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Dear Community Members,

Here we are, on the other side of the 23-24 School Year! Whether child or adult, no matter one’s role in the community or related to schools, the summer break from school impacts us all.
As a parent, I know I’ll need to continuously nudge my kids to keep up their reading (I now have a High School Freshman!!!). As a community member, I know it may be a bit harder to connect with friends, as we may have different schedules that involve work, childcare, camp, and travel. As a School Board Member, I have a month remaining of work before the Board recesses from July 19 to August 16. While there are no public Board meetings during recess, I will be catching up on research and learning I’ve put aside for this time, planning and strategizing to stop the chronic underfunding of Virginia’s public schools; and enjoying time outdoors walking, swimming, biking, and paddleboarding.
Also, I recognize that summer brings mixed emotions for parents and families. For some, it’s a time to rest, travel, and have fun. For others, it’s a constant juggle of obtaining childcare and continuing to work. Perhaps it’s a mix of both for many. I most frequently hear on-going concern about that “summer slide” – when students regress from what they learned at the conclusion of the grade level in June, and then need remediation and re-teaching in the new school year. As a result, I hear interest in a year-round school schedule that would prevent learning loss yet still provide ample time away from school for the other parts of life. I think it’s time for the community to seriously consider the pros and cons of a year-round school schedule. Models exist where this is being done, so there are roadmaps and approaches to pilot. Nothing is officially in the works, I just welcome your thoughts and dialogue on this.
Finally, there was so much to celebrate at the culmination of this school year! It was truly my privilege to participate and join the celebrations – including graduations, awards events for students and staff, sporting events, and announcements of new principals. I’ve tried to share a glimpse of these events below, but you can also find more on my social media pages (Facebook and Instagram).
In the remaining weeks of the Board’s meeting calendar, through July 19, the Board will be publicly working on updating the boundary policy (although no specific boundary changes are being proposed at this time; see below for more information), receiving reports from our public advisory committees, and tending to other governance and management matters of the Board. We will also welcome our new Student Representative onto the Board for the one-year term. See below about how to view upcoming meetings and the Board’s work.
In this middle of June, I wish a meaningful Eid al-Adha holiday to those observing, and time for us all to reflect on freedom and equality on Juneteenth.
Share Your FCPS Graduation Memories
As we celebrate the class of 2024, FCPS invites you to look back at your high school graduation or middle school promotion.
Did you graduate from a Fairfax County school? What year did you graduate from high school? What was the highlight of the day for you? Share your memories in the Employee Blog, or email photos and stories to
Calling All Alumni and Friends!
Educate Fairfax is proud to introduce FCPS Alumni & Friends, an online network of alumni, teachers, parents/caregivers, and community members with ties to Fairfax County Public Schools. This network will celebrate our alumni and friends of FCPS through stories, news and events, reunions, homecoming, and other activities. Join FCPS Alumni & Friends today!
School Board Updates and Recent Work
Holistic Review of FCPS Boundary Policy
For the first time in decades, the Fairfax County School Board is conducting a comprehensive review of the Fairfax County Public Schools Boundary Policy (Policy 8130) to consider possible updates that will provide a clear roadmap for any potential future boundary changes. There are no specific boundary changes under consideration as part of this policy work.
This holistic policy review is designed to address the community’s concerns about a host of issues, including temporary classrooms (trailers), instructional program locations, overcrowding, facility renovations, and transportation. Comprehensive community engagement will take place before any potential future changes. For additional information, please visit the Boundary Policy Review webpage.
Grading Practices
I’ve advocated repeatedly that the Board review grading policy and practices publicly and fully. A consistent and clear grading policy and practices are needed in our secondary grades (grades 7-12). You can see in December 2023, here, information I shared about limited Board action made at that time.
I’m aware that there is heightened interest now in grading, as all educators prepare to use the 100-point scale that has been known to come into effect in the forthcoming school year (again, please see my December 2023 newsletter).
