Silverbrook Seahawks News 08/20/2024

First Day of School

We had a fantastic first day of school. Students were engaged in building community and learning the new routines and procedures. They loved being back at school and enjoyed seeing their friends. Our building is alive with fun and learning! 



Patience Please

As we embark on the new year, we are reteaching routines and procedures. We ask for your patience as students relearn processes. The first few days of school require a little more time for dismissal and moving through school.

Early Release Mondays

Please let us know your needs for early release Mondays. Use this QR code to submit your responses.


Arrival Procedures

Parents are invited to walk their children to the classroom on Wednesday.

  • Bus students will deboard and go straight to their classrooms.
  • Walker students should enter Door 12 and go to their classroom. If they arrive before 8:40 they will sit in the gym until the bell has rung. Kindergarten students are escorted by their instruction assistant.

Kiss and Ride students will exit their car and enter the gym. If they arrive before 8:40 they will sit in the gym until the bell has rung. Kindergarten students are escorted by their instructional assistant.

Dismissal Procedures

  • Bus students will be called to their bus after the bus has arrived at school. Until then, they remain in the classroom. Please encourage your child to walk directly to the bus loop when they are dismissed from class. Kindergarten students who ride the bus in the afternoon are to be met at the bus door and asked for by name by a parent, parent designee, guardian, or a responsible middle school-age or older sibling. Children will be returned to school if the driver has concerns for their safety.
  • Walker students are dismissed from Door 12. All kindergarten walkers must be met by an adult or middle school or older parent or designee. Students in grades 1-6 are free to walk themselves, and we are looking closely to match our first-grade students with their designated adult, older siblings can walk with younger siblings’ home (first-sixth grades).

Kiss and Ride students are housed in the gym until their car number is called. It would be helpful to the overall Kiss and Ride dismissal process if you stay in your car as students and adults learn the routine. The first few are always slower. We appreciate your patience.

Parent Vue Accounts

Call the Parent Technology Help Desk at 833-921-3277 (833-921-FCPS). This will be answered by staff members from 7 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday-Friday.

For assistance in other languages, call the Parent Information Phone lines:

Contact the Family Resource Center at 703-204-3941 for more information about Parent Information Phone Lines.

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