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Hello from your PTO!
The Glen Forest Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) would like to congratulate you on a full week underway for the 2024-2025 school year! We hope that your child is beginning to settle into the school routine. In this e-mail, you can learn what the PTO is and does, how you can join (and what it means to join), when meetings will be held and what some of our plans for the year include. I am stepping into the role of President after serving as Vice President for two years, and I am truly looking forward to another great year ahead with many exciting events and opportunities to get involved. I am grateful for the sense of community that has come with my experience as part of the Glen Forest PTO and as a parent entering my children's 4th year as students.
We hope to see you at our virtual (zoom) meetings on the third Monday of the month: https://myfcpsk12.zoom.us/j/92982945083.
What is a Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)?: A PTO is a community of parents, teachers, administration, and staff who work together to support Glen Forest Elementary students and staff. Our meetings are open to parents/guardians- both members and non-members- and all teachers and staff. Joining the PTO is an opportunity to meet other members of the Glen Forest Elementary community, find out what our school needs, and help meet those needs.
What does the Glen Forest PTO do?: Members meet monthly to discuss the needs of the school. In order to meet those needs, we raise money through membership, after school clubs, spirit wear, and special events. Some of our events include the Fall Picnic and Bingo Night. The PTO uses the money we raise to pay for student field trips, teachers supplies, equipment requested by the school and teacher and student appreciation activities. The money we raise goes directly back into Glen Forest Elementary School.
How can you join the PTO?: You can return the blue PTO sign up form that came home in your student's folder, or sign up online on our website at www.ptaglenforest.org. Our website is also a great resource for current information! Currently, we are running a membership drive: the class with most membership sign-ups by Friday, September 27th will receive a popsicle party! When you join the PTO, you can help in whatever way works for your schedule. We need people to help with set up/take down at International Night and Bingo, we need help handing out supplies and items we purchase, we need help reaching out to the community to collect the items we need, we need help with clubs and sign-ups, and supporting our teachers, but mostly we need your ideas on how to help our school!
How can I get a school shirt for my child (or myself)?: Our SpiritWear fundraising campaign is now live! Please visit https://www.customink.com/fundraising/gfesptofall2024spiritwear to purchase a tee shirt, long-sleeved tee, sweatshirt, or hoodie! We have new designs and styles this year, and can't wait to see you rocking your Eagle pride!
When do we meet?: Meetings this year are virtual. We will meet on Zoom on the third Monday of the month (except January, February and March, which will be on the 2nd Monday of the month). All meetings will be from 7:30-8:00pm, and Spanish and Arabic translation will be available. The dates are:
Sept 16th
Oct 21st
Nov 18th
Dec 16th
Jan 13th
Feb 10th
March 10th
April 21st
May 19th (final meeting--election of officers)
Attached is a calendar of our events planned so far this year! Please take part in our SpiritWear fundraising campaign at https://www.customink.com/fundraising/gfesptofall2024spiritwear,. We hope to see you at Sweet Frog on September 5th, and at the Welcome Back Picnic on September 6th! Please visit our website www.ptaglenforest.org or check us out on social media for current information- Facebook: Glen Forest Elementary School PTO X (formerly Twitter)/Instagram: @glenforetspto
Thank you Eagles!
Kathleen Donovan
PTO President, 2024-2025