September 6, 2024


Message from Mrs. Fallert

Dear Island Creek Families,

We are proud of Croc students' adjustment to the new school year. They have been enthusiastic about learning and have quickly adapted to our daily routines and expectations.

It's heartwarming to see how our Crocs are welcoming and inclusive of their classmates. The Island Creek Staff are focusing on fostering a sense of belonging as we feel it is essential for everyone in our school community to know they are valued and welcomed at Island Creek. Additionally, throughout the buidling you will notice Croc stickers with affirmations, hearts in the cafeteria with affirmations written by our 6th Grade students, and soon affirmation stickers on the stairs. 

We hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and spends time with a great book! 

engaging every child

Your Proud Administration Team,

Jen Fallert, Principal

Karen Baxter, Assistant Principal

Denise Cash-Pinckney, Assistant Principal

mission, vision

September 11 National Day of Service 


With the upcoming 23rd anniversary of September 11, FCPS acknowledges the loss of life, the heroism of our first responders, and the resilience of our country. The September 11 National Day of Service and Remembrance, also called Patriot Day, is a chance to reflect and act in service to others to honor those who were injured or killed in the terrorist attacks.

All FCPS students are encouraged to participate in service learning as it supports Portrait of a Graduate (POG) attributes and social and emotional learning (SEL) skills. Middle and high school students can learn more about service learning by logging into their Naviance account.


Resources for Military Families

A dedicated FCPS webpage is available to support military families transitioning into our school system. Please visit it for a wealth of helpful information.

FCPS SEL Screener

Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) believes in supporting social and emotional learning (SEL) for all students. In FCPS, students use a tool called the SEL Screener to think about their own SEL skills and experiences at school. Island Creek students in grades 3-6 will be participating in the Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Screener in October (10/9-10/16) and February (TBD).

After each screening, results are available in the Documents tab of SIS ParentVUE and mailed to families without a ParentVUE account. For more information about the SEL Screener including information on opting out please visit the Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Screener webpage.

Spotlight on Specials: Music

The musicians of Island Creek have hit the ground running! We are so happy to welcome our new music teacher Mrs. Arslan to Island Creek! In addition to learning and practicing the routines of music class, students in all grades have been practicing independent singing. From echo songs in kindergarten and first grade to tricky partner songs in 5th and 6th grade, our musicians are practicing singing in a small and large group setting, relying on their listening and teamwork skills to focus on important aspects of music such as blend and harmony.


Happy September Birthdays to our Croc Staff!


September 3: Ms. Mott and Ms. Ahmad

September 6:  Ms.  Mickahail

September 10: Ms.  Pilger

September 12:  Mr.  Baldea

September 14: Ms. Middleton

September 17:  Ms. Odell

September 20:  Ms. Nagaoka

September 21:  Ms. Morrison

September 22:  Ms. Devine

September 23:  Ms. Jewett and Ms. Escobar

September 30:  Ms. Maldon

Young Crocs in Motion


Island Creek Library Volunteers Needed!


Our Island Creek Library welcomes parent & guardian volunteers to join the adventures in our library.  Whether you are seeking a peaceful and satisfying job in the quiet library back office (such as covering new books or repairing old books) or prefer a role in the thick of dozens of students looking for books to check out, your skills and efforts are needed to keep our library welcoming, engaging, and full of book joy.  Volunteer roles are even available outside of school hours and with tasks that can be completed at home.  Complete the volunteer interest form and Ms. Keaney, our librarian, will be in touch.

3 hour early release Mondays

🍎 Make Every Day Count! The Importance of Attendance

As you plan upcoming trips and other family events, please remember the importance of sending your child to school every day. Review the FCPS School Year Calendar and try to plan any time away during breaks from school. 

Children who show up for school regularly develop fundamental reading and math skills while building a habit of good attendance that will carry them into college and careers. Research shows that children who were chronically absent (missing 18 days or more) in kindergarten and first grade were far less likely to read proficiently at the end of third grade.

Learn how families can help form good attendance habits.

✨The 2023-30 Strategic Plan — Goal 1: Strong Start, Pre-K-12

The 2023-30 strategic plan sets five main goals to create positive change in FCPS. These goals show where we should focus our attention and will help us align our efforts. 

Each goal has an equity commitment — the promise we make to every student to support them in attaining these goals. Each goal also has several measures that allow us to track our progress.

The first goal in the strategic plan focuses on each and every student having a strong start in FCPS. Whether they're joining us in preschool or in high school, we want our students to be set up for success.See how Goal 1 is being put into practice.


Upcoming Dates

❤️Monday, September 16:  3-Hour early release for school-age students (please complete this form)

❤️Friday, September 20: 3rd Annual Croc Rock-n-Run

❤️Thursday, October 3: Rosh Hashanah (No school for students and staff)

❤️Friday, October 4: Teacher Workday (No school for students)

❤️Wednedsay, October 9:  Advanced Academics Family Information Session (9:00-10:00; slides will be shared)

❤️Thursday, October 17: SEL Fair for Families (5-6:30)

❤️Follow Island Creek on Facebook and Instagram

island creek, circle image

Facebook link

Instagram:  islandcreekelementary