Dear Lancers, On Monday we officially begin the 2024-2025 school year! We are looking forward to a great year and are excited to welcome all of our students bright and early! Students will begin the day in their first period class. If a student is unsure of where to report to 1st period, our staff will be spread throughout the building helping students locate their class. Students who might have misplaced their schedule can see it now on StudentVue. Please double check schedules in StudentVue on Sunday evening as we are still finalizing all schedules and there may be some changes. Additionally, all students will be provided a new copy of their schedule during first period class on Monday.
As a reminder, we will also host BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT next week on Wednesday, August 21st. We cannot wait to see all of our Lancers!! Jim
Jim Patrick Principal Longfellow Middle School
Attendance is critical to student success. Longfellow’s procedures for reporting absences can be found on our website. If your student is going to be absent on the first day of school please make sure to notify LMS in one of the following ways: • Absence Phone Line: (703) 533-2626 • Notify us through your SIS ParentVue Account
Kiss and Ride Procedures
The school day begins at 7:30 a.m. However, traffic can (and definitely will) get backed up on Westmoreland Street. Doors open to our LMS students at 7:00 a.m. Kiss and ride WILL back up in the morning, please arrive early. Reference the image below to see our kiss & ride drop-off location. If you are dropping off your student, please only allow your students to exit your car when directed by staff near door 4.
Safety is of utmost importance during arrival and dismissal times. We would like to remind families to remain aware and considerate during these periods. In the past, families have released their students on Westmoreland Street or other nearby roads. Specifically, we have received numerous complaints from residents on Hopewood Drive. Not adhering to our kiss and ride procedure can pose risks as children in these situations often crossroads without the presence of crossing guards or designated crosswalks. Please remember to exercise patience and only drop off your child in the designated zone near door #4, where our staff members are available to assist you and ensure your child's safe exit from the vehicle.

Transportation Information
Bus stops and route information was shared with families via the ParentVUE accounts on August 9th. For more information about bus transportation, including how to access the Bus Delay Notification System, visit the Transportation page. Transportation will load that information in SIS StudentVUE and ParentVUE under Student Info > Transportation. You can only see this information if you log on via the website, not the app.
Please call the Transportation Office at: (703) 249-7100 with questions about transportation for your student or to report late buses.
Parents/guardians are encouraged to review their ParentVue account in Student Information System (SIS) for updated bus route assignment information before the first day of school on Monday in the event there have been updates or changes. • New Users: Please use the parent account registration page to register your account. You will need an activation key that you received in the letter from FCPS to complete the registration process. • Returning Users: Please click here to log in to your ParentVue Account. • Please submit a ticket in the Parent/Student IT Support Portal if you need assistance activating your account.
Student Laptop Distribution
Students will be given their school laptop during science classes on Thursday 8/22 or Friday 8/23. Students will then carry the laptop back and forth between home and school each day. Please make sure students charge their laptop nightly and bring their laptop and charger to school each day.
If you still have a laptop from last year, please make sure to return that to the school as soon as possible. You will not be issued a new laptop if you have not returned it.
Communication Information
This chart contains contact information for who to contact regarding frequently asked questions. We are all here to help and will do our best to answer your questions as quickly as possible.
Class schedule
Your child’s counselor
See below or click here
Technology issues
Brian Eastman, LMS Technology Support Specialist
Click here to access the FCPS IT Support Portal
ParentVUE and StudentVUE access
Dania Paz, LMS Registrar
School Meals
Breakfast and lunch are available for purchase in the cafeteria. The best way to purchase items this year is to use MySchoolBucks. You can access your student’s MySchoolBucks account via the provided link. Your student’s PIN number for their lunch account was emailed to parents/guardians last Wednesday. As always, your child may choose to bring their own meals with them to school this year. Families in FCPS that are earning less than 185% of the poverty level can receive meals for their students at no cost. Families should complete the application before the start of each school year. Approved applications may also qualify students for additional benefits.
Apply on the Free and Reduced-Price Meals webpage.