August 2024: Boundary Policy Work and Other Updates

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Dear Dranesville Families:

First and foremost, I want to update you on the boundary policy work. During our last meeting prior to a brief summer recess, the School Board passed Boundary Policy 8130. Prior to voting on it, several board members proposed amendments to the phasing in the original draft. Ricardy Anderson and Melanie Meren proposed that the phasing include the following:

  • Two years in elementary school (grades 5 and 6)
  • Full phasing in middle school (no movement)
  • Full phasing in high school (grades 10-12)

Unfortunately, only Mr. Moon, Dr. Anderson, Ms. Meren, and I voted for all three of these amendments. On the contrary, Kyle McDaniel and Rachna Sizemore Heizer proposed a limited phasing of ONLY the final year at each level.

  • One year in elementary (grade 6)
  • One year in middle school (grade 8)
  • One year in high school (grade 12)

Their amendment allows for the superintendent to propose MORE than the above, but the above represents the minimum requirement. 

While I am disappointed in this outcome, I will advocate for more phasing, especially at the high school level, as I believe that once a student begins at a high school, they should be able to remain at that school (if they choose) through graduation. I will share all Boundary Policy updates as they become available in my newsletter.

In other exciting news, I attended our Summer 2024 graduation and am extremely proud of our Dranesville graduates. 

Some of our school staff is already back in our buildings while others are returning soon to prepare for our students. Thank you to everyone getting our schools ready. I hope you and your family enjoy the last weeks of summer vacation before the first day of school on August 19. 



Photo collage of DIT Velocity conference speakers

Meeting Lynette Faight, Herndon MS's School Based Technology Specialist, at the FCPS Department of Technology's Velocity Conference on AI

In this newsletter,

calendar reminder graphic

Calendar Reminders

August 19: First Day of 2024-25 School Year

August 30- September 2 - Labor Day Holiday, FCPS holidays

Complete school year 2024-25 calendar


School Board Updates

Fairfax County School Board Updates Policy to Guide Future Boundary Considerations

Community Engagement Remains Central to Any Future Adjustments 

The Fairfax County School Board approved updates to the Boundary Policy (Policy 8130) at its July 18 Regular Public Meeting, completing a years-long comprehensive review of the policy for the first time in nearly four decades. The updates provide a clear roadmap for any future boundary adjustments to help ensure better student achievement through enhanced instructional quality, budget optimization, and strengthened student well-being.

The revised policy does not propose specific boundary changes, nor were specific boundaries considered during the policy review. Instead, the updates create a framework for the division superintendent to follow when considering any potential future adjustments, which must prioritize robust community engagement throughout the process.

According to the School Board’s updated policy, the division superintendent must conduct a comprehensive review of division wide boundaries every five years, in part, to minimize the need for future adjustments. When recommending changes, the division superintendent shall consider several criteria, including (in alphabetical order):

  • Access to Programming: Ensure equitable access to programs and facilities across the school division and consider the impact on school programs and populations.
  • Enrollment/Capacity: Use student enrollment projections to balance available capacity across the school division and maximize efficient and effective use of school facilities, per best practices for capacity utilization and program needs, while eliminating or preventing split feeders whenever possible.
  • Proximity: Promote contiguous attendance zones and maintain neighborhood groupings (to include condominium and apartment complexes) to eliminate or prevent attendance islands (when a geographic area is assigned to a particular school boundary that is not adjacent to the rest of the school's boundary).
  • Transportation: Provide for walking and busing safety, limit transportation times, and ensure efficient transportation routes with attendance areas.

Any permanent adjustment recommendations from the division superintendent will be informed by robust community engagement and must ultimately be approved by the School Board. Community engagement will include surveys of impacted communities and community meetings throughout the process.

“We take our fiduciary responsibility seriously. These revisions address long standing community concerns about our schools, including the use of temporary classrooms, overcrowding, facility renovation timelines, and transportation, to name a few,” said Fairfax County School Board Chair and Providence District Representative Karl Frisch. “This long overdue policy update will help ensure every student has access to our world-class instructional programs so they can achieve their full, unique, and limitless potential.”

Benefits of Policy Update

According to educational research reviewed by the FCPS Office of Research and Strategic Improvement (ORSI), sound boundary adjustment decisions may be linked to better student achievement through instructional quality, budget optimization, and enhanced student well-being.