I can share at this time that I have worked with the School Board Chair and Superintendent to schedule the School Board to have a public work session about grading, early in the school year. Please stay tuned for more information. I welcome your input about grading.
Coming Soon: Maternity and Paternity Leave Policy
You may have seen recently on the news that FCPS employees will have access to maternity and paternity leave benefits starting July 1.
The Office of Benefits is currently reviewing district policy to determine how this benefit will be defined and how it will interact with other leave policies including FMLA (Family and Medical Leave Act) leave, short-term disability, and sick leave. More information will be shared once details are finalized.
Spring Sports Spotlight
During the June 13 Regular Meeting, the School Board recognized FCPS students and teams for winning Virginia High School League (VHSL) State Championships in the winter and spring seasons!
I was ecstatic to celebrate the state championship wins by students on two South Lakes High School teams. The Boys Basketball team won its first-ever state basketball championship! I attended that final game in Richmond in March – amazing! Athletes on the Girls Indoor Track & Field team won their first state title since 1988 – including beating by 11 seconds a previous record for the 4 X 800 relay.
A special shout out to the South Lakes High School Baseball team, who mustered incredible dedication over just two days, to play in the semi- and then final state tournament, with graduation sandwiched in between for the 11 Senior ball players! The team came so close to that win, but the community remains impressed with this incredible effort.
Congratulations to all the athletes and teams who finished their seasons strong – so many finals and semi-finals happened in the waning days of the school year!
FCPS' Grow Your Own Employee Pathways
The School Board recently heard an update on FCPS' Grown Your Own Program, which offers three pathways for current employees to become licensed special education teachers.
Since its 2022 pilot, the program has seen significant success, with a 92.3% success rate. 130 participants have been accepted, and the first cohort of 41 participants has graduated this school year!
Grow Your Own aligns with FCPS' Strategic Plan by providing 50% of tuition, personalized coaching, and collaboration within supportive cohorts. Watch this short video to hear participants explain how the program is helping them achieve success.

School Board Proclamations Of Note
I was glad to bring forward a Proclamation to recognize our students, staff, and community members of Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage, during the June 13, School Board meeting. I also helped recognize the renaming of the theater at Rachel Carson Middle School, to honor teacher, Josh Bickford, who has taught at Carson since the school’s opening in 1998 and now is retiring.
New Tennis Courts Coming to Madison High School
During the May 23 Regular Meeting, the School Board awarded the contract for the needed tennis court refurbishment at Madison High School!
Academic Matters
New SOL Growth Reports
In the Academic Matters segment of the May 23 School Board meeting, Superintendent Reid presented information on the Virginia Department of Education’s new Standards of Learning (SOL) Growth Reports for families of students in grades 3-8.
These new reports are designed to give a yearlong look at student performance by combining information from earlier Virginia Growth Assessment (VGA) results with SOL results. Dr. Reid also discussed how FCPS’ reporting plan for spring assessment results was created with accessibility in mind.
Learn how to understand your student’s grade 3-8 SOL results.
June Is...
