Summertime Prep for 2024-25 School Year - TJHSST Midsummer Update

Message from the Principal

Dear TJHSST Parents and Guardians,

Summer is in full swing with many families reconnecting and soaking up vacation time together. Enjoy!

We also have hundreds of TJ students enthusiastically engaged in summer school. Some students are attending virtual classes for credit at TJ while others are earning credit in FCPS or VA online courses. Other enterprising students are working summer jobs, conducting independent research, or assisting mentors at internship sites. Of course, we also promote relaxation and down-time during the summer; therefore, we do not require or assign summer homework for fall courses. 

Read further in this bulletin for important updates as we plan for the upcoming school year. We are in the final stages of getting the Class of 2028 enrolled and scheduled, as well as a few new classmates for the Class of 2027. Most of all, we are excited to welcome all of our amazing TJ students back to school on Monday, August 19!


Dr. Ann N. Bonitatibus 

TJHSST Proud Principal

Welcome to 2024-25 School Year from Communications Specialist Mike Roth

Welcome everyone to a new school year! A special welcome to our newest families here at TJ, both from the Class of 2028 and new students to our Class of 2027! I hope everyone is enjoying the summer and encourage you to take in all it has to offer the next few weeks before we get going again next month. 

For those who don't know me, my name is Mike Roth and I am the Communications Specialist here at TJ. One of my jobs is to make sure parents/guardians are informed of everything that is going on at TJ.

One of the ways I do that is through monthly News You Choose newsletters. You can expect a newsletter just like this one to be deposited in your inbox the first Friday of every month during the school year. The only exception to that is if the school is on break (for example January 3 is part of Winter Break this year). In those rare cases, the newsletter will come out the following Friday (for the Winter Break example, the January newsletter will be issued on January 10).

New families have been signed up for the All Grade Levels category. I have included the emails that you provided to TJ Admissions.

If you would like the newsletter to be delivered to other email addresses or you wish to no longer receive these newsletters, you can do so at our News You Choose signup page here. When you sign up, be sure to sign up for the TJHSST News and Announcements topic. You can also sign for the TJHSST Athletics, Performances, and Activities topic if interested, as well as a class specific topics (News You Choose newsletters to specific classes are very rare, however).

If you ever have any questions about events going on at TJ, please feel free to reach out to me at I will answer your question, or I will put you in contact with the person who has the answer. 


Mike Roth

TJHSST Communications Specialist

Save the Dates - Calendar Reminders for First Month Plus of 2024-25 School Year

Here are some important dates from the first couple months of the school year for you to put on your calendar. Please notice that these dates are still tentative and are subject to change. More information about these events will be forthcoming.

Thursday, August 15 - New Student Orientation (Class of 2028, plus new students from the Class of 2027 joining as sophomores) - morning until 12pm

Monday, August 19 - First day of school for students.

Tuesday, August 27 - Back to School Night for Class of 2025 and 2028  - 6:00-8:00 p.m.

Thursday, August 29 - Back-to-School Bash - after school

Friday, August 30 and Monday, Sept. 2 - Labor Day, no school for students and staff.

Wednesday, September 4 - Back to School Night for Class of 2026 and 2027  - 6:00-8:00 p.m.

Sept. 23-27 - Homecoming Week

E-Notify - Make Sure We Have Your Email Correct in SIS

While the News You Choose newsletters are meant as a monthly update of what is going on at TJ, we use the E-Notify system to get more timely messages to members of our community.

These messages can be anything from updates to the schedule, to information on an incident that happened during the day, to important reminders and instructions about upcoming events. Emails can be sent to the entire school, or to specific targeted groups (for example just to Class of 2025, or just to Prince William County students). 

These emails are sent through the SchoolMessenger system, and will come to your inbox with an address. It is sent to every email that we have for you (the parent/guardian) in our Student Information System (SIS). It is not sent to the child themself. 