Instructional Quality

A comprehensive review of boundaries can help provide every student with exceptional educational experiences. A clear roadmap for potential adjustments can:

  • Provide ideal class sizes and teacher-to-student ratios, as over and under-enrollment in schools is better managed.
  • Expand access to opportunities, facilities, and learning equipment and materials in a school that is not overcrowded.
  • Decrease overcrowding and allow for a more balanced enrollment-to-space ratio, which can enable new and expanded program placement that is dependent on need instead of available space.
  • Allow for reduced busing, commute time, and transportation costs.

Budget Optimization

A thoughtful review of boundaries can positively impact the school division's financial sustainability. A clear roadmap for potential adjustments can:

  • Provide more timely and cost-effective results. While adding capacity to or renovating existing buildings is an attractive option for some, it is cost-prohibitive and time-consuming.
  • Prioritize available funding for maintenance work, safety and security needs, and the most needed school renovations. It could also reduce the time schools wait between major renovation projects (currently more than 40 years).
  • Maximize transportation routes, which can also reduce equipment costs and help alleviate driver shortages.

Student Well-Being

This work can support students’ physical and mental well-being, which is important to their educational experience.

Shorter Commutes and Positive Sleep Impact

  • The updated policy could result in shorter bus/car commute times (a top priority in the 2021 parent/guardian survey). This could also reduce earlier mornings and later evenings for some students.
  • If slight boundary adjustments are made on an established, consistent basis, larger and more disruptive adjustments can be avoided.
  • Students could have the ability to stay in neighborhood schools AND receive their desired programs. This could also result in fewer students transferring and parents/caregivers having to provide transportation.
  • Ultimately, this can positively affect the amount of sleep students get:
  • According to the National Sleep Foundation, children ages 6 to 13 need between 9 and 11 hours of sleep, and teenagers need between 8 and 10 hours of sleep every night.
  • Children who get insufficient sleep show reductions in motivation, engagement, concentration, and problem-solving skills, all of which influence student achievement and behavior in school.

Stronger Social Connections

  • This work can reduce “split feeders” that divert students from remaining with a cohort of peers as they move on to high school.
  • Split feeders are not uncommon in FCPS due to legacy boundaries, which result from development, new schools, and previous boundary changes.
  • In the 2021 survey, parents and caregivers prioritized students' ability to stay with friends or in their community.
  • Living close to a neighborhood school allows for stronger bonds between families and their school community.
  • With a shorter commute, families find it easier to engage with the school, participate in school activities, attend conferences, and take part in volunteer opportunities.
  • Families and schools can build stronger relationships and networks within the community to enhance the student educational experience.

Policy Review Timeline

The School Board began its public review of the Boundary Policy in 2018, which included information gathering and four public work sessions between 2018 and 2019. In 2019, the School Board directed the superintendent to hire experts to identify boundary policy best practices and engage the community. In 2021, MGT Consulting Group (MGT) held three public virtual community meetings to share information about the boundary policy review and collect community input. Later that year, MGT presented its report to the School Board at a public work session.

In February 2024, at a public School Board forum discussion, the Board voted to resume its review of the Boundary Policy by the Governance Committee. The Governance Committee held multiple public meetings over the last 5 months: February, March, April (twice), May (twice), and June. They concluded their work and sent a draft revised policy to the full School Board for consideration on June 18. The School Board held a public work session on June 25 to consider and discuss the draft revised policy. The draft revision was then posted on the School Board’s June 27 and July 11, Regular Public Meeting agendas as New Business for a scheduled vote at the July 18 Regular Public Meeting.

July 18, 2024

The School Board approved updates to the Boundary Policy (Policy 8130) at its July 18 Regular Public Meeting, completing a years-long comprehensive review of the policy for the first time in nearly four decades. 

Any potential future boundary changes will include robust community engagement, as required by the policy and the Code of Virginia.

For more information, visit FCPS' School Boundary Adjustments webpage.

Key Votes at July 18 School Board Meeting

Policy 8130

The School Board voted to amend Policy 8310 (Local School Boundaries, Program Assignments, and School Closings), as detailed in the agenda item. View more information on Boarddocs.

Certifying Election Results for Fairfax Education Union (FEU)

The School Board voted to certify the results and recognize and certify the FEU as the exclusive bargaining agent for the Operational and Licensed Instructional bargaining units. View more information on Boarddocs.

