See you Monday! Last Message Before Opening Day!

Message from Principal

Dear TJHSST Families,

We are ready to open our doors to nearly 2,120 students for the 2024-2025 school year! Our students were born in 68 different countries and our households speak 61 different languages from Albanian, Amharic, Chinese/Mandarin, English, and Hindi, to Korean, Russian, Spanish, Twi, and Yoruba. As a regional magnet school, our Northern Virginia enrollment territory encompasses more than 1,300 square miles! And our students hail from over 100 different public, private, independent, and home school settings. There is no doubt we are a wonderfully diverse community, and when we walk through The Dome, we unite as One TJ!

Our teachers have been working tirelessly all week to ready their classrooms and curriculum. We will start with relationship building as we transition back to classrooms from our summertime rest and relaxation.

Our TJ mission is to provide students with a challenging learning environment focused on math, science, and technology, to inspire joy at the prospect of discovery, and to foster a culture of innovation based on ethical behavior and the shared interests of humanity. Our work is inspirational!

Outside the academic arena, we want our students to explore their passions through the many student activities, athletics, and clubs we have. Beyond the rigors of the classroom, the soul is fed with creative, physical, and social outlets. A child with a healthy body, mind, and spirit is a fulfilled child. 

Remember that your child is more than a GPA to us, and we are a GPS for students- we help them navigate many routes to their desired destination. You may be interested in reading several books that have framed our work the past several years:

  • How to Raise an Adult (Julia Lythcott-Haims)
  • Overloaded and Underprepared (Pope, Brown, and Miles)
  • Why We Sleep (Matthew Walker)
  • Belonging Through a Culture of Dignity (Cobb and Krownapple)

The opening days will be filled with excitement and joyful inquiry. We look forward to seeing you at our Back to School Bash, Back to School Nights, and many other community-building activities this fall! Thank you for choosing TJ and supporting the unparalleled work of our amazing faculty and staff!


Dr. Ann N. Bonitatibus

Proud Principal, TJHSST 

Student Schedules Now Available in ParentVue and StudentVue!

Student schedules for the 2024-2025 school year are now available to view on StudentVUE and ParentVUE. New students can find their counselor assignments under the "Student Information" tab.

Please review the schedule carefully for accuracy.

Need to make a change? Your counselor will be available to assist if you notice one of the following errors. 

  • A required graduation class is missing.
  • A summer school class is still appearing on the schedule.
  • Your student is in the wrong level of a course (like math or a foreign language).

When emailing your counselor, please include your student's ID number, a clear description of the problem, and your suggested solution.

Elective Courses: If your desired elective isn’t on the schedule, it means that it was not possible for the class to fit into the schedule. Your student was automatically enrolled in an alternate choice from their list. We are not able to accommodate requests to change elective courses that were not selected during academic advising. If you have any concerns about your schedule, please wait until Wednesday, August 21 to contact your counselor.

Directions for the First Day of School: Students will first report to advisory listed as period 10 on the schedule and then report to periods 1-7.

Who's Who of TJHSST Administration Team

The TJ Administrative Team works hard to support academic achievement and create a safe and orderly learning environment. Meet our team and their roles.

Headshot of Ann Bonitatibus

Dr. Ann N. Bonitatibus - Principal

  • Establishes TJ Vision and implementation of TJ Mission
  • Aligns TJ program with VA Governor's School Program
  • Partners with parent and student advisory groups
  • Serves on local and national STEM boards
  • Oversees Administrative Team 
Headshot of Volita Russell

Volita Russell - Assistant Principal

  • Grade-level administrator for the Class of 2028
  • Oversees the Humanities Department
Headshot of Chrystal Benson

Chrystal Benson - Assistant Principal

  • Grade-level administrator for the Class of 2027
  • Oversees the Math and Computer Science Department
Headshot of Yaara Crane

Yaara Crane - Assistant Principal

  • Grade-level administrator for the Class of 2026
  • Oversees the Science and Technology Department
Headshot of Shawn Frank

Shawn Frank - Assistant Principal

  • Grade-level administrator for the Class of 2025
  • Oversees the World Language, Fine Arts, and Physical Education Department
Headshot of Sara Genetin

