6.9.24 Community Gazette


Glasgow Parents and Community,

Greetings! This is the last week of school! Field Day is tomorrow and the last day of school is a 2 hour early release day schedule. Let’s finish strong, Panthers!  

Student Ambassador Applications Have Closed! Thank you to the over 90 students who completed Student Ambassador Applications! To be an ambassador, students must have less than 10 tardies/cuts in Quarter 4 and all final grades must be an A, B, C, or D. Students who submitted appropriate applications and meet all requirements will receive an email from Ms. Cooper congratulating them in their new role. Families will also be notified that their student is accepted (since students have turned in laptops for the year and might not be able to check email). Please contact Adrienne Cooper at amcooper2@fcps.edu if you have any questions.

INOVA Back to School Pediatric Health Fairs: Inova Cares Clinic (ICC) will provide children ages 5 and older with free school entrance physicals and immunizations at summer health fairs for children on Medicaid or who are uninsured. The clinics will take place 9 a.m.-1 p.m. on the following dates:

  • Saturday, June 29, at ICC for Children - Manassas
  • Saturday, July 20, at ICC for Children - Herndon
  • Saturday, August 17, at ICC for Children - Falls Church

Ferias de Salud Pediátrica de INOVA para el regreso a clases:  La Clínica Inova Cares (ICC) ofrecerá a los niños mayores de 5 años exámenes físicos y vacunas gratuitas para el ingreso a la escuela en las ferias de salud de verano para niños con Medicaid o que no tienen seguro. Las clínicas tendrán lugar de 9 a.m.-1 p.m. en las siguientes fechas:

  • Sábado 29 de junio, en ICC-Children - Manassas
  • Sábado 20 de julio, en ICC-Children - Herndon
  • Sábado 17 de agosto, en ICC Children - Falls Church

Appointments are required; no walk-ins will be allowed. Call 703-698-2550 for an appointment. Update: The ABGC Girls' Basketball Open gym - They have had to change gym locations for the final OG on June 10th. Next Open Gym: Monday, June 10th, 6-7:30pm (4th & 5th Grade), 7:30-9pm (6th and 7th grade), Mason Crest Elementary School (3705 Crest Dr., Annandale).


Victor L. Powell, Principal

Contact Information:

Email: vlpowell@fcps.edu

Twitter: @VictorLeonPowe1

Website: http://www.fcps.edu/GlasgowMS/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GlasgowMS.FCPS/

The National Junior Honor Society Ceremony

(Images from the National Junior Honor Society Ceremony)

(Images from the National Junior Honor Society Ceremony)

(Images from the National Junior Honor Society Ceremony)

(Images from the National Junior Honor Society Ceremony)

📈Standards of Learning (SOL) Reports

Families can find Standards of Learning (SOL) reports for spring testing in the SIS ParentVUE Documents section on or before the last day of school. Log in to your ParentVUE account to access the following:

  • For all students – the official SOL Score Report with overall and reporting category performance for all spring tests.
  • For grade 3-8 students – the SOL Growth Parent Report shows performance over time for state reading and math tests completed this school year.

Visit the FCPS website for additional information about spring assessment reporting practices and timelines.

Need help creating a SIS ParentVUE account? This video walks through the steps. Find out more about SIS ParentVUE.

📈 Resultados de los SOL publicados en SIS ParentVUE

Las familias pueden encontrar los informes de los Estándares de Aprendizaje (SOL) para las pruebas de primavera en la sección Documentos SIS ParentVUE en o antes del último día de clases. Inicie sesión en su cuenta ParentVUE para acceder a lo siguiente:

  • Para todos los estudiantes – el Informe oficial de los resultados SOL con el progreso general y por categorías de todos los exámenes que se hicieron en la primavera.
  • Para los estudiantes del grado 3-8 – el Informe de Progreso SOL para los Padres el cual muestra el progreso a través del tiempo para los exámenes estatales de lectura y matemáticas completados este año escolar.

