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The 2023-2024 school year went by so quickly! We have made so many happy memories, shared so many wonderful times, and learned so much together as a Parklawn family. As the summer approaches, we will take time to pause, reflect, and celebrate as we prepare for the 2024-2024 school year. We wish our everyone a wonderful summer full of fun!
This will be the last “official” weekly Panther Press for the 2023-2024 school year. However, there will be summer editions of the Panther Press to share important updates. Stay tuned for information such as welcome back events and our Family Reunion in August!
The last day of the 2023-24 school year is Wednesday, June 12, and students will be dismissed early. Parklawn’s dismissal time is 1:25. |
During the summer, there will be modified school office hours. Beginning June 24 – August 2, our school office will be open from 9 am -2 pm. Please see below for additional holidays:
June 17 School Office Closed - Eid-al-Adha
June 19: School Office Closed – Juneteenth
July 4-5: School Office Closed – Independence Day Holiday
August 5: Office Hours return to 8 - 4:30 pm
Get a head start on preparing for the 2024-25 school year by ordering your student's school supply kit through Campus Survival! The kits include everything that students will need, and will be delivered to the classroom before school starts. A portion of the price comes back to Parklawn PTA to support activities like treats at the Family Reunion picnic, staff appreciation events, and next year's Bingo Night! You can order online ( or return the order form (sent home last week) with payment to the school. Please place your order by July 15! |
Families can find Standards of Learning (SOL) reports for spring testing in the SIS ParentVUE Documents section on or before the last day of school. Log in to your ParentVUE account to access the following:
- For all students – the official SOL Score Report with overall and reporting category performance for all spring tests.
- For grade 3-8 students – the SOL Growth Parent Report shows performance over time for state reading and math tests completed this school year.
Visit the FCPS website for additional information about spring assessment reporting practices and timelines.
Need help creating a SIS ParentVUE account? This video walks through the steps. Find out more about SIS ParentVUE.
Inova Cares Clinic (ICC) will provide children ages 5 and older with free school entrance physicals and immunizations at summer health fairs for children on Medicaid or who are uninsured. The clinics will take place 9 a.m.-1 p.m. on the following dates:
- Saturday, June 29, at ICC for Children - Manassas
- Saturday, July 20, at ICC for Children - Herndon
- Saturday, August 17, at ICC for Children - Falls Church
Appointments are required; no walk-ins will be allowed. Call 703-698-2550 for an appointment.
This summer, the FCPS Office of Intervention and Prevention Services will offer virtual Mental Wellness Consultations from Monday, June 24, through Friday, August 2. Any FCPS parent or secondary student will have an opportunity to schedule a 45-minute consultation with a school psychologist or school social worker by phone or videoconference.
Parents of students in any grade level can request a consultation to receive guidance on how to support their child’s social, emotional, and academic success. Information about community resources will also be provided.
Students in middle or high school can request a consultation to receive guidance and support for concerns related to anxiety, mood, behavior, peer or family interactions, or school transitions and changes. Strategies and tools can also be provided to address academic challenges such as organization and time management.
We encourage all families to take advantage of this service. Request a consultation or call and leave a message at 703-503-2520.
The Family Resource Center (FRC) has a list of dozens of summer camps including general camps, camps for students with a variety of needs, and camps for children of military personnel.
They’ve also prepared a list of adapted resources, sorted by activity, that are inclusive for children and adults of various physical abilities.
Learn more by calling 703-204-3941, emailing, or visiting the FRC webpage.