Policy 2418

The School Board voted to direct the Governance Committee to revise Policy 2418, Reporting Student Progress to Parents and Guardians, and provide recommendations to the School Board for discussion no later than November 1, 2024. View more information on Boarddocs.

Strategic Plan 2023-30 Goal 2 Baseline Report

The School Board approved the Addendum to Goal 2 Baseline Report as the Division's starting point for the work toward achieving the goals in our Strategic Plan 2023-30.

SY 2024-25 Community Advisory Committee Membership Structure, Staff Liaison, and Committee Charge Process  

The School Board voted to continue the 2023-24 Community Advisory Committee membership structure and staff liaison appointment process to determine Community Advisory Committee membership and Staff Liaison appointments for the 2024-2025 Community Advisory Committee Term. View more information on Boarddocs.

Contract Notification and Approval During School Board's Recess

The School Board voted to give the Superintendent authority on behalf of the Board, after consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair, to sign on behalf of the Board, emergent contracts that need to be authorized during the summer recess.

Watch the full meeting.

Megan Sewant SB representative video

2024-2025 Student School Board Representative

Megan Sawant, a senior at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology, is the 2024-2025 student representative to the Fairfax County School Board. She participates in School Board meetings as a nonvoting member. She will be the 54th student representative to the School Board.

Read the news about Megan Sawant's election to the School Board

Upcoming School Board Meetings 

  • Tuesday, August 27, 10:30 am: Work Session

  • Thursday, August 29, 7 pm: Regular Meeting

All times and topics subject to change.

How to watch meetings and sign up to speak

QR code for FCPS en espanol

Reuniones de la Junta Escolar de FCPS en Español

Para ver las reuniones de la Junta Escolar grabadas o para ver en vivo durante las reuniones regulares en YouTube, por favor vaya al canal de YouTube de FCPS en Español o escanee el código QR.

Volunteer image

Career and Technical Education Advisory Committee Position 

CTEAC provides recommendations to the School Board on current job needs and the relevancy of career and technical education programs offered and to assist in the development, implementation, and evaluation of the local plan and application. The Dranesville representative will serve August 2024- July 2025. See the CTEAC website for more information.

Please fill out this form by Friday, August 9 to share why you would like to be a representative and why you would be a great fit for this committee. Please email my Staff Aide at if you have any questions.

FCPS Updates

Summer Meals for Children

FCPS is providing meals free of charge to all children and teens 18 and under through Friday, August 16. Meals will be provided to children on a first-come first-served basis. Visit the Summer Meal Service webpage for distribution locations and times.

Dranesville schools providing free meals over the summer:

  • Coates ES- now through 8/16/24
  • Herndon HS- now through 8/16/24

Limited Early Release Mondays for Elementary Schools

During the Academic Matters segment at the June 27 School Board meeting, Superintendent Dr. Michelle Reid discussed limited early release Mondays for elementary students during the upcoming school year. The goal is to provide elementary teachers with additional time to meet new professional development requirements for the Virginia Literacy Act and other demands on their time.

A Steering Committee of school leaders, teachers, and families is working to support both families and teachers in this effort. See the list of early release dates and other information.

New Student Registration

FCPS is accepting new student registrations, K-12!  If new neighbors are moving this summer, please remind them to register immediately.  Having the most up-to-date registration information helps us plan for appropriate class sizes. To register for kindergarten, students must be five years old by September 30th, 2024.  

Register Your Children Online

Online registration is available for new FCPS families! Apply today to help us plan for the 2024-25 school year. 

Immunizations for Rising 7th &12th Graders

Immunizations are required for all students entering 7th and 12th grades this fall. Caregivers should ask their private healthcare provider or the health department to review their student's immunization record to ensure that their student has received these required immunizations. Get more information on all student immunization requirements.

It is important to schedule immunizations early in the summer, as  seventh grade students must submit documentation of the Tdap and Meningococcal vaccines before they begin school in August. Twelfth grade students must submit documentation of the Meningococcal vaccine.

School and Immunization Clinic Opportunities

INOVA Back to School Pediatric Health Fairs

Inova Cares Clinic (ICC) will provide children ages 5+ with free school entrance physicals and immunizations at summer health fairs for children on Medicaid or who are uninsured. The clinics will take place 9 a.m.-1 p.m.:

  • Saturday, August 17: at ICC for Children - Falls Church

Appointments are required. No walk-ins will be allowed. Call 703-698-2550 for an appointment.