Visite el sitio web de FCPS para información adicional sobre las prácticas de reportes de evaluación de primavera y los plazos.

¿Necesita ayuda para crear una cuenta SIS ParentVUE? Este video explica los pasos. Averigüe más sobre SIS ParentVUE.

girls basketball tryouts


Attend Today, Achieve Tomorrow. We All Belong Here!

In FCPS, we all belong. From the first day of school, to the last day of school, every child matters. If your student is having a hard time finishing the year strong and attending school, please contact a trusted adult at the school—a teacher, counselor, or administrator. Visit FCPS’ website for more attendance resources


Welcome to Retirement!!!

 Faculty Meeting - Retirees this Year

(Images from the Faculty Meeting - Retirees this Year)

(Images from the Faculty Meeting - Retirees this Year)

(Images from the Faculty Meeting - Retirees this Year)

(Images from the Faculty Meeting - Retirees this Year)


Library Champion Award 

Mrs. Pallotto

Library Champion Award - Mrs. Pallotto

Summer Fun for All! Summer Camps and Adapted Recreation

The Family Resource Center (FRC) has a list of dozens of summer camps including general camps, camps for students with a variety of needs, and camps for children of military personnel. 

They’ve also prepared a list of adapted resources, sorted by activity, that are inclusive for children and adults of various physical abilities. 

Learn more by calling 703-204-3941, emailing FRC@fcps.edu, or visiting the FRC webpage.

Diversión para todos durante el verano Campamentos de verano y actividades recreativas adaptadas

El Centro de Recursos Familiares (FRC) tiene una lista con varios campamentos de verano, incluyendo campamentos generales, campamentos para estudiantes con diversas necesidades y campamentos para hijos de militares. También han preparado una lista de recursos adaptados, ordenados por actividad, que son inclusivos para niños y adultos con distintas capacidades físicas. Para más información, llame al 703-204-3941, envíe un correo electrónico a FRC@fcps.edu o visite la página web del FRC.


Other Summer Learning Opportunities

Chantilly Academy will host an AFA CyberCamp from Monday, June 24, to Friday, June 28, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. each day. This camp would be a great fit for rising fifth through eighth graders of all skill levels interested in learning more about the importance of cybersecurity and gaining skills to protect themselves and others from cyber threats. Discounts are available for students eligible for free and reduced-price meals. Visit the camp website for more information.

Registration is also still available for the Institute for the Arts (IFTA) and Elementary-IFTA (E-IFTA) arts camps, and Credit Recovery Academy.

8th Grade Awards Ceremony Images

8th Grade Awards Ceremony Images

8th Grade Awards Ceremony Images

8th Grade Awards Ceremony Images

8th Grade Awards Ceremony Images


library events

Family Life Education Materials Available for Review

On May 21, 2024, staff presented recommended changes to the Family Life Education curriculum during a School Board Work Session. The community review period for the recommended changes opened on May 10 and will continue until Monday, June 10, at 4:30 p.m. Please take the time to provide feedback after reviewing the materials. All comments will be shared with the School Board prior to the vote to approve the recommendations on June 27, 2024.

There are four main recommended changes:

Recommendation #1 (page 4 of report)

Approve new and revised objectives and descriptive statements to support instruction on the topics of consent, setting personal boundaries, and respecting the boundaries of others.


  • Grade 9 - Lesson 2: Students will identify examples and effects of sexual violence and identity skills to promote safety and situational awareness. Resources for help and reporting sexual violence will be provided.
  • Grade 9 - Lesson 5: Students will identify characteristics of unhealthy relationships and identify strategies to navigate or end unhealthy relationships.