We have noticed in past couple of years an uptick of our messages being blocked by certain email addresses. This usually happens when the parent/guardian accidently marked a message as spam. As a result all future messages since then have been blocked by your email provider. 

If you are a parent/guardian of a TJ student and believe you are not receiving the E-Notify messages, please reach out to Communications Specialist Mike Roth. He will check into it, and if necessary put you in contact with the FCPS SchoolMessenger contact who can lift the block on the messages. 

What Does that Mean? - Guide to TJ Terminology

At TJ we use a lot of unique terms and acronyms to describe things. While it is not necessary for you to memorize them (if you don't know what something means, feel free to just ask!), here are definitions of some common terms you might here during your time as part of the TJ family.

Anchor Day - Mostly held on Mondays, students attend shortened versions of all 7 of their academic classes. They also go to their advisory teacher for the first 30 minutes of the day.

Blue Day - Mostly held on Tuesdays and Thursdays, students attend periods 1-4 on these days.

Red Day - Mostly held on Wednesdays and Fridays, students attend periods 5-8 on these days.

JLC - Jefferson Learning Community. Held during Anchor Days from 12:10-12:50 p.m. this is a period where teachers and staff are able to collaborate and hold meetings. Students have the opportunity to meet with their teachers and work on their projects. We will send out a message in August asking for parent volunteers to help supervise during lunch on these days.

Modified Anchor Day - Similar to the Anchor Day above, but advisory is increased to a 60 minute period to begin the day. There is no JLC period on days we have a Modified Anchor Day.

Eighth Period - TJ's built into the school day activities period. Since students at TJ come from over 1300 square miles throughout Northern Virginia, it is difficult for them to stay afterschool to join clubs and participate in activities. Eighth Period, which is held during Red Days, allows students to participate in TJ's over 200 clubs and activities during the school day.

WLAMPE - World Language, Art, Music, and Physical Education. One of the four academic divisions at TJ. The other three are Math and Computer Science, Science and Technology, and Humanities (which consists of English and Social Studies).

MTSS - Multi-tiered system of support (MTSS) is a team composed of various staff members who determine academic, behavior, and wellness supports for students based on individual and school-wide data.  

IBEST - Integrated Biology, English, Statistics, and Technology. Our ninth grade program that features cohorts and team teaching and sees groups of freshmen attend the same Biology 9, English 9, and Design and Technology courses together. Over the last two years, we have integrated the semester-long course Research Statistics 1 into the IBEST program. 

TJPF - Thomas Jefferson Partnership Fund. A 501(c)3 non-profit foundation that works to support the unique learning opportunities, specialized curriculum and innovative research experiences available for TJ students and meet TJ’s unique needs as a premier public science and technology high school. It is independent of, and not owned or operated by, Fairfax County Public Schools and the Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology.

tjSTAR - Thomas Jefferson Symposium to Advance Research. Annual symposium where TJ seniors present their year-long research projects to staff, parents, and the TJ student body. 

Challenge Success - TJHSST is part of Challenge Success, a Stanford University affiliate that helps schools implement research-based strategies to promote student balance and wellness. Our students are not defined merely by a number in a GPA. 

We joined the Challenge Success network in spring 2018. Based on findings from school culture surveys and other initial research, our school continues to focus on three key areas:

  1. Decoupling workload and rigor.
  2. Promoting the importance of sleep.
  3. Managing expectations.

For more general definitions of terms used throughout all FCPS schools, visit this site

New Attendance Reporting Feature Launching in ParentVue for 2024-25 School Year

FCPS is excited to announce an important update beginning with the start of the 2024-25 school year. Parents and guardians will have the option to submit their student's attendance directly through ParentVUE. The new process begins on the first day of school, August 19, 2024. This new feature aims to streamline the attendance reporting process and enhance communication between parents and schools. This change will make it more convenient for parents and schools to manage students' attendance while ensuring the highest level of security.

ParentVUE offers a more secure and reliable platform for managing students' attendance information. ParentVUE replaces the current attendance forms, which were discontinued at the end of the 2023-24 school year.