Sara Genetin - Director of Student Services

  • Oversees counselors, social worker, school psychologist, and other staff providing student support
  • Coordinates the school's master schedule
Headshot of Dylan Forshay

Dylan Forshay - Director of Student Activities

  • Oversees eighth period, all clubs and activities, and building security
  • Serves as TJ's Athletic Director
Headshot of Leo Resquin

Leo Requin - Technology Systems Manager

  • In charge of all technology at school, overseeing Technology Team
  • Leader for tjSTAR
Headshot of Mike Roth

Mike Roth - Communications Specialist

  • Handles all internal and external communications with TJ staff, families and members of the community
  • Liaison with FCPS Office of Communications 

Check Last Friday's News You Choose for Important Information

Last Friday (August 9), we sent out a News You Choose newsletter with important back-to-school information, including the following:

  • Back-to-School Night Dates
  • Bell Schedules
  • Laptop Distribution
  • Bus Transportation information
  • Information on the New Online Verification Form

Please read both bulletins to ensure you have complete information.

Reminder About New Parental Digital Consent Platform

On Friday, August 2, we sent all TJ families an E-Notify with information on how to access FCPS' new Parent Digital Consent Platform. The new platform has most of the required and optional FCPS forms for both opting-in and opting-out of various services

IMPORTANT: For teachers to have the resources they need to provide engaging instruction, we must have parental/guardian consent for your child to use FCPS-approved online tools listed as part of our instructional program.

You will be able click on the Digital Resource Consent 2024-25 link and approve each of the resources individually, or click on the opt-in to all resources button and opt-in to everything at once.

Update - As of August 15, the annual Students Rights and Responsibilities Form is now available on the Digital Consent Platform for parents to review and sign. 

TJ Residency Verification Form

Please remember that each year, TJ families are required to fill out the TJ Residency Verification Form. 

  • The Residency Verification Form (Online Submission) 
    • This online Google Form needs to be filled out at the beginning of the year. It is the confirmation that you remain a resident in one of TJHSST’s participating jurisdictions (FCPS, Prince William, Loudoun, Falls Church, Arlington)

TJ Implements FCPS Grading Policy

During the summer, FCPS instituted a new grading policy with an emphasis in having consistent grading regulations and practices where grades are an accurate reflection of student learning. 

Teachers at TJ post their class syllabi in Schoology, so we encourage you to read the syllabi that have specific details about how the teachers are implementing the new grading practices.

For more information visit the FCPS site on Secondary School Grading.

Transcript Updates – Middle School and Summer School Courses

Counselors are currently verifying transcripts from summer school and middle school. A course history update must be completed any time coursework is completed for high school credit outside of FCPS.

Summer school transcripts are currently being sent in by summer school providers to our inbox: and are being recorded by our Transcript Assistant, Ms. Frostad. If your student took a summer school course outside of FCPS, you will need to request that the provider sends an official transcript to us on your behalf.

This transcript verifications and updates take several week to complete. Please allow school counselors until October 31 to complete these updates, which students and parents will be able to see in real-time through the unofficial transcript in StudentVUE.

We appreciate your patience during this process.

How to Report Your Child's Attendance in SIS (New for 2024-25)

New for the 2024-25 School Year - Starting August 19th, parents/guardians can report up to two (2) consecutive full-day absences using ParentVUE. Here are instructions on how to do so

FCPS Introduces New Discrimination and Harassment Reporting Tool

At Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology, we are committed to creating a safe, supportive, and inclusive environment, rejecting all forms of bullying, discrimination, racism, and hate speech.

FCPS has introduced a new Discrimination & Harassment Reporting Tool.

Please use the form to report incidents in which you may have witnessed or experienced bullying, racism, or harassment. FCPS routes the report to school administrators. We then ensure prompt and confidential handling of incidents, following all steps outlined in the Student Rights and Responsibilities document.

Your input is vital for our community's safety and academic focus. If you do not feel comfortable using the tool, please contact your grade level administrator or child’s counselor. Thank you for your support in fostering a positive learning atmosphere.

Arriving at TJ - General Instructions on Student Drop-off

Safely Arriving at School - Get Here Early!