Fairfax County Back-to-School Immunization Clinics

Back to school season is a busy time, which is why the Health Department is holding several immunization clinics on evenings and weekends during the month of August. These clinics will offer school required immunizations at no cost to all Fairfax County students regardless of if they have had vaccines in the past, are new to the country, or need a follow-up to be up to date.

Call today! Appointments are limited and required. Schedule your appointment by calling 703-246-7100See the full extended hours clinics schedule.

FC Free Immunization clinic flyers English and Spanish

Click image to learn more.

HealthWorks Free School Physicals

HealthWorks for Northern Virginia is hosting two free school physical events for children without health insurance. To qualify, students must attend a Virginia school and age 3- 18 years old. HealthWorks will provide immunizations, tuberculosis screenings, and vision and hearing exams. Sports physicals will not be available. Learn more about the school physicals here.

  • August 7: 1- 5 pm at HealthWorks Leesburg (163 Fort Evans Rd NE, Leesburg)

  • August 14:  1- 5 pm at HealthWorks Herndon (1141 Elden St, Herndon)

Healthworks free school physicals flyers English and Spanish

Click image to learn more.

No-Cost Virtual Therapy for HS Students

Virtual therapy sessions are available at no cost to FCPS high school students to provide a safe space to address concerns such as: mood/behavior changes, motivation, grief/loss; anxiety, worry, fears; social skills, bullying, peer and family relationships; and academic stress.

Students may then be referred by a guardian or designated school staff member. Refer your child by calling 571-749-2940 or contacting an FCPS school counselor, social worker, psychologist, or director of Student Services.

Visit the FCPS Teletherapy webpage for more information

Multilingual Family Information Line

Parent Information Phone Line Available in Eight Languages

Parents/caregivers who speak Amharic, Arabic, Chinese, Farsi, Korean, Spanish, Urdu, or Vietnamese may call a telephone information line for general information about FCPS.

Tutoring Changes for SY 24-25

Varsity Tutors – Online Tutoring Services

Fairfax County Public Schools is partnering with Varsity Tutors to provide students and families with extra resources for learning. Every student can take advantage of Varsity Tutors' services, at no cost, including weekly live online classes, on demand 24/7 chat tutoring, essay editing, study resources such as recorded content, practice problems, and diagnostic tests. Tutors can provide instruction in English and Spanish. Learn more about Varsity tutoring and their services here.

They provide:

  • On demand 24/7 chat tutoring
  • Live group classes
  • Essay review
  • College and career readiness
  • Assessment and self-study

High Impact, in-person Tutoring SY 24-25

In addition to online tutoring, FCPS will continue to provide high impact, in-person tutoring to identified students in grades 3-8, funded by the All In Virginia Tutoring Initiative. Schools may contact families of students identified for this program after school begins.

Student News

Herndon HS Students Run Robotics Camp at Clearview Elementary School

Group picture in classroom at Clearview ES Robotics Camp run by Herndon HS robotics students

Clearview ES Robotics Camp

The main focus of the camp is teaching students how to work together, aligning with two of the five goals in FCPS’ Portrait of a Graduate: Communication and Collaboration. Volunteer camp instructor, Spencer Allain, a software engineer by trade and a volunteer mentor to Herndon High School’s robotics team, with the team, plus a student from South Lakes High School, volunteered to run the week-long summer camp. Herndon senior Addison Thompson said she started the effort to launch the new camp after talking with a Clearview teacher.

“Something our team is really big on is giving back to the community and finding ways to provide affordable, accessible STEM education to schools around us,” Thompson explained. Read more about the Robotics Camp

Summer 2024 Graduation

2 photos of HS seniors receiving their diploma from Principal Noto

Congratulations to all our Summer 2024 graduates.

Summer 2024 Graduation Journey 

Some FCPS grads are walking across the stage on July 31 instead of next June, almost a full year ahead of schedule. These students took advantage of FCPS summer offerings to graduate early and get a jump start on their future goals. Shuhei Tajima, an 18-year-old Langley High School student from Japan and aspiring marine biologist, is one of those students. Read about Shuhei's journey to early graduation

National Scholastic Art and Writing Awards

FCPS students received 30 national awards through the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards. FCPS students were recognized for original art and writing with one American Visions Medal, eight Gold Medals, 20 Silver Medals, and two portfolio Honorable Mentions.

