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The Lion’s Roar
June 7, 2024
Under the Big Top - Kindergarten Style!
We kicked this last full week of school off with Lane's version of the Greatest Show on Earth - the Kindergarten Circus! Take a look at the amazing and entertaining acts that performed live for parents and friends, while the rest of the school watched a live stream.
The Sound of Music Continues
Last week we celebrated instrumental music with Band and Strings concerts. This week it was vocal music in the spotlight, as Lane's 5th and 6th grade Chorus students performed their Spring Concert, led by music teachers Mr. Griffin and Mr. Crouch. Congratulations to all of our talented music students!
Upcoming Events
Monday, 6/10 – SCA Spirit Day: Rainbow Day (each grade level will dress up in a specific color)
Tuesday, 6/11 – SCA Spirit Day: Backwards/Inside-out Day
Tuesday, 6/11 – PTA Restaurant Summer Send-Off at Sweet Frog in Kingstowne, 4 – 8 p.m.
Wednesday, 6/12 – SCA Spirit Day: Lane Lion Spirit Day
Wednesday, 6/12 – 6th Grade Promotion Ceremony, 9:30 a.m.
Wednesday, 6/12 – Last day of school, early dismissal at 2:05 p.m.
In This Issue
- Last Day of School Is Wednesday, June 12th; Dismissal at 2:05 p.m.
- Yearbook Sales Update
- June Spirit Days Continue Next Week
- From the Shelves of the Lane Library: End-of-Year Library Information
- Sign Up for Music Electives for Next Year Now!
- June Is Caribbean American Heritage Month
- Save the Date for Back-to-School Summer and Fall Events!
- PTA News: Restaurant Night at Sweet Frog on Tuesday, June 11th
- Parent Resources: Summer mental wellness consultations, pediatric health fairs, and more!
- Community Events & Activities: Fairfax County Puzzle Hunt
News & Notes
Last Day of School Is Wednesday, June 12th; Dismissal at 2:05 p.m.
Although it’s hard to believe, next Wednesday – June 12th – is the last day of the 2023-2024 school year! We will dismiss two hours early that day at 2:05 p.m. Please be sure you have this schedule change on your calendar.
Yearbook Sales Update
All pre-ordered yearbooks were handed out in classrooms today. We have very few extra books available to purchase (fewer than 10). To fairly offer these books to students who would like them, we will sell the remaining copies by lottery on Monday morning.
If your child would like to buy a yearbook, please send $20 in cash (no big bills, please) to school on Monday morning in an envelope marked "Yearbook." A table will be set up near the bus lobby where students can drop off payment and put their name on the lottery list. At 10 a.m. we will draw names at random for the number of books we have.
If your child's name is selected we will deliver the yearbook to the classroom. If your child is not selected, we will return the payment.
June Spirit Days Continue Next Week
The SCA is sponsoring spirit days for all the days we are in school in June! Theme days this past week were really successful, with fashions that ranged from creative and fun to classy and fancy. Here’s a schedule for the remaining days next week.
Monday, June 10th: Rainbow Day – Each grade level will dress up in a specific color:
- 6th grade – Red
- 5th grade – Orange
- 4th grade – Yellow
- 3rd grade – Green
- 2nd grade – Blue
- 1st grade – Purple
- Kindergarten – Rainbow.
Tuesday, June 11th: Backwards/Inside-out Day – Dress exactly how that sounds.
Wednesday, June 12th: Lane Lion Spirit Day – Wear your Lane Lion gear or blue and yellow or white for the last day of school and to support our 6th graders, who will have their Promotion Ceremony that morning.
We hope your child will participate!
From the Shelves of the Lane Library: End-of-Year Library Information
All student library materials are now overdue! Please do your best to find and return all outstanding items as soon as possible. If you would like a list of the items your child still needs to return, please contact Mrs. Chozick at schozick@fcps.edu.
