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Dear FCPS Community,
Here we are, on the brink of a new school year! I hope you are taking advantage of the time remaining before the first day to prepare your students, yourself, and your home for the learning to come in the year ahead. This includes attending back to school events, reading the flurry of emails coming from FCPS, creating space where students can read and work at home, and setting expectations for healthy habits regarding cell phone use, sleep, and healthy eating. Thank you to our educators and operational staff who are already at work preparing for next week and the new year!
My family is preparing to have our first high school student in FCPS! This is extra special for me, as my career in education policy has mainly focused on early and elementary ed - so I expect to learn a lot this year, as a parent and a School Board Member!
One aspect I'm most interested in includes academic grading practices, as I join many students, staff, and families in desiring clarity and consistency in this area. *Note the information below about the upcoming Board work session about academic grading.
I also continue observing the course selection process in the context of the total high school experience that leads to a clear path after graduation. This trajectory must be clear as early as sixth grade, and I continue advocating for information that helps students, families, and staff navigate this multi-year pathway.
Additionally, our high school have large student enrollment numbers, and this connects with many advocacy areas I'm passionate about - including smaller class sizes, and safe and modern learning facilities. This all relates to the boundary study work the Superintendent is undertaking, via direction of the Board's updated policy adopted on July 18 (no specific boundary changes are being discussed by the Board - see more information below). Now I'll try to be cool and not be *too* interested in her high school experience, but no promises.😉
Also, the school year begins a cycle of new assignments for School Board Members. As I mentioned a few months ago, my role as Vice Chair is now finished, having served for the first part of this year to help with on-boarding my new colleagues at the start of this four-year term. Now, I am serving as the liaison to the Board's Advanced Academic Programs Advisory Committee (AAPAC), and on the Public Education Committee that is a standing work committee of the Board.
I'm very excited to be leading the Board's state legislative work, as Legislative Liaison. I'm also our Board's Delegate to the Virginia School Boards Association (VSBA), in addition to continuing as the Vice Chair of the Northeastern region of VSBA, which includes 13 school divisions. As such, I spent time in Richmond and in the Hampton Roads area this summer to connect with colleagues.
On that note, please know the Virginia Board of Education is finalizing a new school accountability system this month that will likely over-identify schools as failing in their goal to educate students, painting an inaccurate picture of public education in Virginia. I am extremely concerned that with this change, public schools are being set up for state takeover to remove local control of parents and the communities who know best what their local schools need. The Governor-appointed state Board Members approved the standards by vote over summer recess with minimal announcement, so I am working with fellow Board Members and the Superintendent to gather more information. I will be sharing updates with you, because our strong schools need our strong community now more than ever. If you would like to send comments to the Virginia Board of Education, you can use this form here.
Finally, I begin the new school year with a new Staff Aide! Christopher "Chris" Pinkerton joined me in July! Chris is no stranger to the Hunter Mill District and FCPS, having worked at Thoreau Middle School as an Executive Assistant to the Principal. The smooth transition he's provided into this role has allowed me to continue my work and to be responsive to constituents. Welcome, Chris!
I look forward to seeing you at back-to-school events! All the best to you and our community at this fresh start!
🚧School Board Updates and Recent Work
Boundary Policy Updated to Maximize Facilities for Learning & Work – I championed phasing / “grandfathering” of students
Policy work is a core part of my role as a School Board Member, as policy expresses the values of the community, codified so the Superintendent can implement and operationalize these values into budgetary decisions and action. I had supported the review of the boundary policy that began at the start of 2024, knowing that a revised policy and county-wide boundary review were both long overdue.
As such, I was disappointed to have to vote “No” for the updated boundary policy at the public Regular Meeting of the School Board on July 18. I had proposed, with a colleague, to provide parents options for “phasing” or “grandfathering in” of students in certain pivotal grade levels - that is, families could choose to stay in a current school or move to a new-boundaried school in the final year of elementary school; during the short middle school grades; and then in 10th, 11th, and 12th grades since a student would already be situated in high school. While this amendment had support prior to the Board meeting, at the dais, the majority of the Board did not agree. I felt it was so critical that students and families who I represent be offered these choices, that I could not vote to support the overall policy.
As the Superintendent collects data about boundaries and presents to the Board publicly, I will continue appealing to my colleagues for a phased approach outlined by the Board – which could include an update of the boundary policy in the future. The Board can update its policies at any time. To learn more about the boundary review work, please see this page here.
Collective Bargaining Certified, a First in FCPS
The School Board publicly certified the results of FCPS employees seeking to participate in collective bargaining. The Fairfax Education Unions (FEU), is the exclusive bargaining agent for the Operational and Licensed Instructional bargaining units. This new process for FCPS – and Virginia – continues forward.
Welcome New Student Representative to the Board, Megan Sawant
The School Board’s Student Representative for the new school year, Megan Sawant, joined us for her first public meetings this summer! I’ve already had discussions with Ms. Sawant about her interests in bringing students’ voice to Board discussions and decision-making, and I am so pleased to be working with this thoughtful, smart, and engaging student!
📅Upcoming School Board Meetings
Tuesday, August 27, 10:30am: All-Day Work Session: Agenda:
- Legislative Program
- Reporting Student Progress to Parents and Guardians and Secondary Grading Advisory Committee
Thursday, August 29, 7pm: Regular Meeting
Tuesday, September 10, 10:30am: All-Day Work Session
Thursday, September 12, 7pm: Regular Meeting
Accessing Board Meetings
The work sessions and regular meetings will be broadcast live on Channel 99 (Verizon channel 11) and the FCPS website. Both will be recorded for future viewing and posted to the FCPS School Board YouTube channel.
Visit the community participation webpage to sign up to speak at a regular meeting. Visit BoardDocs for more meeting logistics, agendas, and handouts.
