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Back to School Reminders
Monday, August 19th, Herndon High School will open its doors to over 2,300 students for the 2024-25 school year. Our faculty is eager for the year to begin and we look forward to getting to know our students. While Monday will be an exciting day for many, there are just a few items you need to be aware of for the first day of school.
Getting to School - We encourage everyone to ride the bus, especially the first few weeks of school. If you absolutely need to drive, plan to leave an extra 15-30 minutes earlier than your normal routine. The traffic volume, coupled with new parents and students unfamiliar with our drop-off and parking procedures, can create a very unpleasant start for the school year. It is very important for students to remember their bus route number.
Bus information - Details on busses is located online through the SIS ParentVUE Mobile App, SIS ParentVUE online version and on SIS StudentVUE Mobile App.
SIS ParentVUE Mobile App: Login and select your child, then select Student Info. At the bottom of the screen you will see white text “Additional Information.” Tap on the Additional Information text then scroll down to Transportation and you will be able to view the bus information.
SIS ParentVUE on the computer: Login and select Student Info on the left menu. Then scroll down to Transportation and you will be able to view the bus information. Contact Transportation Services with questions or concerns.
Bus Stop - Please pay close attention to the bus schedule for the locations and times of morning/afternoon stops. Plan to arrive on time for your morning pickup. Buses typically will not arrive early, but the first couple of weeks late morning pickups are not uncommon. Don't worry...they will get to your stop. Traffic and new route patterns also may result in some delays. Afternoon buses will be held longer at Herndon this week in order for students to become familiar with catching their bus. There will be plenty of faculty/staff on hand to ensure that all students know where their bus is located.
Student Schedules - Monday, August 19th all students will receive a new copy of their schedule during their 1st period class. This copy of student's schedules will supersede all previous versions. Students can access their 1st period classes via the StudentVue app. Their 1st period classes will be emailed to each student on over the weekend. Staff members will be posted around the school with a list of all first period classes to assist students in finding the appropriate room.
Finding Classes - During the first week of school, faculty will be out in the hallways to make sure that all students find their classrooms. Teachers also realize that a little extra time may be needed during this transition time in order for students to arrive.
Schedule Change Process .
- August 19-29, 2024 - No changes due to membership
- September 3-13, 2024 - Elective course changes are allowed, if space is available. A Schedule Change Request Form is required for any core course change request.
- After September 14, 2024 - No elective course changes. A Schedule Change Request Form is required for any core course change request.
- After January 20, 2025 - No schedule changes.
Cell Phone Policy - Please remind your student of the updated expectations related to cell phone usage during the school day.
- Phone must be placed in a zippered pouch strapped to student desk at the beginning of each class.
- No phones should be seen or heard during class time, except for an optional 5-minute break at the discretion of the teacher.
School Calendar - Herndon's Red and Black Calendar for the 2024-25 is available here.
Student Password Reset - Any FCPS staff member at Herndon can reset a student’s password. Staff members are prepared to help students' reset their FCPS network password, to unlock the account, and to allow the student to set a new password.
Free and Reduced-Priced Meals - Did you know your free/reduced price lunch status can be used in a variety of ways to provide support throughout the school year? Free/reduced price lunch applications must be completed every year (the benefits do not roll over from year to year). While you may have heard that some schools were provided a grant to offer free lunch to all students, please be aware that this does not apply to your Herndon High School student. You can access an application here:
If your student qualifies, they will receive breakfast and lunch, help with required class material fees, and much more. Be sure to apply now! If you need help, feel free to call the school at 703-810-2200.
Lockers - Any other student who requires a locker can request one using this Google Form. Students will need to use their email address to complete the form. Once the request is received, a locker will be assigned within 72 hours. Students should see Mrs. Barr in the Main Office to receive their locker information.
Attendance - Regular attendance at school increases the likelihood that students will graduate on time. Learn more about attendance policies and how to communicate with your child’s teacher or school about absences.
Starting August 19, parents and caregivers can report up to two consecutive full-day absences using ParentVUE Mobile App. For absences longer than two days, please contact the school 703-810-2282 Para español 703-810-2220.
- All Day Absences: The Attendance feature in ParentVUE Mobile App is the FCPS secure web solution for reporting all day absences.
- Partial Absence: To report late arrivals, early dismissals, or to update already submitted attendance, please contact the school at 703-810-2282 Para español 703-810-2220.
- Enrollment at Multiple Schools: ParentVUE Mobile App can only be used to report absences at the student's base-school. If the student is enrolled at more than one school, attendance reporting for the non-base schools must be completed via their preferred means.