Caribbean American Heritage Month
During June, FCPS celebrates the rich diversity of immigrants of Caribbean heritage and honors the many contributions they have made to our nation. More than 8.5 million individuals in the United States were born in the Caribbean or are of Caribbean ancestry. Learn more about Caribbean American Heritage Month. |
Pride Month
In the month of June, we recognize the resilience and determination of the many individuals fighting to live freely and authentically. This Pride Month, we affirm our obligation to uphold the dignity of all people. Each individual in our school community should feel valued for who they are. |
Gun Violence Awareness Day
The first Friday in June is recognized as National Gun Violence Awareness Day. In 2024, it falls on June 7. Also known as Wear Orange Day, it was first organized by students in 2013. Information about gun violence prevention is available on the FCPS website. |
Eid al-Adha
Eid Mubarak to all who observe! Eid al-Adha, or the “Feast of Sacrifice,” is the second of two main holidays celebrated in Islam. Muslims believe that Eid al-Adha signifies the willingness of the Prophet Ibrahim, known as Abraham in Christianity and Judaism, to sacrifice his son, Ismail, as ordered by Allah. It focuses on sacrifice, the pilgrimage to Mecca and giving to those less fortunate. Learn more in this video from PBS Kids. |
Wednesday, June 19 commemorates the day in 1865 that word of the Emancipation Proclamation and the end of the Civil War finally reached enslaved people in Galveston, Texas, effectively marking the end of slavery in the United States. Learn more about Juneteenth. |
Upcoming School Board Meetings
Thursday, June 20, 4pm: Committee Report Work Session
Monday, June 24, 5pm: Committee Report Work Session
Tuesday, June 25, 10:30am: Forum
Tuesday, June 25, 11:30am: Work Session
Thursday, June 27, 7pm: Regular Meeting
Accessing Board Meetings
The work sessions and regular meetings will be broadcast live on Channel 99 (Verizon channel 11) and the FCPS website. Both will be recorded for future viewing and posted to the FCPS School Board YouTube channel.
Visit the community participation webpage to sign up to speak at a regular meeting. Visit BoardDocs for more meeting logistics, agendas, and handouts.
Interested in School Board action items? Sign up to get an update on School Board votes the morning after the School Board meeting.
For Spanish speakers, watch recorded School Board meetings or to watch live during the Regular Meetings on YouTube, you may visit the FCPS en Espanol YouTube channel or scan the QR code.

Hunter Mill Happenings
Celebrating High School Theatre at the Cappies
The Cappies is an award experience that can be likened to the Tony Awards of high school theater. It’s my third year attending, but continues to thrill each time!
Congratulations from students and teams from South Lakes, Madison, Herndon, and Jefferson High Schools for winning awards! And to Westfield and Oakton for being in the runnings. FCPS students earned many wins though, and Sweeney Todd by West Springfield HS took home many awards, including Best Musical! Truly outstanding performances and efforts.
When it was my turn to present an award, for Vocalist in a Male Role - won by Herndon HS student, Ethan Hardy! - I thanked students for sharing their joy and passion, and asked that we all thank our educators and staff who provide so much to our students.

South Lakes STEAM Team Sculpture Coming to Lake Thoreau
The South Lakes High School's STEAM Team's 10th sculpture, Arboris, is coming to the Lake Thoreau spillway soon!
I was so glad to stop by the opening celebration, where the students gave a wonderful presentation on their process and challenges making the sculpture. Their teacher, Mr. Rando spoke to the contributions and strengths of each student team member.
Read more about Arboris and the students' experiences.
Viva Vienna Art Contest Winner Gives Back
Congratulations to Madison High School student, Tony S., for winning the Viva Vienna Art Contest! The student winner receives $750, as well as $750 to donate to a charity of their choice. Tony is choosing to donate the money to the Madison PTSA's Food Pantry to benefit the Madison community! |
Carson Student S-H-I-N-E-S at National Spelling Bee
Ankita Balaji, a Hunter Mill District constituent and seventh grader at Carson Middle School, represented FCPS on stage at the Scripps National Spelling Bee. Ankita was inspired by her big sister, who competed in the Scripps National Spelling Bee in 2019 and 2021.
This year's contest was held at the National Harbor, during the last week of May. Ankita ended up tying for 60th place with many other participants on the second day of the three day competition. Read more about Ankita in this Carson Chronicle article.
2024 Caring for Our Watersheds Winners
Several FCPS student teams were winners of this year’s Caring for Our Watersheds contest with their ideas to improve the Chesapeake Bay watershed. The teams were awarded prize money to help turn their ideas into actions. Congratulations to Rachel Carson Middle School for winning 2nd place for their proposal “Energy Vampires”, to Hunters Woods Elementary School for winning 3rd place for their proposal “Actions from Above”, and to Langston Hughes Middle School for winning 5th place for their proposal “Watershed Watchers.” Terra Centre ES won the Honorable Mention Award. Hunters Woods Elementary School and Rachel Carson Middle School also submitted additional proposals that earned special recognition awards. Explore the students’ winning ideas to improve our watershed.

