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Hello, Springfield District
It has been a very busy month of celebrating our students and staff, and I wanted to start by sharing a huge congratulations to the class of 2024! I enjoyed attending the graduation and transition ceremonies for twelve different schools. Seeing the pride beaming from our staff, families, and graduates as they walked across the stage was such a special experience.
I was also honored to participate in two very special awards ceremonies. First, was this year’s Cappies Gala where students from around the DC Capital area were nominated for their strong work in theatre performances and journalism. It was a thrill to present the Hair and Makeup category to Brianna Turner, Anabelle Volpe, Alina Yang, and The Sweeney Hair & Makeup Team from the Springfield District’s own West Springfield High School. A huge congratulations to Lake Braddock for winning the Best Play for Romeo & Juliet (for the 2nd year in a row!) and West Springfield for winning Best Musical for Sweeney Todd School Edition.
Finally, on the last day of school, I attended the FCPS Honors Award ceremony. Congratulations to all the finalists and nominees. It was a lovely evening! As a former teacher, I know that sometimes it can feel that people only notice what you are doing when someone has a concern or there is a problem. I love events like this one that highlight all the amazing things our teachers and staff do every day to ensure our students and families thrive. To all the nominees, you should be incredibly proud. And, to everyone else who dedicates themselves every day in your classroom or office, please know that so many of us see you and appreciate your dedication to our students.
I hope all of you and your families have an amazing and safe summer.
I will be in touch soon!
Sandy Anderson
This newsletter includes information on the following issues:
Upcoming School Board Meetings
June 24 at 5 p.m. - Work Session: Advisory Committee for Students with Disabilities, Advanced Academics Programming Advisory Committee, Student Health Advisory Committee, and PreK and Early Head Start Parent Policy Committee Reports
June 25 at 11:30 a.m. - Work Session: Fiscal Year 2025 (FY25) Fiscal Assessment and Audit Topics
June 25 at 1 p.m. - Work Session: Policy 8130, Local School Boundaries, Program Assignments and School Closings
June 27 at 7 p.m. - Regular Meeting: To be Determined
July 11 at 7 p.m. - Regular Meeting: School Board Organization, School Board School Year 2024-25 Annual Work Calendar, FY25 Fiscal Assessment and Audit Topics, etc.
July 18 at 7 p.m. - Regular Meeting: School Board Standing and Advisory Committee Assignments, School Board Advisory Committee Representative Assignments and Charges, Election Results Certification and Exclusive Bargaining Agent Recognition, etc.
Please note that times and topics are subject to change.
The work sessions and regular meetings will be broadcast live on Channel 99 (Verizon channel 11) and the FCPS website. Both will be recorded for future viewing and posted to the FCPS School Board YouTube channel.
For Spanish speakers, to watch recorded School Board meetings, or live during regular meetings, visit the FCPS en Espanol YouTube channel or scan the QR code below.
Visit the Community Participation webpage to sign up to speak at a regular meeting. Visit BoardDocs for more meeting logistics, agendas, and handouts.
Are you interested in School Board action items? Sign up to get an update on School Board votes the morning after the School Board meeting.
If you need language interpretation or American Sign Language support for any School Board meeting, please contact the board clerk. Find your School Board member and how to contact them on the School Board Members webpage.
Reuniones de la Junta Escolar de FCPS en Español
Para ver las reuniones de Junta Escolar grabadas o para ver en vivo durante las Reuniones Ordinarias en YouTube, por favor vaya al canal de YouTube de FCPS en Español o escanee el código QR.
School Board Work
School Board Votes to Adopt Fiscal Year 2025 Approved Budget
At the May 23 regular meeting, the Fairfax County School Board adopted Fairfax County Public Schools’ (FCPS) Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 Approved Budget at their board meeting last night. The FY 2025 Approved Budget totals $3.7 billion — a net increase of $233.2 million or 6.6% over the previous year.
The FY 2025 Approved Budget focuses on providing educational excellence for all students and ensuring that employees’ hard work and dedication are acknowledged through competitive compensation. Both of these efforts fully align with the FCPS 2023-30 Strategic Plan.
Nearly 86% of the Approved Budget is targeted at instruction. Key budget highlights include funding for a 4% compensation increase for all employees; maintaining existing class size formulas and providing necessary support to all students; and expanding athletics offerings, additional athletic trainers, and enhanced stipends for fine and performing arts.
I know so many of us were disappointed that we were unable to fund the full 6% raise that had been proposed by the Superintendent and supported by the School Board. I am grateful that once the state released its funding, the Superintendent was able to find additional funding to fund a 4% raise. I would like to thank both the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors for supporting us to the extent they felt was possible and and our Virginia legislators for starting the work that needs to be done to fix an outdated funding model in our state that unfortunately has put our average funding per student below where it should be and where many of our neighboring states are. Moving forward, fully funding our schools is going to continue to be a task that takes dedicated groups of people working together to ensure we have the strongest schools possible. I am dedicated to this task. In a related action, the School Board approved these follow-on motions to the FY 2025 Adopted Budget:
- The School Board directed the Superintendent to present to the School Board, as part of the School Year 2024-25 Executive Limitation 11 (EL-11) monitoring report, a benefit-cost analysis and legal framework for using public-private partnerships to design, build, finance, and maintain FCPS school buildings and infrastructure. Public-private partnerships shall not be used to reduce or replace FCPS employees or outsource functions performed by FCPS employees.
- The School Board directed the Superintendent to present to the School Board, as part of the School Year 2024-25 Executive Limitation 11 (EL-11) monitoring report, a plan for exploring the reduction of annual leasing expenses.
- The School Board directed the Superintendent to present to the School Board, as part of the School Year 2024-25 Executive Limitation 11 (EL-11) monitoring report, a benefit-cost analysis for achieving the Board’s Joint Environmental Taskforce directive of replacing the school division’s diesel school bus fleet with electric alternatives and building any additional charging infrastructure required.