We will provide detailed instructions and support resources to help all users navigate this new feature as we get closer to the first day of the 2024-25 school year.

Meet our New Staff!

We will have several new members of our TJ staff when you return this August. Here is a quick introduction of several of them!

Humanities Division

  • Nicole Daniel - Social Studies: graduated from the University of Georgia with Bachelor's degrees in History and Linguistics and a Master's of Education. She comes from Loudoun County High School where she had been teaching AP Psychology, AP Economics, Economics, and Ancient World History. 
  • Dylan Lawroski - Social Studies: graduated from the University of Miami with a Bachelor’s in Political Science and then Pepperdine with a Master's in Teaching. He joins us from St. Stephens and St. Agnes School in Alexandria where he taught history and social studies at the high school and middle school levels. 
  • Jenifer Maglicic - Social Studies: graduated from Wheeling Jesuit University with a Bachelor's in Political Science followed by a Master's in Political Science from Virginia Tech. Returns to FCPS and TJ after a year away. You may remember her as social studies teacher Ms. Hitchcock. She also served TJ as the Humanities Assistant Division Leader from 2021-2023. Welcome back to TJ!
  • Matthew Sarmiento - English: graduated from George Mason University with a Bachelor's in English and then received a Master's Degree in Curriculum Design and Instruction from the University of Virginia. He joins us from Stone Bridge High School in Loudoun County Public Schools where he has taught all grade levels through AP courses, following several years teaching at Nysmith School for the Gifted.

Math and Computer Science Division

  • Lauren Behling: A TJ alumna, she graduated from New York University with a Bachelor’s in Music and from George Mason with a Master’s in Education. She comes to us from Mark Twain Middle School, where she taught geometry and algebra.
  • Cullen O’Neill: graduated with a Bachelor’s in Computer Science and a Master’s in Education from George Mason. He has been teaching and developing curriculum for game design in Prince William County Schools.
  • Olya Rachtchinine: graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics from Omsk State University and a Master’s in finance from Maryland before completing a career switcher program to become a teacher in 2017. She comes to us from Herndon High School, where she has taught algebra, AP Calculus, and AP Statistics.
  • Nathan Sigler graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from Oakland University and a Master’s degree in Statistics from GMU. He has been teaching math and chemistry at Forest Park High School in Prince William County. 

Science and Technology Division

  • Kathryn Cassels – Biotechnology Lab Director: graduated from Hillsdale College with a B.S. in Biochemistry and will graduate from George Mason University with a Ph.D. in Molecular Biology in August. She worked as a teaching assistant in a genetics laboratory course in graduate school.
  • Shella Condino – Physics: graduated from the Philippine Normal University with a Bachelor's degree in Physics, and earned a Project-Based Learning Certification from the University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education. She comes to us from Oakton High School where she taught AP Physics.
  • Greg Dorsey – Physics: graduated from the University of Virginia with a Bachelor’s in Physics and a Master's in Secondary Science Education. He comes to us from the Chesapeake Bay Governor's School where he has been teaching dual enrollment Physics at Rappahannock Community College.
  • Johnny Dukovich – Engineering: graduated from Carnegie Mellon with a Bachelor's in Electrical Engineering and then the University of Dayton with a Master's of Engineering Management. He has been teaching at Ideaventions Academy for Mathematics and Science, and has served as an Air Force officer, a consultant, and an entrepreneur.
  • Kathryn Leonard – Biology: graduated from George Washington University with a BS in Biological Anthropology and a BA in Archaeology. She comes to us from Washington Liberty High School, where she has been teaching Biology. Prior to that she worked at the National Museum of Natural History in collections management as well as working in the Medical Field in Emergency and Palliative care.
  • Audrey Pryll – Engineering: graduated from the State University of New York at Oswego earning a Bachelor's degree in Technology Education and finishing her Master's in Technology Education . Over the past year, she has served as a long-term substitute teacher at the junior high level, where she has taught various courses such as Design & Drawing for Production, Technology 8 Design & Modeling, and Robotics.
  • Dr. Danielle Ross – Biology: graduated from Penn State University with a Bachelor of Science in Life Science and a minor in Marine Science. She earned a Master's in Biology from Indiana University of Pennsylvania and a Ph.D. in Science Education from the University of Pittsburgh. She comes to us from the Chesapeake Bay Governor's School where she taught Marine and Environmental Science.
  • Billy Thomas – Engineering: graduated from Virginia Tech with B.S. and M.S. degrees in Mining and Minerals Engineering, an M.A. degree in Education, and a graduate certificate in Integrative STEM Education. After making the career transition from underground coal mine foreman to the high school classroom, he comes to us from McLean High School, where he has been teaching physics.

