Woodson PTSO WeMail - August 27

WeMail is distributed every Tuesday to update the Woodson community on PTSO news, school news, and upcoming events. 


1. Schedule Reminders


Monday, August 26th - Underclass Pictures

Tuesday, August 27th - Underclass Picture

Wednesday, August 28th - 6:30PM - Class of 2025 Senior Info Night, Woodson Auditorium

Thursday, August 29th, 5pm-7pm- Cav Carnival


Tuesday, September 3rd, 7pm-8pm - In Person PTSO Meeting/Social

Tuesday, September 10th - Back to School Night

Wednesday, October 9th - PSAT/NMSQT and SAT School Day

Friday, October 18th - Homecoming Parade and Football Game

Saturday, October 19th - Homecoming Dance

Monday, December 23rd, 2024 - Friday, January 3rd, 2025 - Winter Break

Monday, April 14th - Friday, April 18th - Spring Break

Tuesday, June 10th - 9:30AM - Woodson Class of 2025 Graduation - GMU

Wednesday, June 11th - Last Day of SY24-25


Woodson's Integrated Events and Activities Calendar

The complete FCPS 2024-2025 School Year Calendar

2. PTSO News


Save the Date! 

The first PTSO meeting of the 2024-2025 school year will be on Tuesday, September 3rd, 7pm-8pm. This meeting will be held in person in the Woodson Library. All other meetings throughout the year will be held virtually.

Please join us on Tuesday for a meet and greet and social!

Join the Woodson PTSO Today

Dear Woodson Families,

We are so excited to start another school year together!

The PTSO has several initiatives we are already rolling out and we could use your help with:

  • Opening our fall grant program to all students/parents and teachers
  • Providing additional support to our military families
  • Stocking up our pantry for our Woodson families in need
  • (and more in the months to come!)

To meet these goals, we need your support. 

Please consider donating to the PTSO. We are making it easy this year with PayPal, just click here! 

As a parent, if you donate $30 you get an automatic membership so make sure to add your first name, last name and email in the notes and we will register you! 

Want to donate $75? That's two adult memberships so add both names and we will discount the student membership from $10 to $5! 

If you don't have PayPal that's OK - we also have our Woodson PTSO site that will take donations. Click here!  

Questions? Please email Sara at saralmastro@yahoo.com or our membership director Megan, at woodsonmembers@gmail.com.

We look forward to a great year together.

- Your 24-25 Woodson PTSO

Woodson PTSO Officer Board for 2024-25 School Year

Sara Mastro / President / saralmastro@yahoo.com

Megan Fay / Membership Director /woodsonmembers@gmail.com

Judith Cabelli / Recording Secretary / woodsonsecretary@gmail.com

Diane Raffaele / Treasurer / wptsotreasurer@gmail.com

Sara Mastro / PTSO Grant Program / saralmastro@yahoo.com

Nicole Spindler / Communications Director / WoodsonWeMail23@gmail.com

Amy Zganjar / Enrichment Director / azganjar@thestottgroup.com

Vacant / Fundraising Director 

Follow the Woodson PTSO on Facebook!

The All Night Grad Party NEEDS YOU!

Every year, Woodson celebrates our graduates with a drug and alcohol free all night party to keep our teens off the roads and safe. It’s a Cavalier tradition that freshman, sophomore, and junior parents organize the event to “pay it forward” for when their own kids are celebrating. But this fabulous event can’t happen without a planning committee!

Can you help? Email woodsonangp@gmail.com to volunteer or find out more!

3. Woodson News & Events

Student Parking Passes

Student Parking Passes are now available for purchase. Enforcement of parking passes will begin on Tuesday, September 3rd. 


Spirit Wear

The new Woodson Athletic Booster Spirit Wear website is now open and accepting orders. Prepare for the fall weather now! 

4. Fundraisers

Class of 2025 Yard Sign Fundraiser

Class of 2025 Yard Signs

The 2025 yard signs are here! Click HERE to purchase one online! You will receive an email confirming your purchase, and where and how to pick up your order.