Watch the School Board’s budget discussion. Visit FCPS’ Budget webpage.
Strategic Plan 2023-30 Goal 4 Baseline Report: Equitable Access and Opportunity
At the May 23 regular meeting, the School Board approved the Strategic Plan Goal 4 Baseline Report as the Division's starting point for the work toward achieving the goals in our Strategic Plan 2023-30.
Watch the full meeting on the FCPS YouTube channel.
🏅 State Activity and Athletics Recognitions
At the June 13 regular meeting, the School Board recognized the winter and spring teams that won state championships. Congratulations to the Chantilly High School Forensics Team, the Lake Braddock Secondary School Gymnastics Team, the Robinson Boys Lacrosse Team, the West Springfield High School Boys Outdoor Track Team, and the West Springfield Womens and Mens Crew Teams!
I was pleased to support the following proclamations at the Board’s and May 23 and June 13 regular meetings.
🚌 Become a Bus Driver, Get up to $2,000 Signing Bonus!
FCPS is providing a signing bonus of up to $2,000 for new school bus drivers who meet eligibility requirements and complete the new driver employment criteria. Learn more by attending a job fair this summer. The job fairs will be held 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at the dates and locations below. No pre-event registration is needed to attend:
Apply today! Contact 571-423-3000 or DriveForFCPS@fcps.edu with questions.
🧩 Get Clued in to the FCPS and Park Authority Puzzle Hunt!
FCPS’ Safe Routes to School has worked with the Fairfax County Park Authority to create an engaging activity to help get families outside this summer. The Fairfax County Puzzle Hunt offers online puzzles that lead to a park in Fairfax County and additional clues toward the final puzzle.
Participants who submit the final answer will be entered into a chance to win a prize. Puzzles are filled with creative thinking, logic, and wordplay. They are designed to be challenging and accessible for all skill levels.
🗺️ Open Your Home to an International Student and Enjoy a Free Week of IFTA
FCPS is partnering with Near West to pilot a summer program inviting international students to experience IFTA (Institute for the Arts), enjoy Northern Virginia, and share their culture with our community.
Warm and welcoming FCPS families with students 13-15 years old are needed to help make the pilot a success! Enjoy one free week of IFTA at Lake Braddock Secondary School for hosting an international student from Saturday, July 20, to Tuesday, July 30.
Please contact Kara Drinkwater if you are interested in being a host family.
Website Redesign Update
As mentioned last fall, FCPS is redesigning our central website, fcps.edu, and preparing for the redesign of school websites. Our primary purpose for this work is to improve user experience — helping families quickly find the tools, information, and resources they need.
We plan to launch the redesigned central site in July. School sites will be rolled out in phases at a later date. Details on how to provide feedback on the new site design will be coming soon.
Learn more about FCPS’ web redesign project.
🌞Summer Activities
⚾ Enjoy Our School Grounds This Summer
School blacktops, playgrounds, outdoor basketball and tennis courts, and tracks are available for use by individuals (not organized groups) without being scheduled.
Please keep the following in mind when using these facilities:
- Use is allowed from dawn to dusk, except during school hours or when being used for school activities or other scheduled programs.
- Facilities must be shared with anyone else who wishes to use them.
- Please leave the facilities as you found them. Remove waste or debris from the property.
Visit our Availability, Fees, and Hours webpage for details on using school grounds and facilities. See our Community Use webpage for information on reserving facilities and to see a list of items prohibited in school buildings, on playgrounds, and on fields such as pets, alcohol, and fires. Groups interested in formally reserving school facilities should email FCPSCommunityUse@fcps.edu or call 571-423-2340.
🏆 FCPS Financial Report Recognized
FCPS has received a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for its comprehensive annual financial report from the Government Finance Officers Association of the U.S. and Canada. FCPS was recognized for its financial reporting work for the fiscal year ending in June 2023.
The division also received a Certificate of Excellence in Financial Reporting award from the Association of School Business Officials International.
Office of Auditor Current Engagement Updates
At the May 13 Audit Committee meeting, we presented the following agenda items:
Status of FY24 internal inquiries - From July 2023 to April 2024, OAG received 70 inquiries of fraud, waste, and abuse potential concerns.
FY24 Business Process Audit (BPA) Summary and BPA Reports for Bull Run Elementary, Marshall High, and Poe Middle - These three audits identified six low-risk findings and two moderate-risk findings. These findings related to bank reconciliation, non-bank reconciliation, payment of personnel, the purchasing process, sufficient documentation, and timely payment.
FY25 Risk Assessment and Proposed Audit Plan Presentation and Document - OAG presented the results of the risk assessment and proposed audit topics for FY25.
Read more in the May 2024 edition of Audit Buzz.
🤠 FCPS Rounds Up Bus Drivers and Attendants for Road-eo Competition
The Office of Transportation Services recently hosted its annual Bus Road-eo competition. Competitors included drivers of big and small buses and attendants. Participants took a written test, and then a driving challenge that included maneuvering through nine difficult stations.
Read more about the event and see a list of the winners of the Road-eo.
FCPS Business and Community Partnerships
Leading for Tomorrow’s Innovation Event Yields Engagement Data
Business executives from C-suites across Fairfax County gathered in late May at Leading for Tomorrow’s Innovation. The goal of the event was for business leaders to learn about and explore ways that their businesses can positively impact education — their talent pipeline.
Impactful educational innovation begins with a plan. This event was framed to encourage business leaders to help Fairfax County Public Schools and our partners Educate Fairfax and the Fairfax County Economic Development Authority to re-imagine K-12 education and their roles in it.
A panel discussion including Superintendent Michelle C. Reid and several business and community leaders who are already partnered with Fairfax County Public Schools helped attendees envision their future engagement by learning about effective activities already in place.