 New objectives will be applicable to students in:

  • Grade 9: Students will identify characteristics of, and how to develop and maintain healthy relationships in a variety of settings. 
  • Grade 9: Students explain the value of setting personal boundaries and respecting the boundaries of others and will define affirmative consent.
  • Grade 10: Students will examine teen relationships and identify communication of consent, absence of consent, and withdrawal of consent related to intimacy and sexual behavior. Students will discuss the impact peer pressure may have on decision making in teen relationships. (page 6 of full report)
  • Grade 11: Students will identify characteristics of unhealthy relationships that may lead to teen relationship violence, sexual assault, abuse, strangulation, sextortion, and sex trafficking. Strategies for risk reduction, prevention, and available support services will be provided.
  • Grade 12: Students will interpret laws that affect family life.
  • Grade 12: Students will review consent, respecting when consent is not given or is withdrawn, and bystander awareness and intervention strategies.

Recommendation #2 (page 7 of report)

Approve objectives and descriptive statements in kindergarten, fifth, and tenth grades and grades one through six modified curriculum to support recommendations from the 2023 summer curriculum development team.


  • Grades 1-6: Elementary School Emotional and Social Health Safety Unit - lesson 6. The student will demonstrate strategies for responding to inappropriate approaches from family members, neighbors, strangers, or others without being unduly alarmed about nonexistent dangers. (page 9 of full report)

New objectives will be applicable to students in:

  • Grade K: Students will recognize that everyone is a member of a family and identify members of their individual families. (page 8 of full report)
  • Grade K: Students will identify positive ways in which family members and friends show love, affection, respect, and appreciation for each other.
  • Grade K: Students will define personal space and demonstrate how to say “no” to behaviors from people both inside and outside the family that make the student feel uncomfortable or unsafe.
  • Grade 5: Students will define child abuse and child neglect and identify adults whom they can tell and ask for help.
  • Grade 10: Students will identify how contraceptive methods work and will identify the advantages of abstaining from sexual activity.

Recommendation #3 (page 10 of report)

  • Approve use of the media My Changing Life: The Complete Guide to Puberty in grade four for both the boys’ and the girls’ lessons. 
  • Recommend showing the same video including the male and female reproductive systems and menstruation to boys and girls in gender separate classes.
  • A new video covering puberty and the reproductive systems is being produced by FCPS Information Technology and Instructional Services staff. It is intended to replace the media currently being used in grades four through six. The current timeline is for the video to be reviewed by FLECAC during SY 2024-2025 with implementation in instruction beginning in SY 2025-2026. 

Recommendation #4 (page 11 of report)

Approve revised objectives and descriptive statements to support instruction of the male and female reproductive systems in grades four through eight.

Revisions are applicable to students in:

  • Grade 4: The student will recognize the physical changes that occur during puberty and relate these changes to the increased need for personal hygiene.
  • Grade 5: Students will identify the structures and functions of the male and female reproductive systems. 
  • Grade 6: Students will review the structures and functions of the male and female reproductive systems and how these change during puberty.
  • Grade 7: Students will identify the components of the male and female reproductive systems and describe how their functioning changes during puberty.

More information is available online.

retiree and admin

Back-to-School Immunization Clinics-

Get your child ready for the 2024-25 school year. Open by appointment to all Fairfax County students who need immunizations, regardless of if they have had vaccines in the past, are new to the country, or need a follow-up to be up to date.

Call today! Appointments are limited. Schedule your appointment by calling 703-246-7100.


health fair

SIBSHOPS: An Exciting, In-person Workshop for Brothers and Sisters of Children with Special Needs!

The Sibshop workshops are for children in grades 2-6 enrolled in Fairfax County Public Schools who have siblings with special needs to:

  • Meet other siblings in a relaxed setting.
  • Celebrate the many contributions made by brothers and sisters of children with special needs.
  • Share sibling experiences and receive peer support.
  • Play games and have fun!

June 28, 2024, 9 a.m.- noon 

Leis Center (map)7423 Camp Alger Ave Falls Church, VA 22042

Presented by FCPS School Social Work Services

Register for this event

Free Webinars and Events- Family Resource Center


summer reading

open gym

summer camp

cheer tryouts

cheer camp