June 2024- Boundary Policy 8130 Work Update

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Dear Dranesville Families:

I want to update you on the status of Boundary Policy 8130 work.

Since February, the Governance Committee has been reviewing potential changes to the policy, and on June 18, 2024, the Governance Committee voted to send their draft to the full School Board. On June 25, 2024, the School Board held a Work Session to consider the Governance Committee draft policy and advanced the draft policy It was placed on New Business last night, June 27, 2024. Formal School Board Action on this policy amendment is scheduled for July 18, 2024.

The next steps are:

  • The Governance Committee will meet on July 1, 2024, to consider any additional updates to the draft policy.
  • If the Governance Committee makes any changes to the draft policy,
    • the new version of the draft policy will be noticed as New Business and attached to the July 11, 2024, Regular Meeting agenda.
  • Formal School Board Action on this policy amendment is scheduled for July 18, 2024.



Upcoming School Board Meetings

  • Monday, July 1, 1- 3:30 pm: Governance Committee
  • Thursday, July 11, 7 pm: Regular Meeting
  • Thursday, July 18, 7 pm: Regular Meeting

All times and topics subject to change.

How to watch meetings and sign up to speak

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Reuniones de la Junta Escolar de FCPS en Español

Para ver las reuniones de la Junta Escolar grabadas o para ver en vivo durante las reuniones regulares en YouTube, por favor vaya al canal deYouTube de FCPS en Español o escanee el código QR.

Volunteer Opportunities

School Board Seeking Applicants for Audit Committee Citizen Member

FCPS is looking for community members interested in serving on the School Board Audit Committee. To apply, you must reside within the boundaries of Fairfax County or Fairfax City.  The School Board will be appointing one committee member for a term ending June 30, 2026. Click here for more information and the application.

Applicants cannot be a current FCPS employee and must be able to understand general government processes as well as technical and complex financial reporting issues. Applicants should be knowledgeable about internal controls, financial statement audits, management and operational audits, and risk. The deadline to submit an application is Tuesday, July 9, 2024.

Audit Buzz Logo

June 2024 Audit Buzz

In the Audit Buzz – June 2024, we provide an update on the Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 Risk Assessment and Proposed Audit Plan along with current engagements, explain the 5C's of an audit finding in the Knowledge Hive, offer a training opportunity to Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) employees, and advertise for a School Board Audit Committee community member position. 

Prior editions of Audit Buzz are archived here on Office of Auditor General's (OAG) website.

Career and Technical Education Advisory Committee Position (CTEAC)

This committee provides recommendations to the local educational agency (or board) on current job needs and the relevancy of career and technical education programs offered and to assist in the development, implementation, and evaluation of the local plan and application. The Dranesville representative will serve from August 2024- July 2025. See the CTEAC website for more information.

Please fill out this form by Friday, July 12 to share why you would like to be a representative and why you would be a great fit for this committee. Please email my Staff Aide at wmbiliter@fcps.edu if you have any questions.

The views contained within this newsletter reflect the views of the individual school board member who is the publisher of this newsletter and may not reflect the views of the Fairfax County School Board.

© 2024 Fairfax County Public Schools, Fairfax County, Virginia