Rounding out the morning was a facilitated exercise where collaborators put pen to paper and helped design education's next iteration.
Reviews of the data collected indicate that business leaders welcome engagement with students. Participant suggestions for innovation included:
- Increased sharing of emerging business trends
- Ensuring that every high school student has a professional mentor
- Making it possible for every student to participate in a work-based opportunity
- Coursework on appropriately using artificial intelligence or AI
An additional theme during the table discussions centered around engagement confusion. Our own AI analysis of the notes listed the most common phrases used by participating leaders as “There needs to be a better…,” “How do we…,” and “We don’t know how to…” all referring to the need for more guidance on how to engage Fairfax County Public Schools.
The event was hosted at Apple Federal Credit Union’s headquarters. The conveners were Fairfax County Public Schools; Educate Fairfax, our 501c3 not-for-profit; and the Fairfax County Economic Development Authority who have already met to discuss next steps.
Thank you to the business community for your involvement, ideas, and suggestions. If we do this properly, the return on investment is that you’ll continue to help direct the bold innovation needed for FCPS to stay one of the nation’s preeminent school divisions, with alignment to the jobs of the future and your talent pipelines.
Superintendent Updates
Dual Language Immersion and World Languages Job Fair
Fairfax County Public Schools wants you to be a part of our team! We are seeking educator talent with strong student engagement skills and a passion for having a positive influence on our school communities. We are hosting a Virtual Dual Language Immersion and World Languages Job Fair on Tuesday, June 25, 2024, from 1 to 3 p.m.
Find more information on our website.
Middle School and High School Grading Updates
FCPS has been reviewing our secondary grading and reporting policies. Beginning in the 2024-25 school year, there will be some new policies in place for all middle and high school classes aimed at improving consistency and clarity of grading practices across the division.
Visit the FCPS website for additional information about these secondary grading policy updates.
Register to Take Two Tuition-free College Courses With NOVA
NOVA Early Online College (EOC) allows rising high school juniors and seniors the opportunity to take up to two tuition-free college courses. EOC courses for the fall semester take place Monday, September 23, through Tuesday, December 17. Students should register by Friday, July 26, at 5 p.m.
Courses are asynchronous, online, and for college credit only. Thirteen courses are offered along with courses that fulfill the IT Technical Support Career Studies Certificate. EOC courses meet the requirements for most of NOVA’s associate degrees as well as being highly transferable as general education requirements for most colleges and universities.
Students must meet eligibility requirements to take EOC courses. Check out the EOC flyer (PDF) for more information on what classes are offered, required qualifications, and how to register.
Elementary School Professional Development Plan
Providing an excellent education to all students and meeting individual student needs requires appropriate planning time for teachers. This means teachers need a dedicated block of time to prepare lessons, participate in professional development and training, and collaborate with peers.
With that in mind, FCPS has developed a divisionwide plan for seven three-hour early release days (Mondays) for elementary students in the 2024-25 school year.
Reasons for Early Release Mondays
Demands on teacher time have increased dramatically since the pandemic. With the adoption of new textbooks, differentiated support plans for students, required professional development for the new Virginia Literacy Act, new reading and math SOLs from the state, and other initiatives—teachers have a lot to do in addition to actually teaching! These demands require blocks of uninterrupted, in-person, and collaborative time to plan.
A well-supported and continuously improving teaching staff will lead to better educational outcomes for students.
Early release Mondays will also reduce our need for substitute teachers, which are very difficult to find.
Start Date
Early release Mondays will start in mid-September of this year. Each elementary school will have a total of seven early release days throughout the school year, which is about one per month.
How It Works
We encourage all parents/caregivers to have their student take their normal route home (bus, walk, kiss and ride) on early dismissal days. While these are designated as early release days — where necessary — we will ensure that every student has supervised enrichment activities at the school and returns home at the regular time if that is what works best for your family. Licensed educators from central office will support schools as well. High-impact tutoring will be available for identified students.
Instructional Hours
The three-hour early release will not impact the state-mandated number of instructional hours but will reduce the amount of built-in snow days.
Steering Committee
A steering committee of school leaders, teachers, and families is being created to make sure this work is both supported and implemented consistently across all of our elementary schools. We believe strongly in the power of in-person, collaborative professional development. If you are interested in being a part of the steering committee, please complete this form for consideration by Friday, June 28.
Community Conversations
Superintendent Reid will host two Community Conversations about early release Mondays at Gatehouse Administration Center on:
Click on one of the dates above to register. Language interpretation and childcare will be available as needed.
Dates for Early Release
Each elementary school will have seven early release days, which works out to roughly one per month. Those days will depend upon the pyramid under which a school falls. Check FCPS' Region and Pyramid Map for a breakdown.
Early release Mondays for elementary schools in the following pyramids are planned for the dates below: Edison, Hayfield, Lewis, Mount Vernon, South County, West Potomac, Annandale, Falls Church, Justice, Lake Braddock, West Springfield, and Woodson.
- September 16
- October 21
- November 18
- February 10
- March 10
- April 21
- May 12
Early release Mondays for elementary schools in the following pyramids are planned for the dates below: Herndon, Langley, Madison, Marshall, McLean, South Lakes, Centreville, Chantilly, Fairfax, Oakton, Robinson, and Westfield.
- September 23
- October 28
- November 25
- February 24
- March 17
- April 28
- May 19
If you have questions about early release Mondays, please email ESPlanning@fcps.edu.
📊 Academic Matters: New SOL Growth Reports
In the Academic Matters segment of the May 23 School Board meeting, Superintendent Dr. Michelle Reid presented information on the Virginia Department of Education’s new Standards of Learning (SOL) Growth Reports for families of students in grades 3-8.
These new reports are designed to give a yearlong look at student performance by combining information from earlier Virginia Growth Assessment (VGA) results with SOL results. Dr. Reid also discussed how FCPS’ reporting plan for spring assessment results was created with accessibility in mind. Watch the video of the Academic Matters presentation or view the slide presentation.
