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Welcome Back To School!

Message from Ilryong Moon

Welcome back to school for the 2024-2025 academic year! I hope you all had a wonderful summer break! As we start this new chapter together, I wish you the best of luck in starting it off on the right foot. Speaking of new beginnings, I recently had the chance to visit Korea for two weeks.

Whenever I travel abroad. I try to meet with other educators there and learn from and share with them. While in Korea this time, I learned that one of the biggest worries they shared was the declining enrollment across the country due to a low birth rate.

Sadly, this was also affecting the number and caliber of students choosing teaching as a career. Korea has for many years prided itself for having the very top college graduates going into teaching; but, that is now at risk.

Recruiting and retaining high-quality educators is a challenge they're facing, just like many other countries, including our own, are addressing.

Despite advancements in technology, including AI, I firmly believe that teachers play an irreplaceable role in the classroom. They are the ones who truly inspire and guide students. Their dedication, guidance, and inspiration are invaluable.

I would like to extend my gratitude to our teachers and staff for opening another year of school in a welcoming, inclusive, and safe environment for our students. 

As we enter autumn, the season of harvest, I'm looking forward to watching our students and teachers grow and succeed together. Let's make this year one to remember!


Ilryong Moon

Back to school message

Click to watch Ilryong Moon's Back To School Video Message

Find your Back To School Info Here

All Back to School dates are listed on the individual school websites and each Region website. 

Region 1 Back to School Night

Region 2 Back to School Night

Region 3 Back to School Night

Region 4 Back to School Events

Region 5 Back to School Events

Region 6 Back to School Events

TJHSST Back to School

School Year Calendars

2024-2025 | 2025-2026

Cell Phone Storage Pilot

In today's world, information is readily available at our fingertips, and smartphones have become an indispensable part of our lives. I understand that some students and families may initially feel reluctant to give up their mobile phones during class. However, I am confident that this pilot program will enhance students' focus and engagement during class. I am hopeful that it will bring positive results for our students in the years to come.

The policy for middle schools is as follows: Cell phones are prohibited from being used at any time between the first and last bells. This is referred to as a bell-to-bell ban. An exception to this rule is made for students with approved accommodations (i.e., medical, IEPs, and 504s).

In high schools, the policy is as follows: Cell phones are permitted during lunch, in the halls between periods, and in class with the express written authorization of the principal or a designee, provided that such use is necessary for academic purposes. Please note that students with approved accommodations (i.e., medical, IEPs, and 504s) are exempt from this rule.

Participating Schools

Middle Schools                                                 High Schools

Frost Middle School                                           Edison High School

Irving Middle School                                          Falls Church High School

Jackson Middle School                                      Justice High School

Poe Middle School                                             Lewis High School

Robinson Middle School                                    Madison High School

Thoreau Middle School                                      McLean High School

Twain Middle School                                          Robinson High School

                                                                           Westfield High School

Once the pilot program results are presented in spring 2025, the School Board will decide whether to make any changes to the SR&R document and whether to implement secure storage across the board.

For more information on the pilot program, click here.

Student Leadership Program: Applications Now Open! 

Are you a high school freshman, sophomore, or junior interested in a future in law, government, or public policy?

The Fairfax County School Board is now accepting applications for the Student Leadership Development Program. This unique program offers students the opportunity to work closely with School Board members and learn firsthand about how FCPS is governed.

Program Highlights:

  • Hands-on Experience: Participate in various School Board advisory committees and even seek election as the student representative on the Board.
  • Leadership Development: Attend and participate in group orientation, School Board meetings, mock forums, and work sessions.
  • Networking Opportunities: Connect with School Board members and other community leaders.

Application Process:

  1. Obtain Application: Applications are available on the FCPS website under the School Board.
  2. Submit Application: Submit the application, program requirements form, and a one-page statement of interest to your principal by September 30, 2024.
  3. Principal Submission: Principals will submit applications to the School Board Office by October 15, 2024.

Selection Process:

  • School Board Selection: Each district school board member will select one student from his/her magisterial district. At-large members will select one student each from all applications received.
  • Notifications: Selected student leaders and remaining applicants will be notified by email by November 15, 2024.

For questions, please contact Kevin Jackson in the School Board Office at 571-423-1075. 

Don't miss this opportunity to develop your leadership skills and make a positive impact on your community!

Meeting with Ryan Minton

Photo with Ryan, his father Alan and I

Aspiring young geographer Ryan Minton

In August, Ryan Minton from Langley High School achieved an admirable top-12 finish at the prestigious 2024 International Geography Championships in Vienna, Austria. The competition included students from 21 states, 16 countries, and Hong Kong. We met and talked. Ryan expressed a deep interest in geography.  We even talked about the size of Korea as compared to Virginia, and to my amazement, he knew about the Sejong Special Self-Governing City launched in 2012. Ryan and his father Alan kindly brought a U.S.-ROK flag pin to share with me. 

Ryan mentioned a possibility of inviting me to speak at the Langley World Affairs Club. I will be delighted to share my insights with the club if invited.

Facilities Planning Advisory Council (FPAC) (Seeking Appointee)

There are 13 members on FPAC, one representing each of the nine magisterial district School Board Members, three representing at-large School Board Members, and one representing the City of Fairfax School Board. FPAC members serve three-year terms and meet twice monthly in the evening during the school year. The appointment for my At-Large vacant FPAC seat will end on June 30, 2026, with the opportunity to be re-appointed for a full three-year term. For more information about the FPAC, click here.

Upcoming School Board Business & Meetings

Broadcast & open to the public:

  • September 10, 10:30am - School Board All-day Work Session
  • September 12, 7:00pm - School Board Regular Meeting

School Board Regular Meetings and Work Sessions are broadcast live and available to the public on several platforms:

If you miss the live broadcast of any School Board Meeting or Work Session, you can also watch archived broadcasts:

** Dates & times are subject to change. Please check the 2024 School Board Annual Work Calendar for the latest information **

The views contained within this newsletter reflect the views of the individual school board member who is the publisher of this newsletter and may not reflect the views of the Fairfax County School Board.

© Fairfax County Public Schools, Fairfax County, Virginia