDOE proposal recommends the following:

  • High School: students “should not have an easily available cell phone or personal electronic communication device during the bell-to-bell school day. Outside of the bell-to-bell instructional time, cell phones and personal electronic communication devices may be used on a high school campus before or after school.” 
  • Middle School: students “should not have an easily available cell phone or personal electronic communication device during the bell-to-bell school day. School divisions should establish local policies that determine cell phone and personal electronic communication device use within the school building or on school grounds outside of bell-to-bell, including before and after school.”
  • Elementary School: “the phone must be stored, off, and away from the student during the school day.  It should not be used in the school building or on the school grounds before or after school.”

However, during the School Board meeting on May 9th, the School Board directed the Superintendent to "develop a plan for consideration by the Board, for a 2024-25 school year pilot program within each region for secure cell phone storage to include the potential use of classroom cell phone lockers, magnetic pouches, or other similar devices," which resulted in the current cell phone storage pilot at middle and high schools.

In an effort to increase student engagement during instruction, middle school students will be provided with a pouch to place their phones away for the entire school day and high school students will be required to put their phones away during the class period using a storage box or hanging pouch in the classroom.

Image of Cell Phone Storage Box and Hanging Pouches

Cell Phone Storage Box and Hanging Pouch System - High School Pilot

Please review additional information and provide feedback to the Cell Phone Policy and the Cell Phone Storage Pilot program.

What can parents/caregivers do to help?

If your child has an iPhone, follow these steps to set up Screen Time and Downtime. Screen Time provides a report of how a device is used, while Downtime blocks apps and notifications for a specific period of time.

Screen time
  1. Open Settings
  2. Tap Screen Time
  3. Tap Turn On Screen Time
  4. If the device is for a child, tap This is My Child's iPhone
  5. Select the child's name
  6. Tap Turn On Screen Time again
  7. Tap Turn on Restrictions (customizable)


After this initial setup or if you have used Screen Time previously, follow these steps to schedule time away from the screen:

  1. Open Settings
  2. Tap Screen Time
  3. Tap App & Website Activity
  4. Tap Turn on App & Website Activity
  5. Tap Downtime
  6. Move the Scheduled toggle switch to the right to turn it on
  7. Tap Every Day or Customize Days and set Time
  8. Select the apps you want available during Downtime
cell phone collage

There are several tools that allow some apps to be available at all times such as calls and messages. You may also elect to limit the time spent on specific apps. Be sure to set the passcode that is not shared to protect your selections.

You can also use Family Sharing to set up Screen Time for a child's device from your own device. Family Sharing allows you to view reports and adjust settings remotely.

bus picking up students

Bus and Traffic Safety

Fairfax County has over 1,600 school buses operating daily. Drivers must stop in both directions when encountering a stopped school bus, unless a median separates the lanes. Failing to stop is a criminal offense. There will soon be 50 bus camera systems installed to issue citations to offenders. This initiative aims to protect students by changing driver behavior.

Additionally, school zones have reduced speed limits, and speeding will result in penalties. The Fairfax County Speed Camera Pilot Program resulted in a countywide expansion, with 50 additional cameras to be distributed between school and work zones in FY 2024 and 30 more planned for FY 2025.

Please also be sure to follow the directions of school crossing guards. Review the road rules for school buses, school zones, and crossing guards.

Bus Delay Information

If a bus is delayed, parents/caregivers may access the Bus Delay Notification System or use the Here Comes the Bus Mobile App to receive the delayed bus report. Email messages will be sent to announce bus delays of 30 minutes or more. Visit the Transportation Services contact webpage for a list of contacts regarding transportation questions.

Please update your contact information in SIS ParentVUE to ensure receipt of email messages about bus delays. 

Safety Drills

Safety Drills and Safety Training

Safety Drills During the School Year

Keeping students and staff safe is our priority. Each school has an emergency preparedness plan to respond to incidents such as fires and tornadoes. Schools are required by state law to practice emergency drills, including lockdown drills, each year. Schools must also notify parents and caregivers at least 24 hours before a school conducts a lockdown drill. However, schools do not have to give the specific date and time of the drill in advance. 

By law, the first lockdown drill of the school year must take place within the first 20 days of school. Preschool and kindergarten students do not participate in the first lockdown drill. 

Your child may come home and talk about their experience during the drill. We encourage you to talk with them about the importance of being prepared for emergencies. Please review these frequently asked questions to support your student before and after school lockdown drills.

Anonymous Tip Line Puts Safety First

If you or your child have concerns or information relating to feeling unsafe in any way at school, the FCPS Office of Safety and Security has a safety tip line that you can access anonymously online, by text (888-777; Keyword TIP FCPS), or by phone (571-423-2020).

If your tip is an emergency and immediate assistance is necessary, please dial 911.

Students, staff, parents/caregivers, and community members should report school safety issues such as threats, unsafe or dangerous situations, illegal drug activity, theft, gang activity, the existence of weapons, vandalism, and concerns about student wellness. Tip line users may identify themselves or remain anonymous.

If you have concerns about programs, regulations, policies or other topics that do not impact the safety of our schools, please contact the FCPS Ombuds at 571-423-4014 or ombuds@fcps.edu.

Pacing Guides

FCPS provides online access to the curriculum for each core subject area to provide families with an overview of what students are learning and when they are learning it.

With just a few clicks, parents and caregivers will be able to access each grade level or course page which will include the objectives and outcomes for each unit, and the pacing by quarter and by week.

Routines for Success and Homework Help

The new school year usually requires a routine adjustment for the family. Fairfax County offers some helpful tips and tricks for back-to-school routine success

The Fairfax County Library has resources to help students with their homework, projects, studying, and more. Check out the library’s Homework Resources homepage to view the full list. 