Congratulations to these Dranesville winners:

  • Gold medals
    • Michelle Lin, Longfellow MS
    • Renee Shi, Langley HS
    • Anya Huang, Sunberry Art Studio
  • Silver medals
    • Laura Zhang, TJHSST
    • Aileen Zhao, McLean HS
    • Venita Wang, Sunberry Art Studio
  • Portfolio Honorable Mention
    • Aileen Zhao, McLean HS

Cappies Winners

FCPS students are talented actors, musicians, and visual artists. The Cappies is a program through which high school theater and journalism students are trained as critics, attend shows at other schools, write reviews, and publish those reviews in local newspapers. There are fifteen Cappies chapters across the United States and Canada. Find all the Cappie winners here.

Congratulations to all the Dranesville student school Cappies winners:

  • Andy Mays Rising Critic- Alden Walcott, Langley HS

  • Maryland Theater Guide Returning Critic- Ellen Lawton, Herndon HS

  • Critic Team- Thomas Jefferson HSST

  • Vocalist in a Male Role- Ethan Hardy, Herndon HS, 

  • Stage Management- Charly Olsen, Herndon HS
  • Stage Crew- Amelie Aubouin and Hailey Klein, Herndon HS 

FCPS Tipline Numbers

Click image to learn more about the FCPS Tipline.

Other Updates

Supervisor Bierman's Newsletter

Please sign up for Supervisor Bierman's Dranesville Dispatch newsletter here to keep up-to-date on Dranesville and Fairfax County news and events.

Virginia Executive Order #33- Cell Phone-Free Education

Executive Order 33 directs the Virginia Department of Education to provide guidance to school boards on cell phone-free education policies and procedures. School boards will establish local cell phone-free education policies and procedures before the end of this year that will be implemented in 2025. Opportunities to provide public input coming soon.

4H Carnival Logo

4-H Fair and Carnival

Through Sunday, Aug. 4

Celebrate Fairfax County's agricultural traditions and enjoy some old-fashioned fun at our 4-H Fair and Carnival at Frying Pan Farm Park in Herndon. Enjoy carnival games and rides, live entertainment, food, farm animals and more. Learn more about the 4-H Fair and Carnival here.

Virginia's 3-Day Sales Tax Holiday: August 2-4

During the sales tax holiday, you can buy qualifying school supplies, clothing, footwear, hurricane and emergency preparedness items, and Energy Star™ and WaterSense™ products without paying sales tax.

Drought Watch in Northern Virginia

A drought watch has been issued for our region. Please continue to take voluntary measures to conserve water wisely as part of your daily routines. Get wise water tips at


Disclaimer: Opportunities and events offered by organizations other than Fairfax County Public Schools are neither sponsored nor endorsed by the Fairfax County School Board, the Superintendent, or a specific school. These opportunities may utilize technology tools that have not been assessed by the Fairfax County Public Schools Department of Information Technology. Students should gain permission from their parent or guardian before engaging in any non-FCPS enrichment opportunity and families should review the Terms of Service, User Agreements, and Privacy Policy for any technology platform that the enrichment opportunity may use before participating.

Our Voices, Our Future Flyer in Spanish

Our Voices, Our Future: Inspiration for Multilingual Learners- August 8

Jose Luis Zelaya will share his motivating life story at an event for middle and high school multilingual learners. Born in Honduras, he migrated to the United States and was the first in his family to graduate from high school — and attend college and earn a doctorate degree.  

Our Voices, Our Future: Multilingual Learners Summit will be Thursday, August 8, 5-8:30 p.m., at Annandale High School (4700 Medford Dr, Annandale). Information will be available on colleges and career planning. Registration is not required, but it will help us plan. Language interpretation services will be available.

Back-to-School Military Fair- August 10

Register by August 3, 5 p.m.

Blue Star Families and Fairfax County Public Schools invite you to join our Back-to-School Military Fair August 10, 2024 from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. in the cafeteria at West Springfield High School. FCPS and community resources will be available to families and school supplies will be provided for students in grades 7-12. Please note there is a limited amount of supplies.   