Learn how to understand your student’s grade 3-8 SOL results.
📈 SOL Scores Posted in SIS ParentVUE
Families can find Standards of Learning (SOL) reports for spring testing in the SIS ParentVUE Documents section. Log in to your ParentVUE account to access the following:
- For all students, the official SOL Score Report with overall and reporting category performance for all spring tests.
- For students in grades 3-8, the SOL Growth Parent Report shows performance over time for state reading and math tests completed this school year.
Visit the FCPS website for additional information about spring assessment reporting practices and timelines.
🏫 Prepare Your Child for Kindergarten!
Families play an important role in helping children prepare for kindergarten and to have a successful year. The following resources provide families with strategies to support their kindergartener:
It’s not too late! If your child has not been registered for kindergarten yet, follow this easy process.
Ms. Vivi’s Principal Steps in on a Sick Day
In the sixth episode of the My First Year video series, Ms. Vivi takes a sick day. Watch how her principal steps in to support her and builds community at Shrevewood Elementary School. Read more about her sick day and Principal Josh DeSmyter.
Digital SAT Replaces Paper in 2024-25
This October, the SAT School Day will be administered in a digital format nationwide. Some testing accommodations are administered differently for digital tests than for paper/pencil tests. See information about accommodations for students with disabilities.
SAT School Day and PSAT/NMSQT
SAT School Day and PSAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (NMSQT) exams will be held at each high school on Wednesday, October 9, at no cost to families. The digital SAT School Day exam is offered to 12th-grade students, and the digital PSAT/NMSQT exam is provided to 10th and 11th-grade students.
Accommodations for Students with Disabilities and Multilingual Learner Supports
Because these exams are operated by the College Board, students do not automatically receive testing accommodations or supports. If you have a student with disabilities entering 10th, 11th, or 12th grade; or have a multilingual student entering 12th grade; please review the accommodations request process and/or EL support request process and return forms to your high school by Monday, August 5.
Find out more about SAT and PSAT assessments in FCPS.
Springfield District Scene
Congratulations to Chantilly High School Boys Lacrosse Coach Kevin Broderick for his selection as the Boys Lacrosse Region Coach of the Year!
Shout out to Chantilly Boys Outdoor Track and Field for being crowned the Northern Region Champions!
Chantilly congrats continue with Antonio Godoy taking first place in High School System Control Technology at the Virginia Technology Student Association Technosphere 2024!
Shout out to Chantilly’s Angie Rollet, who was named the Mount Vernon History Teacher of the Year. Click here for more information.
Kudos to Springfield District’s Sebastian Nowicki and Tara Magill for their dedication and hard work on the below-featured project!
With days to go before graduation, seniors at Chantilly Academy scrambled to finish an important final project. Engineering, and Physical and Occupational Therapy students have been collaborating for a year on a mobile, adjustable, and customizable medical bed. Last year, they finally met the student who will be using the bed.
Liam is an eighth grader at Rocky Run Middle School who has Nemaline myopathy, a type of muscular dystrophy that leaves him nearly paralyzed. Liam has previously been able to attend school with the help of a nurse, but her retirement meant that this year he received homebound instruction.
Next year, Liam plans to attend Chantilly High School with a personally designed bed to allow him to stay in a lying position for classes. Learn more about this special project.
Read more in WTOP News.
Congratulations to Fairfax High School’s Alejandro Cahoon who was awarded the 2024 Overtures Scholarship at Signature Theater! The scholarship allows recipients to train with professional theatre artists in an internationally competitive pre-professional musical theatre intensive at Signature. What a great opportunity!
Congratulations to Fairfax High School’s (L-R below) Yousif Al Atbi, David Nam, Nathan Kim, and Advik Atyam for being recognized by the Fairfax Area Agency on Aging as their 2024 Shark Tank Challenge first-place winners! This student team created “Scam Cops,” a program to support senior citizens in combatting scams. Way to go! Read more in Community News.
Congratulations to Lake Braddock Secondary School’s Womens Crew Second Four members Madeline Huott, Sarah Piel, and Agenline Montilla and coaches Augene Lee and Lilya Fenjiro for taking first place at the Stotesbury Cup Regatta, the largest high school regatta in the world! Taking place on the Schuylkill River in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 181 Schools, 4,774 Athletes, and 936 boats competed in the regatta.
The winning continues at Lake Braddock with Nelson Lattimer and Timo Asady-Kany taking first place in the VHSL Boys Outdoor Track 4 x 800 meter relay! Way to go!
Kudos also go to Lake Braddock’s Dr. Susanne Cook, speech and language pathologist, for winning the very prestigious 2024 Deso Weiss Award in the field of cluttering.
Congratulations to Lewis High School’s Boys Soccer Team for winning the 6C Occoquan Region Championship!
Bravo Oakton High School Performing Arts for winning Best Musical at the Brandon Victor Dixon Awards, also known as The Jimmy Awards, for Pippin!
Oakton accolades continue with Junior Allen winning the VHSL Boys Outdoor Track 1600-meter and placing second in the 3200 meter! Way to go!
Congratulations to Robinson Secondary School middle school counselor Valerie Peters for being chosen by the Virginia School Counselor Association as the 2024 Secondary School Counselor of the Year!
The winning continues with Robinson’s Girls and Boys Lacrosse Teams winning the Occoquan Region Championships! The Boys Lacrosse Team went on to win the VHSL state championship! Awesome!
Kudos to Robinson’s Cayden Nunn for receiving a college scholarship in Criminal Justice from Sheriff Stacey Kincaid and the Virginia Sheriffs’ Institute College Scholarship Program!
Shout out to Rocky Run Middle School’s Ani Nishanian and Ashlyn Saji for taking first place in Middle School Children’s Stories at the Virginia Technology Student Association Technosphere 2024!