As always, the library does not have fees for overdue books; however, families are expected to pay the replacement cost for books that are lost or returned damaged.
Thank you for supporting the library!
Sign Up for Music Electives for Next Year Now
Attention Rising 4th, 5th, and 6th Grade Families!
NOW is the time to sign up to learn how to play an instrument in Strings (grades 4, 5, 6) or Band (grades 5, 6 only) for next year! Lessons happen during the school day (during Specials) with a concert at the end of the year! Don’t miss out on the opportunity to be part of these AMAZING instrumental programs at Lane!
Students in 5th and 6th grade also have the opportunity to join Chorus for next year! Chorus lessons happen during the school day with two concert performances that happen during the school year. Students may choose an instrument AND Chorus. Sign up for Chorus now!
If you have questions, please reach out to the music teachers:
Amber Hicks, Strings, anhicks@fcps.edu Ryan Woessner, Band, rtwoessner1@fcps.edu Grayson Crouch, Chorus, gcrouch@fcps.edu Stefan Griffin, Chorus, stgriffin@fcps.edu.

June Is Caribbean American Heritage Month
June is Caribbean American Heritage Month. Caribbean immigrants have been contributing to the well-being of American society since its founding. The month-long observance promotes the rich culture and heritage of the Caribbean American people.
Caribbean American heritage includes a kaleidoscope of languages, customs, music, art, and cuisine that have enriched communities. Learn more about National Caribbean American Heritage Month here.
If your child is of Caribbean American heritage, we invite you to send in a picture to share with the school. Please send it to our family liaison, Melanie Crosby Hardy, at macrosby@fcps.edu by the end of the day on Monday, June 10th.
Save the Dates for Summer and Back-to-School Events!
We have started planning some community events for the summer and the school year ahead! Please be sure to put these events on your calendars if you’d like to attend.
Popsicle Playdates: Monday, August 5th through Thursday, August 8th, 7 – 8 p.m. on the main playground
Monday, August 5th – New kindergarten families
Tuesday, August 6th – Grades 1 & 2
Wednesday, August 7th – Grades 3 & 4
Thursday, August 8th – Grades 5 & 6
Back-to-School Town Halls with Mrs. Prahl, 6:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Tuesday, August 13th – in English on Zoom
Wednesday, August 14th – in person with Spanish interpretation
Open House – Thursday, August 15th (Exact times to be determined)
Students and their families are invited to come to school to see their classrooms, meet their teachers, and reconnect with Lane friends.
We are currently finalizing the exact times for families to attend this event. Stay tuned for updates!
Please note that special-education students who would prefer a less-crowded, less-intense Open House experience will be offered a separate window of time.
PTA First Day Coffee – Monday, August 19th, 9:20 – 10:30 a.m.
More details about these and other events will be sent out in the weeks ahead.
SOL Scores Posted in SIS ParentVUE
Families can find Standards of Learning (SOL) reports for spring testing in the SIS ParentVUE Documents section on or before the last day of school. Log in to your ParentVUE accountto access the following:
- For all students, the official SOL Score Report with overall and reporting category performance for all spring tests.
- For grade 3-8 students, the SOL Growth Parent Report shows performance over time for state reading and math tests completed this school year.
Visit the FCPS website for additional information about spring assessment reporting practices and timelines.
Need help creating a SIS ParentVUE account? This video walks through the steps. Find out more about SIS ParentVUE.
PTA News
Thanks from the Lane PTA!
The Lane PTA would like to thank all the families for their support of its programs and events this year! The new Executive Board is already hard at work on planning more fun and educational programming for the year ahead. Stay tuned for information coming later in the summer!
Summer Send-Off Restaurant Night at Sweet Frog on Tuesday, June 11th, 4 to 8 p.m.
Start your summer off with a sweet treat from Sweet Frog in Kingstowne next Tuesday, June 11th, at the final PTA Restaurant Night of the school year. Sweet Frog is generously donating 35% of ALL sales between 4 and 8 p.m. to Lane!
