Seahawks Weekly News 08/29/2024

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Thank you for attending BTSN. We hope you found the evening informative. Please use this link to provide feedback.





Early Release Monday

We are asking ALL parents/guardians to complete the Early Release Survey. We must have all students accounted for and a decision from you on how to proceed with your student. Please access the QR code or to submit your response by September 1.

If you have submitted a preference for your child, you do not need to resubmit. If you have submitted a “I don’t know” or “Haven’t made a decision” please resubmit with a decision so your child is accounted for. We have less than half of our student body accounted for. Thanks for your cooperation.

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Seahawk Talk 

All parents and guardians are invited to our first virtual Seahawk Talk scheduled for September 10, 2024, at 6:30. Our topic will focus on Social Emotional Wellness and Student Resiliency. Our counselors and social worker will be facilitated the evening. Please join us in learning ways to support our child at home. Use this link to join.

Communication from School

Parents and Guardians will receive several types of communication from the school, below are ways you will be notified:

  • News You Choose is sent weekly on Friday. There will also be times when we want to call your attention to a specific event; in this case, it will go out on a different day.
  • E-notify is primarily for emergency use or to communicate information we want to ensure all parents receive such as information about illnesses in a specific class or a safety issue at school. E-notify will be sent as needed.
  • Grade Level Newsletters will be sent weekly by most grade levels. Grade levels will send information via email, Schoology, or hard copy. Check with your child’s teacher on what medium he/she is using.

Wednesday Folders contain school-related news and flyers; you may also find completed schoolwork.

What To Do When You Have Concerns


When you have concerns about a classroom issue please contact the teacher first. The teacher will be able to respond to your questions and address your concerns. Teachers are ready and willing to have conversations with you to problem solve issues.  If after you have contacted the teacher, you find that the issue has not been addressed you can reach out to one of the administrators.


When you have concerns about a schoolwide issue; feel free to email the administrators , and or call to make an appointment to speak with an administrator.

Mark Your Calendars

August 30:  September 2 Labor Day Weekend (NO SCHOOL) 

September 6: Goodies with Grandparents 2:30 in the cafeteria

September 10: Seahawk Talk 6:30 pm

September 27: Silverbrook/PTO Movie Night

September 30: Principal and Parents Coffee Chat 9:30 am library