Forest Edge - Quarter 4 Achievement Assembly Rescheduled


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End of Year Events


Forest Edge Families,


Since the 3-6 Achievement Assembly on June 4th was canceled due to the power outage, this assembly will now take place on Wednesday, June 12th at 9:30am. This assembly will only be for students in grades 3-5. 6th graders will receive their awards during their 6th Grade Promotion Ceremony on Tuesday, June 11th. 

The assemblies will be held in the gym. Please reach out with any questions and we appreciate your flexibility. We are looking forward to celebrating our students and all they have achieved this year!


Other Important End of Year Events

  • June 10th - Kindergarten Promotion
  • June 11th - 6th Grade Promotion
  • June 12th - LAST day of School - 2 Hour Early Release - dimissal beings at 1:35 PM
  • June 121th - Fourth Quarter Achievement Assembly Grades 3-5 @ 9:30am