Parent Resources
Virtual Mental Wellness Consultations
This summer, the FCPS Office of Intervention and Prevention Services will offer virtual Mental Wellness Consultations from Monday, June 24th, through Friday, August 2nd. Any FCPS parent or secondary student can schedule a 45-minute consultation with a school psychologist or social worker by phone or videoconference.
Parents of students in any grade level can request a consultation to receive guidance on how to support their child’s social, emotional, and academic success. Information about community resources will also be provided.
Middle or high school students can request a consultation to receive guidance and support for concerns related to anxiety, mood, behavior, peer or family interactions, or school transitions and changes. Strategies and tools can also be provided to address academic challenges such as organization and time management.
We encourage all families to take advantage of this service. Request a consultation or call and leave a message at 703-503-2520.
INOVA Back to School Pediatric Health Fairs
Inova Cares Clinic (ICC) will provide children ages 5+ with free school entrance physicals and immunizations at summer health fairs for children on Medicaid or who are uninsured. The clinics will take place 9 a.m.-1 p.m. on the following dates:
Saturday, June 29th, at ICC for Children - Manassas Saturday, July 20th, at ICC for Children - Herndon Saturday, August 17th, at ICC for Children - Falls Church
Appointments are required. No walk-ins will be allowed. Call 703-698-2550 for an appointment.
Summer Fun for All! Summer Camps and Adapted Recreation
The Family Resource Center (FRC) has a list of dozens of summer camps including general camps, camps for students with a variety of needs, and camps for children of military personnel.
They’ve also prepared a list of adapted resources, sorted by activity, that are inclusive for children and adults of various physical abilities.
Learn more by calling 703-204-3941, emailing FRC@fcps.edu, or visiting the FRC webpage.
Summer Camp Opportunity for Strings Students!
SoCo Summer Strings is returning this summer! The camp will be hosted at South County Middle School weekdays from July 8th to 19th, 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
The camp is open to all rising 5th through 9th grade students with at least one year of experience on the violin, viola, cello, or bass. Students will participate in two large ensemble rehearsals, an instrument-specific technique class, and a sectional each day.
You can find more information and registration for camp at www.schsorchestra.org/soco-summer-strings. Early registration is open until June 9th, so reserve your student’s spot soon!
Rec-PAC Is Now Registering for the Summer and Lane Will Be a Site!
Rec-PAC (Pretty Awesome Children), operated by Fairfax County Park Authority, is a six-week structured recreation program with emphasis on leisure skills designed for elementary school children.
Participants will have an opportunity to enjoy a wide variety of activities such as fun and fitness, indoor and outdoor games, team sports, nature, crafts, storytelling, sports festivals, talent shows and supervised play sessions. Each location has a ratio of 1 staff person to 18 participants. Lane will be a Rec-PAC site this summer.
Rec-PAC runs from Monday, June 24th through Thursday, August 1st. Each of the six weeks has its own theme with different themed activities happening throughout the week. You can sign your child up for any of the individual weeks or all of them!
Registration is now underway. Scholarships are available for families who qualify. You can find details in the Rec-PAC brochure.
Community Events & Activities
Fairfax County Hosts Its First Puzzle Hunt This Summer!
The Solving Fun Puzzle Pals have been hard at work in Fairfax creating an exhilarating new adventure for puzzle solvers, known as the Fairfax County Puzzle Hunt! This unique community event, the first one in Fairfax, will take you on a journey to the wonderful parks in Fairfax County this summer. Along the way you’ll find puzzles that are filled with creative thinking, logic, and wordplay. They are designed to be challenging and accessible for all skill levels. Solve the puzzles and then find clues at the parks for a final meta-puzzle. Walk, bike, and roll at our wonderful local parks with friends and family. For more information go to www.solvingfun.com/fairfax. The Puzzle Hunt will launch June 15th, so get your solving skills ready!