Virtual Victory at the Junior Japan Bowl
The annual National Junior Japan Bowl — a quiz-bowl-style Japanese language and culture competition — is organized by FCPS teachers and a parent who are members of J-LEARN (Japanese Language Education Advocacy and Resource Network). At the Eighth National Junior Japan Bowl, FCPS had a strong showing with 225 students. The virtual event drew 517 elementary and middle school students from 26 schools in 10 states! Read more and see a list of the winners. Pictured below are winning students from Fox Mill Elementary School.

Global Leaders of Fairfax County Student Program
The Global Leaders of Fairfax County program seeks to prepare its fellows to be global citizens and change agents in their community and the world. These students successfully completed the program which saw them take part in year-long projects focused on applying each of the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals to the Fairfax County community. Congratulations to the Hunter Mill District students who participated in this fantastic experience!

Thank You, Hunter Mill Appointees!
The School Board appoints members to several advisory committees to increase community input on specific issues. Each Board Member has the ability to appoint an individual to each of the committees. As the Hunter Mill District Representative, I appoint individuals that reside in the Hunter Mill District. The advisory committees meet throughout the year and submit an annual report to the Board.
I am thrilled to share that I have submitted the following committee members for reappointment, to be voted on at an upcoming Board Meeting:
- Helen Cole, Adult and Community Education Advisory Committee
- Mel Keppel, Advanced Academic Programs Advisory Committee
- Lauren McCaughey, Advisory Committee for Students with Disabilities
- Gillian Backus, Career and Technical Education Advisory Committee
- Kripa Patwardhan, Family Life Education Curriculum Advisory Committee
- Stephanie Paduano, Human Resources Advisory Committee
- Renee Small, Minority Student Achievement Oversight Committee
- Mary Rogers Kirby, School Health Advisory Committee
I appreciate all the work that they have done so far in their previous terms and I look forward to their continued service!
Summer Library Closure at Reston Branch
Just as the summer heats up and the library is a “cool” place to be in all senses of the word when school is out, the Reston branch is temporarily closing for renovation. While a renovation is welcome news, the timing is quite unfortunate for our students and families. Other library branches in and nearest to the Hunter Mill District include: Patrick Henry in Vienna, Herndon Fortnightly Library, and Tysons-Pimmit. There are also many resources online for reading, literacy, and fun, so do look around the library’s website.
Upcoming Events and Opportunities to Engage
Fairfax Park Authority Hosts 1st Puzzle Hunt
The Solving Fun Puzzle Pals have been hard at work, creating an exhilarating adventure for puzzle solvers. We are thrilled to announce the Fairfax County Puzzle Hunt, a unique community event that will take you on a journey to the wonderful parks in Fairfax County. Starting June 15, solve one puzzle or do them all. Puzzles are filled with creative thinking, logic, and wordplay. They are designed to be challenging and accessible for all skill levels. Solve the puzzles and then find clues at the parks for a final meta-puzzle. Walk, bike, and roll at our wonderful local parks with friends and family.
Summer Reading Adventure Has Begun
Depending on your age, earn ten or fifteen virtual badges by reading or listening to books, reading for 20 or 30 minutes, completing activities or a combination of all three. Once you have met the reading goals for your age/grade, visit your local library branch and receive prizes for finishing the program! Visit Beanstack to register for summer reading, and you will be entered into a drawing to receive a $25 e-gift card from Scrawl Books! Find out more about the FCPL Summer Reading Adventure here! |
Additional Information of Interest
Summer Mental Wellness Resources
This summer, the FCPS Office of Intervention and Prevention Services will offer virtual Mental Wellness Consultations from Monday, June 24, through Friday, August 2. Forty-five-minute phone or videoconference consultations are available with a school psychologist or school social worker.
