Mosaic Matters - June 5, 2024

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teacher and student at field day

Wow! This week was a fantastic way to end a terrific school year! Our 5th and 6th grade students performed so wonderfully in band, strings and chorus on Monday. On  Wednesday and Thursday, our kids enjoyed so many fun games and activities at field day. On Wednesday night, our 3rd  and 4th grade strings and 4th grade band presented a lovely concert to a full house of supportive parents. Thank you so much to ALL of the parent volunteers that helped make our field days such a success! It was an exciting school year filled with so many successes and most importantly,  filled with joy!

I hope you have a safe, happy and restful summer. High five for our Mosaic family! Thank you for an amazing year.

Dr. Mahri Aste


3rd grade strings concert

📚Library Books Now Due

All library books were due back to the Mosaic Library by Monday, June 3. Overdue notices will be emailed to the enrolling parent after this date. Please look for the notices and reach out to Mrs. Brown. If you have questions or wish to report a lost book. Thank you very much!

💻Student Laptop Return



All FCPS-issued student laptops, chargers, and MiFi devices should be returned to the student's homeroom teacher by Monday, June 10th. Students attending FCPS summer school and summer school related programs can keep their FCPS-issued laptops and MiFi until the last day of their summer program.

Parents are financially responsible for the replacement cost of a new device to replace any FCPS device or charger components not returned at the end of the school year. Please email Robert Sarinana (TSSpec) for next steps if your child has lost a laptop or power adapter.

💊Medication Return

The school health room is reminding parents and guardians that all medication stored in the health room must be picked up no later than the student dismissal time (1:15 p.m.) on the last day of school - June 12th. Medication left in the health room after that time will be discarded.  It is school policy that medications must be picked up by the parent or guardian.  Medication cannot be sent home with your student.  

Medication authorization forms for next school year may be obtained from the school or online.

➕➖Summer Math Enrichment Opportunities

  • All students have access to ST Math over the summer that they can access through Schoology. This video shows students and families how to access.
  • Khan Academy is a free self-guided and self-paced resource to work through prior knowledge concepts or stretch to new topics. Students can choose their grade-level activities from the math homepage.
  • Additional resources have been curated by the Virginia Department of Education.

4th grade class at field day

🌞Summer Learning Opportunities

Chantilly Academy will host an AFA CyberCamp from Monday, June 24, to Friday, June 28, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. each day. This camp would be a great fit for rising fifth through eighth graders of all skill levels interested in learning more about the importance of cybersecurity and gaining skills to protect themselves and others from cyber threats. Discounts are available for students eligible for free and reduced-price meals. Visit the camp website for more information.

Registration is also still available for the Institute for the Arts (IFTA) and Elementary-IFTA (E-IFTA) arts camps, and Credit Recovery Academy.

📈 SOL Scores Posted in SIS ParentVUE

Families can find Standards of Learning (SOL) reports for spring testing in the SIS ParentVUE Documents section on or before the last day of school. Log in to your ParentVUE account to access the following:

  • For all students, the official SOL Score Report with overall and reporting category performance for all spring tests.
  • For students in grades 3-8, the SOL Growth Parent Report shows performance over time for state reading and math tests completed this school year. 

Visit the FCPS website for additional information about spring assessment reporting practices and timelines.

Create a SIS ParentVUE Account

If you do not already have a SIS ParentVUE account, sign up now to monitor and support your child’s academic success! Through ParentVUE, you can view your student’s attendance, grades, progress reports, and assessment score reports. 

Need help creating a SIS ParentVUE account? This video walks through the steps. Find out more about SIS ParentVUE.

🥗 Don’t Forget to Check Your Student’s Lunch Balance!

It’s a busy time of year, and we know there are many priorities on families’ plates. As we approach the end of the school year, it is important for families to remember to check their students’ MySchoolBucks account and pay any remaining school meal balance. 

Families who earn less than 185% of poverty level qualify for free and reduced-price meals. However, an application must be completed and submitted each school year to receive that benefit. The application for the 2024-25 school year will be available near the end of August. 

If families have a current balance and think they may be eligible for free and reduced-price meals, please fill out the FRM application for the 2024-25 school year. Get more information about free and reduced-price lunch.

If you are interested in helping to relieve lunch debt for families currently going through the FRM application process, please donate to Educate Fairfax.


Use this Summer Fun board (Spanish version available too!) for inspiration in getting outside this summer! Can you complete a whole row or column? Cover the whole board?

✏️Back-to-School Supply Kits – order now!

Skip the stores and save both time and money on back-to-school shopping with a Sprout School Supply Kit.

These kits are teacher-approved, matching our Mosaic supply lists and will be delivered to our school and ready for the first day this Fall.

Order your Sprout Supply Kit online using school code "MES004"


📰What's Happening at Mosaic?

parachute station on field day


Follow us on our new Instagram page or Facebook page to hear the latest and greatest news coming from Mosaic!

Check out our website to learn about the amazing things our Mustangs are doing at our school!

Visit our page on X (formerly Twitter) and see snapshots of what goes on in our amazing classrooms!

🗓️Upcoming Events

June 6 - Field Day for grades K-3 (at Draper Park)

June 11 - 6th Grade Party (at Draper Park)

June 12 - Last Day of School (2-hour early release)