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Hello Braddock District Neighbors!
Welcome back to school! I hope you had a wonderfully fun and relaxing summer, even though it feels like it went by fast! I’ve enjoyed lazy summer nights hanging out with my neighbors in our cul-de-sac, at the Burke farmer’s market, and at the Lake Accotink summer concerts, visiting family out of state, watching the Olympics, and even shopping for back to school supplies (I have to admit, I love school supplies!).
As the Braddock District Representative to the Fairfax County School Board, I am honored to welcome all students, families and caregivers, teachers and staff back to school for 2024-25!
 Click the image above to watch Rachna's back-to-school video on YouTube.
I hope you will look to your school community as a welcoming, nurturing place not just for your school-aged children but really for your whole family. FCPS is known for its quality academics, its sports, music and arts and theater, STEAM programs, and so many other great “things,” sure. But we’re also known for our heart and our place in our community.
I’m so glad we are a part of that together. I am really proud to represent the Braddock District where I raised my children and I’ve lived for more than two decades. I’m proud of the education my children received, spending pre-K through high school in Braddock-area FCPS schools. And I love the sense of community, kindness, and camaraderie that is the Braddock District. We truly look out for each other. Please know I am here to look out for you, to serve you, your families and your children, so reach out anytime.
My own priorities as a School Board member include encouraging greater consistency in instruction and grading across FCPS, continuing to work to close the gaps and ensure all of our students receive an excellent and rigorous education, expanding STEAM education, and supporting innovation in the classroom to ensure our students have the skills to thrive on their chosen path in this rapidly changing world. Supporting neurodiverse students is also a particular passion for me.
So, if there’s any room left in your Trapper Keeper, please find a place to jot down my email address - braddockconstituent@fcps.edu - and let me know anytime during the school year if there are ways I may be able to assist you. I will be working closely with your PTA/PTO/PTSA/PTSO leaders and booster organizations this year, so I hope you will choose to be involved there or elsewhere as well.
But most of all, I hope you and your loved ones have a wonderful year!
Yours very truly,
 Rachna Sizemore Heizer Braddock District School Board Member
Have something nice to say about an FCPS teacher or other staff? Share it with FCPS Cares.
- Back-to-School Resources
- Cell Phone Policy Update
- Boundary Policy Update
- Focus on Braddock
- Neurodiversity News
- More from the School Board
- FCPS News
- Out & About
- Coming Up
- More Stuff Parents Should Know
Back-to-School Resources
It’s almost here! The first day of school for the 2024-25 school year is Monday, Aug. 19. Here are some important resources to help get you and the students in your household off to the best start.
2024-25 School Calendar
If you know, you know! Save or bookmark the new school calendar, or print and hang it somewhere everyone in your family can easily find it.
Back-to-School Nights
Getting an early look at your child’s school and meeting their teachers can make a huge difference in their sense of belonging and future success. Every FCPS school is planning its own Back-to-School Night to welcome students and their families. You can find up-to-date schedules for every school Braddock District students attend, organized by FCPS region, at the links below:
Region 1: Mosaic ES
Region 2: Bailey’s Upper ES, Camelot ES, Falls Church HS, Mason Crest ES
Region 3: Bryant HS
Region 4: Bonnie Brae ES, Cardinal Forest ES, Cherry Run ES, Fairview ES, Irving MS, Keene Mill ES, Kings Glen ES, Kings Park ES, Lake Braddock SS, Laurel Ridge ES, Oak View ES, Orange Hunt ES, Ravensworth ES, Robinson SS, Rolling Valley ES, Terra Centre ES, West Springfield ES, White Oaks ES
Region 5: Canterbury Woods ES, Eagle View ES, Fairfax HS, Fairfax Villa ES, Frost MS, Katherine Johnson MS, Little Run ES, Mantua ES, Olde Creek ES, Rocky Run MS, Wakefield Forest ES, Willow Springs ES, Woodson HS
Region 6: Annandale HS, Annandale Terrace ES, Braddock ES, Holmes MS, Key MS, Lewis HS, Lynbrook ES, North Springfield ES, Poe MS
- Thomas Jefferson High School for Science & Technology
I will be stopping by as many Braddock District events as possible, so please say hello if you see me there!
Bus Routes & Bell Schedules
Safety is FCPS’ top priority when establishing bus routes and bell schedules. The rules are firm but for good reasons.