The school day begins at 8:40 a.m. However, traffic can (and definitely will!) get backed up on Braddock Road. Doors open to our TJ students at 7:45 a.m. We highly recommend if students are driving or being dropped off by parents to arrive no later than 8:15 a.m. to avoid getting caught in the backups.

Drop-Off Instructions

Student drop-off is located behind the school. Parents, please drop off your child at the Kiss and Ride by coming in the school’s entrance off Braddock Road and following signs to the left. Pull up all the way to Door 9 before letting your child out.

Student Driving Instructions

Seniors and juniors who are driving to TJ can park in the following locations: The back parking lot (just past the speed bumps at door 6), and all of the access road (the street that leads out to the Little River Turnpike exit) except for the spots immediately adjacent to the bus depot on the left of that road. 

Students will not need a parking permit during first two weeks of school, but must obtain one to continue parking at TJ beginning on Sept. 5. 

Visitors to TJ

All visitors must enter through the Dome (Door 1) and sign in at the Main Office. A camera/buzzer system at the main entrance enhances and ensures safe entry for our guests. Also, Officer Benji Main, our School Resource Officer, will be on site regularly and his vehicle will be parked at the front of the school. 

Dismissal at TJ – General Instructions on Student Pick-Up

Pick-Up Instructions

  • Enter from Braddock Rd., turn left when you drive onto campus, and follow signs and staff directions to line up, park and drive off campus once you pick up your child. You will have a 10-minute window from 4:00-4:10 p.m. to exit. Then, at approximately 4:10 p.m., the buses depart, so you will need to wait until all buses exit campus before car traffic resumes. Thank you for your patience as we keep our campus safe.
  • Students being picked up will exit out of doors 7, 8, and 9.
  • Students are to be picked up in the back parking lot only.
  • Our speed limit driving on school grounds is 15 MPH.
  • There are traffic signs posted around the building for student and staff safety. Crosswalks and stop signs have been established at very strategic areas around the school to insure everyone’s safety. Please observe ALL traffic signs.
  • Finally, parking at dismissal. There are 2 areas available to parents picking up students at dismissal. Both are available at anytime prior to 3:55pm.
    • The REAR PARKING area is past the yellow speed bump at Door 7 and ends at Door 9.
    • The parking area on Minor lane (the driveway between our athletic fields), to include the football stadium area.
    • The visitors lot, all staff parking areas, and our bus depot are NOT available for parking at dismissal.

PLEASE, you may ONLY park in the 2 areas we have developed for you in the afternoon at dismissal, for YOUR students’ safety! Thank you for your cooperation.

Monday, August 19 - Opening Day with Modified Advisory Schedule

For opening day, August 19, we will run a modified Anchor Day schedule with extended advisory. Students get to know their advisory teacher and receive laptops. Here is the schedule for Monday, August 19. 

Modified Anchor Day with Extended Advisory
Period Start Time End Time
Advisory 8:40 a.m. 9:40 a.m.
1st Period 9:50 a.m. 10:30 a.m.
2nd Period 10:40 a.m. 11:20 a.m.
3rd Period 11:30 a.m. 12:10 p.m.
Lunch 12:10 p.m. 12:50 p.m.
4th Period 12:50 p.m. 1:30 p.m.
5th Period 1:40 p.m. 2:20 p.m.
6th Period 2:30 p.m. 3:10 p.m.
7th Period 3:20 p.m. 4:00 p.m.

FCPS Cell Phone Policy

TJ will be following the FCPS School Board Policy that was adopted at its meeting on May 9. Here are the key points:

  • Cell phones may be used on campus before the first bell, after the last bell, during passing periods, and lunches.
  • There will be hanging cell phone holders in every classroom. About 1/4 of our classroom have already had the cell phone holders hanging the past year. All students shall put their phones in the cell phone holders at the beginning of class. They will then pick it up back up at the end of class.
  • It will be up to the individual teacher whether students can use their cell phones for the activities planned during class on that day. 
  • Phone accessories are also to be silenced and away when phone use is prohibited. Smart watches that serve a dual purpose may be worn, but the phone features (texting, Internet viewing, and calls) are to be off when phone use is prohibited.
  • Students with a documented health or educational need through special services may have an exception. Please work through your child’s administrator if you believe an exception is needed.