Way to go South County High School Girls Outdoor Track for winning the VHSL 4 x 100-meter and 4 x 400-meter relay!
Congrats to South County’s Duncan Cummings and Teague Keyser for taking first place in High School VEX Robotics at the Virginia Technology Student Association Technosphere 2024!
Shout out to South County’s Maya Martinos and her Bring Change to Mind Club for the mural addition, which brings hope to students who need encouragement!
Congratulations to Thomas Jefferson HSST’s Raghav Kamineni for taking first place in High School Forensic Science at the Virginia Technology Student Association Technosphere 2024! |
Shout out to West Springfield High School’s Boys Outdoor Track for winning the VHSL 4 x 100-meter and 4 x 400-meter relay!
West Springfield’s Paris Johnson took first in the Boys Outdoor Track high jump and Brady Echols won in the shot put! Way to go!
West Springfield winning continues with the Boys Outdoor Track and Mens and Womens Crew taking home their state championships! Fantastic!
Congratulations to Woodson Boys Tennis’ Jake White and Rodrigo Lopez and team for winning the Occoquan Region Championship!
More than sixty Woodson High School Law in Action students from Mr. Viccora's class and twelve chaperones went to the Fairfax County Courthouse for a field trip where they had the opportunity to see criminal and civil cases and talk with experienced attorneys and judges, and even a Virginia Supreme Court Justice. Wow!
🎨 Students Earn National Scholastic Art and Writing Awards
FCPS students received 30 national awards through the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards. FCPS students were recognized for original art and writing with one American Visions Medal, eight Gold Medals, 20 Silver Medals, and two portfolio Honorable Mentions.
Fairfax County Public Schools is an Affiliate partner of the Alliance for Young Artists & Writers. Established in 1923, the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards, presented by the Alliance for Young Artists & Writers, is the largest, longest-running recognition program of its kind in the United States. More than 250,000 students participated in the program across the country this year. A complete list of National Scholastic Awards is available at medals.artandwriting.org.
Congratulations to Lake Braddock Secondary School’s Ellis Chang and Oakton High School’s Kelly Zhou for winning silver medals!
See the full list of winners.
🎭 FCPS Students Honored for Outstanding Achievements in High School Theater at 2024 Cappies Gala
The Cappies of the National Capital Area held its annual awards gala honoring excellence in high school theater on June 10 at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. Awards brought home by FCPS students included the following Springfield District students. Congratulations!
Lake Braddock Secondary School
Riley Kozal and the Props Crew for Props, Romeo and Juliet
Lake Braddock Secondary School also won Best Play for Romeo and Juliet.
Thomas Jefferson HSST
Best Critic Team
West Springfield High School
Zachary Kearney, Rakeb Yihunie, and The Sweeney Lighting Team for Lighting, Sweeney Todd School Edition
Christopher Seeger for Special Effects and or Technology and Leader Actor in a Male Role in a Musical, Sweeney Todd School Edition
Alina Yang and the Sweeney Hairi & Make-up Team for Hair and Make-up, Sweeney Todd School Edition
The Ballad of Sweeney Todd (Act 1) for Song, Sweeney Todd School Edition
Small Ensemble for Ensemble in a Musical, Sweeney Todd School Edition
The Sweeney Pit for Orchestra, Sweeney Todd School Edition
West Springfield High School also won Best Musical for Sweeney Todd School Edition.
See the full list of winners.
📜 Students Receive Scholarships from FCPS Hispanic Leadership Alliance
The Hispanic Leadership Alliance (HLA) — a certified employee group of Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) employees — presented scholarships to 33 students on Tuesday, May 28.
Scholarship recipients were recognized for leadership and mentoring skills in their educational and social activities. Candidates are committed to furthering their education while improving their communities. Each of the applicants will be the first in their families to attend a postsecondary institution.
Congratulations to the following Springfield District student scholarship recipients!
Fairfax High School
Louis Mendieta, Scholarship for Engineering
Lake Braddock Secondary School
Gracia Sánchez Moreira, Lake Braddock Hispanic Student Association
West Springfield High School
Paula de Megret-Murray, West Springfield Hispanic Student Association
María Escobar Justiniano, West Springfield Hispanic Student Association
See the full list of recipients.
🎖 First-Class Awards: Celebrating Champions of Inclusion
The First-Class Awards are presented each year to recognize and celebrate the efforts of educators, administrators, support staff, and students who demonstrate excellence in all facets of education related to disability. I'm very proud to share the following awardees who serve students from the Springfield District!
Davis Center
Chad Clayton - Specialty Program Staff
Hunters Woods Elementary School
Emily Cope - Elementary School Administrator
Silverbrook Elementary School
Annisa Chesnut - Elementary School Teacher
West Springfield High School
John Basta, Amy Brown, Betsy Fawsett, and Shannon Matheny - Middle/High School Administrators
See the full list of winners.
🧪 Students Compete and Win at International Science and Engineering Fair
Thirteen students from Fairfax County Public Schools won awards at the International Science and Engineering Fair in Los Angeles. More than 1,700 students represented 67 countries, regions, and territories across the world and competed for approximately $9 million in awards and scholarships.
Congrats to Springfield District’s Ryan Singh and Surbhi Singla of Thomas Jefferson HSST for winning the fourth award in Materials Science for their project Utilizing the Chirality Induced Spin Selectivity Effect Through Chiral Carbon Nanotubes to Polarize Current for Spin-Transfer Torque in Spintronic Devices.
See the list of FCPS students who won awards.
🏆 Special Education Parent Teacher Association Awards
The Special Education Parent Teacher Association (SETPA) was pleased to host its seventh annual Awards Ceremony on Saturday, May 11, 2024. Nearly 300 attendees gathered to celebrate the over 200 nominees for SEPTA’s awards. Dr. Michelle Reid, FCPS Superintendent, gave welcoming remarks, thanking teachers and staff for their incredible work this year. SEPTA President Amanda Campbell and Vice President Lauren McCaughey co-presented.