Fentanyl Awareness Information Sheet

Fentanyl Awareness

All Virginia public schools are required to distribute this Fentanyl Education and Awareness Informational One-Pager to all students in grades 9-12 within the first two weeks of the 2024-2025 school year.


Student Rights and Responsibilities (SR&R) - Stakeholder Engagement

During the month of September, the Chief Equity Office will be hosting two focus groups; each group will have a separate topic: 

Focus Group #1 - SR&R Practices. During this session, staff will gather feedback from school staff and administrators on September 10 and from middle and high school students and FCPS parents and caregivers on September 11.  

Focus Group #2 - Clarity of Enforcement - During this session, staff will gather feedback from school staff and administrators and from middle and high school students on September 25 and from FCPS parents and caregivers on September 26.

Parents/caregivers should have received an email from K12 Insight with information on how to participate in a focus group. School-based and central office staff who work directly with students, and middle and high school students have also been invited to participate.  

Your voice is essential to delivering an SR&R that supports a caring and inclusive climate and culture in every school community. If you have questions, you can submit them on our website or contact Kathleen Walts, executive director of Equity and Student Relations.

The data gathered during these sessions will be synthesized and included into the report due to the Board on November 1, 2024.

TJHSST Information Session

Do you have a student who is interested in applying for enrollment at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology (TJHSST) next year? Would you and/or your student like to learn more about TJHSST? Representatives from TJHSST will be at Glasgow Middle School on September 11th from 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. to present on the programming/curriculum and application process in our lecture hall. All are welcome. 

Student Leadership Development Program

The School Board is accepting applications for the Student Leadership Development Program, open to any high school freshman, sophomore, or junior in good academic standing. The program is for students interested in a future in law, government or public policy. Twelve students will be chosen to work closely with the School Board to observe how FCPS is governed. 

The Student Leaders attend and participate in:

  • Group Orientation (December 2024)
  • School Board Forum or Committee Meeting (January – March 2025) 
  • School Board Work Session (January – March 2025) 
  • Mock Forum (Spring 2025)
  • Mock Work Session (Spring 2025) 
  • Program Completion Ceremony (June 2025)

Applications for this year’s program are available on the FCPS website. Students should submit the brief application, program requirements form, and one-page statement of interest to their principals by September 30, 2024. Principals will submit applications to the School Board Office by October 15, 2024. Each School Board member will select one student from their magisterial district, and the at-large members will select one student from all the applications received. The selected student leaders and remaining applicants will be notified by email by November 15, 2024. 

Community Conversations with Dr. Reid

Community Conversation with Dr. Reid

Take advantage of the opportunity to share your thoughts and ask questions regarding FCPS with Superintendent Reid. The first conversation is scheduled at Holmes Middle School on September 9th from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.

Registration is not required. But helps with planning for language interpretation and child care.

September 9th at 6:30 p.m. at Holmes Middle School 

Additional locations and dates are posted on the Community Conversations webpage and included below. 

Basketball Clinic

The Justice HS boys basketball coaching staff and varsity players are hosting a fall basketball clinic for boys and girls in grades 5-8.

Registration is open for the September 14th clinic

Basketball Clinic Flyer

Congressional App Challenge Logo

2024 Congressional App Challenge

The Congressional App Challenge offers middle and high school students who are interested in coding a chance to develop and demonstrate their skills and interests in computer science and STEM. Students may register as individuals or in teams of up to four. 

The deadline to enter the Congressional App Competition is October 24, 2024.

Bailey's Community Center Renaming & Dedication

Minnie Peyton

Attend the renaming and dedication ceremony for the Minnie H. Peyton Community Center at Bailey’s (formerly Bailey’s Community Center) on September 14 at 10 a.m. The ceremony will be followed by a reception and tours of the facility.

League of Women Voters (LWV) Youth Council

The LWV Youth Council is open to ages 16-21. Their goal is to introduce young people to the programs and projects of the League that will benefit our youth and local communities.

Projects of Youth Council members may include:

  • Assisting with local leagues voter registration.
  • Social media videos, graphics
  • GOTV on their campus at their schools
  • Pre-registration of 16-year-olds and registration of young people
  • Conduct youth candidate forums in conjunction with their local or State League.
  • Website update – they will have a page on the website to share information
  • Visits to legislators during Session – learning the legislative process – and helping with advocacy.
  • Partner with youth groups that are working with our partner organizations
  • Outreach to other youth groups regarding the League
  • Assist with ongoing programs for which we may need assistance on state level.

Find more information and the application on the LWV webpage.

Contact Erni Bridges at secondvp@lwv-va.org with any questions.

Upcoming School Board Meetings

Regular School Board Meetings (Luther Jackson Middle School)

  • September 12, 2024 at 7:00 p.m.
  • September 26, 2024 at 7:00 p.m.

Work Sessions (Gatehouse Administration Center)

  • September 10, 2024 at 1:30 p.m.
  • September 24, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. (tentative)

All meetings will be broadcast live on Channel 99 (Verizon channel 11) and on the FCPS website. The meetings are recorded for future viewing and posted to the FCPS School Board YouTube channel.

Would you like to share your ideas and concerns with the School Board and staff?  Register HERE to speak at a regular meeting or public hearing.


Reuniones de la Junta Escolar de FCPS en Español

Para ver las reuniones de la Junta Escolar grabadas o para ver en vivo durante las reuniones regulares en YouTube, por favor vaya al canal de YouTube de FCPS en Español o escanee el código QR.

We are cognizant of the significant language needs of the Mason District and I will continue to advocate for their availability and inclusion.







The views contained within this newsletter reflect the views of the individual school board member who is the publisher of this newsletter and may not reflect the views of the Fairfax County School Board.

© Fairfax County Public Schools, Fairfax County, Virginia