FCPS selects bus routes that run on roads that are well-maintained and safe for school bus travel. Stops are not designed to drop students off in front of their homes. Parents are responsible for making sure that they choose a safe walking route for their children to get to and from the bus stop. Exceptions are made for students with special needs. Bus stop information is NOT published on any public website for safety reasons.
The Office of Transportation Services works in concert with school principals and program managers to develop the start and end times for each school.
For bell schedules and more information about bus routes, go here.
School Supply Lists
Each elementary school has posted supply lists to their own website. Middle and high schools often provide these on their websites or will provide them to students upon return to school. Find your student’s school website here.
Fueling Success: Student Meals Provide a Strong Start
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, students who participate in school meal programs consume more whole grains, milk, fruits, and vegetables during meal times and have better overall diet quality.
Caregivers can set their children up for school lunch success by providing their students with money to purchase meals at school, sending them with a nutritious packed lunch, or applying for free and reduced-price meal benefits.
Learn more about paying for meals, free and reduced meals, tips for packing a health lunch, and more.
Vaccines & Immunizations Benefit the Whole Community
As the new school year begins, please remember the entire community is dependent on all students having proper immunizations to keep everyone healthy! Learn everything you need to know here.
Pilot Storage Program Starts this Fall
Two years ago, the school board voted to ban cell phone usage throughout the day at elementary and middle schools as well as ban cell phones in classes and in the bathrooms at high schools. Despite this two year ban, we continue to hear of issues regarding cell phone usage.
Starting in school year 2024-25, select middle and high schools at FCPS (see list below) will be phone-free during the school day in order to limit classroom disruptions and improve student engagement and learning. Middle school students will receive locked storage pouches. High school students will place their cell phones in central storage units located in each classroom.
The purpose of the pilot program is to create a more engaged learning environment for students, free of distraction from cell phones and social media. Studies show that students who use their cell phones during instructional time focus less, learn less, and achieve lower grades.
Middle School Pilot Program
On Tuesday, Sept. 3, students in the pilot program will receive a special cell phone storage pouch. The pouch is magnetic and stops students from using their phones, including for social media and text messages/phone calls. Each student will be responsible for their own personal pouch and will bring it to school each day.
When they arrive at school each morning, students must safely lock their cell phone in their personal pouch and put it in their backpack. Airpods must be secured in the pouch or placed in backpacks. Smartwatches must be off or on airplane mode. Students will unlock their pouches at the end of the school day. In case of a family emergency, parents/caregivers can contact the school’s front office.
Participating Braddock District schools: Frost, Irving, Jackson, Poe, Robinson, Thoreau and Twain.
High School Pilot Program
Starting Tuesday, Sept. 3, students must place their cell phones in a cell phone storage unit at the beginning of each class.
Participating Braddock District schools: Edison, Falls Church, Justice, Lewis, Madison, McLean, Robinson and Westfield.
For more information on either pilot program, we encourage you to read the Frequently Asked Questions or contact your child's school. Feedback is also welcome.
The Fairfax County School Board approved updates to the Boundary Policy (Policy 8130) at its July 18 Regular Public Meeting, completing a years-long comprehensive review of the policy for the first time in nearly four decades. The revised policy provides a clear roadmap for any future boundary adjustments to help ensure better student achievement through enhanced instructional quality, budget optimization, and strengthened student well-being. It helps address classroom and school overcrowding, and can lead to shorter bus rides with more sleep for students, and more.
It does not propose specific boundary changes, nor were specific boundaries considered during the policy review. Instead, the updates create a framework for the division superintendent to follow when considering any potential future adjustments, which must prioritize robust community engagement throughout the process. It continues to allow for the possibility of phasing at all grade levels to help with stability and transition.
Some major changes include board approval for all permanent boundary changes, significantly more public engagement in the process, and a five year cyclical review. Here is a link to the work session on the policy, which contains a PowerPoint covering major updates to the policy.
New Region 4 Assistant Superintendent
I am excited to share the appointment of Pablo Resendiz as the new Assistant Superintendent for Region 4, which includes 10 schools located in the Braddock District and eight others located outside the district but which Braddock District residents attend.
Mr. Resendiz brings a wealth of experience and a deep commitment to educational excellence. Born in Mexico, he immigrated to the U.S. at a young age, facing the many challenges that come with new beginnings, including language barriers and socioeconomic hardships. Growing up as a multilingual learner and immigrant, Mr. Resendiz's personal journey fuels his commitment to ensuring that all students have access to an equitable education.