The night was filled with laughter and tears as the friends, family, and colleagues of our nominees cheered, and the awardees were overcome with emotion. Award winners ran the gamut from special education teachers, aides, and staff, to bus drivers, to community champions who all support students with disabilities in and out of school.
Two student awards were given this year: to the Student who most Supports Inclusion and to the Outstanding Student (a student with an IEP or 504 plan making positive contributions to the special education community in their actions or as a role model or leader).
Twenty-three awards were presented in total.
Congratulations to the following staff members who support students residing in the Springfield District!
Central Office
Jennifer Smetek - Outstanding Central Office Staff
Carson Middle School
Maria Irby - Outstanding Administrator
Chantilly High School
Tanner DeCrapio - Outstanding General Education Teacher, Secondary
Jessica Patterson - Outstanding Special Education Teacher
Greenbriar West Elementary School
Liz Dodd - Special Educator of the Year, Elementary
Lake Braddock Secondary School
Meagan Flint - Special Educator of the Year, Secondary
Denise Steene - Outstanding Instructional Support Staff
Robinson Secondary School
Sadie Lowe - Abbie Bachmore Memorial Award
Rolling Valley Elementary School
Carol Ray and Laura Summitt - Mark Steward Memorial Award: Outstanding Special Education Teacher, Elementary
Terra Centre Elementary School
Paula Williams - Outstanding General Education Teacher, Elementary
Teresa Winkowski - Outstanding Related Services
Read the full list of winners.
🌐 Global Leaders of Fairfax County
The Global Leaders of Fairfax County program seeks to prepare its fellows to be global citizens and change agents in their communities and the world.
The program provides fellows with opportunities during their senior year of high school to take part in a project to address one of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) within the Fairfax County community, engage with national and global leaders, and participate in field trips to enhance their understanding of international affairs and global issues.
Congratulations to the Springfield District students in the Global Leaders Fellows Class of 2024!
Centreville High School
Loor Elbedour
Ethan Filgueira
Chantilly High School
Thea Brown Hargrove
Gaby Gutierrez
Grace Hong
Minnah Khan
Fairfax High School
Amira Bouhsane
Christine Han
Shivani Kanjerla
Aashma KC
Inam Osmani
William Park
Lake Braddock Secondary School
Ruth Bekele
Oakton High School
Nicole Deng
Robinson Secondary School
Michael Know
Kedar Krishnan
Eleanor Sardinas
Gelila Solomon
Thomas Jefferson HSST
Om Gole
South County High School
Ethan Larimore
Maya Martinos
Woodson High School
Caelan Hagopian
See the full list of winners.
🎖FCPS Honors Recognizes 2024 Outstanding Employees
Exceptional employees from across Fairfax County Public Schools were recognized at the FCPS Honors event held on Wednesday, June 12. Sponsored by Educate Fairfax, the 2024 celebration was hosted at George Mason University’s Center for the Arts.
Annually, more than 700 employees in both instructional and operational roles are recognized through the Outstanding Employee Awards Program. This year, 71 finalists representing 12 categories were recognized during the special award ceremony.
Congratulations to this year’s Springfield District winners and finalists!
Outstanding Elementary School New Teacher
Mary Anne Cassell (winner), Multiple Disabilities Teacher, Lorton Station Elementary School, Region 6
Gunjan Agrawal Sapkota (finalist), Multiple Disabilities Teacher, Willow Springs Elementary School, Region 5
Angela Ah Ryoung Sung (finalist), Art Teacher, Sangster Elementary School, Region 4
Outstanding Secondary School New Teacher
Olivia Adams (finalist), English Teacher, Carson Middle School, Region 1
Michael Higgenbotham (finalist), Biology Teacher, Irving Middle School, Region 4
Nicole Matthews (finalist), Family & Consumer Science Teacher, Katherine Johnson Middle School, Region 5
Outstanding New Principal
Veronica Del Bagno (finalist), Rolling Valley Elementary School, Region 5
Outstanding School-Based Operational Employee
Mika Okada Fryer (finalist), Public Health Training Assistant, Kings Park Elementary School, Region 4
Oustanding School-Based Professional Employee
Daryl Byrom (winner), Special Education Department Chair, Lewis High School, Region 6
Rachel Sweeney (finalist), Dean of Students, Rocky Run Middle School, Region 5
Allison Warren (finalist), School Counselor, Centreville High School, Region 4
Outstanding School-Based Leader
Danielle Hornbecker (winner), Director of Student Services, Frost Middle School, Region 5
Rachel Forte (finalist), Assistant Principal, Centreville Elementary School, Region 4
Chris Powell (finalist), Assistant Principal, Carson Middle School, Region 1
Outstanding Secondary Teacher
Madison McKenna (winner), Severe Disabilities Teacher, West Springfield High School, Region 4
Amber Ucekay (finalist), Learning Disabilities Teacher, Lewis High School, Region 6
Outstanding Principal
Tracey Phillips (finalist), Robinson Secondary School, Region 4
Read the full list of recipients. Visit this webpage to learn more about this recognition program and the nominees in all categories.
🎼 Virginia Music Educators Blue Ribbon Award
The Virginia Music Educators (VMEA) Blue Ribbon Award is the highest award given to school music programs in the Commonwealth of Virginia and recognizes achieved excellence in Band, Orchestra, and Choral Performance. All top eligible performing groups must receive a final Superior rating at the VMEA District Concert Performance Assessment to qualify for this award. Congratulations to Centreville High School, Chantilly High School, Fairfax High School, Frost Middle School, Robinson Secondary School (high school), Katherine Johnson Middle School, Lake Braddock Secondary School (middle and high school), Rachel Carson Middle School, and Woodson High School on this significant achievement!
