Reminder: Early Dismissal Today
Students will be dismissed at 2:00PM today. Our school office will close at 2:30PM.
End-of-Year Medication Disposal Guidelines
All medications currently in the health room must be picked up by parents TODAY - no later than 2:00PM. For safety reasons, medicine cannot be sent home with children, nor kept by the school from one school year to the next. Medicine not picked up by parents will be discarded.
Medication authorization forms for next school year may be obtained from the school or online. A medication authorization form is required for any medication, prescription or over-the-counter, to be kept at school. For additional information, call our Health Aide, Ms. Sedra (703-937-6110).
Happy Last Day of School!
We are so pleased with the progress our students have made this year. We have seen our students grow intellectually, emotionally, and physically. We have watched them mature and learn to make good decisions. We have witnessed their kindnesses. They have developed the courage to take risks in their learning and let their pride show when they have accomplished a goal. We are so proud of them and are thankful for our tremendous staff for their dedication and hard work.
We wish you all a relaxing, fun, and sunny summer! See you in August!
& Best Wishes
to our 6th Graders!
Summer Office Hours
The main office will be open from 9:30AM-1:30PM during the summer. Please feel free to call the office 703-937-6100 or email Tan Holsclaw at tbholsclaw@fcps.edu to make an appointment.
Upcoming dates for OES:
TODAY - LAST DAY OF SCHOOL - Dismissal @ 2:00PM
TODAY- PTA Dining for $ - Ben & Jerry's, 2:00-10:00PM
August 16 - OES New School Year Open House, Times TBA
August 19 - First Day of School!