Parents of students in any grade level can request a consultation to receive guidance on how to support their child’s social, emotional, and academic success. Information about community resources will also be provided.
Students in middle or high school can request a consultation to receive guidance and support for concerns related to anxiety, mood, behavior, peer or family interactions, or school transitions and changes. Strategies and tools can also be provided to address academic challenges such as organization and time management.
Request a consultation or call and leave a message at 703-503-2520.
NOVA Early Online College
NOVA Early Online College (EOC) allows rising high school juniors and seniors the opportunity to take up to two tuition-free college courses. EOC courses for the fall semester take place Monday, September 23, through Tuesday, December 17. Students should register by Friday, July 26, at 5 p.m.
Courses are asynchronous, online, and for college credit only. Thirteen courses are offered along with courses that fulfill the IT Technical Support Career Studies Certificate. EOC courses meet the requirements for most of NOVA’s associate degrees as well as being highly transferable as general education requirements for most colleges and universities.
Students must meet eligibility requirements to take EOC courses. Check out the EOC flyer (PDF) for more information on what classes are offered, required qualifications, and how to register.
FCPS Financial Report Recognized
FCPS has received a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for its comprehensive annual financial report from the Government Finance Officers Association of the U.S. and Canada. FCPS was recognized for its financial reporting work for the fiscal year ending in June 2023.
The division also received a Certificate of Excellence in Financial Reporting award from the Association of School Business Officials International.
Summer Camps and Learning Programs
K12 Summer Enrichment Classes
FCPS' Adult and Community Education (ACE) is offering a variety of K12 classes over the summer, providing students with valuable opportunities to enhance their learning and skills during the break. These summer programs are designed to cater to different interests and academic needs, ranging from Digital Music Creation to Young Business Builders! The goal is to keep students engaged and intellectually stimulated, while also having fun.
One of the highlights of the summer offerings is the robust selection of STEM courses, which include coding, animation, and more. These courses not only aim to foster a love for science and technology but also prepare students for future academic and career endeavors in these fields.
Check out all of the options and enroll today.
Teen TV Camp Programs at Fairfax Public Access
Nothing is more powerful than your creativity and vision, and Fairfax Public Access (FPA) offers you the opportunity to unlock this creativity and vision by offering instruction in the media arts – including television production, radio production, on-camera talent, video & audio post-production editing, and much more.
You will have access to all the tools needed to produce your television or radio programs, including studio cameras, field cameras, radio studios, post-production editing equipment, and additional equipment and tools. FPA is the best-equipped community media center in the DC – Baltimore region (and among the best in the country). We invite you to work on the production of actual television or radio programs, which we will present over one of our channels.
For more information and to learn more about FPA, please click here.
Job Opportunities
Come Work With Me and the Fairfax County School Board!
The School Board Office is looking for a full-time Support Technician I. This position will provide wide-ranging meeting support, including setting up and breaking down meetings, assisting with proclamations, preparing minutes, handling exhibit files, and other duties as assigned. The position may require flexible hours. Please note that while the position says “One Year Only,” the intention is for this position to be a permanent position in the office.
Contacting Me
I prioritize responses to Hunter Mill constituents, so please be sure to identify yourself as such if you contact me. If you are unsure of your county magisterial district, you can look that information up here.
To contact me, it is most helpful to please use the official School Board contact form via my website (click "Submit a Question"). This form prioritizes emails to me from constituents, and helps me track communication so I can be sure you receive a response. Thank you for your cooperation.

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The views contained within this newsletter reflect the views of the individual school board member who is the publisher of this newsletter and may not reflect the views of the Fairfax County School Board.
© Fairfax County Public Schools, Fairfax County, Virginia