Panther Press: Summer Edition! July 21, 2024

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Para leer en otros idiomas, puede verla en el siti website de Parklawn.


Parklawn Summer Library Time: Two More Weeks!

summer library

The Parklawn Elementary Library is open for summer library hours on Wednesdays, 7/24 and 7/31. Join us anytime between 2:15-4:15 for story hour, crafts, and book check out. We hope to see you there!

Parklawn Welcomes Ambassador Teachers


FCPS is in its second year of its Global Exchange Program. The goal of the Global Exchange Program is to provide a diverse workforce as well as differentiated and culturally responsive learning environments which align with the pillars of our strategic plan. The program also supports FCPS Portrait of a Graduate objectives, such as helping students to be ethical and global citizens. In order to participate in the program, ambassador teachers must have a minimum of a bachelor’s degree in teaching or education, two years of teaching experience, a driver’s license,  be fluent in English, and commit to teaching here for five years.

Parklawn will be welcoming five ambassador teachers to our family this year:

Natasha Barrow (3rd grade): from Barbados

Nunally Broomfield  (5th grade)– from Jamaica

Kimeka Hayles-Watson (4th grade): From Jamaica

Mae Cielo Pajaron (4th grade): from Philippines

Ryan Smith (1st grade): from Barbados

They will be arriving in the U.S. this weekend and preparing for their program orientation. We can’t wait for them to join us!

Kindergarten Playdate is July 30


Kindergarteners are invited to a Summer Play Date! Join us at the Parklawn Elementary playground on Tuesday, July 30 from 10-11 am, weather permitting.. Meet new friends and enjoy a popsicle. We hope to see our kinders and their caregivers there!

Popsicles on The Playground is August 7


We invite all of our Parklawn Panthers, PreK-5, to Popsicles on the Playground! This is a great chance to reconnect with one another as we look forward to a new school year. Thank you for having a parent/care giver join your child for this event on Thursday, August 7 from 3:30-4:30 pm, weather permitting. We hope to see you there!


Panther Prowl: Staff Community Bus Tour is August 15!


On Thursday, August 15th, our Parklawn staff will taking a bus tour through our community! We will stop to visit Parklawn families at four summer hot spots:

9:35-9:50      Stop #1 Glasgow Park

10:05-10:20 Stop #2 Oakview Gardens

10:35-10:50 Stop #3 Skyline Park

11:05-11:20 Stop #4 Arbor Park 

Our times are approximate, thanks for your patience!

Parklawn Family Reunion is Friday, August 16!

We are looking forward to welcoming all of our students and families during our Family Reunion! Our Meet the Teacher/Open House event is being held on Friday, August 16. For parking purposes, we suggest families come during the following times:

Last names A-K: 10:30-11:30

Last names L-Z: 11:30-12:30


Parklawn PTA Message: School Supplies!

school supplies

The new school year will be here before we know it, so take a moment to get a head start on back-to-school planning and order a school supply kit through Campus Survival! This is a helpful fundraiser for our PTA, with a portion of sale of each kit coming to the PTA to support our programs throughout the year. Each Campus Survival kit has all of the individual and classroom supplies your student will need for the 2024-2025 school year. Kits will be delivered directly to your student's classroom, ready for them on the first day of school.

Didn't order your school supply kit by July 15th? No worries - the ordering deadline has been extended through July 31st so you still have plenty of time to save yourself the hassle of fighting the back-to-school crowds. Plus your student's teachers will appreciate getting their classroom supplies delivered in handy bulk packaging that can easily be stored for use throughout the school year. Order online at You can also fill out the order form sent home the last week of school and drop it off, with payment, to the Parklawn school office. Can't find the order form? Don't worry-- there are extra copies in the school office that you can complete. Please plan to drop off paper order forms by Tuesday July 30th so we have time to provide them to Campus Survival.

Kit pricing (tax included; a portion of each sale will come to Parklawn PTA to support our programs!):

Kindergarten: $63

1st grade: $57

2nd grade: $70

3rd grade: $63

4th grade: $70

5th grade: $64

Upcoming Dates

Tuesday, July 30: Kindergarten Play Date; 10-11 am

Wednesday, August 7: Popsicles on the Playground, PreK-grade 5: 3:30-4:30

Thursday, August 15: Community Panther Prowl!

Friday, August 16: Parklawn Family Reunion!

              10:30-11:30   Families with last names A-L

              11:30 -12:30:  Families with last names M-Z

Monday, August 19: First Day of School!