Other New Staff

  • Emily Howard- Librarian: graduated from Miami University with a BS in Education and received a Master’s in Library and Information Science from Wayne State University. She comes to us from South County Middle School where she served as a librarian.
  • Bryan Nguyen- Administrative Assistant for Finance: graduated from Virginia Commonwealth University with a B.S. in strategic advertising and a minor in business. He has worked in FCPS HR Client Services this past year. Previously, Bryan worked as an administrative assistant to the CFO of a home savings and trust mortgage company.

Student Insurance

During the school day, a student may have an accident that results in injury. There is a common misconception that FCPS (Fairfax County Public Schools) is financially responsible for medical bills resulting from such injuries. However, this is not the case.

Students who participate in sports are required to have health insurance. FCPS does not provide medical insurance for students, but parents can purchase low-cost Voluntary Student Insurance through K & K Insurance Group.

This student accident insurance program offers an affordable way for parents to cover medical or dental expenses resulting from their child's accident. For those who already have medical or dental insurance, this additional coverage can help with deductibles, limitations, and exclusions. For those without medical insurance, these accident policies provide primary coverage.

Please read the information on K&K Student Accident Insurance found here, to determine if this coverage would be beneficial for your child.

TJ German Students Visit Germany

TJ German Students Reunite with the German Exchange students in Munich


Back in last September's News You Choose newsletter we told you about several German exchange students who visited TJ back on Sept. 7, 2023. Well in late June, several of TJ's German students returned the favor by visiting those exchange students in Munich. The picture above showcases both the TJ and German students. Big thanks to teachers Szilvia Oszko and Dave Arthur for chaperoning this trip and allowing our kids to have an amazing experience!

Families New to TJ are Invited to PTSA Regional Parties

The following message is from the TJ PTSA and is meant for families who are new to TJ during the 2024-25 school year:

Welcome to the TJ family!! 

In July and August, the TJ PTSA will host regional welcome parties for you to meet other incoming families who live near you and hear from current TJ students! Tentative information about each regional party is included in the form. To keep up-to-date as party plans evolve, please complete this form to register for your regional party.

Direct link to the form:

Look forward to seeing you there! Please email with any questions.


Nell Janardhan

TJ PTSA President

Fall Athletics Coming Next Month - Here is How to Participate!

Participation in sports is a fantastic way to integrate into campus life, make new friends, and stay active. We offer a variety of fall sports:

  • Cheerleading – Co-Ed Freshman, JV and Varsity Teams
  • Cross Country - Boys and Girls Teams
  • Field Hockey – Girls JV and Varsity Teams
  • Football – Co-Ed - Freshman, JV and Varsity Teams
  • Golf - Co-Ed and Girls Teams
  • Volleyball – Girls Freshman, JV and Varsity Teams
  • Volleyball – Boys Varsity only – Inaugural Season

Golf Begins on August 1. All other Fall Sports begin on August 5. Tryout times will be posted soon, please visit our website – Schedules will also be posted on Schoology and Instagram tjhsst_sports

Required Forms and Documents for Athletic Participation

To ensure a smooth start to the sports season, please make sure to complete and submit the following forms and documents:

  1. VHSL Physical Form - A current physical examination (dated after May 1, 2024) is required for all student-athletes. This form must be completed and signed by a licensed physician and be turned into the athletic trainer or athletic office. VHSL physical examination forms can be mailed to TJHSST, Attention: Dr. Murphy
  2. TJHSST Athlete Registration - This one stop shop database for students and parents to submit their Emergency Care Form and to complete Concussion Education Training via the link. If you have never registered a student using this database, you will need to create a new account.