Mr. Resendiz has served in various capacities, including teacher, assistant principal, middle and high school principal, and most recently as an executive director coaching and leading schools in the largest region in Houston ISD. Throughout his career, he has been recognized for his work with at-risk students.
Mr. Resendiz earned a bachelor of science in applied learning and development from the University of Texas at Austin, a master of education in educational leadership from the University of Texas of the Permian Basin, and is currently pursuing a doctorate in professional leadership from the University of Houston.
Mr. Resendiz replaces Penny Gros, who recently retired after serving as Region 4 assistant superintendent since 2021.
Welcome, Mr. Resendiz!
New Principal at Lynbrook Elementary School
Please join me in welcoming Heber Paredes as the new principal of Lynbrook Elementary School!
In announcing his appointment, Region 6 Assistant Superintendent Dr. Michelle Boyd noted Mr. Paredes brings a wealth of experience in education and leadership to the community. He holds a master’s degree in education leadership from Loyola University Maryland and a bachelor of arts in elementary education and special education from Washington Adventist University. He previously served as dean of students and assistant principal at Lynbrook.
“A dedicated leader and lifelong learner, Mr. Paredes values collaboration with all stakeholders,” Dr. Boyd said. “He is committed to working closely with teachers, parents, and the broader community to foster a welcoming and joyful educational setting. His compassionate approach and dedication to professional development, family engagement, and cultural competency ensure an inclusive and equitable environment at Lynbrook Elementary.”
While Lynbrook is physically located in the Franconia District, students who live in the Braddock District make up about 41 percent of the school’s population. Having strong leaders in place is a priority for me no matter where Braddock kids are receiving their education, so I am thrilled with this appointment for the 2024-25 school year!
Welcome, Principal Paredes!
Simple Ways to Transition Back to School With Autism
From Autism Parenting Magazine: “Returning to school can be stressful for all children, but especially for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and their families. While summer activities such as visiting new places, staying with extended family, and attending school holiday care can be enjoyable, they can also be extremely disruptive for children with autism. We need to take this into account before we even start to plan how to help children transition back to school.
“When considering how to best start the transition back after each holiday break, you can help set your child up for success by creating a sense of safety amidst all the changes. It is also worth taking a moment to understand the two basic ways we can help to lessen a child’s anxiety.”
Read more.
September Webinars at the Family Resource Center
The FCPS Family Resource Center is offering several free webinars in September, ranging in topics from help with disorganization and procrastination to nurturing adolescent growth. Learn more and register here.
2024-25 Meeting Calendar
 Just like everyone else, your Fairfax County School Board spent much of the summer planning for the packed school year ahead.
The 2024-25 School Board meeting calendar is approved and available to the public. This includes all planned regular meetings, work sessions, public hearings, joint meetings with the Board of Supervisors and others, budget meetings, and more.
I strongly encourage you to follow the work of the School Board and take advantage of every opportunity for public engagement - be it a public input session, community survey, virtual roundtable with me or other board members, asking questions on online forums, or something else.
Research consistently shows that student, classroom, school, school system and community outcomes benefit from greater parental involvement in public schools. That means not just helping with homework or attending parent-teacher conferences, which is of course vital, but engaging in other ways including with elected representatives.
To make this easier, Board agendas and materials are posted for public review in advance of each meeting on BoardDocs and also archived there. The same is true for meetings of Board committees, as those are scheduled throughout the year. You can also follow along by watching a live stream or recorded video of our regular meetings and work sessions on the School Board YouTube Channel.
The School Board’s first regular meeting of the year will be held on Thursday, Aug. 29.
2024-25 Committee Assignments
For 2024-25, I will be motivated to serve as vice chair of the School Board Budget Committee and as a member of the Governance Committee.
These important assignments will allow me to have influence over some of the School Board’s most important work. As an organization’s budget is essentially a policy document that outlines prioritization of resources, I will make every effort to ensure that your tax dollars are applied to the matters that are most important to my constituents and the County as a whole. Last year’s budget was difficult, as you may know, and the coming year may be even more challenging.