Student Driver Magnets

Student Driver Magnet Fundraiser

Magnets are $8.00 each or 3 for $20.00. You can order online HERE.  Magnets are delivered to your door contact free! We will also be selling magnets at all the Partners for Safe Teen Driving seminars which are held throughout the year at the Woodson Auditorium.

If you have any questions contact Shane or Katherine Gilbert at wptsomagnets@gmail.com


Legacy Brick Fundraiser

Senior Legacy Bricks

Make a Lasting Mark for your Student!

The brick courtyard in front of the school, between the main entrance and the auditorium, still has plenty of room for engraved bricks for you to remember your special student or as a wonderful legacy for all the members of your family.  They make great graduation presents for Seniors too!  Orders must be received by April 4th 2025 to be included and installed in this year’s order so don’t wait!

Individual bricks cost: $100. Visit the Woodson PTSO website HERE to order today!! Or download and print the form and mail it in to the school with a check if you prefer. FORM HERE

If you have questions contact Shane & Katherine Gilbert at Bricks@woodsonptso.org.

5. Cavs Sports

Coed Golf team poses for picture

The Woodson Cavaliers won both of their first Patriot District coed golf matches last week. Team score was 149 for Woodson versus 174 for Lake Braddock away at Twin Lakes. The team's strong start continued with the first home match of the season yielding a victory over West Potomac, 158-160. Students representing Woodson in these matches included Han Lee, Mark Heinz, Aurora Yoo, Bobby Kay, Joseph Tso, Andrew Sung, Krish Stauber, Alex Ericksen, Hunter Smith and James Gross. Against Lake Braddock - Lee, Heinz, Yoo and Kay each posted solid nine-hole scores in the 30’s with none worse than 3 over par for the day. Against West Potomac, top score honors went to Han Lee with an even par round featuring an eagle on the 7th hole. Go Woodson!


Important Woodson Athletics Links

Activity Registration - https://woodson-ar.rschooltoday.com/

Woodson Athletics - https://www.woodsonsports.com/

FCPS Student Athletics - www.fcps.edu/activities/student-athletics

NFHS Network Live Streaming- https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/schools/w-t-woodson-high-school-fairfax-va

E-Tix Link- https://www.etix.com/ticket/v/16311/wtwoodson-high-school-athletics

6. Woodson Clubs & Organizations

Chorus: Uniform Fittings

We have Uniform Fittings on 9/4 and 9/11 from 6:30 - 8:30 pm. We need a few parents on both nights to help with the process of distributing and finding the right sizes for the kids. If you can be at the Woodson Chorus room arriving between 6:00 and 6:15 pm either of those nights and stay until 8:30, please add your name to this sign up:    Uniform Fitting Sign Up Genius

How to prepare for fittings:

1) Have your student fill out the Google form indicating which items they need. If they do not need anything, please have them indicate that on the form. All chorus students should fill out the Google form. Use this link or the form in Schoology. 

2) Help your student complete the fitting information form and make sure they bring it to their fitting appointment. 

3) Have your student sign up for their fitting appointment in the Chorus Room (9/4 or 9/11 from 6:30 to 8:30 pm).

4) PAY for the items you are renting or purchasing for your student from Woodson Chorus via My School Bucks. The pricing has been updated for this year, and the items are now ready for purchase. You will not receive an invoice for chorus uniform items. You will need to select them yourself. They are listed under “Chorus Attire and Accessories” within the “Band, Orchestra, Choir, Guitar” group. If items have not been paid for, they cannot be ordered.


National Honor Society (NHS)

The National Honor Society interest meeting will be held on September 5th in Cafeteria B at 3:05PM.  All sophomores, juniors or seniors with at least a 3.5 GPA are welcome to attend to learn about the application process for the 2024-2025 school year.  Please email Ms Austin (alaustin@fcps.edu) or Ms. Holsinger (dlholsinger@fcps.edu) with any questions regarding the NHS admission process


Math Honor Society

The Math Honor Society applications are now available and are due September 3rd at 8:00 am. Please see the application for grade requirements. Students may email Mrs. Silver at vmsilver@fcps.edu with any questions or concerns.

7. Resources for Woodson Students, Parents & Families

Woodson Weekly Message

8. FCPS News & Events


9. PTSO Wemail Archives

Woodson PTSO Wemail