This opportunity is open to Active Duty, National Guard, Reserve, and Veteran families with students grades 7-12. Parents and students must attend the event in person to receive the school supplies. Please visit Blue Star Families register deadline August 3 at 5 p.m. Please email to connect with FCPS military resources

Metro Travel Training- August 16

Interested in travel training? Join the Tech for Independent Living (TFIL) team on a Metro trip! Individuals with disabilities and a designated adult are invited to join our TFIL team on a short Metro trip. During this practice trip, individuals with disabilities will learn basic travel skills and will become more comfortable traveling on the Metro. SmarTrip cards will be provided. These in-person travel training events are FREE to attend, but pre-registration is required.

Seniors Apply for Student Advisory Board

The Student Advisory Board is a highly competitive group comprised of one student from every Virginia Superintendent’s Region in the Commonwealth. Selected students will work closely with the Virginia Department of Education to present their policy ideas to Governor Youngkin and the Virginia Board of Education. The Student Advisory Board is key in providing student perspectives and plays a vital role in ensuring that student voices are heard in the creation of policies affecting education in the Commonwealth. Applications are due September 15. Don’t miss this great opportunity! Learn more about the Student Advisory Board here.

Student Program with Coursera Career Academy 

Did you know that the FCPS Department of Information Technology has partnered with Coursera to provide an exclusive opportunity for high school students to access the Coursera Career Academy Catalog?  Students may explore exciting career paths and gain access to over 30 professional certifications from industry leaders, all at no cost. Browse the FCPS Student Academy Catalog and join the program. First, obtain permission from parent/guardian to access Coursera and complete the Student Interest Form FCPS student email/log-in required for this form. Questions? Contact Scott Simmons at

Note: These courses are not VDOE-recognized industry credentials and do not contribute to high school graduation requirements. This limited program operates on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Math Resources for Summer

MathSpace - this summer, current middle school students and high school students will continue to have access to Mathspace through Schoology. Students are encouraged to practice their mathematics through utilizing the Mathspace Skills Check-Ins. 

Family Resource Center - family webinars are posted on the FCPS Family Resource Center site with specific mathematics webinars posted under academics. Click the academics tab and the list of mathematics webinars are listed from middle school through High school in multiple languages. 

VDOE - Virginia Department of Education has provided resources for families. You will find a list of online resources, eMediaVA online playlists, suggested offline activities for math and much more. VDOE Mathematics Resources for Families

Free math sites -The following resources are free and available for anyone to use. Please note that FCPS does not have a paid subscription to either service. 

Zearn online summer math

Khan academy summer site

Old Firehouse Center Logo

Old Firehouse Center Afterschool Program

SY 2024-25 registration is now open for 5th–9th graders from August 19, 2024 to June 11, 2025, 2:30- 6 p.m.

Membership benefits include daily snack and drink; themed clubs; monthly pet therapy; laptop usage for homework; and discounted Friday night trips and dance fees. Transportation from Cooper MS, Langley HS and local elementary schools, Longfellow MS and McLean HS. Learn more about the OFC and register here.

2024 Stephen A. McLaughlin Champions of Character Award

Nominate an athlete, coach, or parent for the 2024 Stephen A. McLaughlin Champions of Character Award.  The awards program honors extraordinary service in pursuing victory with honor on and off the field of competition. Instituted by the Fairfax County Athletic Council, this program aims to support the tradition of amateur athletics in cultivating teamwork, leadership, good sportsmanship, and community service. To nominate an athlete, coach, or parent, visit the Stephen A. McLaughlin Fairfax County Champions webpage. The application deadline has been extended to September 15, 2024.

NVSWCD Conservation Poster Contest

Calling all student artists! The 2024 Conservation Poster Contest theme is "May the Forest Be With You, Always." This contest is open to all K-12 students in Fairfax County, and scouts are eligible to earn a poster contest patch. Additionally, this year features a digital poster contest open to students in grade 7-12. The application deadline is Friday, September 27, 2024. Learn more about the 2024 Conservation Poster Contest and contact Ashley Palmer with questions.

FCPS Cares

Recognize Our Staff Who Go Above and Beyond

The FCPS CARES Program is an opportunity for parents, staff, and community members to recognize FCPS employees for going above and beyond to help others and show they care. We invite you to submit your story, so we can all acknowledge the good work of FCPS employees.

The views contained within this newsletter reflect the views of the individual school board member who is the publisher of this newsletter and may not reflect the views of the Fairfax County School Board.

© 2024 Fairfax County Public Schools, Fairfax County, Virginia