Fairfax Villa Farewells

Farewelling Our Staff

As we move toward the end of the school year, there are always transitions for some of our staff members. We want to let our Villa community know who will be moving on to new adventures and to pass along their messages to you!

Madison Palting

Villa Families,

I have made the difficult decision to move to another position in the county I live in so I can be closer to my home and family. Next year I will continue to educate as a reading interventionist in Prince William County.  I have loved my time here at Fairfax Villa and appreciate all that this community has given me in the past six years since I started my career as a teacher. 

 ~Madison Palting (Romano)


Fiona McGonigal


I want to thank the Villa staff, students, and community for a wonderful school year! I have loved working with and getting to know so many students and am very proud of all their hard work. Next year I will be teaching 3rd grade at Oak Hill Elementary, my neighborhood school. While I am excited for a new challenge, the Villa family will always have a special place in my memories.

-Fiona McGonigal

Alison D. Conley-Baldwin


What a wonderful year I’ve had here at Fairfax Villa! It has been fantastic learning with not only my class but so many other students throughout the building. I will miss the amazing staff, too, but am so pleased to have made so many new friends that have become part of the circle of “my people”.

Next year I will proudly be teaching 5th grade at Cherry Run Elementary School. It is a homecoming of sorts as both of my own children attended CR and I spent many years volunteering both as a room parent and the VP of the PTA.

I wish the students of Fairfax Villa all of the personal and academic success they so deserve! Go Dragons!

-Alison D. Conley-Baldwin

Tori Huynh


Miss. Tori Huynh is sad to be leaving Fairfax Villa this year. She had a wonderful time building a welcoming community in her 1st grade classroom. Keep Kissing your Brains! Next year, she will be joining the 1st grade team at Mason Crest ES. Once a Dragon, always a Dragon. ❤

We will miss all of our staff who are leaving, thank them for the inspiring and incredible job they did, and wish each of them all the best. You will always be remembered and cherished.