Student Opportunities
Disclaimer: Opportunities offered by organizations other than Fairfax County Public Schools are neither sponsored nor endorsed by the Fairfax County School Board, the Superintendent, or a specific school. These opportunities may utilize technology tools not assessed by the Fairfax County Public Schools Department of Information Technology. Students should gain permission from their parents or guardians before engaging in any non-FCPS enrichment opportunity. Families should review the Terms of Service, User Agreements, and Privacy Policy for any technology platform the enrichment opportunity may use before participating.
📖 Adventure Begins at the Library This Summer!
The Fairfax County Public Library (FCPL) understands the importance of summer reading. Reading and participating in engaging reading activities throughout the summer are two effective ways to help students retain skills they learned in school this year.
The Summer Reading Adventure kicked off on Wednesday, June 12. Join the adventure and register today!
Children’s Summer Reading Festival
Fairfax Library Foundation will celebrate FCPL’s annual summer reading program with a free Children's Summer Reading Festival event at Chantilly Regional Library on Sunday, August 18, from noon to 3 p.m.
Families can enjoy games, crafts, face painting, bounce houses, snacks, a DJ, and other activities.
Family Fun, All Summer Long!
Fairfax County Public Library also offers free family fun all summer long. Activities include animal presentations/petting zoos, Dinoman Dinosaurs, ArtSplash, Rocknosceros, Kaydee Puppets, and other fun events. View a full calendar of events.
💦Sensory Friendly Time at Our Special Harbor
The sensory-friendly time at Our Special Harbor welcomes individuals and families who need spaces with reduced sensory input.
Our Special Harbor is a fully accessible Chesapeake-Bay-themed spray ground with fun features including a spraying osprey nest, Chessie the sea serpent, misting sunflowers, and a lighthouse. Designed for children of all abilities, the spray ground includes wheelchair-accessible features such as water tables and gentle bubblers. Water wheelchairs are available.
The designated sensory-friendly time allows attendees to experience limited capacity and reduced sounds. Staff trained to respond to children with special needs will be on hand.
Admission is free for families. Sensory-friendly times are scheduled from 10 to 11 a.m. every Wednesday through the end of August.
Learn more.
👨🍳 Teen Chopped Contest
Create your unique recipe for the Fairfax County Public Library's Teen Chopped Challenge through August 16! This competition is for ages 12-18. Use their three mystery ingredients to make something fun and delicious. A limited quantity of ingredient kits will be available at select library branches. These are first come, first served. Register at their Teen Chopped event page to receive updates and reminders.
🏀 Fairfax High School Summer Camps
Fairfax High School is holding summer sports camps including Girls Basketball, Girls Lacrosse, Girls Volleyball, Boys Basketball, and Cross Country. Find more information on their website or email the coach directly.
📖 Pride-Themed Storytime
Join the Fairfax County Public Library for a Pride-themed story time on Monday, June 24, 2024, from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. at Fairfax Old Town Hall, 3999 University Drive, Fairfax. This event is free and open to the public.
📝 Short Story Contest
The Fairfax County Public Library and the Fairfax Library Foundation invite school-age youth (grades 3-6), teens (grades 7-12), and adults (18+) to participate in our second annual "The World We Write" short story writing contest. Use one of the prompts to write a 250-word story. The contest goes from July 1 to July 31. Learn more about the contest.
📺 Fairfax Public Access 2024 Summer Camps for Teens
This summer Fairfax Public Access will hold TV Studio Production and TV Post-Production Video Edit Camps for teens aged 12 to 18.
The camps will take place as follows.
- TV 101 Studio Production Camp A: July 8 - 19, 2024, 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. ($500)
- TV 101 Post-Production Video Edit Camp A: July 15 - July 19, 2024, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. ($350)
- TV 101 Studio Production Camp B: July 29 - August 9, 2024, 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. ($500)
- TV 101 Post-Production Video Edit Camp B: August 12 - August 16, 2024, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. ($350)
Visit their website for details and to register.
For more information contact Fairfax Public Access at 571-749-1132 or FPATraining@fcac.org.
🚓 Fairfax County Police Department High School Student Summer Programs
The Fairfax County Police Department is now accepting applications for the following summer programs:
- Teen Police Academy: July 15 - 19, 2024, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
- Future Women Leaders in Law Enforcement: July 29 - August 2, 2024, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Read more about each program on this flyer.
For an application, please see their website and search for the program below that you are interested in, or contact them at 703-246-4315 or CPA@fairfaxcounty.gov.
Applications are due as follows.
Applications may be emailed or mailed to the address below.
Community Police Academy
Fairfax County Police Department
Office of the Chief/Community Engagement & Equity
12099 Government Center Parkway
Fairfax, VA 22035
Community News
ScamCops - "Your Anti-Scam Force"
Scams have become an ever-present threat in our increasingly digital world, making awareness of them more crucial than ever. In today's society, the internet has become a double-edged sword, offering convenience and opportunity on one side while posing the risk of fraud and deception on the other. By understanding how scams operate and recognizing their warning signs, we can not only safeguard ourselves but also play an active role in educating and protecting our communities.
The ScamCops initiative, founded by Fairfax High School student Advik Atyam, has evolved significantly since its inception. Advik's leadership and vision have been instrumental in driving the project forward, and his friends have supported him and contributed to the success of ScamCops.
Recently, ScamCops achieved a major milestone by developing an AI-based tool designed to identify and prevent scams. This innovative addition has enhanced the initiative's capabilities, making it even more effective in protecting our community. The AI tool analyzes scams and offers personalized advice on avoiding scams, making it a powerful resource in the fight against fraud.
In recognition of their outstanding work, ScamCops won first place in the 2024 Fairfax County Shark Tank Challenge. This prestigious award highlights the initiative's impact and the dedication of Advik and his team. The Shark Tank victory has brought increased visibility to ScamCops, allowing them to reach more people and expand their efforts.