Interested in School Board action items? Sign up to get an update on School Board votes the morning after the School Board meeting.
For Spanish speakers, watch recorded School Board meetings or to watch live during the Regular Meetings on YouTube, you may visit the FCPS en Espanol YouTube channel or scan the QR code.

Hunter Mill Happenings
Over The Summer
Student Talent and School Spirit
At public School Board Meetings held over the summer, student performers showcased their talents and school spirit. On June 13th, the Terraset Elementary School Tigers chorus delivered the National Anthem, to begin the Board’s public meeting. At the same meeting, we honored the VHSL State Champs! 🏆South Lakes High School Boys Basketball team won its first-ever state basketball championship! Also at South Lakes High School, the Girls Indoor Track & Field team won its first state title since 1988!
Then, Langston Hughes Middle School student, Jocelyn Looney, performed the National Anthem solo at the July 14 Board Meeting.
🛑Updates about Crossing Guards in Vienna
The Board of Supervisors, who oversee the County Executive’s management of public safety services, discussed options for providing crossing guard services to FCPS, after an announcement earlier this year that services would cease for FCPS school crossings in the Town of Vienna. While all previously established crossing assignments will be covered for this upcoming 24-25 school year, the County is considering alternate options for the future, including recommendations to privatize the service, turn responsibility over to FCPS, and continue as-is. I remain anxious to find a permanent solution to protect our students, families, and staff as they commute to and from our schools. To view the Board of Supervisor’s July meeting on the matter, please see here.
🌟New this year!
Several schools serving Hunter Mill’s students have new Principals!
- Mr. Carlos Seward, South Lakes High School
- Ms. Brittany Rogers, Forest Edge Elementary School
- Dr. Sallie Burch, Westbriar Elementary School
Mr. Joshua DeSmyter, Floris Elementary School
Other Info of Interest
👤Who is in Fairfax and Our Public Schools?
Fairfax is growing in population, and more diverse than ever. FX 2023 demographics report. According to the 2023 Fairfax County demographics report, and shared by the County's Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, Jeff McKay, the county’s population is not only growing, but is also becoming more diverse with increases in our Asian, Black, and Hispanic populations. The growth in housing inventory and population that we see in this report also show rates that are in line with pre-pandemic growth rates.
Fairfax County's population has increased to 1,185,980 in 2023, representing a 1.1% increase from the previous year. The Census Bureau Vintage 2023 Population Estimates indicate that we have experienced a recovery in international inflow for the second consecutive year post-COVID-19, along with a slowdown in domestic outflow for the first time since 2018.
- Student membership in Fairfax County Public Schools increased by over 2,000 students over the 23-24 School Year. In May 2024, FCPS was educating 182,894 enrolled students. This is an increase of 2,088 students since September 2023. The number of students increased month over month throughout the year.
Limited Early Release Mondays for Elementary Schools
As a reminder, FCPS elementary schools will have limited early release Mondays during the upcoming school year. The goal is to provide elementary teachers additional time to meet new professional development requirements for the Virginia Literacy Act.
The Early Release Mondays Steering Committee held its first meeting on July 29. Topics included supervision of students, transportation logistics, schools’ master schedules, and setting the afternoon schedule for school staff.
To see more information on limited early release Mondays, click here.
🔖 Bookmark the School Year Calendar
Be sure to bookmark the FCPS school year calendar to keep track of school holidays, breaks, and observances:
- Days marked with a blue “H” are student holidays. Schools are closed on these days.
- Days marked with an orange “O” are religious and cultural observance days (or evenings, if only half marked). There is school on these days, but certain events that cannot be made up may not be scheduled on these days.
- Days marked in pink are holidays for students but working days for teachers and staff.
Note: Some holidays and observances, such as Eid al Fitr, may shift and the calendar may be adjusted. Has a New Look!
 Have you visited lately? Take a look around our newly redesigned site. Improvements were made with users in mind. Thank you to the many community members and staff who provided feedback during the redesign process. This was truly a collaborative effort!
Strategic Plan Pillar B: Vibrant Home, School, and Community Partnerships
Our website redesign project was completed with FCPS Strategic Plan Pillar B: Vibrant Home, School, & Community Partnerships in mind. To build trusting partnerships with families, we share the responsibility to be transparent about our policies and procedures and provide families with important information and resources to support their child’s success. Visit the new today!
🌎Educators from Around the Globe Arrive to FCPS for “Participate Learning”
This school year we welcome to FCPS 131 new ambassador teachers from abroad! This past year, there were approximately 21,000 applications for 750 positions in the Participate Learning program, from which several educators will be in our schools. So far, I’m aware that Fox Mill Elementary School in the Hunter Mill district will have such educators! Their expected tenure is 3-5 years. The addition of this global learning experience is so exciting for our students and staff!
Mural Ribbon Cutting at Lake Anne Elementary
Join Lake Anne Elementary School on Thursday, August 15th at 3 PM for the ribbon cutting of the "Water and Warmth" mural! This vibrant new artwork, brought to life through a collaborative effort with Reston Arts, celebrates our community's spirit and connection to nature. Don’t miss this exciting event that highlights the power of art and community partnership!
Contacting Me
I prioritize responses to Hunter Mill constituents, so please be sure to identify yourself as such if you contact me. If you are unsure of your county magisterial district, you can look that information up here.
To contact me, it is most helpful to please use the official School Board contact form via my website (click "Submit a Question"). This form prioritizes emails to me from constituents, and helps me track communication so I can be sure you receive a response. Thank you for your cooperation.

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The views contained within this newsletter reflect the views of the individual school board member who is the publisher of this newsletter and may not reflect the views of the Fairfax County School Board.
© Fairfax County Public Schools, Fairfax County, Virginia