Tryout Schedule



Thursday August 1st




1:10 Tee Times Pinecrest GC




Monday August 5th

Tuesday August 6th

Wednesday August 7th


3:00-6:00 Gym 2

3:00-6:00 Gym 2

3:00-6:00 Gym 2

Girls Volleyball

4:30-6:30 Gym 1

4:30-6:30 Gym 1

4:30/6:30 Start Times – info given Mon/Tues

Boys Volleyball

6:30-8:30 Gym 1

6:30-8:30 Gym 1

6:30-8:30 Gym 1


visit -> athletics-> dance

visit -> athletics-> dance

visit -> athletics-> dance


5:00-8:30 Stadium

5:00-8:30 Stadium

5:00-8:30 Stadium

Field Hockey

4:30-6:30 Practice Field

4:30-6:30 Practice Field

4:30-6:30 Practice Field

Cross Country

5:30-7:30 Track

5:30-7:30 Track

5:30-7:30 Track


Tryout Tee Times 1:10 Pinecrest GC

Tryout Tee Times 1:10 Pinecrest GC



Contact Information for Coaches & Staff

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please feel free to reach out to our coaches and staff. Their contact information is as follows:

For general inquiries or additional support, please contact the Student Activities Office at 703-750-8373. Activities Office email addresses are listed below:

Major Award for TJ Head Athletic Trainer Dr. Heather Murphy!

Dr. Murphy receiving National Trainer of the Year award


Dr. Murphy was recognized last month as the Athletic Trainer of the Year by the National Athletic Trainer’s Association (NATA)! The recognition took place at the NATA National Convention in New Orleans. Thank you Dr. Murphy for your commitment to the safety, injury prevention, and rehabilitation of our over 900 student-athletes at TJHSST!

How to Contact Us

Need to get ahold of someone at TJ? Here is some commonly requested contact information:

Main Office - 703-750-8300

Attendance Office -

Student Services - 703-750-8340

Student Activities - 703-750-8333

Security - 703-750-8331

Administration Contact Information

Dr. Ann Bonitatibus - Principal

Mr. Shawn Frank - Assistant Principal (oversees Class of 2025 and World Language, Art, Music, and Physical Education Division)

Ms. Yaara Crane - Assistant Principal (oversees Class of 2026 Science and Technology Division)

Ms. Chrystal Benson - Assistant Principal (oversees Class of 2027 and  Mathematics and Computer Science Division)

Ms. Volita Russell - Assistant Principal (oversees Class of 2028 and Humanities Division)

Ms. Sara Genetin - Director of Student Services (oversees Counselors, Social Worker, School Psychologist and other staff providing student support)

Mr. Dylan Forshay - Director of Student Activities (oversees Activities Office, 8th Period, Athletic Office, Building Maintenance, Custodians, Food Services)

Mr. Leo Resquin - Director of Technology (oversees Technology Team, Testing Tech Support, tjSTAR, Safety and Security/Transportation)

Mr. Mike Roth - Communications Specialist (oversees NewsYouChoose and eNotify, Event promotions,  print/digital text, photo, video, Social Media accounts, TJHSST Webmaster and Visitors US & International (TJPF)

For another specific staff member, please use our Staff Directory to find contact information. 


Follow TJ on Instagram!

Be sure to visit Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology On its official social media channel on Instagram @OfficialTJHSST for pictures and highlights of all the fun events and activities going on at TJ! (Please note that we have discontinued use of our X/Twitter account).

We'd love it if you give us a follow!