Student Parking Passes 2024-2025

  • Seniors and juniors can acquire a parking pass during the first two weeks of school. 
  • Students and their parents need to fill out and sign this application form and return a hard copy to the security office. 
    • The parking fee is $200 for the school year and can be paid on MySchoolBucks . Search for a button labeled "Student Parking Pass Fee." Click on that and it will allow you to make the purchase.'
    • Students can pick up their parking pass in Room 130 during lunch.
  • Students with economic challenges supported through federal meal programs may speak to a security representative about reduced fees. 
  • There will be no tickets written for students parked in student approved areas during the first two weeks of school while everyone is still obtaining passes.

Varsity Tutors Available for Online Tutoring Help at No Cost

  • Varsity Tutors is now available for 24/7 online tutoring services to FCPS students at no cost to families. Online tutoring is available in English and Spanish. Visit our Varsity Tutors webpage
  • Families may also choose to access Schoolhouse, a free online, peer-to-peer tutoring service for students 13 years old and above. Schoolhouse was founded by Sal Khan of Khan Academy. 


How to Apply for Free and Reduced Meals and Fee Waivers

Free/Reduced Application information and forms for qualified families (Online Submission)

FCPS offers nutritious meals every school day.  Your child may qualify for free meals or reduced-price meals at TJHSST. Students who qualify for reduced-price meals receive breakfast and lunch at no cost.  For information on how to apply for Free and Reduced-price meals, please visit the link above.  The online free and reduced-price meals application is available in 8 languages and can be completed on mobile devices.  It needs to re-apply annually.

Consent to Share Form:

If you have children eligible for the Free and Reduced-price meals program, they may also be eligible to participate in other FCPS fee-based programs without paying a fee or by paying a reduced fee.

This would include things that are specified in FCPS Notice 5922. Those are:

  • Musical Instrument fees
  • Driver Education fees
  • Student Parking fees
  • Career and Technical Education Certification fees
  • Fine Arts fees
  • Technology and Engineering Education Material fees
  • Online Campus fees
  • Advanced Placement fees (after six exams)
  • Returned Check fees

You are also eligible to receive information about scholarships, classes and services that are provided by agencies and organizations other than FCPS.

In order to receive the benefits, you have to fill out the Consent to Share Form (please visit the link above), a written agreement allowing FCPS staff to share information about your children's meal eligibility status.

Enthusiasm Abounds as TJ Welcomes Families at New Student Orientation!

Dr. Bonitatibus speaks with the new students in the auditorium


View Photo Gallery from New Student Orientation on Instagram

We welcomed almost 550 members of the Class of 2028 and several new students joining our Class of 2027 for the official TJ orientation on Thursday, August 15.

Students had the chance to meet their counselors, their IBEST teachers and Cohort, walk their schedule, get a tour of the building, and meet some of our older students who gave them tips about life here at TJ.

Parents/guardians got to meet administration, hear from parents/guardians of older students, visit booths for our booster clubs and meet with their student's counselor.

Everyone had a lot of fun and we look forward to seeing all of our students for the first day of school on Monday!

TJ Receives Exemplar Award - Highest Achievement from VA Board of Education

Banner saying that TJ has won the Exemplar Award from VA Board of Education


TJ was recently awarded  the Highest Achievement Exemplar Award from the Virginia Board of Education! We were one of only 37 high schools in the state of Virginia to meet all the criteria to earn this honor! It included meeting state benchmarks in reading, math, and science and low absenteeism.


In each newsletter we want to give some quick shout outs to TJ staff, students, teams, and alumni.

  • Congratulations goes out to the TJ Wind Ensemble for being accepted into the Music for All National Concert Band Festival! This annual festival features bands from throughout the country performing in select venues throughout the city of Indianapolis. Students will also get to participate in music education and life-skills workshops, and will receive evaluation and feedback after their performance from world-class conductors and clinicians. The 2025 Festival takes place March 13-15, 2025.