The Governance Committee is responsible for reviewing and recommending updates to School Board policies. Having served as chair of this committee last year, I look forward to continuing my work on a wide range of important issues. In particular, I am hopeful we can make progress on policies regarding grading, infrastructure and special education.
Limited Early Release Mondays for 2024-25 School Year
FCPS will release elementary school students three hours early on seven Mondays during the 2024-25 school year to give teachers additional training in light of Virginia’s new Literacy requirements and state standards.
Find out more here, including information about transportation and impact on special ed students. Stay tuned for information about activities schools will provide to support students who need to stay at school.
New School Year Brings New Sports to FCPS High Schools
In May, the School Board adopted the Fiscal Year 2025 budget, which includes $800,000 in funding for Varsity Boys Volleyball, and another new sport, Varsity Girls Wrestling, for which students and families also lobbied. The first season for Varsity Girls Wrestling begins in the winter.
I am a proud supporter of our school athletic programs and am pleased to have been able to help provide funding for these exciting new outlets for our students!
Learn more.
Hiring & Retention Update
In good news from the FCPS Human Resources Team, a recent separation report indicated that from SY2022 to SY2024 there was a 37.6% decrease in teachers leaving the division. (Of those teachers leaving in 2024, 22.6% were retirees.)
Also, teacher vacancies for the first week of July 2024 compared to the same week in July 2023 were 47.3% lower, from 647 to 341, respectively.
I continue to be so grateful for the efforts of our teachers, principals, and support staff who are working hard on filling these positions.
I have an ambitious plan to be even more “Out & About” in the Braddock District this year, so please say hello if you see me at a school, association, community or other event. I’ll also be working to get more involved with PTA/PTO/PTSA/PTSOs this year, and hope you will too.
If you’d like me to attend a meeting with your group, even if it’s just something informal in your neighborhood, or to come to a community event, please ask.
The Taste of Annandale
One of my favorite NOVA events is on the horizon: The 2024 Taste of Annandale on Sept. 21, 10:30 a.m.-6 p.m.!
This free, family-friendly festival will be at a new location this year – the Eileen Garnett Civic Space, 7200 Columbia Pike, and the Annandale Fire Department’s social hall next door. The Taste of Annandale features live music and dance, food trucks, other food vendors, beer and wine, children’s performances and activities, a 5-K race, a chili cook-off, a pet contest, local businesses and organizations, and more.
The Taste of Annandale 5K will start at 9:30 a.m. at the K Market parking lot at 4239 John Marr Drive, Annandale. Register for the 5K here.
Burke Centre Festival
Another annual highlight, the Burke Centre Festival will be held on Sept. 7-8, 2024. This festival will feature an arts and crafts show, fire and rescue displays, emergency preparedness area, karaoke, live bands, dancing and other entertainment, roving characters, face painting, amusement rides, pony rides, interactive wildlife shows, midway-style games, basketball toss, giveaways and drawings, community booths, wine garden, local food vendors, and much more. Hours: Saturday, 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m., Sunday, 11 a.m.-5 p.m.
More Speed Cameras Being Installed in FCPS School Zones
Not everyone needs to hear this, but for some … please, slow down!
Getting your child to school on time can be a challenge some days, but it’s never an excuse to speed near a school. Following a successful pilot program, about 50 new speed cameras are being installed in school zones across Fairfax County.
Launched in February 2023 at eight sites, the pilot ultimately brought cameras to 10 school zones across the county and collected data on whether the cameras helped reduce speeding. A follow-up speed survey conducted in February showed that most school zones with speed cameras maintained reduced speeds.
The Congressional App Challenge Encourages High School Coders
The Congressional App Challenge serves as an opportunity for high school students to be more engaged in coding in their district. Every year, Members of Congress challenge students in their districts to create and submit their original apps for a chance to win the Congressional App Challenge (CAC). Each challenge is district specific. U.S. Representatives publicly recognize their winning teams, and each winning app may be put on display in the U.S. Capitol Building for one year.
- Winning apps are eligible to be displayed in the US Capitol Building and featured on the House of Representatives’ website, House.gov
- Winning students are invited to #HouseofCode Capitol Hill Reception in Washington D.C.
- Additional sponsor prizes TBA!
For more information, go here. To register, go here.
The views contained within this newsletter reflect the views of the individual school board member who is the publisher of this newsletter and may not reflect the views of the Fairfax County School Board.
© 2024 Fairfax County Public Schools, Fairfax County, Virginia