Field Day is Tomorrow!

Field Day is Tomorrow, May 31st!

Field Day

We are looking forward to a great field day. Just a few reminders: 

Dress Students Appropriately

  • Please make sure students come to school dressed for outdoor physical activities and water activities (athletic clothing, footwear).
  • Students should wear their grade level SHES Shirt!
  • Students should wear sunscreen, sunglasses, and perhaps a hat.
  • Students should bring a full water bottle marked with their name if possible.

Any parents who wish to watch the events, are welcome. However, all observers and volunteers must sign in to receive a sticker for safety reasons.

Grades 4-6 (Chang & Obrien)-9:15-11:45

Grades K-3 (Budniewski, Fernandez, Leadingham)-12:35-3:00

As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to your child's teacher or any member of our admin team.