TJ Sports Looking to Add Athletes to a Few Fall Teams

Football – No experience? No problem! Coaches will introduce you to the game of football in a safe and encouraging environment. Feel free to watch practice this week and see if Football could be for you! Practices are 4:30 Monday – Wednesday. You are welcome to come watch our first scrimmage Thursday August 22 at TJ at 7:00pm

Questions? – contact Coach Kramer –

Field Hockey – are you interested in the sport of Field Hockey? Looking to try something new? Join Field Hockey at TJ! Practices are after-school (4:30) on the turf practice field.

Questions – contact Coach Behling –

Girls Cross Country – if interested, please contact Coach Withington, Practices are after school on the stadium field track.

Coaches, Head Athletic Trainer Dr. Murphy, and the TJ Activities Office can assist with information on required VHSL physical and Athlete Registration. Reach out to Director of Student Activities, Dylan Forshay ( with any questions!

How to Contact Us

Need to get ahold of someone at TJ? Here is some commonly requested contact information:

Main Office - 703-750-8300

Attendance Office -

Student Services - 703-750-8340

Student Activities - 703-750-8333

Security - 703-750-8331

Administration Contact Information

Dr. Ann Bonitatibus - Principal

Mr. Shawn Frank - Assistant Principal (oversees Class of 2025 and World Language, Art, Music, and Physical Education Division)

Ms. Yaara Crane - Assistant Principal (oversees Class of 2026 Science and Technology Division)

Ms. Chrystal Benson - Assistant Principal (oversees Class of 2027 and  Mathematics and Computer Science Division)

Ms. Volita Russell - Assistant Principal (oversees Class of 2028 and Humanities Division)

Ms. Sara Genetin - Director of Student Services (oversees Counselors, Social Worker, School Psychologist and other staff providing student support)

Mr. Dylan Forshay - Director of Student Activities (oversees Activities Office, 8th Period, Athletic Office, Building Maintenance, Custodians, Food Services)

Mr. Leo Resquin - Director of Technology (oversees Technology Team, Testing Tech Support, tjSTAR, Safety and Security/Transportation)

Mr. Mike Roth - Communications Specialist (oversees NewsYouChoose and eNotify, Event promotions,  print/digital text, photo, video, Social Media accounts, TJHSST Webmaster and Visitors US & International (TJPF)

For another specific staff member, please use our Staff Directory to find contact information. 

Follow TJ on Instagram!

Be sure to visit Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology On its official social media channel on Instagram @OfficialTJHSST for pictures and highlights of all the fun events and activities going on at TJ! (Please note that we have discontinued use of our X/Twitter account).

We'd love it if you give us a follow!

Important Calendar Reminders

Aug. 19: First day of the 2024-25 school year. It will be a Modified Anchor Day with one hour advisory and no JLC.

Aug. 26: This Monday will be a Red Day - periods 5, 6, 7, and advisory will be held.

Aug. 27: Back to School Night will be held in-person at TJ for the Class of 2025 and the Class of 2028 from 6:00-8:00 p.m.

Aug. 29: Back to School Bash held after school at TJ Athletic Fields.

Aug. 30-Sept. 2: Labor Day Holiday. No school on Friday, August 30 or Monday, Sept. 2.

Sept. 4: Back to School Night will be held in-person at TJ for the Class of 2026 and the Class of 2027 from 6:00-8:00 p.m.

Sept. 23-27: TJ's annual homecoming week.

Sept. 28 - TJ's Homecoming Dance in evening

Oct. 2: Religious or Cultural Observance Day (Rosh Hashanah begins in evening) - school remains in session with normal hours, no activities in evening.

Oct. 3: No School for students or staff (Rosh Hashanah)

Oct. 4: Teacher Work Day - No school for students.

Oct. 9: PSAT (10th and 11th grade) SAT (12th grade) 

Oct. 11: Religious or Cultural Observance Day (Yom Kippur begins in evening) - school remains in session with normal hours, no activities in evening.

Oct. 14: Staff Development Day - No school for students.

Oct. 21: First Quarter Catch-Up Day at TJ

Oct. 31: End of first quarter - Modified Red Day with 2-hour early release

Nov. 1: No School for students or staff (Diwali)