Panther Press: August Events!

Popsicles on The Playground is Tomorrow! (weather permitting)


We invite all of our Parklawn Panthers, PreK-5, to Popsicles on the Playground! This is a great chance to reconnect with one another as we look forward to a new school year. Thank you for having a parent/care giver join your child for this event on Thursday, August 7 from 3:30-4:30 pm, weather permitting. We hope to see you there!


Panther Prowl: Staff Community Bus Tour is August 15!


On Thursday, August 15th, our Parklawn staff will taking a bus tour through our community! We will stop to visit Parklawn families at four summer hot spots:

9:35-9:50      Stop #1 Glasgow Park

10:05-10:20 Stop #2 Oakview Gardens

10:35-10:50 Stop #3 Skyline Park

11:05-11:20 Stop #4 Arbor Park 

Our times are approximate, thanks for your patience!

Parklawn Family Reunion is Friday, August 16!

We are looking forward to welcoming all of our students and families during our Family Reunion! Our Meet the Teacher/Open House event is being held on Friday, August 16. For parking purposes, we suggest families come during the following times:

Last names A-K: 10:30-11:30

Last names L-Z: 11:30-12:30


First Day of School is August 19!

back to school

School Hours are 8:45-3:30

Doors open at 8:25 for arrival!