Once a Wildcat, Always a Wildcat
Congratulations Class of 2024!
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Woodburn Families,
We are wrapping up our final full week of school and the building is buzzing! This week, grade levels held various celebrations of learning and engaged in fun culminating activities. Yesterday, we celebrated the graduating class of 2024 as Wildcat alumni walked the Woodburn halls, and last night we kept our $10,000 promise and slept on the roof! Thank you to all who joined us for our goodnight story.
Today all grade levels will participate in a Wildcat favorite, Field Day! Thank you, teachers and families, for planning wonderful end of year celebrations. More fun to come next week!
Together We Grow,
Katy and Kelley
Upcoming Events
TODAY - Field Day!
June 11 - 6th Grade Promotion
June 12 - Last Day! Kona Ice! Dismissal at 2:05pm
July 16 - Rising Kindergarten Playdate at Fairmont Gardens, 10am
July 23 - Rising Kindergarten Playdate at Woodburn, 10am
July 30 - K-3 Popsicles on the Playground, 4:30pm
August 6th-8th - JumpStart (rising kindergartners)
August 15 - Welcome Walk and Open House
August 19 - 1st Day of 2024-2025 School Year!
Well Wishes
Each year, we celebrate staff that will be taking on new adventures outside of Woodburn. Staff departing have shared messages below. We are grateful for the many ways they have served our community and will miss working alongside them. As we say, "Once a Wildcat, Always a Wildcat."
Patricia Deale, Special Education Department Chair
After two years of being the Special Education Department Chair at Woodburn, I will be transitioning to a new position in the county as a Special Education Instructional Mentor Coach. I am excited to continue to share my love for special education with new special education teachers as they enter the teaching world.
Victoria Meshanko, 3rd Grade Teacher
After 11 years in the classroom, I have decided to transition to supporting teachers and students with behavior, procedures, and routines at a school in need. Woodburn has been a wonderful home for the last 5 years. I have made so many amazing friendships and have felt love and support from the community and school. I will miss all the smiling, growing students who have passed through my door and passed me in the hallway. This school and community are doing the right work. ❤️
Estefani Pierola, 1st Grade Teacher
I have loved being back and teaching first grade at Woodburn this year. I will not be teaching next school year. The students at this school are amazing and hold a special place in my heart.
Chelsea Raineri, PE Teacher
As a first year teacher, Woodburn has held a special place in my heart. Our students, your children, have taught me more then I could’ve ever imagined and I will forever be grateful to have gotten to help them learn and grow into better versions of themselves. As I venture to working at the High School level, I will be sure to take what I have learned to help elevate the stage and create opportunities for my new students. A HUGE shout out to our administrative team and of course Mr. Shirley for guiding me on this journey to be the best I can be for your children. GO WILDCATS!!
Lizzy Waxler, ESOL Teacher
Hello Woodburn Community! It has been an honor to work with you and your students for the past three years. Next year, my journey continues at Poe Middle School, where I will be teaching 6th grade ESOL math.
Parent Volunteers Needed for the 6th Grade “Graduation” Party
Our 6th-grade wildcats are graduating this year! To celebrate, we are throwing a party from 1 to 4 p.m. on June 10th! We will have pizza, ice cream, lawn games, bracelet making, and kickball.
If you are a 6th-grade parent and would like to volunteer to help, please sign up here.
Summer Office Hours
Our hours over the summer will be as follows:
9:00-12:00, Monday - Friday
The office will be closed for holidays on June 17th, June 19th, and July 2nd - 8th.
2024-2025 School Supply List
Our 2024-2025 school supply list is now available. The list will be sent home with progress reports and uploaded onto our website. It can also be viewed using the link below.
2024-2025 Woodburn School Supply List
Library Books Due
All library books are now overdue. Students’ overdue notices were sent in yesterday's Thursday folder. Please make every effort to help your student locate and return these books, or contact the main office at 703-641-8200 for replacement options.
Assessment Results in ParentVue
Below is the timeline for when assessment information will be released to families. All information is released via ParentVue. If you need help getting the ParentVue app, please contact the main office.
- Kindergarten - VKRP/PALS: Sent via USPS week of 7/8
- Gr. 1-3 - iReady: week of 6/3 in ParentVUE
- Gr. 4-6 iReady: week of 6/24 in ParentVUE
- Gr. 3-6 - SOLs: Week of June 3rd
Medication Pick Up
The school health room is reminding parents and guardians that all medication stored in the health room must be picked up no later than the student dismissal time on the last day of school. Medication left in the health room after that time will be destroyed. It is school policy that medications must be picked up by the parent or guardian. Medication cannot be sent home with your student.
Medication authorization forms for next school year may be obtained from the school or online at https://www.fcps.edu/resources/student-safety-and-wellness/school-health-services.
In case you missed it in FCPS This Week, the school division shared updates on the following topics:
- End-of-Year Reminders
- Summer Resources
- Required Immunizations for Rising 7th and 12th Graders
Read FCPS This Week to learn more about these topics. If you are not already receiving this weekly newsletter, please sign up today.
Kindergarten Registration
Do you have a child at home who will be five by September 30, 2024? Please start your registration now. If you have any neighbors with little ones, please send this information to them as well. These are the 5 steps you need to take to register your child. If you have questions regarding kindergarten registration, please reach out to Ms. Garcia or call our main office at 703-641-8200.
Do you want to celebrate a Woodburn employee who does ordinary things in an extraordinary way, or goes beyond what is expected? If so, then click here to share with everyone. |