Through these intergenerational connections, students bring their tech-savvy knowledge and a desire to protect the more vulnerable members of our community. By sharing knowledge about common scams and how to recognize and avoid them, students are not only empowering seniors with practical skills but are also fostering meaningful relationships and bridging the generation gap.
Together, they are building a network of support that serves to safeguard the elderly against the ever-evolving landscape of scams, all while nurturing friendships that offer a sense of belonging and a shared sense of purpose.
If you have any questions or need assistance, their team is here to help. You may register as a cop at www.ScamCops.org. If you need more personalized assistance, feel free to contact their support team at advik.atyam@scamcops.org. They're committed to making your experience as smooth as possible.
Before- and After-School Care Registration for the 2025-26 School Year
Do you have a child entering kindergarten in the 2025-26 school year? Are you looking for a before or after school program for them?
Fairfax County government’s School Aged Child Care (SACC) Program registration begins Tuesday, July 9. Visit the SACC website to see when registration opens for your school and for more information.
June recognizes…
LGBTQIA+ Pride Month
In June, we recognize the resilience and determination of the many individuals who are fighting to live freely and authentically. We stand with those facing an ongoing struggle against discrimination and injustice. This Pride Month, we affirm our obligation to uphold the dignity of all people. Each individual in our school community should feel valued for who they are. Learn more about the heritage months, celebrations, and traditions celebrated in FCPS.
Caribbean American Heritage Month
FCPS celebrates the rich diversity and honors the many contributions of immigrants of Caribbean heritage to our nation during the month of June. Caribbean individuals are some of the most ethnically diverse in the world. There are more than 8.5 million individuals in the United States born in the Caribbean or of Caribbean ancestry. Learn more about Caribbean American Heritage Month.
Early July recognizes…
Independence Day
School buildings and all FCPS offices are closed on Thursday, July 4, and Friday, July 5, for Independence Day. See the complete school year calendar. Learn more at National Geographic Kids.
Family and Student Resources
Support Still Available for Seniors Applying for College Financial Aid
College Access Fairfax will hold free clinics throughout the summer at various locations in the county to help parents and students complete or correct the FAFSA or VASA financial aid forms. Clinics are currently scheduled on:
Both the student and a parent/guardian must attend the clinic. Applicants should bring a laptop to all clinics except Fairfax High School. Spanish translation will be available.
For more information, to register for a clinic, or to request a one-on-one appointment, please visit College Access Fairfax’s website. These services are free of charge.
INOA Back to School Pediatric Health Fairs
Inova Cares Clinic (ICC) will provide children 5 years old and older with free school entrance physicals and immunizations at summer health fairs for children who are on Medicaid or are uninsured. The clinics will take place 9 a.m.-1 p.m. on the following dates:
Appointments are required; no walk-ins will be allowed. Please call 703-698-2550 for an appointment.
🏈 Free Sports Physicals and Immunizations
The Mason and Partners (MAP) Clinic is hosting two clinics at the George Mason University (GMU) Fairfax Campus, providing free sports physicals, school physicals, and immunizations. These clinics are open to students who do not have health insurance.
Students interested in these services can email Mary Righi, MAPS Clinical Operations Coordinator, at mrighi2@gmu.edu for assistance and scheduling. An appointment will be required, and spots are limited.
These services will be available on Friday, June 21, and Friday, July 19, at the Population Health Center at GMU, located at 4410 Patriot Circle, Fairfax, VA 22030.
Flyer in translation: Chinese, Spanish, Vietnamese, Korean, Urdu, Arabic
Summer Mental Wellness Resources
Virtual Mental Wellness Consultations
This summer, the FCPS Office of Intervention and Prevention Services will offer virtual Mental Wellness Consultations from Monday, June 24, through Friday, August 2. Forty-five-minute phone or videoconference consultations are available with a school psychologist or school social worker.
Parents of students in any grade level can request a consultation to receive guidance on how to support their child’s social, emotional, and academic success. Information about community resources will also be provided.
Students in middle or high school can request a consultation to receive guidance and support for concerns related to anxiety, mood, behavior, peer or family interactions, or school transitions and changes. Strategies and tools can also be provided to address academic challenges such as organization and time management.
We encourage all families to take advantage of this service. Request a consultation or call and leave a message at 703-503-2520.
No-Cost Virtual Therapy for High School Students
Virtual therapy sessions are available to FCPS high school students at no cost to talk about and work through concerns such as:
- Mood/behavior changes, motivation, grief/loss.
- Anxiety, worry, fears.
- Social skills, bullying, peer and family relationships.
- Academic stress.
In order for students to participate, caregivers must give permission for FCPS to share basic demographic information with Hazel Health in ParentVUE, and they must provide consent for their student to access therapy services.
Students can then be referred by a guardian or designated school staff member. You may refer your child by calling 571-749-2940 or contacting an FCPS school counselor, social worker, psychologist, or director of Student Services.
Visit the FCPS Teletherapy webpage for more information.
Summer Fun for All: Summer Camps and Adapted Recreation
The Family Resource Center (FRC) has a list of dozens of summer camps including general camps, camps for students with a variety of needs, and camps for children of military personnel.
They’ve also prepared a list of adapted resources, sorted by activity, that are inclusive for children and adults of various physical abilities.
Learn more by calling 703-204-3941, emailing FRC@fcps.edu, or visiting the FRC's webpage.
Register for Free Webinars from the Family Resource Center
The FCPS Family Resource Center offers free workshops and webinars, consultations, a lending library, and resources to help adults support the success of all students, including those with learning challenges, special needs, and disabilities.
June webinars and workshops include
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The views contained within this newsletter reflect the views of the individual school board member who is the publisher of this newsletter and may not reflect the views of the Fairfax County School Board.
© Fairfax County Public Schools, Fairfax County, Virginia