NFES: Open House Reminders


We are excited to seeing you tomorrow from 8:30am-9:30am at the open house. Students will be able to drop off their supplies, explore their classrooms, and meet their classroom and specialist teachers.

As we have done in previous years, we will have a small selection of free school supplies in our cafeteria for families in need.

If you missed the preorder for headphones last school year, there will be a limited supply of headphones in the front lobby for parents to purchase.

Have you added money to your child's lunch account? 

lunch box

If you have a student who will be paying for school lunch, we will have someone available in the cafeteria to assist parents in adding funds to their child's lunch account. Parents may also add funds electronically by visiting


Apply for Free and Reduced-Priced MealsThe application for free and reduced-priced meals is now available for the 2024-25 school year. Students who were approved for free and reduced-price lunch last year are eligible for the first 30 days of school this year (or until a new application is processed). Families must re-apply as soon as possible, so eligible students continue to receive meals at no cost.

Medication Drop off

As we prepare for the upcoming school year, we would like to remind you about the importance of ensuring that all necessary medications and medication authorization forms for your student are submitted to the school health office. 

If your student will have a medication at school, please complete the appropriate authorization form: medication, inhaler and/or epinephrine. A new authorization form is required annually for medications kept in the health room, and for students who self-carry emergency medications such as inhalers or epinephrine.  

Parents may drop off unexpired medications and forms in the health room on Friday, August 16th between 8:30am-9:30am.  Once school begins, medication may be dropped off any school day from  8:35am-3pm.