First Day Recap
We wanted to take a moment to thank all of the staff, families and students for making the first day of school a success at Union Mill. It was great to see so many smiling faces throughout the day from our students and staff. The day flew by and we are looking forward to a wonderful year. Thank you to all families for being flexible with our arrival and dismissal as we get into the routines of the year.
To ensure students get home safely and efficiently:
- Please double check your child's current bus number in SIS ParentVUE. Some bus number assignments have shifted since last year.
- If you haven't done so already, please activate your student's PickUp Patrol account (invitations were sent via email) and update the dismissal plan for your student(s). If you need a new link to create an account, email Susan Brown at
We look forward to seeing everyone again tomorrow when our doors open at 8:35 a.m.
Dominic, Jaime and Scott
The UMES Admin Team
First Day Photos
PickUp Patrol Update
Since Friday when PickUp Patrol went live, we’ve had 945 parents activate their account and update their student’s dismissal plan. That’s the greatest response in Union Mill’s PickUp Patrol history and we’d really like to get ALL parents signed up and ALL students dismissal plans updated. PickUp Patrol is an important tool we use for student safety and accountability. If you haven’t done so already, please update your student’s dismissal plan so teachers and staff know how each student is going home each afternoon.
If you have questions or need assistance with PickUp Patrol, please call the main office at (703) 322-8500
Parking on Springstone Drive
Please be mindful of proper parking along Springstone Drive and adjacent Little Rocky Run streets. Blocking driveways and mailboxes is against the law and dangerous.
Office Hours
Monday - Friday - 8:00 am - 4:15 pm